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Would you buy a mattress on Craigslist?

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I have but it was still in the plastic. (And it still smelled like smoke for weeks because there was a tiny hole in the plastic.. fortunately it was for the spare room so it had plenty of time to air out.)

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I would buy new as well, but I wonder why buying used is any different than staying the night in a hotel or at a friends house?


If you are comfortable with it, do it. When you get it home, put it into an full, zippered, allergan cover so that you have a clean surface incase a sheet slips off.

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Nope, because of bedbugs - yes, you can check.. but you might miss them if it's a fairly recent infestation, if the infestation was 'centred'* somewhere else in the room/house, or if you're not positive about their appearances/signs/etc.



*why does that look so wrong? I typed "centered" - and spellcheck wants "centred" ...just doesn't look right at all...

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I would buy new as well, but I wonder why buying used is any different than staying the night in a hotel or at a friends house?



My thoughts exactly! I bought a used mattress for my son once, and now you all are freaking me out! Honestly, why is it different than a hotel? I don't get it?

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It's for my son. We were planning to get one at Sam's but there are many on line that say "barely used." Of course I am concerned about bedbugs but you can check for those before purchase, right? Or is this just a creepy thing to buy used?


Dh and I have before when we were very poor college students, but I haven't since then and wouldn't. . .

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My thoughts exactly! I bought a used mattress for my son once, and now you all are freaking me out! Honestly, why is it different than a hotel? I don't get it?


Staying with a friend is one thing - at least for be because you know them.


But personally, I hate hotels for this very reason!! It's very icky to stay in hotels if you think about it too long. There have been some studies done on hotels and let's just say it's icky!! So for me it isn't any different - I avoid it if I can.

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Ew, I wouldn't. To me it'd be like buying used gym shoes or underwear.


However, since I do stay in hotels and on guest room beds when I'm visiting friends or family...I suppose my reaction could be viewed as illogical.



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My parents have several times. Sometimes it is a wonderful purchase. For example you can tell by looking at the mattress that it is in good condition and the explanation is reasonable - changing a guest room to an office or similar. They have bought some wonderful mattresses for nearly nothing this way. The last time though the mattress they bought for our house and it smelled so musty moldy that I couldn't sleep on it even with plastic allergy coverings. And it looked clean. Ugh.


You have to wonder how and where it has been stored. The last king sized mattress we received came from my mom. She had bought it new then decided she didn't like it (too soft or thick or something). Before she asked us if we wanted it she left it on it's side and the sheer weight bent something inside. We feel like we are about to roll off every night because of the way it is bent - but you can't tell without sleeping on it that it has this flaw. We slept on it at her house and it didn't sleep this way so I know it has to do with how she stored it.


Sam's has good prices. We bought dd a new mattress last year at Big Lots and have liked it. You can buy mismatched sets from furniture stores usually for much less than matched sets (by mismatched I mean the fabric on the mattress doesn't match the fabric on the foundation/box springs). At this point in life I would buy one of those first.

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Barely used bedbugs, barely used dustmites, barely used whatever they may have spilled on it -- where are they going that they no longer need a bed? Or, did they decide to buy a new mattress because this one is so super comfortable? Maybe it is a 'hot' mattress acquired during a home invasion.


So many possibilities!


But, I wouldn't want to have to buy it in order to find out the story behind this mattress.

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I would buy new as well, but I wonder why buying used is any different than staying the night in a hotel or at a friends house?


If you are comfortable with it, do it. When you get it home, put it into an full, zippered, allergan cover so that you have a clean surface incase a sheet slips off.


Because you're not bringing the hotel mattress into your home, for daily use by a loved one. At least, that's MHO.



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