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Would you ever wait in line over 8 hours

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for something?


Concert tickets



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I know people do it but there really isn't anything like that where I would wait that long in line.


I am reading of people waiting 8 or more hours in line for an ipad 2.



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Well, I'll never say never, but I can't think of a thing I'd wait in line more than an hour for. I'd especially not stand in line for something like an iPad, where I could just wait a few days and order it online. It boggles my mind that people are so into THINGS that they'd wait for hours and hours in a line for them. Concert tickets, I could maybe see--once those are gone, they're gone, and the performers are probably only nearby once or twice or year (or less often). A really really really good school? I might consider that, but since I haven't yet come across a school I'd enroll my kids in at all, probably not :lol: But for a product? No.

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8 hours? I haven't since I was 19.


In my city, we have a huge library sale. It bills itself as one of the biggest in the country. People routinely sleep on the sidewalk to get in when the doors open. I guess a lot are dealers but there are many local folks and visitors who do it for fun. I live just a few short blocks away and can mosey on over after breakfast. I have stood in line for an hour to get in.


But, I am sure the people here can understand that kind of book madness.

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Aside from an emergency, I can't think of anything that would cause me to need to wait in line that long. However, I won't say never because an amazing (imho) opportunity could arise at some point that would require it.

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Not unless there was a disaster and I was waiting for food/water.


The longest I have ever waited in line was during the 2008 election I waited about four hours to vote in the primary.


I do sometime get popular things but I always just wait until later when there is no line. I did wait in line for some of the Harry Potter books but it was more of a fun evening party thing than actual brutal waiting in a line.


If I had to wait in line eight hours in order to get my kid into a good school I would do it.

Edited by Sis
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I haven't, but I could think of some things that I'd do it for... mainly stuff like concert tickets. Example: Dd14 is a big Justin Bieber fan and if he performed in our town, I'd camp out for the tickets. Not because I'm interested in seeing him, but because it would be one of those 'never forgotten' things for her. ;)

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We did it when the first wave of XBox 360s came out. It seems like a million years ago-- it was BC... before children. We had a ton of fun!


I can't think of a current artist I would wait in line for tickets for, at least in that extreme... but if George Harrison was still alive & the Beatles could have roped Julian Lennon into standing in for a sort of reunion tour (or if I had been alive during the real Beatlemania...)-- In a heartbeat.

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When I was in college, me and a group of friends waited in line for three days for a special midnight showing of the last Star Wars movie. I kid you not. We pitched a tent just next to the doors outside- the theater had designated a special place for us to wait, since we weren't the only people waiting days ahead- and sat. For three days. It was actually quite fun, though I don't think my back has ever recovered from sleeping on nothing but concrete and a thin sleeping bag for that many nights.

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I would wait in line that long only if I had to, but yes I would if there was no other option. A friend of mine was from East Germany and had defected with her family when the wall was still up. I remember one time being out with her and her mother at a store and we (being teenagers at the time) were complaining that the line was so long and we were sick of waiting. I think we had to wait something like 25 minutes or so. The mother exploded on us and told us we were so spoiled and didn't know ANYTHING about waiting. She told us that in Germany she had to wait in line for 5-6 hours for bread that you didn't even know if they would still have when you finally got to the front of the line. You had to wait for shoes, clothes, butter, milk, EVERYTHING. She told us we were spoiled and didn't know anything about anything. I always remember that and I think if it were a situation like that, where I had to wait in a line to feed my family, YES I would wait, but for concert tickets etc no.

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Wait, WHAT????????


You had to wait in line for that??????




You won't believe this one. We waited in line overnight back in the 80's for a special mortgage rate of somewhere around 10% on our first house!!! HA
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Growing up, I used to stand in line for hours to buy food.


We camped out for days near the consulate to get our passports processed and get the heck out of USSR. :glare:


Here, it would take an emergency to get me to stand in line for hours.

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Short of an emergency, no.


When I was in grad school, people would camp out to book weddings at the university's chapel (they had a strict policy of not booking more than a year in advance). I thought it was insane, but as a grad student I'm sure that I had nowhere near the attachment of those who attended as undergrads. I think that it was possible to get a slot without camping, but people did it for the more popular May and June wedding dates.

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I've done a few of those with my kids, although I don't think we were in the store for eight hours or longer. I think we usually entered the store at about 8:00 and stayed through until we had books in our hands. Much of the time wasn't standing in line, either, but participating in activities. We would usually start lining up at about 10:00 or 11:00 and be able to purchase our books by about 1:00.


The short answer, though, is yes. I would stand in line for that length of time if it were something important to my kids. Personally, I can't think of anything that would be that important to me. But for them I'd do it.

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We almost waited that long for Star Wars Episode I tickets. However, we got some friends together and we took turns. We each only waited for an hour and then relieved each other. I was the final wait and got to be the one to actually BUY the tickets. What a rush!


Unfortunately, now that I have kids I can't pay for a sitter for 8 hours, so I won't be waiting for anything for that long until they're old enough to watch themselves.


But before I had kids, SURE, why not?! I never really understood people poo-pooing stuff like that. If I want to wait and am having fun getting into the spirit of it and enjoying myself, then just let me and keep your negativity to yourself. (Not "you" specifically--just the general "you" who poo-poo such things.)

Edited by Garga
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I have waited in line online for 12 hours, with 35 windows open, for Red Sox tickets many times.


I will never wait in line for anything IRL, or anything else online, unless it is a life or death emergency.


Oooh did you see them when they won the world series??

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Actually I would definitely do it. We went to the movies about 2 hours early for Star Wars Episode 1. We had so much fun! I'd wait for something I was really interested in (maybe iPad2) for 8 hours if I were with my husband and/or friends. Especially since we'd know how long the wait would be and we planned accordingly. It would be an experience. :)

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Absolutely! Back before Fruit Puffs was born, I used to stand in line for hours every first Saturday in December to get the free tickets for the Handel's Messiah Singalong at the Kennedy Center in DC. We'd get there around 5am with thermoses of hot chocolate, card games, blankets--ohhh, the fun that was!!!! Some people had camped out for two or three days for it.


It's much more scientific now, and very dull; you show up the day of the concert and they hand out the tickets a couple of hours in advance. And there's much less of a crowd, since it's a workday. Pbbbbbbbbbbbt to the party pooper management people. Standing in line with hundreds and hundreds of people was just as much a part of the experience as the concert itself.

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But before I had kids, SURE, why not?! I never really understood people poo-pooing stuff like that. If I want to wait and am having fun getting into the spirit of it and enjoying myself, then just let me and keep your negativity to yourself. (Not "you" specifically--just the general "you" who poo-poo such things.)


I'm negative about ME doing things like that because I would be in extreme physical pain from doing it. That's why I would only do it in an emergency where to not do it would cause me only more physical pain. But if you think doing something like that was fun, then go for it!:)

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I never really understood people poo-pooing stuff like that. If I want to wait and am having fun getting into the spirit of it and enjoying myself, then just let me and keep your negativity to yourself. (Not "you" specifically--just the general "you" who poo-poo such things.)


I don't really get that either. I wouldn't do it, but am I glad to know there are people in this world who are far more patient than I am? Heck yeah! :D

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Aside from an emergency situation, I think I'd be more likely to stand in line for tickets to an event than for a product, assuming the product would be available later as well. A friend of mine stood in line all day Friday to get the new iPad2; I doubt I'd do that, since I could just wait and buy it another day (or order it online and wait for delivery). However, if a favorite performer was going to be in the area for a rare performance, I'd stand in line. I'd bring bottled water, snacks, and my iPhone.



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for something?


Concert tickets



Getting your kids into a program/preschool/school


I am reading of people waiting 8 or more hours in line for an ipad 2.




None of the above. I do not wait in line for anything except to buy groceries and that doesn't take 8 hours!!:D

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Oooh did you see them when they won the world series??


No, not in person. Yes, on t.v.


I spend all that time in the waiting room when the single game tickets go on sale. DS3 loves the Red Sox and baseball so much that it is worth it. I don't get tickets every year, unfortunately. There are too few seats at Fenway and the demand is sky high.

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I haven't, but I could think of some things that I'd do it for... mainly stuff like concert tickets. Example: Dd14 is a big Justin Bieber fan and if he performed in our town, I'd camp out for the tickets. Not because I'm interested in seeing him, but because it would be one of those 'never forgotten' things for her. ;)


Well, mine aren't Bieber fans, but yeah! Living in a smallish town we don't see many big names here so yeah if that's what it took I would. The nearest city to us is 180mi away so it's not often we can make that trip. by the time you buy tickets, gas, food, and hotel room it's a small fortune.

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Oh, sure, I can *imagine* circumstances under which I would for my family's basic needs. Food, water, education, some once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... It would have to be pretty extreme, but sure, of course there are circumstances under which I would happily do that for any of them.

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The longest line I waited in was for summer camp. Some people pitch tents and camp overnight. I think I got up at 4:30 or 5 for a line that opened at 7. I think I tended to get numbers in the 2 or 300's. The kids only went to that camp 2 or 3 years so I haven't done that in a long time. I don't even know if it's necessary at that camp.

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