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If you wouldn't mind...

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Prayers tonight would be so appreciated.


On another note:


1. Bathroom has a door.


2. Shower has a shower head.


3. I found my math books...sort-of...I remembered that they don't exist. I ripped them up & filed them. :lol:


4. One of you guys sent the SL core I was considering switching to, & so we've done school 2 days this week. Everybody's attitude is better, even 10yo who was very suspicious of switching anything. Words cannot express what a blessing this has been.


5. Finally found my box of Very Important Books today while cleaning out the garage (which got cleaned out).


6. Dh has been offered a (PT) job. Thanks to one of you guys again. Where would I be w/out you all????


7. The kids have had their first showers (as opposed to baths) & have declared that they never want to do anything else. So w/ perpetual bathing, I figure they'll be cleaner, the house will be cleaner, everything will be easier, although the water bill might be a problem. :lol:


8. Unfortunately, they're all varying degrees of sick. Actually, it gets worse as you go down the age steps, w/ 3yo being the most pathetic & cuddly. :001_wub:


9. We've spent our first nights together in the same bedroom, & oh my gosh--they love that as much as the shower, lol. Really...while I wouldn't *choose* it...at least, not long-term...it's good in all the ways I imagined. It's helping us see them better, spend that quality bedtime time w/ them better....they've gotten songs & bedtime stories these last 2 nights the equivalent of what they'd normally get in a month, maybe. :blushing: We're not good at bedtime. But that's one of the things I was looking forward to about sharing a room w/ them--getting better at bedtime.


10. I really don't know if things will be ok, but I like to make good lists.


11. So here's another: I started pre-reading one of the books I was going to assign for SL & quickly realized there was NO WAY the bigs could read it: small font, difficult sentence structure & vocab, so I was trying to decide whether to skip it or read it aloud, & they begged to read it, so I let them ea try a chapter & then checked their understanding. Perfect. They've read 2 more since then, we've done a lit discussion, & they love the book. I'm *amazed.*


12. Bookshelves filled w/ my books make me love any place. Well. Any dry place. I don't guess I'd like a field full of rain if my books & bookshelves were all sitting out in it. But if all goes well (& when does it?), we could be staring down the barrel of normalcy. A week or so, maybe?


Remember, though, the point of this is will you please pray for me tonight? And, while you're at it, there's a sliver of a chance at a job in VA (for dh) that makes my head spin, it looks so lovely. All he's done is apply, so it's not like I'm (or *should be*) holding my breath, crossing my fingers/toes/arms/legs/eyes...but, you know. It could be nice. :lol:

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I was at prayer meeting when you posted this. If you promise not to tell my pastor or the other men who were there tonight, I will tell you that I was silently praying for you and several other ladies here on the boards while they were praying out loud. Your list sounds very, very wonderful and I will redouble my prayer efforts for that job in VA.



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Thanks, guys. Unfortunately, I'm afraid last night worked out like an answer to one of Job's prayers before God intervened. The kind that makes you wonder where He is. Or sing songs from Fiddler on the Roof.


I don't know what else to say. Things are about as bad as they could be, barring a death in the family.

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Thanks, guys. Unfortunately, I'm afraid last night worked out like an answer to one of Job's prayers before God intervened. The kind that makes you wonder where He is. Or sing songs from Fiddler on the Roof.


I don't know what else to say. Things are about as bad as they could be, barring a death in the family.


Well, that is just awful news. I am very sorry. :grouphug:

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Thanks, guys. Unfortunately, I'm afraid last night worked out like an answer to one of Job's prayers before God intervened. The kind that makes you wonder where He is. Or sing songs from Fiddler on the Roof.


I don't know what else to say. Things are about as bad as they could be, barring a death in the family.



This sounds scary...are y'all okay?



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Aubrey, if nagging God could advance the cause, then consider me a supreme nagger on your behalf!


Praying fervently here!





I wasn't online last night but I'm still praying. Wonderful list!


ETA: Uh oh, I just read your update. Aubrey :grouphug: I'm so sorry. We love you. God loves you.

Edited by momoflaw
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Thanks, guys. Unfortunately, I'm afraid last night worked out like an answer to one of Job's prayers before God intervened. The kind that makes you wonder where He is. Or sing songs from Fiddler on the Roof.


I don't know what else to say. Things are about as bad as they could be, barring a death in the family.


:grouphug: Your list was wonderful. I sure wish I could help in some way. I hope you are all ok.

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hope tonight is better.....


i am wondering if you had such a good day yesterday that she needed to undo that somehow?


and at random moments of my day, it pops into my head to suggest that you document incidents using neutral language so that if/when you go to councilling with her, you have a starting point. otherwise, its hard sometimes to remember that you're the one living in the real world with Alice and the Big White Rabbit.... (its a code phrase our family uses when things get quite tense with one whose behavior is often not based in this world.... "oh look, a big white rabbit just went by... with a pocket watch...." somehow or other it helps us....)



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