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I'm going to London!

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I have no idea what happened. My dad came over tonight to pay me for the ancestry.com subscription I bought which I have been using to research his family tree. He knows very little of his mother's side of the family because her parents died when she was 14 and she was raised an orphan after that.


So, anyway, he just said my brother called him this morning and told him about London. He said he thought I should go -- that it was the chance of a lifetime. I told him that my mom offered to pay for my ticket, and he said I should take her up on it because she doesn't really spend money anymore.


So, dh and I dropped the boys off at their piano recital pizza party and went to dinner. He asked what my dad and I talked about. I told him London. I then said that my brother invited him as well and that he was getting an apartment for 7 weeks. I asked if he would consider coming out to spend four days there (not including travel days).


He said I was definitely going, that I deserved it, that he would try to make it some as well, but that there was no way I was going to miss it. He was all excited.


I was like: :confused:


He asked if that was why I was distant, and I told him I was just afraid to bring the conversation up. He looked confused like I should have no problem talking to him about it.


I told him that he was nitpicking the other night, and he said he didn't know what happened to him but he thinks he just felt so left out of something so great.


Oh, and walking into the restaurant, we were talking about our piano instructor and how her personality is rather dull but how she is a great teacher. I said, "You know, it's hard to find a person who has everything." He said, "Well, you do."


Sometimes I feel like I live in the twilight zone.

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He asked if that was why I was distant, and I told him I was just afraid to bring the conversation up. He looked confused like I should have no problem talking to him about it.


I told him that he was nitpicking the other night, and he said he didn't know what happened to him but he thinks he just felt so left out of something so great.



Sounds like you guys need to talk this stuff out more. :) He probably didn't realize what an impact his comments had and you gave his comments too much weight.


Anyhow...Yea! Glad it worked out for you. :D

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Hooray! I'm so glad you are going. How soon do you leave?


Last night I watched a Samantha Brown "Weekends" episode where she goes to London. She went to an open air market with a friend and ate the most amazing-looking grilled cheese sandwich. I haven't stopped drooling since. :)


Can't wait to hear all about your trip (and any grilled cheese sandwiches you might have!).

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Last night I watched a Samantha Brown "Weekends" episode where she goes to London. She went to an open air market with a friend and ate the most amazing-looking grilled cheese sandwich. I haven't stopped drooling since. :)


Can't wait to hear all about your trip (and any grilled cheese sandwiches you might have!).


We saw that and I want one too!!!!!!

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How exciting (about London, that is....). I spent only a day there last September and FELL IN LOVE with the city!!! It's so beautiful, amazing and steeped in history. I can't wait to take a nice, long trip there some day and really explore! Have a great time and keep us posted on your journey!



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I have no idea what happened. My dad came over tonight to pay me for the ancestry.com subscription I bought which I have been using to research his family tree. He knows very little of his mother's side of the family because her parents died when she was 14 and she was raised an orphan after that.


So, anyway, he just said my brother called him this morning and told him about London. He said he thought I should go -- that it was the chance of a lifetime. I told him that my mom offered to pay for my ticket, and he said I should take her up on it because she doesn't really spend money anymore.


So, dh and I dropped the boys off at their piano recital pizza party and went to dinner. He asked what my dad and I talked about. I told him London. I then said that my brother invited him as well and that he was getting an apartment for 7 weeks. I asked if he would consider coming out to spend four days there (not including travel days).


He said I was definitely going, that I deserved it, that he would try to make it some as well, but that there was no way I was going to miss it. He was all excited.


I was like: :confused:


He asked if that was why I was distant, and I told him I was just afraid to bring the conversation up. He looked confused like I should have no problem talking to him about it.


I told him that he was nitpicking the other night, and he said he didn't know what happened to him but he thinks he just felt so left out of something so great.


Oh, and walking into the restaurant, we were talking about our piano instructor and how her personality is rather dull but how she is a great teacher. I said, "You know, it's hard to find a person who has everything." He said, "Well, you do."


Sometimes I feel like I live in the twilight zone.


Yay!!! Now go and enjoy yourself! :auto:

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Dawn, I'm soooo glad you are going!


I have to tell you that your situation made me remember a couple that we knew once. The story was similar. The dh would say the MOST shocking things, or even have an irrational outburst of anger or irritation and then turn around and be completely rational and normal. He ended up having a brain tumor!! It was finally discovered when he began having some vision issues. He had surgery to remove it and has been perfectly NORMAL ever since surgery. He has not acted like that again. I just wanted to throw that out...not to scare you, but just to ponder.

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London is a fun city. Make sure you buy your pass for the subway/bus in the US because it is cheaper that way.


If you can go to the theatre, there is lots in London and it is less expensive and easier to get ticket than in NYC. If you want the Shakespeare experience, go to the Globe to see a play.


Remember you might have jet lag for a day.


You will never be able to do everything or see everything. But that's okay. Anything you see, just plan to see it on your next trip to London.

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I'm so glad you are going, Dawn!!!:grouphug:


DO NOT miss doing the Beefeater Tour at the Tower of London. Trust me, I've been all over the world and it's one of the single-most interesting things I've ever seen.




There are parts of the Tower you won't see (the chapel?) unless you go on this tour. They are also stationed around the Tower and ready to answer questions-from where is the bathroom to those of greater historical importance.


Also-don't miss the Victoria and Albert Museum. Lots of folks pass it up in favor of some of the bigger names. If you have time -- it is amazing! And I think admission is free.


The list goes on and on... I love London!

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There are parts of the Tower you won't see (the chapel?) unless you go on this tour. They are also stationed around the Tower and ready to answer questions-from where is the bathroom to those of greater historical importance.


It is a history buff's dream!


The White Tower was started by William the Conquerer early in the 1080s!


You can see where Anne Boleyn carved her name into the wall while she was imprisoned.


You can see the armor of previous kings.


You can see the crown jewels.


You can see the Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula, burial place of three queens.


It is mind blowing.

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Oh, have a wonderful time! I love London! Take loads of photos and see as much stuff as you can! Be sure to go to the British Museum. It's free and absolutley amazing. If you can squeeze in a show or two, there are some great ones playing in the West End. You can buy less expensive tickets in Leichester Square. Oh, I'm so excited for you!

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When will you be there? I'm there every couple of weeks. If you're there when I am, you could (if you like considering you don't know me!) come with me to Westminster Abbey (I have a pass to get in free, saves about 15 pounds) and almost certainly to sit in the choir for a service (depending on special events). I'm there a couple of times in July but not in August. Just send me a PM if you want.



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I'm SO happy for you. Your dh must have been out of sorts the other time you spoke with him. A little time gave him perspective. I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm still waiting for the chance to get up there for a weekend away on my own, and I only live a 5 hour drive away. Have fun!

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Oh, Dawn, this makes me so happy :001_smile:!!!




Maybe he read the board. :D


Anyhow....:party: Congratulations and have an amazing time!!!!




I am so very thrilled for you, Dawn. I can't think of anyone who deserves a trip like this more. This is a real faith builder for me, too, because I prayed very hard that God would soften your dh's heart and be supportive. I'm so glad he came around. :grouphug:

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I'm so glad you are going, Dawn!!!:grouphug:


DO NOT miss doing the Beefeater Tour at the Tower of London. Trust me, I've been all over the world and it's one of the single-most interesting things I've ever seen.



That and the British Museum were my very favorite things! Go see the Rosetta Stone, the mummies, the Elgin Marbles, and the Lewis Chess Set (I think that's there). Fascinating!

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