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I am wondering if I am alone in this.....

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.


You are not alone. I have no interest in any of those things. It's not because of money (although I can't imagine paying someone to color my nails...) but it would just me feel uncomfortable, not relaxed, having those things done.

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You are not alone. I have no interest in any of those things. It's not because of money (although I can't imagine paying someone to color my nails...) but it would just me feel uncomfortable, not relaxed, having those things done.



I can relate to the sensory/personal space issues. I cannot stand to have someone blow dry my hair. It makes me crazy, and I don't do it. It's funny how bleach and foil doesn't bother me. ;)


So interesting.

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You're not alone. I've never done any of those things either. In fact, I've been given gift certificates for some of those things and not used them (gave 'em away to folks who wanted them).


I could see doing a spa day, but that's it, out of that list.


Oh, and once I spray-painted my hair gold. But I don't think that's quite what your friends are on about! :D


I like my hair. I like my nails. My husband gives great massages. Why would I pay for something I don't need or want?

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Never here, either.


I know I'd never keep up with coloring my hair and it would end up looking terrible. And it's expensive.


I could use a pedicure, but I think if I'm desperate, I'll just toodle on my toes myself. Same with manicure.


I wonder sometimes if it has to do with what you grew up with? No one that I knew growing up ever did any of these things. My mom didn't start coloring her hair until after I left home.

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I've never had any of those either, unless you count when we used spray-in black hairspray in 3rd grade to turn my very blonde self into a Siamese child for The King and I. Which, since it wasn't done professionally, I'm sure doesn't count any more than painting my fingernails at home. And no, no particular desire for any of them. I have enough issues with touch that I don't particularly want a massage from a stranger, and the rest I have no particular interest in.

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Two weeks ago I could have agreed with some of it. I have had two massages in my life (one was a gift from DH, and one was from my female) boss after a stressful couple months.


However, two weeks ago, on a whim, I went and got a mani and a pedi. I have to admit I loved it, I love the compliments I am getting on my hands and feet, and it made me feel pretty. So, I went out and bought makeup and hair dye. I used to be naturally pretty but now I need help.

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.



You are most certainly not alone! I have never had any of those things done except for a massage--and the only reason for that was because I got a gift certificate as a "Christmas bonus" one year!


I've also never paid more than $15 to get a haircut, never darkened the door of a tanning salon, never purchased designer anything (though I do have some hand-me-downs!), don't wear jewelry other than my wedding ring, don't even have an engagement rint, and never felt the need to do any of these things nor felt that I should. Sadly, I'm so oblivious that I didn't even realize it until my husband mentioned it! :blushing: So you are not alone.

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I haven't done those things. But I do other things. For example, I like to go out to eat once a week. And I like to get new clothes every season. Not a crazy amount, but a few new pieces. (On sale.)


Each person has "their" thing that they spend money on. Maybe it's books, maybe it's cable or movies, maybe it's food, maybe it's stuff to pretty them up (manicures, etc.) Nothing wrong with any of it! We just all have different tastes.


:iagree: We all choose to spend our money differently. I myself love books and will only buy ones that I know I will use over and over. We have such a great library system that it is hard for me to understand why some people choose to buy them instead.

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.


You are not alone in this...I have had some of those things done, but not all of them...


I use to get manicures before I had the boys...If we could afford it I would now, but it is too much of an expense and it is too hard to keep the nails done...My hands are in water too often, so it is a waste of time and cash...


I had a pedicure once as a gift...I do plan to do it at the beginning of every summer...


I had my hair colored once for magazine photos when I was in college...The stylist wanted my hair blonde :confused1:...I prefer my hair the way it is, so I never colored it again...Mind you I am only 36 and it is not gray yet...Don't know if I will color it once it turns gray...


I have never had a massage or been to a spa or tanning salon...But come to think of it, I don't know any black people who have been to a tanning salon :tongue_smilie:

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I have never had a mani/pedi and don't desire to.


Yes, I color my hair (professionally), and have for the past 20 years. I have prematurely gray hair so, yes, I do color it.


I've had massages infrequently and love them. I would do this on a regular basis if I could afford to.


I've been to the spa a few times, but only when my mother or sister treated me. It's kind of a fun splurge.

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The first time I got a mani/pedi was when the baby was 18yo and the 21yo dd got married, and I got a full-time job.


I've never been to a spa. It seems like a totally frivolous, outrageously expensive thing. It might be a wonderful experience, but I'd feel so decadent I wouldn't really be able to enjoy myself.


Have colored my own hair a couple of times, but have never paid anyone to do it.


I did several sessions with a massage therapist, but it was *therapy,* as in my body hurt all over and I was hoping the therapy would help (couldn't really see any improvement).


You have some very up-scale friends. :001_huh:

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I colored my hair for years on my own and saved us a ton of money. I've only had a pedicure once and it wasn't worth it. I polish my own toenails and use my handy-dandy pumice bar often. I keep my nails filed fairly short with no polish (except for special occasions) and don't feel like I embarass the family too badly - ha!


About a year ago I stopped coloring my hair and now it is a lovely silver with black highlights. I reminded my husband recently that he had better not have any thoughts on trading me in because I am REALLY low maintenance!

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I have never colored my hair, but my grays are really showing!!

I have never been to a spa.

I've had one massage (it was a gift, but my hubby's massages are much better.)

I've had many pedicures, but not manicures. A friend talked me into one several years ago, and I was hooked. I don't do it monthly, but hubby and kids like to get me gift certificate for pedicures for holidays, etc...I feel totally indulgent, but my hubby knows I enjoy it and likes to get them for me. So I probably get 4-5 per year.

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I got a massage once when I was pregnant because my husband got that for me as a Christmas gift. I've also had highlights in my hair a couple of times because a friend offered to do them. I don't do either of these on a regular basis and I've never done the other things on the list. It's just not on my priority list at all.

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Me neither. I've had my hair cut at a family salon twice in my life and both times they ruined it. I've never had a professional manicure or pedicure, massage or been to a spa either. I do color and cut my own hair and paint my fingers and toes myself though and dh gives me massages somtimes. :)

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I've had my nails done once, and it was for my wedding, partly because I wanted acrylic nails on my thumbs, which I tended to bite, because I wanted them to look nice in pictures.


I think I've had my hair professionally trimmed twice, and once was because I also wanted them to see what they could do for the wedding. (I ended up not caring for that look, did my hair myself for the wedding, and had the salon just do my nails and makeup.) My hair is straight, fairly thick, and almost to my knees; I trim it myself when it needs it.


Never have colored my hair at all, myself or from a salon. Only have ever had a massage when it was part of my chiropractor's protocol, wouldn't probably be comfortable having one otherwise. (Except from DH; that's different.) Have never had a pedicure and have never been to a spa.


Guess I'm not very girly. :)

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.

Count me in the club.

I'd like to get a pedicure, but I've never found someone to go with me. Admittedly, I haven't tried very hard. Every time I get close to just going, I read some news article about some awful fungus or something someone got from a pedicure.

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I haven't done those things. But I do other things. For example, I like to go out to eat once a week. And I like to get new clothes every season. Not a crazy amount, but a few new pieces. (On sale.)


Each person has "their" thing that they spend money on. Maybe it's books, maybe it's cable or movies, maybe it's food, maybe it's stuff to pretty them up (manicures, etc.) Nothing wrong with any of it! We just all have different tastes.



Everyone does have their thing. Mine is getting my hair done every 8 weeks. I probably wouldn't go that often, but my friend and I go together. She is a meteorologists on tv and she HAS too go that often. I enjoy going with her.


I have had pedicures during my pregnancies (I couldn't reach my toes). But I have only had one facial. DH gave it to me as a mother's day gift and it was WONDERFUL! I would go again, but I probably wouldn't buy it for myself.

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I don't think it's weird that you don't do those things regularly.


I'm a little surprised that you haven't had any done at any point in your life (just because I know even people who usually don't partake will sometimes splurge, be gifted, or try one or more of the above for a big day - graduation, wedding, etc. whether as the the person of honor OR as part of the person of honor's party) ... but that's more a reflection of me than it is of you.


It isn't necessarily related to being a cheapskate, either; if it doesn't interest you, it doesn't interest you - at any price, even free :D.


I like massages and spas, so I do partake in those. I let my kids paint my nails, and keep my graying hair au naturel. For now LOL.

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I used to get manicures every now and then when i was young and single (manicures are very cheap here) but I haven't had one in I don't know how long. Years, for sure. I've never had a pedicure (or a massage, for that matter) because I'm just not keen on the whole physical aspect of it, but my feet look pretty awful. My mom had the first manicure of her life for my wedding.


I just decided the other day that I need to start coloring my hair but have been wondering whether to try it myself or go to the pros. I've never done it before but there's getting to be a lot of gray, and I'm going back to work pt and want to look more professional. (Presumably this also means getting a haircut more than once every 9 or 10 months :001_smile:.)


If I were made of money the one big thing I would do would be to get my hair blown out often. At the moment I have neither the time, money, nor inclination, but it does look really good.


While these kinds of things have never been a priority for me personally, I know a lot of women who do spend time and money on their grooming and I have to say, they look great. A lot better than me, at least. I think looking polished goes a long way as you get older.

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.

Never had a Manicure/Pedicure, was talked into getting my hair colored once and I hated it, never been to a spa, I have had maybe 4 or 5 massages, some not so enjoyable but one gal that does them her is really good. If I could afford it I would go to her at least weekly.

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Guest momk2000

I have never had a manicure/pedicure, and at 45, I guess I never plan to.

I had my hair colored at a salon twice, and it looked so unnatural, I hated it. I now color my own hair, and it looks so natural, most people can't even tell. So, I guess I will probably never have my hair colored at a salon as long as I'm able to do it myself. ;)

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I've done all of the above but most were gifts for my wedding. I don't care for manicures. The pedicure was great for my cracked heels but not something I would spend money on (although I secretly want to). My hair I get done every year or so mainly for fun and not any sort of vanity.


Massages though.....oh how I love them. Lucky for me my best friend is a fantastic massage therapist. Oh how I love her hands! :) If I had to pay for them then I wouldn't get them. However once or twice a year I call in a favor and spend and hour or so in pure bliss. :) Everyone should try one!

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Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.


I have had mani/pedi I go once a year when I visit my mother.

From age 16-25 I colored my hair, mostly from a box.

Massage never, I am not really comfortable with the idea of strangers touching me. I don't even like it when they put lotion on my calves during the pedi but I bear it for the pretty toenails.

Spa, wouldn't that involve massages and strangers in my body space? Doesn't sound fun. If I am going to drop that much money I am going to have fun!

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I have never had a manicure or pedicure.

I have had one massage at a hotel spa. That is the only spa service I've ever had.

I had my hair colored professionally a couple of times, but it didn't look any better than when I did it myself, so I went back to doing it myself.


Last week, a groupon deal was $80 (regular $175) for a fantasy day at the spa. Two of my friends and I bought it, so we are going to have a customized facial, manicure, pedicure, lunch, and massage. :001_smile:

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I do color my OWN hair, but the rest don't interest me either.




Most of my friends cannot believe that I do not regularly and never have had any of these things done:



Had my hair colored

Got a massage

Been to a Spa


These things have never interested me. I guess that I am just a cheapskate (I have been saying that all of my life and I had to look that one up =) ).


Please tell me that I am not alone in this.

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