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I DID IT! I finished my degree!

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I just turned in my last research paper and took my last final and I am DONE. I am now the proud owner of a Master of Arts degree in Theology. :D


I did my original master's degree in education back in 1997 before I had kids. And when I started this one I was still living in the U.S. and I had not adopted our princess. Moving to Malaysia half way through the degree then adding an infant to my life definitely made this degree a lot tougher to finish and there were plenty of times that I wanted to drop out.


I am so glad I didn't. So to those of you who are struggling to finish a degree on top of your 5000 other responsibilities I say... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

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I just turned in my last research paper and took my last final and I am DONE. I am now the proud owner of a Master of Arts degree in Theology. :D






ISo to those of you who are struggling to finish a degree on top of your 5000 other responsibilities I say... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

I started (and still haven't finished) my undergraduate degree in ... 1999! :leaving:

You're an inspiration. I need to finish it.

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