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Etiquette for bringing home restaurant leftovers

Restaurant leftovers should be eaten by:  

  1. 1. Restaurant leftovers should be eaten by:

    • person who originally ordered the meal
    • anyone who wants them
    • everyone-incorporate them into a new meal
    • We don't bring home leftovers
    • other

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The meal is "yours" primarily, for as many meals as it can provide. Now, if somebody wants to ask if you were planning to eat the other crabcake, that's another matter, but nobody better be eatin' my crabcake I brought home without asking! :D


We don't eat out very often, but I want all the meal I have coming to me when we do.


Sidebar: Although it does annoy me when there's two pounds of pasta, but only 5 shrimp. I don't really care who eats the other pound-and-a-half of pasta that no longer looks like shrimp scampi. :glare:

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I voted other. Here's the deal: If I ordered the meal, I eat the leftovers. If dh ordered the meal while out at a fancy business dinner, during which time I ate mac 'n' cheese with the kids, then he leaves me with the kids the next day to go to work, then





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I voted


"whoever wants them"


We eat out somewhat regularly and bring home plenty of leftovers. I really don't care who eats them. That could have something to do with me not really caring for leftovers. They never taste as good to me reheated, so I usually only bring them home so DH can use them for lunch if he wants. There is one exception. If I bring home rice, beans and pico from Moe's Southwest grill, you'd better make sure that you're not eating the last of it without asking me, or you may end up hurt. :tongue_smilie:

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We don't go out to eat very often and usually when we do, I can't finish what is on my plate. It's good food so it kind of irks me if someone eats the leftovers I brought home. So, what are the unwritten rules regarding leftovers?


In our house leftovers are open to anyone to eat unless you claim them "I am intending to eat these" -- and even then if they are still in the refrigerator two days later, they are fair game.

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I voted other. We have a time limit for eating leftovers. They belong to the person who ordered them for a day or two and then they are fair game without asking. In the past, Dh would forget to take his leftovers to work and I politely left them alone to the point that they went bad and went to waste. Now he better take them right away or lose out :)

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I voted other. Here's the deal: If I ordered the meal, I eat the leftovers. If dh ordered the meal while out at a fancy business dinner, during which time I ate mac 'n' cheese with the kids, then he leaves me with the kids the next day to go to work, then







Officially changing my response to "other."

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We don't go out to eat very often and usually when we do, I can't finish what is on my plate. It's good food so it kind of irks me if someone eats the leftovers I brought home. So, what are the unwritten rules regarding leftovers?


I think it probably should go to whoever ordered the meal.


But, I know from long experience that if I don't eat leftovers within 24 hours, DH considers them fair game. At least he gives me that long. ;)

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The meal is "yours" primarily, for as many meals as it can provide. Now, if somebody wants to ask if you were planning to eat the other crabcake, that's another matter, but nobody better be eatin' my crabcake I brought home without asking! :D


We don't eat out very often, but I want all the meal I have coming to me when we do.


Sidebar: Although it does annoy me when there's two pounds of pasta, but only 5 shrimp. I don't really care who eats the other pound-and-a-half of pasta that no longer looks like shrimp scampi. :glare:


That's how it usually works in our house. It is YOUR food but if you don't want it, give it to Dad because he'll ALWAYS eat it.

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If they're my leftovers, I expect to eat them unless someone else asks. I'd be a bit peeved to go to the fridge for lunch the next day expecting to eat them and find that they're gone. Someone else (dh, at this point) can ask--I *might* share. :D

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Other here. In general you can ask the person/adult if you can have some of their leftovers and it is their choice. In reality DH can't eat what I order 99% of the time and I don't normally want his leftovers anyways.


With the kids leftovers we will sometimes order them an adult meal instead of a kid's meal because the adult meal fits their tastes better or is something they can eat while they can't/won't eat anything on the children's menu. We will sometimes eat the leftovers without asking them, or even get them the bigger meal with the plan of one of us eating their leftovers. None of them care at this point in time, but eventually the leftovers from them will follow the same rule as mine and DH's.

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The person who ordered the meal is the one with possession of the leftovers, unless and until that person explicitly gives permission to other people to eat said leftovers. Depending on one's role in the family, asking another person if they will give their leftovers to you may be all right or very rude.


I would be very unhappy with anyone who ate my leftovers without asking, but most of the time I gladly give permission for someone else to eat my leftovers. :)

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I voted other. Here's the deal: If I ordered the meal, I eat the leftovers. If dh ordered the meal while out at a fancy business dinner, during which time I ate mac 'n' cheese with the kids, then he leaves me with the kids the next day to go to work, then






I'm changing my vote. The reality in our house is that if DH wants the leftovers from the work dinner then he'll keep them at the work fridge, if he brings them home then they are MINE.

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I voted other. Here's the deal: If I ordered the meal, I eat the leftovers. If dh ordered the meal while out at a fancy business dinner, during which time I ate mac 'n' cheese with the kids, then he leaves me with the kids the next day to go to work, then






:lol: I think you are right

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Touch my doggie bag and DIE.


That being said, I've brought home a doggie bag when SpecialMama and I have gone out, specifically 'cause I know Wolf will enjoy it, so I give it to him as soon as I get home.


Otherwise, paws off!!! :angry:

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I said "other." Typically it's understood that the original person has claim on the leftovers. But, we will often put leftovers in the fridge with the announcement that they are free game to anyone who would like them.:)

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Other. The majority of the time the leftovers belong to the person who ordered the meal. As a pp mentioned if dh leaves leftovers from his fancy work dinner they are mine. If we went out for Chinese then the leftovers belong to whoever gets to them first.

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Oops. I voted anyone who wants them before reading the first post. I think anyone who wants them should eat them, but only once the person who ordered has turned them down. My leftovers are often eaten by dh with my consent, so I guess that's what I was thinking of.

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I voted like the majority: person who originally ordered the meal .


The person who ordered the meal and had it on a plate in front of them and ate from it and didn't finish it but asked for a doggie bag......GETS FIRST DIBS!! How's that for a run-on sentence? :tongue_smilie: If that person later doesn't want the leftovers they can offer it to anyone who does. I would never just eat someone elses leftovers unless they said I could. Sorry your food got eaten.

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Funny, we had a big discussion about this in our family recently. My DH grew up in a family with 8 kids where it was every man for himself, ie don't leave your drink on the counter or someone else will finish it. I was an only child (you can imagine how much fun we've had over the past 20 years, trying to mesh those 2 worlds :001_smile:). Anyway, the kids and I finally had an intervention and told him to stop eating our food and drinking our drinks without asking. He really saw nothing wrong with his behavior and was perplexed by how irritated we all were. So then we moved on to the subject of restaurant leftovers. Very decidedly, we told him that whoever orders it gets to eat it. He's very generous about his business meal leftovers: he brings them home for us. :)

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We don't go out to eat very often and usually when we do, I can't finish what is on my plate. It's good food so it kind of irks me if someone eats the leftovers I brought home. So, what are the unwritten rules regarding leftovers?



The leftovers BELONG to the person who ordered it, but I think the unwritten rule is (or should be) that if you want to eat them, you must ask the person to whom they belong and get their permission first.


I often have leftovers. My son will often want to eat them. He always asks first and more often than not, I'm happy to at least share the food with him.

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Other. If we went out without kids or some of the kids, then the ones who stayed home get leftovers when we return. If the leftovers belong to one of the kids, then they get a short time (like a day) to eat them or they become fair game. Now that said, usually ds15 is the only one even wanting any leftovers and he will leave mine alone if I tell him that I really want them.

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Other. If we went out without kids or some of the kids, then the ones who stayed home get leftovers when we return.


:iagree: Those who stay at home usually get first dibs on leftover restaurant food. Our dc will save some of their meal to share with brothers and sisters as home.

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