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Grrrrr.....Netflix changing their prices again!!

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Maybe Amazon Prime will start to offer more instant videos. Their Prime membership is looking like it will be cheaper than Netflix.


Ah, I'm glad somebody brought this up. DH and I are looking into it. I've bought so much junk for under $2 to get free shipping! Plus now the videos. We've just dropped cable, and are looking at all kinds of options.

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The extra couple bucks a month will add up, however it is worth it to me for all the videos we get for school and the availability of older movies.


We watch instant online - is that what is meant by streaming? Or is streaming the one that goes to your TV? We recently bought a Blue-Ray that is already compatible for Netflix and we have been considering getting that service but I am not sure if it is worth it.

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We watch instant online - is that what is meant by streaming? Or is streaming the one that goes to your TV? We recently bought a Blue-Ray that is already compatible for Netflix and we have been considering getting that service but I am not sure if it is worth it.


If you are watching instantly, then you are already streaming. It doesn't cost extra for you to do it through your tv vs. your computer. I can stream through my blu-ray player, through our wii, through our various computers and through our phones (dh frequently does this when he is traveling). It's one price for all of those devices.


If you have wi-fi, then all you need to do is configure your blu-ray player to your wi-fi settings. It's not going to cost you anything more than you are paying now.

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Just got an email from Netflix....grrr.


Now they are changing their prices again.. We had moved to the lowest plan, to get one DVD at a time and still Instant streaming...$7.99.



You mean before the earlier price increase you were paying that? We have 1 DVD at a time and unlimited streaming, and it's $9.99 plus tax.

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I wonder if they've realized yet that they've pushed us a bit too far, and too quickly. I get that they want to shed the DVD service entirely due to overhead, and I think that's a great thing. The trouble is that the streaming options just aren't up to snuff. I mean, I would have happily streamed Shakes the Clown and The Tall Guy... but they just weren't available. :P

Yesterday I put some shows in my Instant Queue and noticed that they said they're only available until July 12 (today). Today I looked and they're no longer available for streaming, but are available on DVD. So I wonder if: 1) they will go back into the streaming list at some point, and 2) if Netflix gets rid of DVDs altogether at some point, will everything that's on DVD become available on streaming?

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I haven't read the other replies, but dh said he saw on the news a few months back that with the rate increases, Netflix is actually trying to discourage people from using the DVD option, and would prefer that people use the streaming option only. Word was (and apparently it's true) that Netflix will be phasing out the DVD's in favor of offering streaming only--meaning that evenutally, you will only be able to get streaming, and DVD's won't be available at all.

Like others have said, I wouldn't mind that at all if everything was available for streaming.

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We have the three dvds out at a time plan and our cost is only going up by $4.00. We don't pay for any cable...not even local channels. We usually watch 10 to 12 dvds a month plus dh and watch about 2 hours of streaming per evening. The dc watch documentaries during the day and the olders usually watch an hour of other streaming (currently they are watching All Creatures Great and Small) in the evening. Even at a 4.00 increase it still is well worth the money for us. Before we started using Netflix and were paying for cable our bill was a little over 80.00 a month and there was never anything on that we wanted to watch. I love Netflix and still thing that if you use it a lot like we do that it is still an excellent deal.

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If you are watching instantly, then you are already streaming. It doesn't cost extra for you to do it through your tv vs. your computer. I can stream through my blu-ray player, through our wii, through our various computers and through our phones (dh frequently does this when he is traveling). It's one price for all of those devices.


If you have wi-fi, then all you need to do is configure your blu-ray player to your wi-fi settings. It's not going to cost you anything more than you are paying now.


That's good to know - thanks. I couldn't gather that from reading info on Netflix the last time I looked.

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I'm going to have to think about what to do. We've had the same two DVDs at our house for weeks, but I've watched several things on streaming in the same time period. However, I do plan on getting some DVDs in August/September when they come out (TV shows, so I can't get them from Redbox). I'll probably end up dropping down down to one DVD + streaming. I may even drop down to just streaming once I've watched the shows I want to see.

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Wow, it was only a few months ago that they changed. I'm going to go check my account.


Unbelievable. My plan (3 DVDS out at a time. We can't watch online) is going up to almost $24. I guess we'll be dropping down a level.


Actually, if you can't stream, you can get the 3 DVDs at a time (no streaming) for $15.99 a month. It's actually $4 cheaper than the same plan with streaming that you are paying for now. (We have the same plan and also can't stream.)


When you click on the link in the email to see the new offers, there is a small-print link on the bottom right of the box for DVDs only if you want to see additional plans. They now offer up to 8 DVDs a month with no streaming. I vented frustration on my poor dh for quite a bit before I found that link, poor guy. :001_smile: I wish they had made all the plan options more obvious.

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Speaking of interfaces:


Today when I was playing with my queue I noticed that when you add a *new* or popular title to your queue that there is no option for bumping it up to number one. With old/less popular titles you can, but not new titles. With new titles you have to go into your queue and bump it from there. :glare:


Do you have an example of a video that did this? I was trying and everything seemed to be able to bump up to number one . . .

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Do you have an example of a video that did this? I was trying and everything seemed to be able to bump up to number one . . .


Battle: Los Angeles was one, I just took it out of my queue and tried it again, it did the same thing. I had to go into my queue to bump it.

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Battle: Los Angeles was one, I just took it out of my queue and tried it again, it did the same thing. I had to go into my queue to bump it.


Oh, I misread your initial post. I see what you mean now about putting it in #1 as soon as you add it.

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We will probably drop the dvd option. I usually go to the library first if it is not available on instant streaming. I never plan far enough in advance to get the dvd in time.


I was so disappointed when I saw the email. I'll be dropping the DVD choice as I really don't watch movies, but streaming is kind of important. My library has an extensive collection, so if I really want to see a movie, I think I will browse the library's online service.

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We've been with Netflix for years, but I think we will be dropping the service. Our plan is going from $9.99 to $15.98. That's a pretty big increase. If there were more of what we watch, inlcuding new releases, available for streaming we would probably keep it, but not as it stands now.




We're thinking this exactly but we'll probably keep at least the streaming... We have no cable and no television reception so at least I will sit and hope that the streaming will increase? :glare: :confused:


I wasn't surprised the rates increased, but I was shocked at how MUCH they increased.

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:glare: I was just getting ready to lower our plan. Now I'll have to talk to dh, not everything we need is on streaming. I was using this for school. Our library has a great selection of VHS tapes, which we don't have a working player. :glare:


Last year I took a bunch of DVDs we no longer used to the pawn shop and traded them in for a little combo VHS/TV player because our library had nearly all of the Bill Nye's on VHS.

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Well, we will cut down to 2 instead of 3 discs out at a time and kept the streaming - we have Netflix on the tv, of course, but also on four computers. Some nights hubby is watching a disc and three kids and I are all watching different things. We churn through a LOT of Netflix each week! Only keep cable tv for news, and stuff not available via Hulu, etc.


I only had three discs so I could get through mini-series from BBC w/o having to wait too long between discs and still get "guy" dvds for hubby.


Since before we were buying a lot of DVDs, Netflix is saving us some money! We do not go to movies more than a couple times a year - Potter, of course - but the tickets alone for me and the kids are $42!!! Which is a lot, when I KNOW we will buy the Blueray the day it comes out!!!


Out library discs are usually too beaten up to play w/u skipping, and it is a pain to go out the get, then return, a disc from Blockbuster or Redbox. The few discs that have arrived broken from Netflix they have replaced asap.


I recall the old days when once a movie left the theaters it was gone...maybe later, with commercials, it would show up on tv. A Disney film was only released to theaters every 7 years. Old movies one had to keep an eye on the local channels - Sunday mornings channel 11 ran old Shirley Temple, etc. Then we got cable and 30!!!! channels - plus a REMOTE!!!! And I read in the paper (NEWSPAPER - no home 'puter yet!) about some contraption that had movies on videotape and it cost about $600 dollars. Movies were first sold for $69 or so.....


We are so spoiled nowadays!!!

Edited by JFSinIL
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I already dropped down to the 2 DVD plan last time they raised the rates. Guess we'll be going down to 1 DVD this time.




Exactly what we did last time and just did for this price increase. I told dd that if it continues we may just have the online streaming and use the library and RedBox for DVD's.

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My only hope is that for this 60% price increase we will be getting a lot more selection for streaming (we are dropping our DVDs). It seems that they might have a deal with ABC Family and Disney to add a lot of those shows for streaming. Hopefully :) I am ok with the price increase as long as we get more for our money........

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Really? That would be awesome.


Now if I could just get A&E.




My only hope is that for this 60% price increase we will be getting a lot more selection for streaming (we are dropping our DVDs). It seems that they might have a deal with ABC Family and Disney to add a lot of those shows for streaming. Hopefully :) I am ok with the price increase as long as we get more for our money........
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We don't have cable, and our streaming can be choppy at times so we had unlimited streaming + 2 out DVDs. We've been watching a lot of National Geographic movies here during our study of the Ancients... We're not going to drop Netflix, but I'm certainly giving serious consideration to cutting back on our plan so we can stay in budget.


I keep reminding myself, though, that buying a DVD is $20 or taking dh to a movie (no kids) is $20. :confused:

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I keep reminding myself, though, that buying a DVD is $20 or taking dh to a movie (no kids) is $20. :confused:


That's exactly why I still see $25 not much to pay for three DVDs out at one time and streaming. My library has a decent selection, but we were # 71 in line for Harry Potter 7. I've been #150 in line for a movie before.


My dh and I watch a streaming Murder She Wrote Episode nearly every night, the boys stream often, and I'm watching many DVDs. Cable is overpriced from what I hear; my parents have both cable and Netflix, and they always say, "There was nothing on tv tonight."


At one movie a day, it's only $1.00 each. Now, I've been watching old ER episodes from my library, so I'm going to drop to the one or two out at one time deal. I haven't been able to keep up with my regular DVDs since I've been watching a series at the library, and we've been streaming our together movie at night.

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My only hope is that for this 60% price increase we will be getting a lot more selection for streaming (we are dropping our DVDs). It seems that they might have a deal with ABC Family and Disney to add a lot of those shows for streaming. Hopefully :) I am ok with the price increase as long as we get more for our money........


According to my email, they have divided the plan into two parts- the streaming and dvd. Each part is $7.99. When I got my plan, the 'add a dvd' option was $2 a month. So the streaming was $7.99 and the $2 'one at a time dvd' charge brought me to $9.99. They aren't changing the streaming price- just the dvd price. So....I don't think we're going to see more selection for streaming. Bummer- I'd pay more for better streaming selection and if they want to eliminate the hassle of mailing dvds, just increase the streaming selection.


I'd even be ok with two streaming choices- regular selection and a higher price premium selection that includes new release movies.

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I added this to my post, but then thought I'd go ahead and make it its own post just to veer this thread off course and cause trouble ;)


"I recall the old days when once a movie left the theaters it was gone...maybe later, with commercials, it would show up on tv. A Disney film was only rereleased to theaters every 7 years. For old movies one had to keep an eye on the local channels - Sunday mornings channel 11 ran old Shirley Temple, etc. Then we got cable and 30!!!! channels - plus a REMOTE!!!! And I read in the paper (NEWSPAPER - no home 'puter yet!) about some contraption that had movies on videotape and it cost about $600 dollars. Movies were first sold for $69 or so..... goodness, one could collect feature films and watch them anytime? Like Howard Hughes?


We are so spoiled nowadays!!! "


I appreciate Netflix and Hulu and all the other ways I can now instantly get just about whatever I like, when I want to see it. And even with the raised prices I find it a steal to be able to do so!

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I'm looking at the plans now. You can get 1 DVD out at a time, 2 DVDs out at a time, streaming only or a combination of DVD/streaming with 1-4 discs. You an also do a limited plan where you get 1 disc at a time and can only get 2 discs per month for $5.


Actually, if no one has mentioned this, there are more options. There is a link below each section to see them. You can get up to 8 at a time.

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We have the 1 DVD option plus streaming. We'll probably drop the DVD option with this price increase. It's crazy. It stinks though because my girls like for me to get older cartoon seasons and some of the older Disney movies that you cannot get through Redbox. I guess we won't be getting those anymore. I do like streaming for educational shows though.

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I still think Netflix is a good deal especially if you don't have cable or satellite:D I also have heard that internet service providers are charging them more for use of the cable lines:glare:


:iagree: We don't have cable or satellite. We don't even get reliable reception from the network stations. I'm not happy about the increase, but we'll keep unlimited streaming, plus unlimited 1-dvd at a time. $15/month is still pretty reasonable to me for what we're getting. Honestly, I've wondered how they were able to offer their services so inexpensively and felt there was no way it could last, especially considering what postal rates are today.



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I'm not thrilled with the price increase, but it's still a hundred times better in value than our cable. We have the 3 disc and streaming now, and wont be changing it.


My one wish is that dh would agree to drop the cable, but until Netflix has live news and sports, it's a pipe dream.

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It really upsets me that they are raising prices. The streaming content is already limited and since so few of those are available with captions, it makes the selection accessible to my family even smaller! But I still like the option of streaming, but we need the DVD's to have access to captions. :tongue_smilie:


Maybe they are raising prices to cover their legal bills. NAD has filed suit against them for lack of captioning on streaming content.

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:iagree: We don't have cable or satellite. We don't even get reliable reception from the network stations. I'm not happy about the increase, but we'll keep unlimited streaming, plus unlimited 1-dvd at a time. $15/month is still pretty reasonable to me for what we're getting. Honestly, I've wondered how they were able to offer their services so inexpensively and felt there was no way it could last, especially considering what postal rates are today.




You know, the rates really aren't that bad. When I average out how many dvd's we get, even with the increase we'll be paying about 25 cents per dvd. But them raising rates 60% all at once, and less than a year after the previous increase is hard to swallow.

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(Kat I think..)


I was miffed about the price increase last night, and spent about a half hour searching the internet for alternative FREE documentary streaming movies.


In a short time, I gathered up about 10 or so quality sites. I now have no qualms about canceling the DVD option from netflix at all.


This price increase sort of forced me to seek other resources, and I'm thankful. I did not put a ton of effort into it; but have a few marked now.


You can view this list here:




All of these are FREE.

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I don't know why this is upsetting. It seems to me Netflix is offering more and more. We just watched Secretariat on streaming. That would still be on a new release shelf if we were going to movie stores. My kids watched the entire Cosby show (all seasons) this past spring. You just can't get that as easily any other way.


We've been at the level of 2 DVD's and unlimited streaming for $15. It would go to $20. Since it won't change until during the school year, when we don't have as much time anyway, we're going to change to 1 DVD and unlimted for $16.


We will not give up the streaming. There's too many great things come along on it. I just did some kickboxing workouts on streaming. It's cheaper than a membership somewhere plus the gas to get to it all the time. Right now we only have the most basic cable available, so that helps our overall entertainment cost, too.

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Well, we will cut down to 2 instead of 3 discs out at a time and kept the streaming - we have Netflix on the tv, of course, but also on four computers. Some nights hubby is watching a disc and three kids and I are all watching different things. We churn through a LOT of Netflix each week! Only keep cable tv for news, and stuff not available via Hulu, etc.


I only had three discs so I could get through mini-series from BBC w/o having to wait too long between discs and still get "guy" dvds for hubby.


Since before we were buying a lot of DVDs, Netflix is saving us some money! We do not go to movies more than a couple times a year - Potter, of course - but the tickets alone for me and the kids are $42!!! Which is a lot, when I KNOW we will buy the Blueray the day it comes out!!!


Out library discs are usually too beaten up to play w/u skipping, and it is a pain to go out the get, then return, a disc from Blockbuster or Redbox. The few discs that have arrived broken from Netflix they have replaced asap.


I recall the old days when once a movie left the theaters it was gone...maybe later, with commercials, it would show up on tv. A Disney film was only released to theaters every 7 years. Old movies one had to keep an eye on the local channels - Sunday mornings channel 11 ran old Shirley Temple, etc. Then we got cable and 30!!!! channels - plus a REMOTE!!!! And I read in the paper (NEWSPAPER - no home 'puter yet!) about some contraption that had movies on videotape and it cost about $600 dollars. Movies were first sold for $69 or so.....


We are so spoiled nowadays!!!


I agree, but then again, TV was FREE and actually worth watching! :D

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I don't know why this is upsetting. It seems to me Netflix is offering more and more. We just watched Secretariat on streaming. That would still be on a new release shelf if we were going to movie stores. My kids watched the entire Cosby show (all seasons) this past spring. You just can't get that as easily any other way.


We've been at the level of 2 DVD's and unlimited streaming for $15. It would go to $20. Since it won't change until during the school year, when we don't have as much time anyway, we're going to change to 1 DVD and unlimted for $16.


We will not give up the streaming. There's too many great things come along on it. I just did some kickboxing workouts on streaming. It's cheaper than a membership somewhere plus the gas to get to it all the time. Right now we only have the most basic cable available, so that helps our overall entertainment cost, too.


This post is worthless without the name of that Kickboxing workout! :D


Seriously though, I feel about the same way you do. We get a lot of value out of both the streaming and the DVD service. We might drop from two DVDs to one, but I haven't discussed it with DH yet, so not sure we'll even do that.


Considering the cost of cable, which we no longer have, and renting DVDs from Blockbuster, which we no longer do, and buying DVDs, which we do much less frequently, Netflix is still a bargain.


My only quibble is the $3 upcharge to get Blu-Rays by mail, but they did that before too, and my DH loves watching movies on Blu-Ray, so he's willing to pay it.

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