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Would you move into a house that is next door to a large public school?

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Long story that I won't go into, but I'm supposed to go look at a house next week that looks like a great house, but it's right next door to a big public elementary school. I don't know why, but I'm not at all excited about moving into a house next door to a public school. Would you? Or am I just being really weird?

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My concern would be the noise level. I live several blocks from a public school, and during warm weather when I have the windows open I can hear the kids screaming on the playground. I would park myself outside the school mid-day and during drop-off/release times to check the noise level - it could be too disruptive if you are trying to do school to have all that kid noise coming at you from the public school. Also - how loud are the bells to class/recess/etc?


Other than the potential for noise - would your kids be visible when outside (playing/doing school projects) to the schoolkids?

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No, they start too early. I wouldn't want the noise so close to my house. I'm really not kidding. Another issue would be how kids are dropped off and picked up. If the standard is parents pick up and drop off it can create nasty traffic issues twice a day.

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Guest CarolineUK

We rented a house for a couple of years that was opposite a small primary school and it was really no problem at all. The roads got very busy, especially at picking up time (dropping off time wasn't so bad), but it didn't cause us any problems. However, I think a big primary school would put me off, and I certainly wouldn't buy (as opposed to rent) a house in such a location.

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No. It would have nothing to do with the "public school" vs. homeschooling thing at all.


The bus lines and traffic would bother me.

The possible disregard for my property line would bother me. (Not speaking of intentional issues, but more cutting across my lawn, etc).

The noise and chaos would bother me.

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No, because of noise and all the traffic jams during dropoff and pickup. I've learned to avoid the street in our neighborhood where the local elementary school is located during certain times because of all the luxury SUV-driving mom treating their kids like dry cleaning in between guzzling their Starbucks lattes and yakking on their Bluetooths. :thumbdown:

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We used to live next door to an elementary school (wouldn't ever do it again). It was a royal pita during the school year. In the morning, you'd have all the SUVs whizzing by to drop off their kids. In the afternoon, it was a bit less of a bother b/c ppl weren't driving as crazy. There was also no street parking for sev streets around the school as their parking lot was negligible. B/c cars were parked on both sides of the street, there was only enough for one car to drive in one direction at a time. We didn't have any yard/garbage problems.

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You've all made some very good points. I don't think starting early would be a problem, as most schools here start around 9am. And the whole house and yard are surrounded by a very large hedge, so privacy wouldn't be a huge issue, nor would parking as there is plenty of parking for us on the property. But the noise of kids and bells, the driving congestion during drop-off and pick-up, and garbage (if it blew into the yard) would all be potential problems. Great idea to park myself nearby and 'spy' for a day. Thanks.

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It depends where the playground is. We back onto a school. our backyard backs onto the driveway. We get noise during drop off and pick up, and a few times a year when they have evening productions. The playground however is on the other side of the building, so we have very little noise during the day. For me the pro outweighs those little cons. We have no one overlooking our backyard. No house with a second floor towering over us. No bacyard neighbors having loud BBQ's etc... We only have one house on either side of us, we don't have to worry about 3 other houses over our fence. I love it.

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No. I've lived in a house right down the street from an elementary school and in a townhouse complex across the street from an elementary school.


Given a choice I would not do that again. The noise didn't bother me or my husband, but we didn't have any children at that point. I can't say if trying to homeschool my own through their recess would have been an issue.


What did bother me was traffic and the lack of consideration for others. People that thought nothing of parking in our driveway, right in front of our driveway, our parking lot, or blocking our parking lot to wait for their kids. I got cut off driving down the street so often and so on.


The second issue is that the kids were so excited to be out of school, around friends, or outside that they paid very little attention to their surroundings. It was common to see them run into the road without looking, cutting through people's front and back yards(no fences), or riding their bikes through people's yards.


Twice I had to go outside and tell kids to stop fighting in our yard. We had a high curb and several times I had shoo kids away who were doing skateboard jumps off our curb into our yard. I'm not anti skateboard, but I could just see an injured kid as a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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My grandparents lived two houses up from a high school. They loved it because they could walk to the football games and avoid traffic. But they also hated that they couldn't leave their house between 3 and 4 in the afternoon because the traffic was so terrible.


Honestly, in this area, you couldn't pay me to live by the schools.

The elementary school that DS would go to is two blocks away, but we are not affected by the traffic. If we were one block closer, though, it would be a different story. The 'pick-up' line starts 30 minutes before school lets out and traffic backs up down the street and into the residential areas.

The high school four blocks from here is even worse. It is right across from our public library and I won't even go to the library after school hours, as the traffic is dreadful. The kids that are driving are careless, given the number of kids that have plowed through fences in that area. The kids that don't drive walk across the street and either congregate in front lawns or the library parking lot, waiting for their parents to pick them up.

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We just had an elementary school built about 2 blocks from our house (on our street). It used to be a dead end until the school was put in. I think it's OK 2 blocks away, but wouldn't want to be across the street or next door to it. And there has been a huge increase in traffic along our street 3 times a day (mornings, just before noon for the Kindy kids, and in the afternoons).


The upside is that our street finally gets plowed more often in the winter.

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I would not, mostly because of the traffic. The house we had before this one was down the street, a little more than 1 block from an elementary school. In the morning, we had moms racing down the street to get the kids to school before they were late- lots of traffic and it was hard to back out of our driveway. We also had buses go through several times a day, they are loud, their breaks squeal very loud, the exhaust is not pleasant. We also had kids and parents walking across our lawn all the time and leaving trash all over.


Our new house is a few blocks from an elementary school, we can hear the bells if we are outside, it's not loud where we are, but I could imagine how annoying it would be if you were next door.


My best friend has a house a few houses down from this school, at drop off and pick up times there is no parking in front of her house, and parents will even park in her driveway..there are cars double parked in the street and the ice cream truck hangs out, too- too add to the chaos.


I would not live next door to a school or even on the same street. If you are next door, you will also get to hear the loud kids at recess.

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I do! We live right across the street about an 800 student, well-regarded elementary school, with a large playground/neighborhood park.


In general, it isn't a problem-the school has the car lines under control, and while we get kid sounds from the playground during the day, it isn't a problem. I don't send DD out to the playground when the school is out there, but having it there means we have it the rest of the time. We also do go to school carnivals, book fairs, and the like when they're advertised. About half of DD's dance friends go to that school, so she's usually got a friend to spend time with.


I will admit, there are some downsides, like when the kids are doing something that looks fun (like the field day I KNOW will be coming up in a few more weeks) or when we're having a rough day. It's SO tempting to just pull her birth certificate and shot record from the file, walk across the street, and say "Here she is!"

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No. Just seems like it would be too busy too much of the year. And then kids would walk by your house on their way to school and litter and pick your flowers. I really wouldn't want to be anywhere near a large amount of children. But, that's just me.:D

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We lived accross the street from an elementary school and I wouldn't do it again. We had crazy morning and afternoon traffic, people parking accross our drivway to drop off/pick up, and bells ringing all day long including school holidays.


The funniest incident was one morning we were woken up by a roster crowing at the break of dawn. This went on for a couple of days. Finally my dh got up early and rode his bike around the neighborhood until he figured out it was coming from the school yard. The school officials were very understanding and found a new home for their classroom pet right away.


The major downside of living accross from a school was the resell of our home. It took about 3 times as long to sell as other homes we have lived in.

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It's interesting that no one has mentioned a concern about being looked down on or judged by all the parents who pass every day. I think that was really my main thought other than the traffic. Maybe I'm attuned to it because home educating is so rare here and generally looked down on by most parents who embrace mainstream education as well as by many teachers that I've met. I just sort of dread the thought that they'll all be talking about me behind my back, "Oh yeah, they're the crazy homeschoolers in that house."

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No. It would have nothing to do with the "public school" vs. homeschooling thing at all.


The bus lines and traffic would bother me.

The possible disregard for my property line would bother me. (Not speaking of intentional issues, but more cutting across my lawn, etc).

The noise and chaos would bother me.




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No way, no how. BTDT and would never do it again. I lived across the street from a K-8 Catholic school. The public HS and middle school were right down the street. It was HORRIBLE!!! We got the crazy Catholic parents speeding to drop their kids off and the PS walkers who were loud, rude, and threw their trash everywhere. No privacy. They're always walking through your yard and dumping their crap on the way. You get to look out your window and see teenagers making out or fighting on the sidewalk. I never once felt safe letting my kids play outside without my being right there even with our fenced in yard.


We lived on a 25mph road, and yet the previous owners of our house had their DS3 get hit by a car and die because of one of those harried parents on their way to drop their kids off at school.


Did I mention no way, no how??? :tongue_smilie:


I will say that a PS elementary school may not be as bad because most of them ride the bus, so a lot less car traffic at drop-off and pick-up time vs a private school with no busing. But still, never again.

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Long story that I won't go into, but I'm supposed to go look at a house next week that looks like a great house, but it's right next door to a big public elementary school. I don't know why, but I'm not at all excited about moving into a house next door to a public school. Would you? Or am I just being really weird?


There is no way....not interested here and would advise against for several reasons; one of which will be noise if they play ball games there. Traffic and more.

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We live across the street from homes that back up to the local elementary school. Benefits include having a huge playground for our after school/weekend use and *knowing* what's there (ie, it's not some big vacant lot where they might put a WalMart, etc).


Downside is traffic at drop-off/pick-up times. The traffic is not on our street, but makes exiting/entering our street difficult at certain times. Also, if the fields are being used for sports, people just park everywhere, even up our street at times.


I would really not want to live this close to middle school or high school.

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It's interesting that no one has mentioned a concern about being looked down on or judged by all the parents who pass every day. I think that was really my main thought other than the traffic. Maybe I'm attuned to it because home educating is so rare here and generally looked down on by most parents who embrace mainstream education as well as by many teachers that I've met. I just sort of dread the thought that they'll all be talking about me behind my back, "Oh yeah, they're the crazy homeschoolers in that house."


This didn't occur to me at all. Home education is (relatively) common here. Even if it wasn't, I don't think this would have been on my radar.


I had my kids *in* public schools doing their homeschool work when I provided the before/afterschool care for at local schools for the YMCA. :lol:

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Guest CarolineUK
It's interesting that no one has mentioned a concern about being looked down on or judged by all the parents who pass every day. I think that was really my main thought other than the traffic. Maybe I'm attuned to it because home educating is so rare here and generally looked down on by most parents who embrace mainstream education as well as by many teachers that I've met. I just sort of dread the thought that they'll all be talking about me behind my back, "Oh yeah, they're the crazy homeschoolers in that house."


Do you really think other parents look down on you or judge you? I'm probably in a similar situation to you, homeschooling is pretty rare in most parts of the UK, and I don't know anyone else in our town or surrounding villages who homeschools (although Hedgehog used to live in one of the nearby villages). The only way I imagine that I'm different from you is that three of my children did go to school until two years ago, and one still does - it is a very close knit community and I know many, many parents, and still see them at after school activities. None of them have ever indicated that they look down on me or judge me. Many are intrigued, some would like to homeschool themselves but can't because they have to work, or their DH doesn't want them to, others express their admiration at how much we do and how very friendly, kind and interesting the boys are. I'm sure one or two secretly think I'm mad, but they're probably right :D.


The noise, the traffic, the mess I'd be very worried about, but other people's opinions of how you educate your children really shouldn't, especially as I'm sure, from my own experience, that many of them probably regard you far more positively than you imagine.

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I agree with most. I don't think I would buy a house so close to a school.


I live 2 blocks away from a very well regarded elementary school in a very good district and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I have to disclose that my 7 yo dd goes to that school, so we walk her to school, but even if she didn't go there, we would still be within easy walking distance to the school playground and playing fields as well as all community school events, etc; it also helps that I live in a cul de sac adjacent to another cul de sac so there is no way out our way. Closer than 2 blocks and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages: traffic, noise, resale value.

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But, we have friends in the Los Angeles area who do, they are in a neighborhood that borders on a bad area, so for them being by a school is a plus, there is more of a police presence and there are larger penalties for doing bad things that close to a school.


They also live next door to roosters, a neighbor, not the school!

Edited by ElizabethB
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No. It would have nothing to do with the "public school" vs. homeschooling thing at all.


The bus lines and traffic would bother me.

The possible disregard for my property line would bother me. (Not speaking of intentional issues, but more cutting across my lawn, etc).

The noise and chaos would bother me.


I lived across the street from a public elementary school and my 2 complaints were the bus chaos and the basketball courts on the playground that people played on at ALL hours of the night. Other than that we had no issues.

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It's interesting that no one has mentioned a concern about being looked down on or judged by all the parents who pass every day. I think that was really my main thought other than the traffic. Maybe I'm attuned to it because home educating is so rare here and generally looked down on by most parents who embrace mainstream education as well as by many teachers that I've met. I just sort of dread the thought that they'll all be talking about me behind my back, "Oh yeah, they're the crazy homeschoolers in that house."


Unless you put a sign out or something, how would they possibly know? :001_huh:


I wouldn't live next to a school though for the same reasons others have already mentioned.

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I don't think I would, if I had other reasonable choices.:auto:


I think it would be hard to resell.


I also wanted to point out that we are 1 mile from a brand new, very nice elementary school with 5 playground sets in a huge field. They keep the iron gates locked when school is not in session. It's a shame b/c they are nice playgrounds! It baffles me that they have such nice playground facilities there and the kids get one 15 recess a day. :confused:

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Sure, I would. :)


The traffic would be a hassle, but other than that it wouldn't bother me. We already live close enough to an elementary school that we go play on the playground (not during school hours) and we see children walking to school in the mornings while we sit eating breakfast. It really wouldn't be that big a change for us, I think.


Only if the school district is fairly homeschool-friendly, though.



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My in-laws do and loooove it. There is some traffic during morning and afternoon and they always know when there is a game or a play, lol. But the weekends are peaceful and the summers are silent. They do have a large (very tall) fence around the property but it was put there by the school.

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We live across the street from a school. The playground is kiddiecorner from my back yard. We don't have busses here. All the kids walk. So there is walking traffic and some car traffic in the morning and afternoon. But we LOVE it!!!! Really LOVE it!


I love the sound of the kids playing on the playground. It's so sweet. I love the activity around my house. But, our back yard is fenced with a 6 foot privacy fence. So, we do have the privacy.


I let my kids play in the front yard all the time. When I meet people and they find out I homeschool, they immediately know where I live because the kids are always out front!! LOL

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I guess maybe I'm just paranoid. The last village we lived in was very small, and everyone knew everything about everyone. Though some people were intrigued and some were supportive, it seemed like a lot thought we were total nutters. I haven't really gotten that in this area, but we live literally in the middle of nowhere and most of the people I've met in this area are the ones I've met through homeschooling. Maybe I wouldn't get the problem in the town we're looking at. It's a bit bigger, though not by much. And maybe people won't be aware that we've got kids hanging around the house all day. I don't know.

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We live about a block from a jr. high. Where we are, no problem at all. The families that are closer all have to put up with much more noise, garbage, traffic, and buses (with their nasty exhaust). The line of houses in front of the school all have fenced their front yards which is not at all common in this neighborhood. I'd look carefully at the layout and the drop offs/pick ups.


We moved a number of years ago and my husband was very patient with the process and kept telling me the right house would come along. I was so excited I was willing to put bids on houses that weren't quite us. I'm so glad we waited! Take your time and choose carefully!

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Yes! My sister lives 2 doors down from a school and it's great because we walk on their walking tracks, use the basketball courts and swing sets, etc. Of course, we do that when school is not in session. They've had no problems whatsoever with noise and trash. Their street isn't the one that goes onto the school grounds, so no traffic problems either.

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Yes! My sister lives 2 doors down from a school and it's great because we walk on their walking tracks, use the basketball courts and swing sets, etc. Of course, we do that when school is not in session. They've had no problems whatsoever with noise and trash. Their street isn't the one that goes onto the school grounds, so no traffic problems either.



That's the upside of living not to far from a school! The school a block from us has outdoor basketball courts, a parking lot that is empty all summer for biking and skating, and open pool on occasion! I wouldn't want to live closer than we are though.

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My friend lives across the street from a school. The parents use her driveway constantly to turn around. The bus drivers routinely block the driveway and walk away from the bus. Kids cut through her property despite numerous signs and her sitting outside telling them not to. One kid broke his leg on her property and the parents were threatening a law suit!


So no, I would never live near a school.

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With a primary school, I would check on the traffic situation for sure. Some have a long drop-off line; others don't. Other than that, it mostly depends on your tolerance for kids and small aggravations.


The street we live on has a park/playground at one end, and a junior high at the other. There are ALWAYS groups of kids walking in one direction or the other. We know when school lets out, because we can hear the kids walking by our house. It you would be bothered by that, or by having to pick up chip bags or such out of your yard once or twice a week, then living by a school or park is definitely not for you. I can recall a handful of times when I've had to give kids the mom glare or a spoken request to watch their language, and they've always listened and usually apologized.


So, it really depends on the individual. Does slowing your car to a crawl because a bunch of kids are tossing the football in the street as they head to practice make you smile or grit your teeth? If kids tumble into your yard because they are chasing each other when school lets out, would you laugh or shake your fist and shout, "Get off my lawn, you hooligans!" :lol:

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We bought a house about 1 block from the elem. school almost 1 year ago. It came with a fence out front of the teeny yard.


It's true that traffic is CRAZY before and after school - but it;s mostly walkers here. There's no bussing. We go to Classical Con. Monday's so I just park facing out.


I like that the police are a regular presence. The rudeness of parents is apalling, let alone the kids!

An 8yo boy was reguarly licking my dh's car and our fence... his mom was ambling along about 1/2 a block behind him texting like mad. Don't tell me he had sensory issues b/c I went out 2x to tell him to stop - the second time I told him to stop a) I had sprayed a wasps nest on the fence where he was licking and it was poisonous and b) I told him to stop disrespecting my property. Mom stopped texting and said, "You fool! I been tellin' you to stop lickin' her fence. Now you gonna die!"

I about wet my pants laughing.

My fence and car have not been licked since! And as an added bonus, I am now know as a tough woman. :tongue_smilie: Parents nod at me as they go by - or they think I'm just crazy!

My great neighbors next door made me the emergency call for their kids and they fill me in on all the shenanigans at the school. I think it's probably average stuff, but they like to tell me to see if I'll have a big reaction. I just always say that this is a choice that is good for our family and let it ride.

Overall, it depends on the neighborhood....ymmv



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