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Would this bother you?

Would a spouse taking a bite of your food before you bother you?  

  1. 1. Would a spouse taking a bite of your food before you bother you?

    • Don't be bitin' my bar!
    • We're married, we share everything. *sigh*

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If it was done without asking first, I would find it rude.


If it was a pre-established ritual, not rude at all.


However, I enjoy having the first taste and dh knows this so he respects my food desires, and I respect his. Which he sometimes wants to eat half of what I am eating. LOL It's all fair in love and war, right?

Edited by lmkzbcb
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Well, I am clearly in the minority, LOL. DH said I am insane.

The whole thing was pretty much ruined for me. There were lip marks in the chocolate. :ack2:


The sigh was not to make fun of anyone. I put it because Dh was being all gooshy, "We're married, we share everything. How can you be mad?" :glare:


FWIW, I probably would have offered him a bite. I usually do, but opening up that paper and seeing that first, precious bite gone. :svengo:

The bolded would bug me. There are some things I don't mind sharing but there are quite a few that I do mind. The sharing of food to me means you can have your own plate or bowl and have half of what I have.


The same with the sharing of drinks. Dh thinks nothing of sharing a drink. It makes me bonkers. I actually just give him my drink once he drinks from my cup or bottle.


I don't share shampoo, soap or lotion with dh either.


My mom has been known to wear my dad's clean socks if her feet are cold. I can't fathom wearing dh's socks. The idea just makes me cringe.


I think the only personal item I would willingly share with dh is his clean sweatshirts.

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I guess I'm weird. Yes, it would bother me!! Now if dh purchased a bar for me , and then I offered him a bite -- that would be more like it. And likewise, I would never take a bite of his first because I'd feel I was being disrespectful. I might possibly ask if he minded me having a bite, but I wouldn't actually take one unless he wanted to share it with me.


Believe me, we do share a lot, but it is always done with consideration.




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no "other" on the poll?? ;) I'm so used to my husband stealing my food and taking bites of things it wouldn't bother me. He's says he does it "para quitar el veneno" lol (to remove the poison from the food... it's funnier in Spanish. :tongue_smilie: )

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It wouldn't bother me in the least, not even if one of the kids do it. I don't really have food issues. I don't even mind if someone else takes the last of something as long as they let me know so that I can replace it. Also, even though I am extremely OCD about sticky stuff, I have no problem what-so-ever eating something that my grandbaby has slobbered on and spit out.


I do have a question though: for the people that it bothers, is it a germ thing or an ownership thing?

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I do have a question though: for the people that it bothers, is it a germ thing or an ownership thing?


Neither, it is just socially unacceptable. I wouldn't expect that kind of behavior from my friend, why would it be different just because we are married. I expect dh to treat me with deference just as he would with others. Unless it is an already established ritual or pattern previously discussed and agreed upon.

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Oh, I sure hope not, I do that to dh all. the. time.:001_tt2:


That poor man hasn't had an unlicked ice cream treat since we were married!

same here. Only way the poor man can eat unshared is to add chilli sauce!:lurk5:

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I consider myself pretty possessive about my food, and it still wouldn't bother me. The first bite I'm not concerned about. What really gets me is when someone tries to take one of the last bites of a cookie, because I time it perfectly to run out at the same time as the milk.

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Yes, it would annoy me. If you want a bite of my food, have the courtesy to ask first. I would never eat any of his food or sip his drink without permission either.


Yeah, I would be a little annoyed. Not enough to start WWIII, hey, it's a simple courtesy to ask. And I most certainly would have shared. Now, if he had said "I bought this for us to share" I would not have thought anything about it.

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It wouldn't bother me in the least. However, we've been together long enough (19 yrs., married 17) that dh would know if it bothered me and he wouldn't do it if it did.


As for being grossed out over sharing spit, um, we're married. We've done some sharing. :lol:

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I said yes, because that's something dh is famous for. He can't walk by someone with food without asking for or just grabbing a bit. Apparently, they always did that in his family, but it annoys the life out of the kids and me.

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If your spouse ordered you an ice cream bar at Costco while you waited at a table and then presented it to you with a bite out of it(because he or she just wanted a bite), would it bug you?


Poll to follow



no. i would be shocked if he didn't take a bite.



LOL, whoever said "tax" is a bite. we do the same thing! we call it "payment" here. :)


oh, we don't share everything though. i HATE when people drink out of my water bottle. i don't know why, as they can have a sip from another type drink. but sharing my water bottle totally grosses me out & everyone in my family is aware of my dysfunction here. back away from the bottle.

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no "other" on the poll?? ;) I'm so used to my husband stealing my food and taking bites of things it wouldn't bother me. He's says he does it "para quitar el veneno" lol (to remove the poison from the food... it's funnier in Spanish. :tongue_smilie: )


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Well, I am clearly in the minority, LOL. DH said I am insane.

The whole thing was pretty much ruined for me. There were lip marks in the chocolate. :ack2:


The sigh was not to make fun of anyone. I put it because Dh was being all gooshy, "We're married, we share everything. How can you be mad?" :glare:


FWIW, I probably would have offered him a bite. I usually do, but opening up that paper and seeing that first, precious bite gone. :svengo:


I kind of figured from the poll options that you were not happy about it! It honestly wouldn't make the tiniest blip on my radar screen. If I'd asked him to grab me a tiny Hershey's kiss and taken a bite off that first, then I'd be a bit surprised and perhaps a bit annoyed, but a full-size ice cream bar is meant to be shared, imo!

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