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How many times do you type a response or start a new thread and just say "forget it" and shut your browser or close the window.


Sometimes I am afraid of my tone not coming across as I mean it in my heart,

sometimes I think I am so tired I am not making any sense.


Am I the only one who will type a response and not hit that submit button?

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I do it all the time. Worst of all, I post, then edit, then edit again...and then delete. Dumb, really, when the regular frequenters of these boards are really great, understanding people. But I still do it. And then I feel dumb. Because of all of the above mentioned reasons.

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How many times do you type a response or start a new thread and just say "forget it" and shut your browser or close the window.


Sometimes I am afraid of my tone not coming across as I mean it in my heart,

sometimes I think I am so tired I am not making any sense.


Am I the only one who will type a response and not hit that submit button?

I've typed several responses to this thread. Oh, nevermind.

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I do that, too! Sometimes I decide my response was not particularly interesting or helpful. Sometimes it's a controversial issue, and I think, "Do I really want to jump into this?"




I think that's the reason that most often causes me to delete without hitting submit.

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How many times do you type a response or start a new thread and just say "forget it" and shut your browser or close the window.


Sometimes I am afraid of my tone not coming across as I mean it in my heart,

sometimes I think I am so tired I am not making any sense.


Am I the only one who will type a response and not hit that submit button?



All the time, but I am getting over that fear. I decided that I just was way to smart and you all needed to know it.:lol::lol::lol:

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How many times do you type a response or start a new thread and just say "forget it" and shut your browser or close the window.


Sometimes I am afraid of my tone not coming across as I mean it in my heart,

sometimes I think I am so tired I am not making any sense.


Am I the only one who will type a response and not hit that submit button?

Way more than I actually post. :001_smile:

I start new threads all the time, but never submit them cause always end up thinking, "Nah, I don't want to deal with it. I'll find an answer to my question some other way."

I've seen too many things that pertain to my family being discussed in a very disrespectful/insulting way on this board so I am extremely reluctant to start a thread that will end up sharing what is IMO too much information for this board. KWIM?

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F0r me I do it when I realise that my response is adding nothing constructive to the conversation, when I am just telling my own story without it necessarily being especially relevant or useful to the OP's question, or when I feel the OP has received her answer with other posters and I really didn't need to say anything.

Not that I always delete those responses, but when I do delete them, that is usually why :)

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Way more than I actually post. :001_smile:

I start new threads all the time, but never submit them cause always end up thinking, "Nah, I don't want to deal with it. I'll find an answer to my question some other way."

I've seen too many things that pertain to my family being discussed in a very disrespectful/insulting way on this board so I am extremely reluctant to start a thread that will end up sharing what is IMO too much information for this board. KWIM?



I also have 3 friends in real life who are here too (hi MC, EL and HG :-)

and that can give me pause.


Now that I posted a survey about my mom's eyebrows my *FAMILY* is visiting too! Sorry Laura I can't commiserate on your family thread. My mom might read it. I will just say:grouphug:

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Yes, I've done it too.


ETA Laura's quote ~~ Actually THIS is what happens to me a lot of the time



I do it all the time. Worst of all, I post, then edit, then edit again...and then delete. Dumb, really, when the regular frequenters of these boards are really great, understanding people. But I still do it. And then I feel dumb. Because of all of the above mentioned reasons.


ETA Well most of the time


ETA or I will type a really silly or smart alecky kind of response and then delete it because I don't want to offend anyone if they don't get my sense of humor and misunderstand me or think I was being mean or something like that.



ETA Nevermind. :blushing:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I bet I'd have 5000 posts by now if I didn't delete so much. As it is, I'm exerting a lot of self-control in not going back and deleting half of the things I do post.


I've started thinking that I need to put myself through all my children's writing courses, because my words always come out so clumsily...

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I do it ALL the time...I probably type twice as many post as I actually finally post. Most of the time it is because I feel like I won't say it the right way and then things just get twisted...and I am sure someone else can say it WAY better.

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