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How many out or the house activites did your 5/6 year old do?

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Last year, DS at six did cub scouts and piano; this year, now seven, he's doing piano, cub scouts, jujitsu, is on swim team and also taking a religion class.


Our schedule is a bit nuts - M is piano, then jujitsu; Tue is cub scouts; W is jujitsu; TH is open!; F is swim; Sat is swim; Sun is religion class. On weeks when jujitsu doesn't meet on M or W (rare), we do swim on that day and skip Sat practice.

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Last year, DS at six did cub scouts and piano; this year, now seven, he's doing piano, cub scouts, jujitsu, is on swim team and also taking a religion class.


Our schedule is a bit nuts - M is piano, then jujitsu; Tue is cub scouts; W is jujitsu; TH is open!; F is swim; Sat is swim; Sun is religion class. On weeks when jujitsu doesn't meet on M or W (rare), we do swim on that day and skip Sat practice.



Our schedule is tentatively looking like this, and it's giving me the shakes! :lol:


M- drums

T - gym in the am group suzuki in PM

W- swimming

TH -PT/OT alternating weeks

F - co-op in am private suzuki Bass pm


That's a lot, right? Or can I just not hang? :bigear:


ETA: I'm thinking of dropping the gym on Tuesdays at least. Then next to go would be the co-op. Should I drop both?

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Well, my 5 yo is involved in a lot for a couple reasons. First, she's a HUGE extrovert. Second, her brothers are very involved in the local karate club, so it's easy to drop her off at the same time.


Right now, she takes:


Mon: ballet

Tues: karate

Wed: karate

Sat: gymnastics


At some point, she'll have to pick up a second day of gym too, but we're putting that off as long as possible!

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Our schedule is tentatively looking like this, and it's giving me the shakes! :lol:


M- drums

T - gym in the am group suzuki in PM

W- swimming

TH -PT/OT alternating weeks

F - co-op in am private suzuki Bass pm


That's a lot, right? Or can I just not hang? :bigear:


ETA: I'm thinking of dropping the gym on Tuesdays at least. Then next to go would be the co-op. Should I drop both?


LOL - I forgot he also has an art class on Wed mornings - that doesn't start for a couple more weeks though!


But....here's the thing - he's a total social butterfly and the energizer bunny rolled into one....I have to keep him active, doing something, otherwise he's going, going, going all over the house and all night! :lol:


If it were up to me, I wouldn't have him doing all the activities - but he's asked for the sports, loves scouts and to me the art & music (piano) are best outsourced (for me), and he's at that age for First Holy Communion, so he's gotta do that too. Somehow the schedule came together nicely....we're not running around crazy - it just seems nuts to do this many things, but he did it like this over the summer too (golf, swim team, diving, jujitsu, tennis and scouts) and doesn't seem worn out by it, he seems to thrive on the constant on the go - but we'll see how it goes.

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My almost 4 1/2 year old is doing dance (1 hour per week), a musical group at church (45 mins per week), and a developmental soccer program (1 hour per week on Saturday mornings). With my oldest, we didn't start activities until she was 5. But with subsequent children, we have started earlier and with more--since we're usually already out and at these events. It's definitely more fun for the youngest if she gets to participate in stuff, instead of always having to sit and watch her siblings.

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DS 5 is doing soccer, drama, tap, and swimming. Swimming is just for something like 5 saturdays, though, and then it will be the other three. We have a standing park day with friends one day a week, too. He the only kid I don't have to push into trying new things, so for now we're just letting him go for it.

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My boys start Judo at 5, and piano once they can read (which has been around age 5). The boys are also doing gymnastics now, too.


They've done a church program 1 night a week off and on, though now we are investigating Boy Scouts, which would be 1 night a week.


So, anywhere from 2-4 things.

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My two almost-six-year-old sons are in swimming, soccer and violin, each once per week. Also, we are doing a 4 day school week for Kindergarten and we use Fridays for co-op (P.E. and choir twice a month) and library days.

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fun to see the different answers. As for us:


Odd at 5:


1. library storytime once a month

2. daisy scouts once a week (with occasionaly troop campouts and sleepovers, etc.)

3. field trip group once a month

4. one sport throughout the year: gymnastics from Aug-Feb, Soccer from Mar-May, swim lessons in June


Odd at 6:

1. library storytime once a month

2. brownie scouts once a week

3. field trip group once a month

4. ballet/tap Aug-May, swim lessons in June


Ydd at 5:

1. co-op one full day a week-- her sport is part of this same co-op, 2 birds with one stone!

2. daisy scouts once a week

3. field trip group occasionally (no longer once a month)


Ydd at 6:

1. co-op one full day a week-- her sport is part of the co-op

2. daisy scouts once a week

3. Field trips with scouts and field trip group, at least one a month throughout the year, sometimes more.


We also do playdates weekly and do lots of little things with friends that aren't "official" hs activities. We are pretty active. For the most part, I think the first year of K, I did too much. Since then, I have been better about our school schedule and balancing.

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I'm just putting ds2, because ds1 has issues with out of the house activities, even though he does some.


K- Dance/tumbling class once a week, soccer in the spring- but he was in PS at the time


1st- Cub Scouts, Dance/tumbling class, theatre class once a week

We also did homeschool classes randomly at the library, Natural History Museum, and Metroparks- I'd say it averaged once a month.


ETA: They go to Sunday school for 3 hours at temple, also.

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At 5 (when DD#1 was in kindy) we attended homeschool group on Wednesdays. And she played soccer, which was one practice a week and one game a week. At 6, we were only doing homeschool group. Of course, we also attend church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings (AWANA). And she took swim lessons during the summer of her 5th and 6th years.


DD#2 is 4.5 and she's not doing anything right now....well, except for church (this will be her first year of AWANA). She's not old enough for homeschool group. And I can't get her to take ballet or anything. DD#2 took swimming during the summer of her 2nd and 3rd years and we haven't done anymore. I'll probably put her in a refresher course next summer.

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LOL - I forgot he also has an art class on Wed mornings - that doesn't start for a couple more weeks though!


But....here's the thing - he's a total social butterfly and the energizer bunny rolled into one....I have to keep him active, doing something, otherwise he's going, going, going all over the house and all night! :lol:


If it were up to me, I wouldn't have him doing all the activities - but he's asked for the sports, loves scouts and to me the art & music (piano) are best outsourced (for me), and he's at that age for First Holy Communion, so he's gotta do that too. Somehow the schedule came together nicely....we're not running around crazy - it just seems nuts to do this many things, but he did it like this over the summer too (golf, swim team, diving, jujitsu, tennis and scouts) and doesn't seem worn out by it, he seems to thrive on the constant on the go - but we'll see how it goes.



This is my ds too! I still feel like it would be a lot. I'll have to think about it some more.

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My five year old plays soccer and baseball (each has one practice and one game per week); martial arts (three classes per week); and religious instruction at the church (once per week, every other week).


In September we will add in a scout-type group with kids from a local homeschool group (once per week, every other week).


Each of these activities she would be at anyhow, because her brother already participates. We coach, teach, and volunteer so that we can line up their practice days and times, leading to no conflicts or overlaps on any given day :)

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My 6 year old twins will do Fall and Spring soccer (2 practices and 1 game a week). I'm also going to try a local homeschool PE class (1 day a week) this fall. I've just moved and there is supposedly a lot of homeschoolers in the neighborhood so hoping to hook up with them some. I will likely enroll the boys for indoor swim lessons again sometime after January.


They are fine whether we stay home or do outside activities. I go a little nuts if I'm running all the time.

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Nothing during the day--IOW, no outside activities organized for homeschoolers.


Otherwise, only dance class of some kind and *maybe* something like soccer, if it hadn't interfered with dance. Dds also did Missionettes at our church on Wednesday night, when we were all at church anyway; for awhile, I also led a Camp Fire club for younger dd, which met weekly at a local public school where the other dc attended, when school let out.

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DD is 5, and this Fall she will do:


Piano, swim, and ballet once a week

Art class at a local museum once a month

Daisy Scouts twice a month


I don't really count swimming as an extracurricular though. To me it is a necessary skill. Once she is proficient, she'll stop lessons (unless she chooses to continue).

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Let's see -


Mondays - TKD

Tuesdays - We leave the house at 6:30AM to get to HS classes that run from 8-2, then back in the car to get to piano from 3-4 and then onto TKD from 4:30-5:30. Finally pull in the driveway around 5:45 PM.

Wednesdays - Co-op (it meets in the church across the street from our neighborhood) Meets 5 times per semester from 2:00-4:00; TKD

Thursdays - TKD

Fridays - TKD


My Tuesdays are crazy, but I would rather load up on everything in ONE day. Though TKD is daily, it is a 10 minute drive from the house and gives me some time to read or grocery shop.


Last year we did much more and I was exhausted. This year, even with the crazy Tuesdays, is working much better.

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My first grade DD6 does Girl Scouts, dance, softball and piano. Softball and dance only overlap for a couple of weeks in early May. And piano lessons are at our home once a week, so I guess they aren't really to be counted. She also has religious ed class.


These are the same activities as K last year.

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My ds is an older 6 y/o and this semester our tentative schedule is as follows:


Monday- He volunteers with me at the food bank in the morning, will have soccer in the evening (just for 6 weeks).

Tuesday- Math class for homeschooled children.

Wednesday- No outside activities.

Thursday- Math class in the morning, choir in the after school hours.

Friday- Nature class (sort of a secular alternative to Scouts for homeschoolers) every other week.

Saturday- Japanese school, maybe. Haven't heard officially whether he'll be able to enroll.


Someplace in there he'll also have a human sexuality class (Our Whole Lives) at a local church but they still don't have the schedule totally pinned down for that yet.

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Probably going to sound a little nuts but my 6 year old is intensely extroverted and loves being on the go. I wouldn't schedule this much for her if she didn't really like getting out of the house!


Daisies (biweekly)

CCD (weekly)

Swimming Lesson (weekly)

Dance and Gymnastics - back to back classes at same facility (weekly)


Through our homeschool co-op:


Drama Club (weekly)

Virtue Club (monthly)

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Last year at 6, ds 1 did:



2. Occupational Therapy

3. Vision Therapy

4. Allergy shots


It was not very fun since most of it was therapy/health related, but they needed to happen and they took up all our extra-curricular space. This year he has completed VT, and OT is less taxing since he has been doing it for 2 years and has met most of his goals, so he gets have more fun and add Tae Kwon Do and piano lessons.


This year my turning-5, ds 2 is doing:


1. Tae Kwon Do (2 x week, but mostly because big brother is there anyway)

2. Montessori Pre-K (2 x week - does that count as school or extra-curricular? Its out of the house in any case.)


4. Weekly playdate at friend's while brother & Mom are at piano lessons.

5. Weekly co-op (half-day)


He is begging to take violin lessons, but I told him he couldn't start until he is officially K age or next year.

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For my daughter, it was just one or two things a week. During the school year, she did dance, gymnastics, American Girls club, swim lessons, but not all of them concurrently. She also had Sunday school classes during the academic year. During the summers, she did one week of day camp each month of the break.


My son did more, partially because he's a more extroverted kid and partially because he tagged along when his big sister was out and about. He pretty regularly had two or more outside activities each week starting when he was four or five, plus church. By the time he was six, he had added a couple of dance lessons each week, too.

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My 5 y/o (will be 6 in November, and is starting K this year) is currently playing soccer. It goes til the end of October.


Starting in October, our Y has homeschool PE but that's only once a month through April, and he'll participate in that.


Over the winter we do a homeschool bowling league that's only for like two months or something, once a week, and he'll do that.


Then in the summer he might do teeball again if he wants to, and there's swim lessons (only two weeks) and sporadic art or Montessori summer camp programs- just a few weeks here and there, half days usually.


That's about it. Next year when he's 6 (almost 7 and starting 1st grade) we'll add on cub scouts.


But it's usually just one thing at a time, or two at most if things overlap temporarily.

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At 5 my oldest son did Suzuki cello (one lesson and one class a week, although they were both on the same day); a local parks gardening class once a week, and a sports class once a week.


At 6 he has Suzuki cello(weekly lesson and biweekly class), religious school once a week, and tee-ball once a week. It seems kind of a lot to me, actually, but we'll see how it goes and if it's too much we'll reevaluate.

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For us, not much. I'm not a fan of little ones having a lot of activities, for their sake and for mine!


* Field trips about once a month.

* Bible study group (mine, they play with friends), once a week.


* We don't generally start any sports until 1st grade. Boys have done mainly soccer and basketball at that point. I did let dd do a 6 week gymnastics class last year, she was six but in Kindergarten.


* Younger kids have been involved in science co-op every other week at that age since we're all doing it. We did not do any kind of co-op when my olders were that age.

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Last year, one. Ballet in the school year, swimming lessons in the summer. For a 5 yo K'er.


This year with a 6 yo, two. Ballet and swimming lessons. Each 1x/wk.


We have a full church schedule (during the school year) which includes choir, dinner and catechsim club on Wednesdays and a co-op type class (that I teach) Tuesday mornings in addition to regular Sunday worship and SS.

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DD5 has AHG, AWANA, Scottish Highland Dance. I teach both of the kids piano lessons at this point (and will continue until they exceed my skill level) but we do it during school hours.


Our outside family schedule looks like this:


Mon: AHG for DD5 (DS9 tags along, DH and I are leaders)

Tues: Dance for DD5; D&D for DS9, DS19, and DH

Weds: D&D for DS9 (DH DM's); AWANA DS 9 and DD5

Thursday: Venture Scouts DS19 (DH and I are leaders)

Friday: Cub Scouts DS9 (DD5 tags along, DH and I are leaders)

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