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So, I will take any good vibes, well wishes etc you want to send my way!

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After five months of trying (and a 38th birthday in the meanwhile), I took a home pregnancy test today at 11 dpo...


...and it was POSITIVE!


I had been having some spotting prior to this. And I recently stopped taking Prednisone and muscle relaxers due to a particularly horrible and long lasting episode of sciatica and I hope they didn't do any harm.


I'm not even four weeks yet and dr won't see me til after 7 weeks- anyway please keep me in your thoughts that all goes well... That it "sticks," that it's a normal, healthy pregnancy and baby and so on!


I am excited and nervous all at once, I just want everything to be ok!

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Thanks, all. :) I have a doctor's appointment on July 15th. It's going to be a long four weeks. Every twinge will probably make me paranoid. I just want to hear that everything looks like it should, that there's a heartbeat, etc. Well, you probably know how it is. I appreciate the well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts, etc!

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After five months of trying (and a 38th birthday in the meanwhile), I took a home pregnancy test today at 11 dpo...


...and it was POSITIVE!


I had been having some spotting prior to this. And I recently stopped taking Prednisone and muscle relaxers due to a particularly horrible and long lasting episode of sciatica and I hope they didn't do any harm.


I'm not even four weeks yet and dr won't see me til after 7 weeks- anyway please keep me in your thoughts that all goes well... That it "sticks," that it's a normal, healthy pregnancy and baby and so on!


I am excited and nervous all at once, I just want everything to be ok!


Congrats and prayers for sticky healthy baby!!!!


Why won't doctor see you before 7 weeks????


My first pregnancy was IVF so that was different. But my last two pregnancies I always saw OB within the first month. As soon as I missed my period and a home test was positive, I made appointment and always was seen within a week or so of calling.

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Thank you, everyone.


I had one last test lying around so for some reason I decided to take it this morning using first morning urine, around 6:45 AM (yesterday I'd taken it using second morning urine around 10 AM).


It looked a little lighter/fainter than yesterday's positive did. I hope that isn't anything to worry about.


ETA: (TMI) been having a little brownish spotting still, too, particularly when I wipe. It is so hard not to be paranoid about everything! Sigh.

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I think the difference in shade is possibly more down to slight variations in quality of test.


I spotted with all four pregnancies, and in fact with my second actually bled quite heavily for the first 3 months or so - he was born big, strong and healthy, and continues in rude health :D. I do remember being quite beside myself with anxiety at the time though, especially as I'd miscarried just before becoming pregnant with him.



:grouphug: and best wishes



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