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How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?

How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?  

  1. 1. How often do you and your dh/dw/so go "out"?

    • At least once per week
    • 2-4 times per month (or more)
    • maybe every 3 months
    • Twice per year, at least
    • Every other year
    • Huh? We get to do that?
    • Other

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I'm going "out" tonight with dh. I seriously can't remember the last time we've gone "out"...years, maybe? For sure years. But I'm not sure how many. Several; more than 3, I'm sure. We go do things separately sometimes, but rarely together; usually we go with the whole family, separately, or not at all.


So, the kids are staying home tonight for a few hours while dh and I go to a gathering his cousin has organized at a local pub.


I'm wondering, how often do most of the homeschool community do this sort of "going out" together?

Edited by LauraGB
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Dh and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. In that time I think we've been out together - just the two of us - maybe five times. One of those times was on Christmas Eve for breakfast because our septic overflowed and we went to Lowe's to buy something or other to fix the toilet and ended up grabbing a quick meal at IHOP. :D


I'm not big on eating out in the first place, so going out is not a big priority for me. I'd rather spend the time with the whole family and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. Call me unromantic, but there it is.

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Our social life sounds pretty much like yours, Laura. I may go down the street to hear a friend's band play at the pub, or out with a girlfriend a couple times a year but, mostly, we go as a family or not at all.


We've gone to a couple of adults-only events in the past decade.... I think I can count those occasions on one hand.

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We usually grab dinner while the boys are at AWANA during the school year, and that's once per week, but we've always got our youngest with us and we have to be quick, so I'm not sure that counts (though I'm grateful to have that time alone with just dh and the toddler).


Planned dates -- we shoot for once per month.

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Dh and I only recently started going out. The dc started doing occasional workshops on weekend afternoons which gives us a three hour opening. We have been grabbing lunch together, browsing in shops, etc. DH's high school reunion is in a month, and I am really hoping that MIL can take them for the night so that we can have a real evening out -- I am sure we haven't had one of those since dd was born.

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I voted twice per year. Our b-days are two days apart so we try to go out for our b-days and for our anniversary. The last time we went out it was to see Gran Tourino so I'm thinking 2 1/2 years ago. Ugh, I didn't realize it had been that long. Enjoy your evening!

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I voted "Other."


When my kids were younger, maybe twice a year--for our anniversary and the occasional funeral. (Seriously!)


When they began to be old enough to stay home alone, we would take a quick run to Home Depot. Those were the days! It was wonderful to just be alone, in whatever context we could!


Now, most of our times "out" are still just running errands. The two of us go out to dinner alone about once a year, or sometimes we'll grab a quick lunch.


I'm grateful for the time we've had with our kids. We never felt the need to have "date nights," and I wouldn't change a thing about it even if I could.:001_smile:

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Ours are 15 months and 3.5yrs...so, mostly never. The last time was before the baby was born. We don't leave our kiddos with anyone else until after a year (baby, who really is a crazy little boy and not so much a baby, hasn't been left yet); My babies nurse exclusively (and frequently, like every 1-2hours the fist few months, and never on a schedule), and we intro solids on the later side, so it would be hard to leave them when they are younger. We do go out some, but we take the kids. As they get older, that may change, but for now, it works. DD3.5 stays with grammy sometimes, for a day, or overnight and that's nice too (for her and us :D ).

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Oh, completely alone. My babe always stays with us as well. Um, cannot remember. We went to a short church service a few times a few months ago by ourselves. We just went and came right back(2hrs total gone- including drive time I think). Before that it was before she was born 15-16 months. We will likely try to go out for our anniversary 2 weeks from now actually by ourselves. We generally like to stay together as a family as well.

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Since our girls became old enough to watch themselves and their brothers, we average once a week. Even if it is just a quick trip alone to the grocery store. Our kids have noticed that if dh and I don't get alone, out-of-the-house time for at least an hour a week, we're grumpy parents. :D When our kids were younger, we went out maybe once a month. Dh was a high school teacher most of that time, and he often got certificates toward free babysitting from students for Christmas. :001_smile:

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We used to go out weekly when our older kids were at church on Wednesdays. Now, it has been at least a year since we have gone out.


Then we got dd4. She doesn't like going to the church group so she isn't going yet. It adds too much expense to pay a sitter $20 on top of the price of a meal. Especially since restaurant food has become so very expensive around here!


She is too hard for my older kids to handle so they can't watch her for the random date night, so we pretty much stopped going out.

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Once a month is the usual. Occasionally we miss a month and sometimes, we can go out more than once.


I assume you mean like go out to dinner or something. Now that our kids are double digits, we are comfortable in running to grocery store together here and there.

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There was no option between 2-4 times per month (or more) and maybe every 3 months.


We usually go out once a month. We pick one Friday or Saturday when my oldest is here and tell her not to make plans since she is babysitting. The last couple of times we ate dinner at home then went out for snacks and coffee before seeing a movie.


In addition, we will go out to dinner for my birthday (July) and our anniversary (December).

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I voted other, because when he's actually in port we try to go out once a month at least while the kids are at a Parent's Survival Night at their gym. But we also will go out for dinner or lunch or to run errands while the kids stay home at other times and I wasn't sure if you mentioned something planned like dinner and a movie or just out running errands and I say "Hey, you want to come with me?"

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For our birthdays we go to a Brazilian restaurant that has a buffet. Kids six and under eat free and they give you a free meal coupon for your birthday. We figure we might as well spend the money for one meal and feed the whole family. That's about all we go out.


We haven't been on a date since before baby girl was born. We probably won't go on another one until she has a regular bedtime. With her, I didn't even bother to try using a bottle. It is just a big hassle to pump and my other two never took one past four months anyway.


My brother and his wife live near by, so we occasionally use them as babysitters. But I have a rule of not asking for favors unless we are asked for some too. Since they don't need much, I don't ask much.

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I voted "other." We go out once a month. We didn't always, but for Christmas last year instead of a regular present, I gave dh 12 date tickets. I came up with 12 fun (and mostly inexpensive) things we could go do together. (I did include a couple of date-at-home type things, since I don't see us really going out right after baby is born in August). Each month he picks one, and I take care of all the arrangements. It's been really nice for both of us. Probably one of the better Christmas presents I've given him.

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Dh is really into theater. We have season tix every year for somewhere. The last couple of years they've been to the Shakespeare Theater downtown. Well worth it because it makes us go out. We also get out a few more times over the year. We probably don't average once a month quite, but we get out a little more than every three months. We also go for breakfast dates occasionally while the kids are busy and when they do summer camp we go to matinee dates (he works nights).

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We tend to have always made the time one way or another. Probably less while we were in the thick of homeschooling- but when the kids were young we used to go to movies without them. Now they are older we go out to lunch once or twice a week. Over summer we went to the beach regularly in the mornings.


Dh works from home, and works evenings mainly, so that has always given us that flexiblity. I like having my evenings to myself, too.

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We go out weekly if we can. If not, we might try to make it up with two dates the next week. Earlier in our marriage when our kids were young, we hired a neighbor girl to watch the kids which they really looked forward to. Now our older ones take turns watching the younger. Occassionally dinner, most often errands or browsing books at a nearby bookstore, never movies (because you can't talk through a movie). :)

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It was definitely more difficult when the kids were younger. We went out as often as we could though. Once they were comfortable staying home alone for about an hour, DH and I started going out about once a week. The kids love our date nights. We bring food in for them, and then DH and I go out. :)

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When our dc were younger, we never did, because we didn't use a sitter, and we wanted to spend the time with them.


Now that they are old enough to stay home without us, and they have their own things to do (and we have more money :D,) we go out every other week, usually to dinner and a movie.

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We get out at least once a month to a Catholic couples' group. We usually go out two to three other times, usually to my husband's work-related events. He works in the politics so we never have a shortage of receptions, fundraisers, etc. to go to. For the past four years we've always had one of my sisters living with us -room/board in exchange for babysitting/cleaning- so we have a good childcare arrangment.

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I voted wrong.....I didn't realize you meant without any kids......we have been married 16 years (as of yesterday! :D) and we rarely go out without the kids.....maybe 8 times total in our marriage. We don't have family to watch the kids.


It started when the kids were little. We both worked full time and just made it a rule that we didn't get a babysitter the precious little time we did have with the kids.


Now that I am home, DH still feels that he doesn't get enough time with the family, so we spend time together most of the time.



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When the kids were younger, maybe twice a year.


Now that my oldest can babysit, we go out alone probably 2-3 times per month. Sometimes it is dinner, sometimes just a liesurely trip to the store. They love being on their own and get along very well.

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We go out on our anniversary every year. Now that our kids are getting older we sometimes get to go out other times, but not often. I would have voted once a year if it was an option.


This year we didn't get to go out on our anniversary, but our kids both went on a weekend youth retreat last February. We had TWO whole day of date time!

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We've had a date night once since ds 4 was born. Now we live 2 1/2 hours away from family, so I guess we'll go out sometime when my oldest is big enough to babysit the other kids for the evening.


My littles are in bed by 7:30-8 every night so we do get time together without the kids, just not out.

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