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Poll: Do you like meatloaf??

Do you like meatloaf?  

  1. 1. Do you like meatloaf?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other - 'cause there has to an "other"

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I said yes because I love cold meatloaf sandwiches the next day allow I don't necessarily like it fresh out of the oven. My mother also made nasty meatloaf and I hated it when I was young. Until one day I decided to use her recipe and make it myself. I was 13 and I have been in charge of making it ever since. Luckily my kids love my meatloaf.

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I loved it as a child, especially in a grilled sandwich the next day.

As an adult, I am totally sickened by the thought of meatloaf. My husband also despises it. We both like meatballs, however, which really isn't all that much different.

I have a friend who gags at the thought of meatballs, but loves meatloaf.

Interesting how people are so different. :D

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I actually had to vote other on this one. Since meatloaf isn't a universal recipe, my taste buds like some, but not all of them.


I like what I make.


I tend to avoid ordering it out - just in case.


I don't like a sweet or overly tomato"y" meatloaf.


I'm not fond of sweet BBQ either, but I love other types of BBQ quite a bit.


I'm complicated I guess.

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I won't order it at restaurants and I don't make it for company or "give away" meals because everyone has a different idea of meatloaf. I don't like tomato-y or BBQ-y meatloaves, but rather something that is a bit in between - which is probably why I only ever make and eat one meatloaf recipe.


So yes, I like my version of meatloaf ;)

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I actually had to vote other on this one. Since meatloaf isn't a universal recipe, my taste buds like some, but not all of them.


I like what I make.


I tend to avoid ordering it out - just in case.


I don't like a sweet or overly tomato"y" meatloaf.


I'm not fond of sweet BBQ either, but I love other types of BBQ quite a bit.


I'm complicated I guess.


Oh....I don't order it out either. I have started growing annoyed at going out to eat and only seeing things I can make and BETTER on the menu.


We've almost stopped eating out entirely.



ETA: Ok I didn't mean here that I am the MOST WONDERFUL COOK EVER!! But that you know...reasonably priced family type restaurants (I have a three year old so we are not in the "nice" restaurant zone) always seem to have the same thing and they are almost never as good as you can make at home since so many use frozen items. I realized when we went to those places we were just getting burgers, so we stopped going to those "grill" type of places. Their food just isn't worth it anymore. Now if we go out we will go out for sushi or something but I don't want to pay for stuff I can usually make myself, with food allergies it is just too difficult to find things you can eat AND aren't lame.

Edited by Sis
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I don't order it out. I think that is a weird thing to have on a restaurant menu. I can make that at home! So, I agree with Sis there. OTOH, I wonder if it is a symptom of lots of people not cooking much?


Yes! It was a wonderful invention! I especially love it with the ketchup baked on top. *sigh*


I make a basalmic vinegar-ketchup glaze for mine, yum!

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Yeah, he rocks, but I wish he hadn't cried so much on Celebrity Apprentice. :D


I voted Yes, but I only like certain meatloaf. I don't like peppers in it, and I like it to have a strong glaze or seasoning. We usually eat healthy, but every once in a while I make a meatloaf with Ritz crackers, ketchup, A1, etc., and it is the best comfort food with some mashed potatoes and buttery carrots on the side. Mmmmm.....

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Yes, but other. lol I didn't used to. I don't like my mom's (sorry, Mom! Still love ya!), but I do like mine. It has to be a certain way- fluffy and moist. I don't like it plain and I don't like catsup on it.


Exactly what I was going to say.


I hated my mom's meatloaf but I have found recipes that I like.


Ironically, my family hates my favorite recipe so I don't usually make that particular one. My favorite has cinnamon, raisens, catsup, egg and some sort of filler (oats, crackers, rice, whatever).

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DH loves meatloaf.


I, however, would rather chew on my own toenails than eat meatloaf. It's a texture thing, I have yet to meet a meatloaf with a texture I can stomach. Oh, and I feel the same way about meatballs.


But I know I'm the odd one out here. :)

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I'm not a vegetarian, but I may as well be. I just don't like meat, so the idea of eating one big hunk of it is pretty gross. Since I don't like a lot of meat, I'm the sort of person who prefers casseroles or soups. That way, the meat/chicken is mixed in with other stuff and isn't so overwhelming.

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My wife's (Chelle in MO) meatloaf rocks. Her meatloaf along with mashed potatoes and corn is one of my favorite meals.


I have a funny meatloaf story. Not long ago I was listening to talk radio on the home from work. They were discussing what they would choose as their last meal if they got to make such a choice. I ran through several options in my head and settled on meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn.


When I got home that afternoon, I asked Chelle what were having for dinner. Much to my surprise, we were having meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn.


I told her about the radio conversation and my mental choice of last meals. I also told her that I hoped it wasn't some kind of omen. All's well that ends well because I woke up the next morning and have been waking up every morning since then.

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I actually had to vote other on this one. Since meatloaf isn't a universal recipe, my taste buds like some, but not all of them.


I like what I make.




I think this is the problem with meatloaf--too many varieties. My Dh insisted that he hated it until he tried mine. It seems what he was used to his mother cooking was very dry and had no flavor. Then you have people who like it cooked one way verses another. I like a lot of different varieties--but not the dry & tasteless kind!



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I like *MY* meatloaf, but not anyone else's. (My apologies to anyone who is offended by that.) I don't eat anybody's meatloaf cold though, including my own, and I'm not eating it in a sandwich, whether hot or cold. I'll share my recipe if anyone is interested. I don't want to type it all out if no one's going to look at it. :tongue_smilie:

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Ironically, it's what we had for dinner last night, so yes, I like meatloaf...but not everyone's. I hate my Mom's. She uses pieces of bread instead of bread crumbs, and as a child I always thought it was hunks of fat lol. Wouldn't touch it. Had some at Double T Diner the other night and it was awful!


Funny story, when I was pregnant with one of my kids, I was craving meatloaf. Wanted it so bad that I had my Mom stop at the store so I could buy all the ingredients. I spent the time mixing it and getting it just right, popped it in the oven and waited not so patiently for it to be done. As soon as the timer rang, I was there, fork in hand. I took that first bite....hated it and fed the rest to the dogs! Go figure.

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No, ick.


HOWEVER... the number of you who like it is making me wonder if I have ever had good meatloaf. I think I have only had my mom's meatloaf... and she's not the world's best cook. I distinctly remember it having oats in it (gag!). So if you feel like sharing an amazing meatloaf recipe, I might give it another try.

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My taste buds say "ick" when I hear the word meatloaf, but I really need to try someone else's recipe ... I have childhood memories of my mom's meatloaf (sorry Mom, I love ya!) She made it for my father -- it had large pieces of onion, oatmeal flakes, etc., and was covered in ketchup).


I believe I would like meatloaf if it had a hearty brown gravy type sauce ...

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I started to vote other because I love it not just like it. Dh hated meatloaf. He even refused to try mine. When all the kids liked it, he decided to have a taste himself. It seems it is not the same thing his mother made. (She was a notoriously good cook.) Dh now loves it too.:D

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DH hates meatloaf, but he waited about 5 years before I dragged it out of him.


Now he eats it. I put the real meatloaf in the oven to bake; it has catsup on top.


I form the same mixture into fat patties and cook it on top of the stove. I put brown gravy on it, and call it Salisbury steak. DH loves it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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DH hates meatloaf, but he waited about 5 years before I dragged it out of him.


Now he eats it. I put the real meatloaf in the oven to bake; it has catsup on top.


I form the same mixture into fat patties and cook it on top of the stove. I put brown gravy on it, and call it Salisbury steak. DH loves it.


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