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S/O From your parents down....how many children have been born?

How many have been born?  

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  1. 1. How many have been born?

    • 1-5
    • 6-10
    • 11-20
    • 21-30
    • 31-40
    • 41-50
    • 51-60
    • 61-70
    • 71+
    • Unknown or other

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How many children have been born due to your parents? Feel free to make this fit you family how ever you want. Include adoptions, step-families, IVFs.....as you see fit.


My parents have 9 children combined (2 marriages each)

12 grandchildren born

7 great-grandchildren



WOW 28!


(My maternal grandparents had 7 kids. They each had large families themselves and it continued from there. When my grandmother died, she had great-great-grandchildren. I don't even know the numbers, but I heard my mom say my grandmother had over 100 births to her account. )

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My parents have four children and 12 grandchildren.


My mom comes from a family of seven and I just loved all the aunts, uncles, and cousins. Like adored it and always wanted a large family and all ours were planned...we hope to have more but are taking a break. My dad is an only and hated it.


My sister has 4 unplanned babies (major birth control failures!), but adores her kids and is an awezome mom. She just got her tubes toied at 31.


Another sister has two planned and is done and she is in her late twenties.


My youngest sister has two unplanned babies and she is 23. I don't think she is done. Her and the father split :( and I'm guessing she'll want the option of more children down the road...she is so young!

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6 children

17 grandchildren

18 greats so far


= 41


I clicked the wrong category (31-40). Sorry.


LOL, I had to double count a couple times to make sure I had it right. I haven't seen a few family members since my father's death 10 years ago, so I figure there are probably another grandchild or two that I didn't account for on his side. LOL I just remembered one that I forgot about LOL

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I'm an only, have 4, no greats yet, so 5.

Our family is an anomaly. I know this was not counting my spouse's family, but . . .


My parents: 2 kids

My inlaws: 3 kids


Me and dh: 2 kids


None of our sibligs has or will have children. I feel a little sorry for my kids who have no cousins, and I wish we had more than two kids.


So the total count is two.

That's the same here. My husband's siblings are also unlikely to have children. My cousins and I were very close growing up. (admittedly, that was a different time and different lifestyle - everyone lived in a small town, we had much more freedom, etc)

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Biologically, 4 children, 6 grandchildren.

With steps, 8 children, soon-to-be 11 grandchildren.

My parents are in their 50s, with 3 kids who haven't yet reproduced or adopted, so it will likely grow in the next 2-3 decades.


I was thinking about it the other day and, even though I have a large-ish family of my own, and my ds is the eldest of 7, there are 5 parents involved (dh and me, my ex and his dw, and his dw's ex), and none of us intend to and/or can have more kids. So we're somewhat average, overall. ;)

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I'm counting my mom and step-dad since they raised me. There are 5 of us kids altogether. My step-brother has 2 boys, I have 3 girls, my step-sister has 1 girl, and one of my younger brothers has 2 boys, so 13 so far. My youngest brother is married, but he and his wife don't have children yet.

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My parents had 8 children. That includes a set of twins who died the same day they were born, so 6 of us lived to adulthood.


My siblings and I have 18 kids, of whom 7 are adopted.


My nieces and nephews have 5 kids so far.


So 31 total.


I didn't count my stepsisters because we were in our 40s when my mom/their dad got married.


I didn't count a nephew's stepchildren because none of our family has met them and I am not even sure how many there are.

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My parents had 2 children (my brother was a handful, not bad, just very energetic)

I have 3 children and my brother has none.

So 5 total


My husbands parents have 4 children and 11 grandchildren. All but one of the 4 children have 3 children, but we're not sure if 2 of them are done having kids.


No great grandkids on either side as our oldest son is the oldest grandchild on both sides and he's only just turned 12.


Now if you go back another generation the numbers get a bit bigger.

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My parents & step parents collectively have 10 children.


We have 2 children, and my brother is expecting one this winter.


That makes 12 so far with one on the way.


However, my brothers & stepsisters are all younger. The oldest is 23 (his girlfriend is expecting), the next one is 21 (his girlfriend graduated from high school & moved into his apartment yesterday-- they're trying to have a baby now), and on they go... down to Nick who is only 8.

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My parents have 2 kids (my sister and I)


My SO and I have 7 total (but one of them would be my step son) and my sister has one


Considering the oldest one of the bunch will be 12 next month, it stops there for a lil while longer...That means 10 total...


My SO's parents, let me think, one for his mom and dad and one more for his mom (2 then)


My SO and I have 7 total (3 are step sons) and his brother has 2 (one is a step son)


That makes 11 total on that side.


If we went went back another generation on my SO's side, I'd probably get lost.

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My parents, their children (2), my children (2), my brother's child (1), my steps (2) = Total of 9. I'm hoping for a few grandkids. I actually don't have to have a ton, although I've told my kids I expect between 3 and 4 a piece :) I do know that the more you have, the different it becomes. And, of course, it depends on if they live near or far. :)

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