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Please. I beg you. Post some good news here.

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In the last 2.5 years, it seems there's been WAY TOO MUCH bad news! In my own life, in particular, and the world in general - personally, we've had everything from my sister leaving her husband and kids to go live in Canada with a guy she met online (leaving me to care for the kids 5 days a week, trying to teach them with ZERO help from their father) to my mother being diagnosed with a bad heart valve AND lung cancer (she died in May...I will never, ever get over this...) to my husband not working since last November to my old next-door-neighbor I grew up with attempting suicide, destroying half her heart, and dying on a ventilator 2 weeks later. At this point, the weather forecast for this upcoming week even has me upset (we're going down the shore Tuesday for a week. The forecast? Rain, rain, and more rain; high of 76 each day).


Anybody have any GOOD news to share? Anybody lose some weight? Start a new healthy habit? Get a good health report? Husband get a job? A raise? Kid get accepted into a prestigious school after 12 years of WTM'ing?


Heck, at this point, I'd be happy to hear if you tried a new recipe and it turned out great!

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First, good news for you: You woke up breathing. I don't mean that flippantly or sarcastically or however else (negative) it might come across -- I mean it in the most encouraging way possible. You are valuable. You are needed. You are loved. And you woke up breathing -- you're there for the people who need and love and want you.


Here's my good news: We bought our "dream" property a year ago after 17.5 years of marriage, wondering if we'd ever get there. I've lost 12 lbs. since May. And I have begun working at a job that replaces my husband's pre-layoff income in half the hours per day that he was working. Now I can bring home the bulk of the bacon, and he can work on the above-mentioned dream property more (which is more his cup of tea than mine). We still have hard stuff (most recently, our vehicle that was paid off and we expected to last until the kids were grown died suddenly so we had to buy something new) and expect more tough stuff -- such is life.


Hold on, friend. Keep going. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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My dh is here (insert long horrible story that doesn't belong in a thread about good news). He caught fish yesterday and we had bass for dinner.


My ds wrote a 3 paragraph essay on Leonardo da Vinci. This is a great improvement.


I've been taking vitamin d3 on a regular basis for about a month. I really am losing some weight, not a lot, but my pants are getting looser.


I rearranged the classroom yesterday and made more usable desk space.


My dog now has her own little corner in the classroom, she's the teacher's pet.


My cat got to lick the crumbs of dh's muffin last night. A lot from the guy that doesn't like the cat.


thanks, I needed this too.

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My father was sick with what could have been pancreatic cancer. They determined the pancreatic problems were caused by his gallbladder, removed that, and a few weeks later he's feeling great.


My dd is currently brushing her teeth (because I told her to)!


Both kids sat through a chapter of a new book tonight.


My mother is not in a hospital right now (unmedicated bipolar).


Dd's room looks awesome after some creative planning.


Ds is looking forward to watching Signing Time in the morning, instead of fight for his bad shows that I'm working on reducing and will cut.


Ds finished the first grade level of Hooked on Phonics.


I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.

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Not good news, but something funny that happened today.

I am trying to find a new church, so attended a different church this morning. The services were so much more formal that what I am used to! Anyhow. We go up to the alter to kneel for communion. At the church I have attended the past five years, there is just a single step at the railing. This church? There are tiered/multiple steps. So I go to stand up after taking communion, put my foot back and feel what I thought was the floor. It wasn't. :tongue_smilie: It was just a step! To make matters worse, I was wearing heels that I normally don't wear. So I almost totally toppled over on my rear-end right at the front of the whole church. Then I got a case of the giggles. :lol: It was so embarrassing.


Okay - how is this for good news: Texas is finally getting some relief from the heat!!! :D We were able to grill supper outside - and eat outside - and now we will be going for a walk outside! I told DH, "I haven't been outside this much since... June?"

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My genius puppy will sit on command about 90% of the time. Not too bad for about 20 minutes of training. He's 10 weeks old today.


I got the books for our Judo club balanced. That's one of those to-dos on my perpetual to-do list that I dread, so it's crossed off my mind for another month. Great news.


It has felt like fall here this weekend. Even though our summers are great as far as summer weather goes, I much prefer the other 3 seasons.



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I'm watching Sweet Home Alabama. One of the characters mentions balogna cake-there actually is such a thing & I found a recipe for it if you'd like to have it. Now, come on, doesn't a nice big piece of balogna cake sound like a great way to finish of the day??? :D

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I just got back from seeing my husband perform in a Storytelling Festival. He has just re-discovered this passion. (He did it in highschool). He was AMAZING!!!! Honestly! I couldn't believe how good he was! I know it sounds over-sentimental, but it brought tears to my eyes. There is something really special about seeing someone you love do something they are that good at!


Thanks for getting us on the good news! We all need that! And you're right. We tend to talk more about the bad than the good!


:grouphug:s to you!

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Hubby walked his daughter down the aisle, and everyone got along. He got to spend a lot of time with just his daughters, played with his grandkids, was treated politely by ex wife and ex-FIL, and we really like the groom.

From everything else that happened to this family in the last 12 years, this was very good news, and bodes well for the future.


I picked out a set of shelves (not for sale) on the Martha Stewart webpage and hubby is building them for me. A little more paint, and we'll have something magazine-worthy to hold the towels in the bathroom. This carpentry magic is possible because our old house SOLD, and hubby, after a year of remodeling and keeping everything in the garden/house perfect for a year, gets to dedicate a little time to our new house.


One of the people "above" in me seniority retired, so I'm one less person from the bottom to be laid off if there is a downsize at work. I've been there 8 years, and it is the very first time I've "moved up". As sole support of the family, this makes me happy.


Almost all my memories of my parents are just happy now. Most thoughts of them are no longer tinged with the freshness of their deaths.


Homeschooling is going well. Kiddo is a reasonable balance of obedience and a mind of his own. And cheerful. Gad how far cheerfulness goes in the world. Hubby is more cheerful, too. I think he's finally getting a little used to how "blunt" I can be. He's catching on that though he came from a family of real fangs, mine are fake rubber vampire ones.

Edited by kalanamak
as always, spelling
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My husband, kids and I are all healthy.


My mil has a long term temp job.


My extended family are healthy.


I had the privilege of teaching kids about God and worshipping God today.


We have food on the table and a roof over our heads.




I feel very thankful and blessed for all that I have. This thread is a great way to call our attention to what we have to be thankful for.

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* Found someone to carpool with so we don't have to drive 70 miles 5 days a week to get son to rowing

* The starved/neglected/2 weeks away from dying horse we took in July 4th, is gaining weight steadily and is a beautiful, curious, and gaining some confidence!

* For 3 years I have had to consistently remind my 16 year old son to do xyz...three nights ago, I sighed thinking that he had forgotten AGAIN...I walked in the door and he handed in the assignment that he had not done correctly the first time, and I did NOT have to remind him!!!

* Even though my husband's second job was lost (company folded) we have revamped our budget to get us out of debt in 5 years (would have been 2 with the extra job)....all a result of having 2 house payments for 31 months...whew! Sad that it takes us almost twice as long to pay off the debt but happy we can!

* My Prius gets 55 mpg....


It's the little things...I've lost 35 pounds so far this year, and this year will be the last year my BMI is not in the healthy range!! Just keep on plugging!! :)

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Two funnies for you and keep in mind he is dead serious when saying these-


After we got back power on Friday, DS says to us" Mom, I am happy for the power being back. You know, it wasn't fun living like Canadians." After laughing, I said " You mean, pioneers."


We went to a wonderful memorial service Saturday. Afterwords, DS looks at us and asked " Where is the cake?":lol:



Also, DH installed new outlets in my school room.

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Dh's job is going good (been there since January of this year after two years of ups and downs elsewhere).

We are getting close to having our new home free of moving boxes (completely, that is).

We are going on a vacation to the coast (my favorite place to be, near water) at the end of this month.

I have seen the hand of God lead us out of darkness through the end of the tunnel - for now at least.

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It is really hard sometimes to find the good in things, isn't it. I know because I have to try really hard every day to not go about my day with a sign on me that says, "My son died and my heart wants to die too!" So I LOVE these kinds of threads... these are the kinds of things I read here and on Facebook that MAKE me do what I need to do.


Good things that happened today -


Had a nice outdoor service at church - followed by baptism (a dear friend's 8 year old boy got baptised) and bbq.


Wonderful afternoon nap with nobody bugging me.


My dh put our soon to be 7 year old ds bike together tonight. We gave it to him early because we are going camping next weekend and he would LOVE to ride it around the campground with his friends.


Initially, ds didn't seem over excited by it. He rode it a bit and then went back in the house. I felt sad. Dh felt sad. We were remembering how excited our oldest ds was when he got his new bike at that age. It hurt and I HATE that these things hurt so much. I told dh I was worried that youngest ds would not be like oldest and call me all the time, etc. I wanted to cry. Then... ds came out to the garage and sat in my lap, hugging on me, telling me how much he loves me. Best thing to help my heart! There is good in most anything - you just have to look for it.

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My dh put our soon to be 7 year old ds bike together tonight. We gave it to him early because we are going camping next weekend and he would LOVE to ride it around the campground with his friends.


Initially, ds didn't seem over excited by it. He rode it a bit and then went back in the house. I felt sad. Dh felt sad. We were remembering how excited our oldest ds was when he got his new bike at that age. It hurt and I HATE that these things hurt so much. I told dh I was worried that youngest ds would not be like oldest and call me all the time, etc. I wanted to cry. Then... ds came out to the garage and sat in my lap, hugging on me, telling me how much he loves me. Best thing to help my heart! There is good in most anything - you just have to look for it.



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My orthodontist said that my teeth are moving much faster than she expected. Hopefully that means less time in braces!


I was able to get to church tonight by myself, which means I could finally pay attention. The rest of the family/household didn't implode while I was away, and they were actually smiling when I returned.


I'm eating a handful of Trader Joe's chocolate chips. The world always looks a little sunnier after I do. :)

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Seven years ago when we lived here last I would go running on a beautiful trail along the water in part to try and escape the burden and pain of over seven years of infertility. Many times I would stop at a secluded bench along the path and pray that if it wasn't meant to be, that God would take the yearning for a child from my heart.


Today we went back to this path to pick the fresh loganberries that I knew grew there from my previous runs... On the way back, one of my sons said as we were passing the bench, "Lets stop here and enjoy the view as a family." So we stopped and sat on that bench as a family. The last time I sat there I had tears in my eyes...and there were tears in my eyes again today as I sent up a very simple 'Thank You' for a prayer exquisitely answered.


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Despite DH initially being told he wasn't getting R&R, he is and will be home for dd's birthday in a few weeks! We're going to see the traveling Mary Poppins Broadway show. Also, he got promoted (in an extremely lean year for promotions), so the garage makeover I've been working on has changed from a birthday gift into a combo birthday/promotion gift.


OP, I hope things look up for you. :)

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I've got a couple of good ones... Two years ago, we were unemployed and living in an rv (and relative's house and campground and extended stay hotel). This summer, we finally moved into a permanent house that we bought (and even put a down payment on). My husband has been promoted twice since he started working for this company two years ago. We're in a really nice neighborhood, my kids can ride their bikes and there is a park two blocks away!


Also, we were told a couple of weeks ago that one of our friends (who has 5 kids) was dying. He was in the final stage of cancer. Well, he had surgery last week and they found out that he is actually in stage 2 of cancer and he is totally going to kick this cancer's butt with chemo.


And, my 6 yro who was having some serious issues (our pediatrician thinks she might be on the spectrum) has totally, totally calmed down over the last couple of months and seems like a new kid.

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I'm watching Sweet Home Alabama. One of the characters mentions balogna cake-there actually is such a thing & I found a recipe for it if you'd like to have it. Now, come on, doesn't a nice big piece of balogna cake sound like a great way to finish of the day??? :D


I can. not. believe. there is really bologna cake!!!



The best news I can think of is that I only have 6 weeks left to be pregnant. :)


A. Men. I am due any time now and I feel your pain. But at the end of it we'll get our babies!!!


\...and there were tears in my eyes again today as I sent up a very simple 'Thank You' for a prayer exquisitely answered.



I teared up reading this, too!! How heart mending. :001_smile:




As for me :


1. I will be holding my 4th baby any time now. I simply can't wait to meet him.


2. Today is my 30th birthday, and it was wonderful, despite my false labor yesterday making me think that nothing but a baby could make me feel cheerful. My friends and family made today fantastic for me. I am so grateful.


3. The weather here is finally cooling down and my kids played outside until it was pitch black out. We all needed this so badly!


4. DH has tomorrow off work and we have no other plans but enjoying out family of 5 before we become an official family of 6 :D







:grouphug: and prayer for you, as you make your way to a smoother season of life.

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On the personal front, I've lost 80+ pounds since last summer. My son won several awards this summer from 4-H. One of them was a best in show.


Also, last week an elderly single lady in our town won some money on those scratch-off lottery tickets. She donated most of it to the library, the community hall and the health clinic. She is 94 and said she just liked scratching the tickets and doesn't need that much money. She doesn't have any heirs either, as she never married or had children and has no living relatives of which she is aware.

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Also, last week an elderly single lady in our town won some money on those scratch-off lottery tickets. She donated most of it to the library, the community hall and the health clinic. She is 94 and said she just liked scratching the tickets and doesn't need that much money. She doesn't have any heirs either, as she never married or had children and has no living relatives of which she is aware.


That is so cool!

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my son and his girlfriend haven't seen each other all week. They had her mom's apt. to themselves all weekend. Still, they came to the house around 1:00 and stayed all day, leaving around 8:30. We had a FABULOUS visit!!! His girlfriend and dh and I got a rocky start, so I'm doubly thankful that she spent the day with us today. :hurray: What a GREAT couple!!!


I had an adorable baby chick nearly die. I nursed it back from the dead. NOBODY, including me, expected it to live.


My RAD child was an absolute joy today. :hurray:


My mentally ill brother, who has suffered from SEVERE depression since my parents died, called to ask us if he could come spend the weekend with us. He NEVER does that. He's been really fun to be around, and he's having a great time.


My brother told me he would sit with my RAD dd so I could take my other child to a FABULOUS ancient history enrichment co-op. Dd8 can't handle much activity, dd11 thrives with a lot going on. Because my brother will help out, everyone wins here, including brother who is lonely and loves to spend time with us. (it can be hard during the school year)


Our kitchen remodel will likely FINALLY begin this week. Well, the destruction part anyway.....


Life is good.:001_smile:


Our family went through a period of several years with extremely difficult trials. We are finally enjoying some peace and joy. I'm hoping that will happen for you very soon. Hang in there!:grouphug:

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Lots of great news here!


I do realize that if I look for the good in things, I will definitely find it. It's all that's gotten me through since May, when mom had surgery and got sick and died.


I appreciate you all sharing your good news with me and the rest of the board. Keep those good stories coming! :grouphug:

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My youngest two foster kids are going to get to go home this month after only 3Ă‚Â½months in care which is nearly unheard of. They have a great mom who just needed a boost. I'm so happy for them all.


My foster daughter, who supposedly has a low-IQ as well as some other issues that would hinder learning, learned to read this summer, the summer before her Kindergarten year.


My little guy had a major breakthrough that allowed him to gain 2/10 of a kg in August. He also potty trained!

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As someone else mentioned, living in Georgia, it RAINED most of today and is supposed to continue tomorrow (puts a damper on labor day plans, but the rain is needed more).


I just found out I will likely be able to take my youngest daughter to a big disabled athlete event next month on the other side of the country, thanks to some unexpected funding. We were fortunate to attend last year and these types of events are very important to my daughter.

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On the personal front, I've lost 80+ pounds since last summer.


Audrey, you don't really look like you needed to lose 80 lbs. I always thought you looked pretty svelte and toned (especially your -- left -- arm). Just saying.








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We just "officially" signed the lease on the 210 acre ranch we are moving to. I am so excited!!!!!! It has been a battle to get to this point. We even got some extra good news tonight. The landlord told us he will not raise the rent on us for as long as we lease the place! I finally feel free to put down roots :D.

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We haven't been able to afford to buy food lately. We do still have some canned foods, grains and legumes in the pantry, so we're not starving.


Today, however, a friend from church showed up with a huge quantity of food for my family! Fresh vegetables, orange juice, chicken, bread, and on and on and on...even coffee (which we were out of!).


She also brought some cash and a gift card to our local grocery store.

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My 6 year old niece learned how to ride her bike today! And we finally had some cooler weather around here. And I dug deep and pulled up some inner fortitude to make a tiny step toward breaking a really bad habit I have. Small things, but good nonetheless. :)

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What a great thread!


We have had a year from h*ll and I can finally see the end, and can even appreciate that good will come from it.


I am going to be able to spend all next week with my new grandson.


We are all healthy.


My 18yo who couches gymnastics part-time volunteered to coach a paraplegic little boy on Saturdays - and is even thinking of starting a Special Olympics team at our gym. He has a HUGE heart.


My oldest son and dil are enjoying themselves in Disney.

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Rain, rain, and more rain; high of 76 each day).




1. This is my good news!! After a record breaking summer with something like 100+ days over 95 and 60 some days over 100 and I would guess half of those over 110...we had a high of 80 today!! It is currently 75ish and it rained all night last night! I think we are supposed to get more rain in the next few days.


A/C went out in both vehicles this summer...this weather change is amazing news!!


2. We looked over our enrollment numbers tonight and we are 35% ahead of where we were this time last year in student numbers!! We are a little behind where we ended last year, but we have a lot of students who attended our "free week" who need to enroll. :001_smile:


3. DH, myself, kids, and our families are healthy.


4. We are a month away from celebrating my grandma's 90th birthday!! 4 years ago she had a brain hematoma (sp??), we unconscious in the kitchen with beans on the stove. Grandpa and Uncle came home to find the beans burned and near the point of starting a fire! My Uncle is a Fire Chief/Paramedic. He checked her out and go t her to the hospital. She had brain surgery at 86! She has some memory issues, but has regained a lot of what she initially lost! We are ready for a party:D


5. I found some amazing book deals at Border's today.


6. SIL and I put together a bookshelf without husbands (I have done some bookshelves, but this one was particularly difficult) and I eyeballed hanging two nails for a cork board; when I checked it with a level....PERFECT!! I was quite proud.


7. School is going great and my parents are starting to really come around to the idea of homeschooling as they see the progress DS is making.;)

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Our family... all four of us are going to a theme park with roller coaster here in town. We had not gone yet first because DD who REALLY loves roller coasters was not tall enough for most of them, second because of the HIGH heat, and third time....


WELL... today we get to go. AND my DH has free admission for himself (job related). DD is now 1 inch over the height min, so we know she can ride the rides.


Today will be our first roller coast ride as a family. Okay, today will be our first REAL roller coaster ride as a family. We have been on both "baby coasters" and on metaphorical coasters.


Just waiting for everyone to wake up... no rush the park does not even open until TEN!

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