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Poll: How many days a week are you out of the house?

How many days a week are you out of the house with the kids?  

  1. 1. How many days a week are you out of the house with the kids?

    • 0 - Don't even know where the front door is to get out.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7 - We're home so infrequently we should invest in a mobile home.

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DH thinks the boys and I live like hermits. :)


We have baseball M, T, W, Th, F and Sat. - between the two boys.

Scouts on M & W and once a month Th

Art&Music at an academy on W

Ds1 has youth group on W eve.


I think we get out a lot...but I'm naturally a loner, so maybe we are hermits by comparison.:001_huh:

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I ask because we often school on Saturdays or even Sunday afternoons. Why not? And we might be out during the week, but if my husband is working on Saturday, we will do school (or not). ;)


I don't have a fixed, inflexible schedule at this point. Someday I might, but with the unpredictable nature of hubby's work, I doubt it. We enjoy doing many things, and we like being able to balance each week as it comes.


Also, my children are not presently in any co-ops, classes, or outside lessons -- though that is about to change. We are signing up for a few things that will obligate us to be there at a certain time, certain days. I think that will make a difference in how we manage our at-home days.


As it is, we are always out for part of Sunday, part of Thursday, and possibly part of one other day. We can get all our seatwork done in 2-2.5 hours, including all the first grader's written work and all the twins' Pre-K.


We might then clean up, go out, and come back for lunch, a read aloud, and a nap. :D It's a good routine for us. HTH.

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4 normally right now. (Been on bedrest, so a little off)


We are out of house Mon evening 3pm on, Tues evening 3pm on, Thursday evening 3pm on, and Fridays 12pm -630pm.


During dance team season and comp season we also have all day Sat plus 8 full weekends out of the house competing.


This is only counting dance, dance team, and homeschool meet up. Not counting field trips or other sports that are seasonal.

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I keep the car 2 days per week, but when we leave the house we are only talking about 1-3 hours out.


Tuesday - library (1 mile away), grocery store is right next door and I might grab something if I need to.


Friday - library again. Homeschool park day 2x a month from 12-2pm.


Otherwise, we only leave the house during the day if we have a field trip (1x-2x a month) or doctor's appointments (rarely).

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6 days

Monday - Nature program 930-3, homeschool group afterward if I can make myself go

Tuesday - childcare coop 1-4, includes math enrichment 1-230, soon soccer 5-630

Wednesday - either bookclub 230-400 or a playdate, soccer 530-630

Thursday - childcare coop at our house, soccer 5-630

Friday - Piano both kids 1:30-245, usu a playdate after

Saturday - currently both kids have drama in morning, sometimes afternoon piano workshop or library game activity, soon 2 soccer games each saturday

Sunday - nothing scheduled, yay!


We have actually cut down some and at least now most school day activities are in the afternoon so we have time in the morning for school. The kids thrive on this schedule and would like even more activities, I would rather stay home everyday.

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Monday: DD college class; barn. Kids come to work with me.

Tuesday: riding lesson for both

Wednesday: DD college class, choir; kids come to work with me

Thursday: homeschool group for both

Friday: DD college class, volunteers, barn

Weekend: DD at barn. We all out hiking as a family one day.

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To make it financially possible for me to stay home with the kids we only have one car. Which means if I want it, we have to get up early and get the kids in the car to take my husband to work, and then in the evening it's a problem because he often works late, and we're stuck at dinnertime waiting in the waiting room for him (he works at a dental office.)


We do this on Wednesdays so that I can go to Bible Study Fellowship. Other than that, sometimes I go shoping with ds1 on Saturdays, and we go to church on Sunday. I counted that as "1 day" on the poll.

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We sometimes go to a gym class on Monday from 2:00-3:30


Wednesday evening is kid's church from 6:30-8:00


We sometimes go to After School Adventures at the library on Thursday from 4:00-5:00


Today we went to Whole Foods for our grocery shopping trip. I normally go their twice each week.


We definitely LOVE to stay home.

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How many days a week are you out of your house for either co-ops, extracurricular activities or classes, church, play dates, etc?



Where's the "other" choice??? LOL,


It depends on the child.


Both Ds and Dd have a teen group Thursdays noon-3pm.



-takes music lessons Mondays at 1pm and Fridays at 5pm.

-go to chiropractor and PT Mondays and Wednesdays at 2pm.

-has Kung Fu Monday-Friday evenings from 4:45 to 8pm. Some Tuesday or Wednesday she has band practice... but not every week.

-has band practice most Sundays for about 3-4 hours.



-has nothing during the day usually.

-has Civil Air Patrol Thursday evenings.

-has Kung Fu 2-3 evenings a week for 45 minute class each.

-has bowling league Saturday mornings.

-some weekends he has Civil Air Patrol activity. If he is to miss bowling league Saturday mornings, he goes on Friday afternoon to pre-bowl.


The younger kids have activities too, but also attend ps.

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Besides drop-off and pick-up of my older son at the high school, I am out for lessons three days each week: Monday evening, Wednesday mid-day and Saturday morning. These are for my younger son's community orchestra and private lessons.

My older son is now driving and he arranges his schedule so his tutoring jobs occur when I am home so he can take my car.

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3-4 on average. During the week (M-F for us), I like it to be just one day for co-op, groceries, library, etc. One evening a week, I also know I'll need to go out to take DD to dance class, but that usually is just her and me (and come the fall, the baby). Then we usually go out once, sometimes twice, on the weekend. Some weeks are busier than others; next week, I have a co-op meeting one evening, need to meet a friend another evening, dance is one evening, and DH will be out a fourth evening (and no, none of those can be combined). And the one day next week that we don't have an evening event is co-op day (and actually, a birthday for one of our children). It will be a busy week!

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We can do anything from 3 to 6 days a week out at something. Right now my 9y/o ds has:


Sundays: CCD

Tuesdays: Film class

Wednesdays: Science class (starting in April)

Thursdays: Homeschool Co-op (starting in April)

Fridays: Music class (starting in March), Scouts

Saturdays: Football


And we try and do a few field trips and single classes each month. My dds who are in high school have their things throughout the week as well.

Edited by Abkjw01
forgot one
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How many days a week are you out of your house for either co-ops, extracurricular activities or classes, church, play dates, etc?

You didn't ask if the person homeschools, uses the ps, private, or some combination or other educational choice. I think you've got a variety of eductional choices going on here.

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5 for sure, but usually 7.


I have class Monday-Thursday.

DD has dance on Tuesdays.

Library Wednesday mornings.

Library or park Thursday afternoons.

Grocery shopping generally gets done on Monday nights or Sunday afternoons.

Sunday morning Church.

Now that the weather is letting up some, we'll go to the park anywhere from 2-4 times a week.

Soccer will also be starting back up, not sure what day that will be though.


Oh, and every other weekend we visit the grandparents from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon.


This schedule changes every couple months, since it has to work around my class schedule. Next year may be even crazier because DD is hoping to be in the performance squad at her dance school or do competitive cheerleading. (And she'll also be taking violin lessons hopefully.)

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I don't do mornings out during the week, or we get no work done. The exception is ds4's swimming lesson on Friday morning. Dd10 sits and compains, sorry, I mean works, while we are at the pool.


Tuesday and Thursday we are out from 2:15 to 6:45, more or less, although that is partly to save on driving - I collect ds4 from kindy, we go to the beach, then on to dd's activities. Wednesday we are out from 12:15 to 6pm, this includes activities for both kids, and a swim before and after dd's swim lesson.

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I answered 4, but often it's more than that:


Sunday - church from 7:45-1:30 (and sometimes after that if there are activities planned - like this week we have a chili cook-off)


Monday - family day - sometimes we're in, sometimes we're out. This is dh's day off (he's on staff at our church, hence the all day Sundays)


Tuesday - Drawing & Painting class, Piano Lessons, Photography (1st semester), AWANA


Wednesday - Math Olympiad, Science, 3D Art (all at the ALE)


Thursday - Pajama School Day! Most days we hang out in our pjs and are more relaxed with the schedule. We stay home & dh gets the car.


Friday - Swimming, Kumon


Saturday - sometimes in, sometimes out - another family day!


Somehow, we manage to get other academics done during our 4-day school week. It is challenging, tho!

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Do you just mean during what would be school hours/days? If so, none. If you are including afterschool hours/days, then many. We spend a lot of our weekends out and about. We also get out a few times a week afterschool, especially in the evenings.



Oh! That is a good question! I often wish ballet, for instance, was at 6 am. I mean, ice skating & hockey is...why not ballet? ;) If would be *awesome* to get that over with. I cannot even get a musician to do a class before 4. I understand they have to make a living at a 9-5 , but why? lol

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It varies, but I think we are out too many days. Unfortunately, I don't think we can whittle it down much. I try to be home every single Monday and Friday.


1. Tues- Ice Skating lessons in morning

4h Dog club in evening every other week

2. Wed- 4h horse club in evening every other week (alternates w/dog club)

3. Thurs- Piano lessons

4. Riding lesson- which day depends on weather

5. Sat- volunteer at horse farm w/ DD - but this is a

7week commitment and will end in late spring

6. Sun - church


Then we end up out one-two other days of the week depending on which relative needs help, whether or not we have 4h activities other than meetings, and whether or not we need to go to the library, doctor, or dentist.


I go out to the gym 2-3 nights a week as well.


Sometimes the schedule makes me crazy.



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Tue- appointments/errands

Wed- Tae Kwon Do

Thur- homeschool activities with others

Fri- play day....often with friends

Sat- Family day, often out together

Sun- church


Some weeks we stay home 2 days, other weeks we are out everyday. My KIDS are the ones who beg to have "home days!" I am the one who likes to get out.

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We are home most of each weekday, and out most of the weekend.


Monday: our dog goes to a home-boarding place a half-hour away, so I'm dropping her off at 9:30am and picking her up at 5:30pm. We then stay out because I have my diet group meeting at 6pm. There's also a possibility of DD9 doing swimming and diving lessons at around that time too.


Tuesday: DD9 has swimming at 4:30pm and during her lesson I drop off DD11 at her friend's house. The friend's grandma takes them both to ballet.


Wednesday: DS5 has ice hockey and I take the girls fun swimming.


Thursday: we occasionally go to a Bible study at church in the evening, provided that the younger ones have had naps.


Friday: DD11 has ballet at 4:30pm. Again there's a possibility of DD9 having a swimming lesson; I'm in the middle of working out whether we do this one or the one on Monday.


Saturday: DH takes all four DC skating. I try to stay home, but usually end up grocery shopping in the evening.


Sunday: we are out to church for most of the day.


It's tiring just looking at it all!

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Mondays - 11:30 Take 11yo dd to meet up with carpool leaving for gymnastics (it's an hour away). Leave at 3:30 for 4:30 pick up at gymnastics and get home around 5:45.


Tuesdays - Take dd to carpool again at 11:30 and go buy groceries. Take 13yo dd to dance at 4:00 (dad picks up at 7:30), and pick up at gymnastics at 4:30 (dance is on the way). Once more get home around 5:45. 17yo will get 12yo ds to Karate.


Wednesdays - Take dd to carpool at 11:30. 5:30 Take 12yo ds and 13yo dd to church.


Thursday - Same as Tuesday.


Friday - Same as Monday.


Saturday - There is always someone that has to be somewhere or a gymnastics meet. Today 13yo dd is meeting her church bible study group at the mall.


Sunday - Usually church, but this week we have a gymnastics meet.


My plan is to somehow cut some of this out next year, but I'm not sure how. :confused: I am too old to run this hard.

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