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If you think wearing boots with shorts makes you look cute, you are wrong.


That is all.


(No offense to anyone that does that.)


My dad does this. :001_huh:


He's improved to wearing black dress socks (pulled all the way up) with white sneakers. :D


Not sure which is worse. :lol:

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I wear shorts with boots when working in the barn in summer on hot days. The ponies and chickens don't mind at all and I don't particularly care if the neighbors do.


I do change before going into public though. If I didn't, I sort of think the boots/shorts might be one of the last thing people care about after coming from the barn.

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Just this week at dd's drama camp, there was a girl, about 14-15, wearing short.short.SHORT shorts and boots. Yes, she was a beautiful girl, but she looked like a hooker. :001_huh: The shorts would have been bad enough with flip-flops or tennys, but the boots pushed them over the top.

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I had a girlfriend in college that once came out of her dorm room wearing shorts and sneakers to go to a football game with me. She said, "Oh you look dressed up. Let me go change."


She emerged a few minutes later in the same outfit (shorts included) with high heels on instead. I think there are some things worse than boots and shorts. ;)

:blink: :ack2:

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So how about not wearing shorts period?


I hate shorts; I have since high school. I feel I don't look good in them, even though at my lowest weight I was moderately slim.


That being said, I love my sundresses with boots. I'm that weirdo who wears my cowboy boots in the summer (not just a spring look). I bought a pair of Justins that I adore so I'll wear them until the soles fall off.

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Thank you. I will pass that advice on to my dd17. :lol:


She actually does look cute, but totally inappropriate for most situations. She went to Walmart like that once (in her defense she had just left the stable) and a strange man looked at her and yelled 'yee haw'.


I used it as a learning moment about how you dress and how you are preceived. To which her response was 'that is totally not fair".



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What about a swimming suit with boots? :D


I was in the 6th grade and I went to overnight summer camp. You were supposed to wear flip-flops into the shower with your swimming suit. Well, I forgot my flip-flops at home. I didn't want my tennis shoes to get wet, so boots it was! LOL. I laughed about it and acted silly so I didn't get made fun of... the other girls thought it was hilarious.

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If you think wearing boots with shorts makes you look cute, you are wrong.


That is all.


(No offense to anyone that does that.)


When our church "blew up" because the pastor stole money to fund his gambling addiction... (yeah, long story)... well, we were looking for a new church.


We visited one church that we now call The Cleavage Church, because there really was just so much of it there. My husband had nowhere to look. In fact, we got up and left. :001_huh: He said, "Well, that was interesting. Seems like everyone came to church just to hang out." ;) Yeah, it was more out than in.


When we found our current church, it was so refreshing. Lots of 88 year old ladies in lavender polyester dresses, and absolutely NO cleavage. :D We stayed.

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May I please add no socks with sandals. *Shudder*


OMG I did that once, but I swear, it was a total accident! I was walking around in the house in my socks and decided to run out to the store really quick for something or other to have with dinner, and my 10 year old and I walk into the store together and all of a sudden I realize... I have socks on. Socks and sandals. I'd just stuck my feet in sandals and never even thought to take my socks off. I was so embarrassed! LOL.

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I think some shorts look fine with hiking boots.


I like (and wear) hiking sandals with wool socks in the fall once it's chilly. :D


These days, I don't care what anyone wears on their feet as long as they are not displaying most of a pair of boxers, or behind cleavage ! I am so tired of seeing waistbands around bottoms !


Last week I walked into the grocery store behind a guy who was wearing skinny jeans that were somehow worked down to show 3/4 of his undies. That doesn't even work with the "my pants are too loose because I'm cool" system - it's just "my pants are waaaaay tight but I really want to show you my underwear anyway." :lol:

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So how about not wearing shorts period?


I hate shorts; I have since high school. I feel I don't look good in them, even though at my lowest weight I was moderately slim.


That being said, I love my sundresses with boots. I'm that weirdo who wears my cowboy boots in the summer (not just a spring look). I bought a pair of Justins that I adore so I'll wear them until the soles fall off.


I wore holes in the soles of my Justins and then I took them to have them resoled! We're going on 13 years together. :001_wub: I also wear them with dresses and skirts occasionally, but I don't think I've ever worn them with shorts...

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What kind of Boots?


cause i wear hiking boots with short when of course I am hiking;)


I wear worn out work boots/cowboy boots and my cut offs when I am in the barn


I use to wear cowboy boots with a mini skirt in my line dancing days:D


I wonder what the person looked like cause we are all on the appearance thing lately. I saw a very large lady with the shortest short and some cowboy boots on at walmart. She also had on a very tight/cleavage spilling teeshirt. NOW THAT was something to see.


My dh was just saying it should be outlawed:lol:

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