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WWYD-Is this mom leaning on me too much?

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Wow. I would not leave my kids with this woman. She is irresponsible and dishonest. Who knows what she will do. Finish the class, staying at each session, and then don't go back. Wow.


Irresponsible, dishonest, and.... desperate? I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I would keep a close eye on this woman and my kids while they are under her supervision. Her behavior is not that of a mentally sound person. The thought of her attempting to put her kids in your car....???? Just nuts!!!!


But what an entertaining read! And I confess I am jealous that wherever you live, you have drive-around-with-the-top-down weather! Six inches of snow here today. :glare:

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Yep, do NOT feel at all guilty!!!!!!! It is NOT your problem AT ALL. And DO keep going to class to enjoy watching your kids - that's why you go and what you paid for, right?? Well, keep it up! Get from the class what you set out to get, and practice at home with your boys. Put this other coach out of your mind - just keep an eye on her during class, to make sure she doesn't cause any problems for your boys. But other than that, put her out of your mind! And she may be outta there, soon, too, if she doesn't smarten up. Surely others will wise up to her ways.

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Don't feel guilty! This woman had choices. She chose not to get childcare before the first class (which I realize can be hard and I would give her grace for that at first). But then she found a way to use someone else (you) for free and chose to go that route instead of finding child care over the last 2 months. When you started to balk and tried to confront her, she chose to ignore it and to try to box you in. Then when you chose to leave, she chose to push her kids on you ("wait and I'll get the carseats!"). And when she was really left on her own, she chose to lie about the situation to the director!



:iagree:Listen to the wisdom of Jean... she's 100% correct! :) You have done nothing wrong. Nothing.at.all.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Wow. That chick is missing some feathers!


Probation?! I wouldn't trust her with a stick, much less a class.


She should be fired.


WSS. Don't leave your kids with this gal. She's not safe.

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I just can't stop shaking my head and laughing at how anyone could have that much gall! If I read this story in a book, I would think it was unrealistic because people don't really act that way. Wow! She is scary.


Oh, and DON'T YOU DARE FEEL GUILTY!!!!! Sorry to yell, but I really really mean it!

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I was out all day long and really needing a pick-me-up . . . this thread did it!


I'm so sorry that (ahem) lady used you the way she did. I'm glad the truth is out and you really don't need to feel guilty. She brought it all on herself. What a trip!


I agree with many others: she certainly isn't mentally sound. I'd watch her like a hawk!

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"I am standing here beside myself!" (to coin a movie phrase)


Let me see, is the woman schizophrenic, living in an alternate reality similar to the Nexus from Star Trek (I only know this by description from my children), or borderline personality disorder/sociopathic?????


Personally, I hope she doesn't come up with childcare and is fired. This does not sound like the type of person who should be around other people's children.


Good grief!



Narcissitic Personality Disorder and she probably really believes that you have an agreement. People with NPD often re-create reality to fit what they want it to be.

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Is this like the homschool Mom's version of those reality shows in which women do really horrid and immoral things? We may not watch that trash, but we can't stop reading about THIS train wreck!


I've been sort of riveted, lol. If this were on tv, I probably wouldn't be watching it, but it's been ridiculously fun to read about it!


Coming soon to a city near you: The Real Homeschoolers of _________! :eek:

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It does sound like she really thinks you have an agreement. Sort of like a common marriage--live together for 7 years and, voila! you're married! You watched her kids for so long that now you have become their babysitter.


Has she ever watched your kids? (Since she thinks the agreement is that you watch hers and she watches yours.)

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I am so shocked at her behavior. And more than a little concerned for those kids. They are so young- babies, really. I can't believe a mother would not have more care over such really young little ones. :confused1: You shouldn't feel guilty at all and shouldn't have to watch her kids. The director should fire her. Or at least make sure they aren't stuck in the car now when class is going on or even home alone! What is that lady thinking sending babies off in a car with a casual acquaintance!

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That gal clearly unstable! Aside from the lie she told, it just floors me that she would try to put her children in somebody's car like that. She knew really nothing about you (since she really didn't hire you!). So to have such a irresponsible attitude toward the safety of those children IMO is hedging very close to neglect and endangerment. I'm glad you held your ground! :thumbup:


My prediction is that the fruit-loop doesn't show again. If she does though and has the nerve to get uppity with you in any way, I'd get in her face with a demand for retroactive salary and an apology for lying!!! YOU are the one who should be furious-not her. She made you miserable for weeks.

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Is this like the homschool Mom's version of those reality shows in which women do really horrid and immoral things? We may not watch that trash, but we can't stop reading about THIS train wreck!


I've been sort of riveted, lol.




And I think she should just be fired. It's one thing to violate the terms of her contract by bringing her kids; it's another thing entirely to lie about it. There's no way to prevent this from being awkward, imo, or to ever know for sure that she's not lying about something else, cheating someone else.


She absolutely needs to pay for the cost of the childcare Stacie provided for 2mos. At the very LEAST, that should cover the cost of Stacie's childcare & laptop repair.


And...I think it would be lovely if Stacie & the director could talk to J together regarding the deceit. (The contract violation would be between the director & J alone.) I think, though, that if one of your employees cheats & lies about one of your customers like this...as the director, it's important that you take some responsibility in rectifying the situation. NOT firing her does not seem like an option, imo. Especially as behavior this crazy indicates...well, I'd guess a likelihood of actual crazy. Not to be around children crazy, because...who knows what else she's capable of? Maybe nothing, but who wants to find out?

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Okay, I was floored when I read the updates. The nerve! She was going to help you move the car seats over?!?!? Seriously, she has to be diagnosable. You guys had an agreement? Wow! The blatant lies and manipulation...once again, definitely fits some kind of diagnostic criteria.


Please don't forget to update us after the next class. I know you've already had the phone conversation with the director, but I am just so curious about how this will play out at the next class. And I agree with Remudamom, I would be prepared for some kind of reaction. She's obviously someone that isn't afraid to lie, so I would not be surprised if she attempts to smear your name to the people in the group. Hopefully the other moms are aware of her and her tactics.

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Aubrey said, "And I think she should just be fired. It's one thing to violate the terms of her contract by bringing her kids; it's another thing entirely to lie about it. There's no way to prevent this from being awkward, imo, or to ever know for sure that she's not lying about something else, cheating someone else."


I agree. How would the other parents feel if they found out about this coach's treatment of Stacie? I would want to know about it if this coach was teaching my kids so that I could decide if I wanted this kind of person as a role model for them. The parents should have this kind of information and since it's not practical for the school to pass out this information, they should find another place for her.

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Late to the conversation, but had to reply! It was like reading the script for an episode of a sitcom! What a looney:lol: Don't waste your time feeling even an ounce of guilt!!!


Nah, it couldn't be a sitcom, because that crucial element called 'suspension of disbelief' would never function. It's one of those stories where truth is much stranger than fiction.

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Boy howdy! She's a doozy. You know, it's one thing to lie if you have a pretty good idea that you may not be caught. But, it's another thing to make up a story that is so flimsy and easy to expose. THis lady does sound like she lives in an alternate universe. Reminds me of a mom of a student I once had. Absolute loonie bin!

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Yikes!! It never ceases to amaze me how many morons there are in the world!

:willy_nilly: I agree, this chick sounds not only nutty, but scary nutty to boot.


I also think this is one of the most entertaining threads I have read on here, I was riveted!! What oh what will happen next??!!!


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If she isn't in compliance by the next class she's terminated. I'm trying not to feel guilty because I know she put herself in this predicament, not me. But still...:sad:

NO NO NO! Do not feel the least bit guilty! If you're guilty of anything, it's of putting up with her behavior for as long as you did. She was beyond out of line with her behavior. I wonder how many people she has steamrolled in the past. Be happy that you taught her that not everyone will put up with it.

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It does sound like she really thinks you have an agreement. Sort of like a common marriage--live together for 7 years and, voila! you're married! You watched her kids for so long that now you have become their babysitter.


Has she ever watched your kids? (Since she thinks the agreement is that you watch hers and she watches yours.)


Maybe she thinks the class "coaching" is when she's watching her kids!



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Yes, the truth is stranger than fiction...


Monday I sat alone as the coach runs into the room in a hurry as usual. She finds (probably premeditated) a poor victim mom sitting alone reading, and whispers something to her. The lady nods sweetly and the three kids are shooed to her. :lol: The kids tried to come to me a couple of times but I just ran them back to the lady, who smiles sheepishly and said their sitter backed out at the last minute so they're supposed to be sitting with her. :svengo:Then she took them out to the playground.


Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:

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Yes, the truth is stranger than fiction...


Monday I sat alone as the coach runs into the room in a hurry as usual. She finds (probably premeditated) a poor victim mom sitting alone reading, and whispers something to her. The lady nods sweetly and the three kids are shooed to her. :lol: The kids tried to come to me a couple of times but I just ran them back to the lady, who smiles sheepishly and said their sitter backed out at the last minute so they're supposed to be sitting with her. :svengo:Then she took them out to the playground.


Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:


Wow, just wow.

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Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:


I am so glad you said something to the director! :thumbup:


That coach has unbelievable nerve!!! She should definitely be fired.



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This has been so much fun to read. I'm not surprised ... not really.That woman has a LOT of nerve. But, the good news is... you are free to watch your children and the director is the one who has to deal with her. I bet you are right. Next week ... a new coach.

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Yes, the truth is stranger than fiction...


Monday I sat alone as the coach runs into the room in a hurry as usual. She finds (probably premeditated) a poor victim mom sitting alone reading, and whispers something to her. The lady nods sweetly and the three kids are shooed to her. :lol: The kids tried to come to me a couple of times but I just ran them back to the lady, who smiles sheepishly and said their sitter backed out at the last minute so they're supposed to be sitting with her. :svengo:Then she took them out to the playground.


Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:


Well, it worked for her before. . . I'm not surprised that she tried it again. Here is proof that it was definitely premeditated.

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Yes, the truth is stranger than fiction...


Monday I sat alone as the coach runs into the room in a hurry as usual. She finds (probably premeditated) a poor victim mom sitting alone reading, and whispers something to her. The lady nods sweetly and the three kids are shooed to her. :lol: The kids tried to come to me a couple of times but I just ran them back to the lady, who smiles sheepishly and said their sitter backed out at the last minute so they're supposed to be sitting with her. :svengo:Then she took them out to the playground.


Today I was in the very back corner visiting with the director. The coach runs in and without a word shoos the kids to the same lady, who looked quite stunned. I laughed, pointed it out to the director, and told her what happened on Monday. She turned a pretty shade of purple, walked over to talk to the victim, and then took off to the back. About 15 minutes later the coach walked out, picked up her kids and left. If I were a betting person I'd put all my money on having a new coach next week... :leaving:



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Oh, oh, oh--it's my favorite thread! :svengo: If soap operas were like this, our hs'ing endeavors would be in real trouble. :lol:


ETA: On a more serious note, the director at this point has shown enough negligence in *her* job, imo, that I'd be looking for another place to take dc when the term is up. HE should have been on top of this *at least* after talking to you a couple of weeks ago. To give her another week to find a sitter was...generous. The sitter cancelled at the last minute? Sorry. Coach already used up MORE than her share of grace when she LIED. The *following* week, she's *still* bringing her kids with her? I don't care if she DOES have an arrangement w/ another mom at this point, bringing the kids is a BAD. IDEA. If nothing else, it just LOOKS BAD.

Edited by Aubrey
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