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what does breakfast look like in your home???

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I am not a morning person, so breakfast has to be easy. My kids are picky, which also makes it difficult. We have a lot of fresh fruit, whole grain toast with butter and/or jam, dry cereals, and leftovers from other meals.


On good days, I make scrambled eggs.


Today, they are having grapes, frozen blueberry waffles from Trader Joe's, and an antibiotic-free, uncured breakfast ham from Whole Foods. They love that stuff, so it's kind of like a treat.

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We don't do cereal, but still not as healthy as I would like.


We always have protein, either egg, nitrate-free bacon, or Canadian bacon.


We have a fruit, usually banana.


We have "sweet"...here is where it gets ugly. Usually cinnamon roll from a tube (organic, yep they have those!), or Honey bun (no, not organic just junk), english muffin with butter, sugar, cinnamon sprinkles, or cinnamon toast.


Once in a great while, pancakes. Oatmeal, but only a few will eat that.

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I don't do a big breakfast....I just don't have time in the mornings.


My kids usually one or two things from the following list:


whole wheat bagel with organic cream cheese

sausage links

graham crackers with peanut butter or Nutella

half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread




organic fruit/yogurt bar

organic granola bar

organic chocolate milk

all natural orange juice

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I typically only cook breakfast on Sundays - then it's pancakes, waffles, french toast, or breakfast casserole. On most days, the kids are on their own for breakfast, which usually consists of toast or bagels, or leftovers from dinner the night before. Ds has to wake up fully before he wants to eat, so he doesn't usually eat til a little later.

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I have a hard-boiled egg and coffee pretty much every weekday. The kids don't get a hot breakfast unless it's something that can be toasted or zapped in the microwave. They have instant oatmeal, cereal, frozen waffles, granola, bagels, toast, etc. This week they're "spoiled" because I made cinnamon rolls over the weekend. I always have fruit on hand, too.

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Today was scrambled eggs, yogurt and oranges.


Yesterday was oatmeal.


The day before was cereal and apples.


Tomorrow will probably be cereal and a piece of fruit, the next day will probably be oatmeal...can you guess what the day after that will be?? :001_smile:


I'm not a morning person. I can't stand cooking first thing in the morning. Not that my kids eat anything anyway. The above menu is pretty much all they'll agree to eat. The menu would expand if ds could eat bread and cheap sausage, but I stink at making my own bread and haven't found a soy free kind at the places we shop (and no I won't make a special trip to Whole Foods or Fresh Market, I refuse to pay $4 for a loaf of bread we'll consume in a single day). The sausage that doesn't have soy is just too expensive. They'll survive on fruit.

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I try to make a double batch of pancakes on Sunday morning, and then they have them microwaved throughout the week. I also usually have english muffins and bagels on hand to toast, plus natural pb/Nutella/various jams. I make eggs for myself most mornings. We all grab fruit of some kind, and the kids and dh have oj most mornings (or apple cider this time of year). If I don't get around to the pancakes I usually make a big pot of oatmeal to reheat throughout the week. When I am really on top of things I make a batch of "sausage patties" using ground chicken and Penzey's sausage seasoning, and those are great reheated.

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Toast, eggs & fruit is the breakfast combo that everyone around here likes (apart from junk/sweets). Oatmeal or granola are for the days in between, and pancakes or cinnamon rolls on Saturday.


I'm trying to move us away from sugar & white flour. We have been eating way too many pancakes. The pancakes weren't the problem - I can make healthy ones, but my kids like to drown them in syrup. :glare:

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This morning we're having baked oatmeal. Yummy and healthy. Yesterday the kids had scrambled eggs and homemade banana muffins, we have cereal at times, peanut butter toast some days. The kids used to have only cereal and a banana, but they're getting tired of that, so now I'm trying to give them something different. I generally have oatmeal, but I eat breakfast before they get up while doing my devotions.

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So are we the only ones who eat like crap for breakfast? We don't do organic, whole wheat or anything remotely healthy. I'm not proud of it, but breakfast is definitely the one spot where I let WAY too much junk into the diet. No one here is a morning person and I have kids who have different schedules. So the 8yo and 5 you usually get their own breakfast. It is either frozen waffles, toaster strudels, bagels with cream cheese, or pop tarts. The 3yo eats the same things, only I get it for him. Hubby doesn't do breakfast - just lots of coffee. I usually end up not eating until lunch.

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Most mornings, it is an "assortment." Usually cheese, whole-grain bread, a veggie, (today was carrots) and olives or pickles. Fruit to finish.


Some days, eggs replace the cheese. Occasionally, steel cut oats replaces everything but the fruit. In the summer, we usually eat salad for breakfast.


We're odd. But happy. ;)

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My DD9 eats her choice of these meals, all of which she makes herself:


Cheerios & milk

Shredded Wheat & milk

Wheat frozen waffles w/ light syrup & milk

Oatmeal w/ b. sugar & milk

Peanutbutter on wheat toast & milk

Scrambled egg, wheat toast & milk


She loves milk!


She'll eat a protein snack about 10:00 am, and since she always drinks milk, I'm not worried about making her eat protein at breakfast. She eats fresh fruits with her lunch everyday and vegetables with her dinner everyday.


One weekends, he dad sometimes makes pancakes.


I eat cottage cheese & fruit for breakfast.

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Breakfast is boring. Almost always a scrambled egg and toast (whole wheat), and fruit. (He ate strawberries almost exclusively this summer.) If he's still hungry he'll grab a yogurt or string cheese. I like the days when there's leftover pizza, because I just give that to him for breakfast. Occasionally I get sick of making eggs and just give him the other things, or sometimes I give him cereal if he's in the mood, but he doesn't really like cereal and doesn't eat much of it, and there's only one kind he will eat anyway.

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This has made breakfast much easier in my house. I leave out the onion and green peppers because the kids don't like them. They usually have one of these (I make a batch on Sunday or Monday) with some toast, homemade biscuits, or homemade granola cereal, and some fruit.


I got the granola cereal from Hill Country Academy. It's delicious and easy to make.


The two older kids can help themselves to breakfast.


Some days I make scrambled eggs. On the weekends we have a family breakfast, but this definitely makes week days easier for everyone.

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Children's breakfasts most days:


- toasted ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat with mayo and mustard

- hard boiled egg(s) and whole wheat toast

- fruit smoothie with hard boiled egg and whole wheat toast

- natural granola and organic milk

- platter with apple slices, grapes, toast and healthy butter, and Os


Some days


- whole wheat bagel and cream cheese

- grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread

- scrambled eggs with cheese and whole wheat toast

- frittata with veggies and cheese

- whole grain, homemade banana muffins


Dh and I have all sorts of things for breakfast in addition to those choices:


- Whole grain Belgian waffles with real maple syrup or honey

- Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and veggies

- Veggie omelet cheese, whole wheat toast and sausage on the side

- Whole wheat bagels with cream cheese and real fruit spread

- Steel cut oatmeal with bananas and maple syrup and blueberries

- Banana or pumpkin whole grain pancakes with whipped cream, maple syrup or honey

- Fried eggs with whole wheat toast, good butter and bacon -- mmm! We don't have this very often :tongue_smilie:


I need to learn how to make poached eggs as I LOVE Eggs Benedict! Hollandaise sauce is fairly easy to make.


I'm getting hungry reading this thread! :D

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Fresh fruit (choice of three or four kinds but must equal one cup raw), yogurt or milk, and hashbrowns or scrambled eggs.


About once every two weeks I make blueberry pancakes or french toast but they still have to drink a glass of milk and have fruit or yogurt or their hungry again an hour later no matter how many pancakes or toast they down. The boy that needs to gain weight, eats cheese as well or nuts.


Once every quarter, I will break down and make belgian waffles.


We do have sausage patties, links, and bacon from our pig but DH likes to have breakfast food for supper once in a while and so I save it for those occasions.



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We typically eat cold cereal.

DS9 and DD8 know how to microwave a bowl of minute-oatmeal (not from the packet, they have to measure)

I make some type of egg once a week

Toast with butter or cream cheese.


We get our fruits in at snack times, normally. They love either fruit or green smoothies as a snack.


I don't allow sugary cereals and waffles are only on Saturday morning.

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OK, well we're not usually up til 10 & I serve a big lunch daily (dh's dinner since he works nights) so unless someone gets up unusually early, they just wait til lunch is served at 11. On the occasional morning we need to be somewhere early we eat cereal & milk. We eat cereal & milk at other times of day too, though--they usually want a bowl of cereal w/ fruit for snack in the afternoon. :)

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Every couple of weeks I spend the afternoon in the kitchen making breakfast for the freezer. I have pancakes, homemade biscuits with sausage, egg and sausage burritos. I also make oatmeal and serve it with fruit once a week. It makes mornings go smoother when I have things in the freezer they can fix themselves.

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So are we the only ones who eat like crap for breakfast? We don't do organic, whole wheat or anything remotely healthy. I'm not proud of it, but breakfast is definitely the one spot where I let WAY too much junk into the diet. No one here is a morning person and I have kids who have different schedules. So the 8yo and 5 you usually get their own breakfast. It is either frozen waffles, toaster strudels, bagels with cream cheese, or pop tarts. The 3yo eats the same things, only I get it for him. Hubby doesn't do breakfast - just lots of coffee. I usually end up not eating until lunch.


You are not alone. If we remember breakfast it is usually whatever you want or can find.

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My mom used to feed me Twinkies for breakfast on the weekends. It was a special trip to High's for the Twinkies.


It wasn't until I was married and tried to give them to DH for breakfast that I found out Twinkies aren't a breakfast food. (You should have seen the look on his face! *snort*)

Edited by Garga
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It looks like chaos? Mass chaos?? Seriously, I hate mornings so if they all get themselves fed, I'm happy. We do healthy (for the most part) cold cereals, the older ones make Cream of Wheat for everyone sometimes, whole-grain waffles (or not...) and sometimes, yes, Pop Tarts. Not all of our kids like eggs, but I could eat them almost every day. So I will make hard-boiled eggs and they can have those plus a piece of fruit or yogurt. Some eat oatmeal; I don't like it. It's kind of a free for all!


That's about it.

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My children think pancakes and eggs are things you eat for dinner.


Their most common breakfast is almond butter and chocolate-hazelnut spread (store brand Nutella) or almond butter and jam on whole wheat bread. Usual beverage is milk, water and juice are options. The youngest sometimes also has fruit, the oldest, cheese. Occasionally they will have dry cereal - Joe's O's or Barbara's Shredded Oats. Milk is a beverage in our house, it is never poured on cereal.

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Between allergies and pickiness (and dh not caring/liking his routine), ours isn't very good either. Weekdays are typically a selection of semi-healthy cold cereals. Not super healthy, but not frosted-sugar-bombs either (we save those for birthdays :lol:). Sometimes toast or oatmeal. Sundays are almost always bacon or sausage with pancakes or muffins (preferably with chocolate chips ;)).


(LOLing because my daughter just came up to me to start her spelling. Her first sentence? "We eat oats out of a bowl." Yep!)

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High protein smoothies and whole grain toast; prawn, tomato and mayonnaise whole grain wraps; omelette and whole grain toast with fruit; whole grain pitta with tuna and fruit; leftovers (tomorrow is pasta, salmon and tomato); scrambled egg with whole grain toast and fruit....


At weekends it tends to be simpler: we all eat low-sugar cereal or toast.



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Ours isn't fancy! The kids get a choice of cold cereal with milk, toast, frozen waffles or pancakes, or some instant hot cereal like cream of wheat most mornings.


Sometimes they might ask for something like fruit and yogurt instead which is fine if we have it on hand.


And sometimes we make eggs.

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My mom used to feed me Twinkies for breakfast on the weekends. It was a special trip to High's for the Twinkies.


It wasn't until I was married and tried to give them to DH for breakfast that I found out Twinkies aren't a breakfast food. (You should have seen the look on his face! *snort*)





It varies widely here. Some mornings it's cereal (usually something healthy from Whole Foods, but veeeeery occasionally Lucky Charms). Usually there are eggs in some form (hard-boiled with a little olive oil and adobo powder, omelet, scrambled, fried), occasionally with whole wheat toast, but usually without. A few times a month I'll make gluten-free pancakes (pumpkin-pecan or with some kind of berry mixed in, sometimes plain), and then I double or triple the recipe so I can freeze them--that way we can pop them in the toaster oven for quick leftovers. Occasionally I'll make GF waffles, and I double/triple and freeze those as well. Lately we've been eating more Quaker oatmeal packets than I like because that's a lot of sugar, but I started mixing in some plain to cut the sugar and adding cut up apples, so I'm working on that.


None of us really want fruit or veggies with breakfast for some reason, so even though I keep trying, I end up relegating those to snacks around here. I'm thinking about trying fried tomatoes with eggs/ham for the others, but I don't like tomatoes, so I'll have to find something else for me!

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Here are a few suggestions that are quick and easy


Crockpot Steelcut Oatmeal



Leftover PB bars (made with leftover oatmeal at weeks' end)



Whole grain cereal w/ sliced banana


Peanut butter toast on whole grain toast


Parfait - layer yogurt, granola, whole grain cereal and fruit


Cheese tortilla - sprinkle cheese on tortilla and heat in microwave


Hard boiled egg and toast



Hope this helps! :)

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Since DS has a multitude of food sensitivities (can't have wheat/gluten, dairy, eggs, and 5 other things) that rules out a lot of breakfast foods.


Luckily, both of my kids love oatmeal - so they have oatmeal (with a little bit of Agave nectar on top) every morning. DS's oatmeal is a special gluten-free kind. I'll usually cut up some fresh fruit to go with it. They never complain that it's the same thing every day (in fact, they look forward to it!) - keeps things pretty easy for me!


I'll either have oatmeal as well, or non-fat yogurt with cinnamon and blueberries - and a BIG cup of coffee... :)

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We are gf/df/sf and I stay grain free.


For the kids they generally have:

scrambled eggs and nitrate free bacon- w/ some fruit- 2-3 days a week

gluten-free oats w/ raw honey or local maple syrup 1-2 days a week( a bit of nitrate free bacon or homemade sausage)

coco flour muffins -1 day a week(these have tons of eggs- so good protein)

cold cereal- w/ almond or coco milk- only on Sat

Sun is a big breakfast- often gluten free and usually grain free pancakes or waffles

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Eggs- usually fried or poached, this morning it was scrambled with fresh cherry tomatoes from the garden. On good wholegrain seeded bread.


Ds15 has trouble with breakfast- doesnt like heavy foods in the morning- usually eats Corn Flakes but I just bought him protein powder and he is loving a protein shake for breakfast.

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My kids are so picky about breakfast. None of them will eat the same thing. So, it's usually some combo of yogurt, cereal, fruit, eggs (for the one that eats them), pancakes, English muffins, or bagels. Youngest loves sausage so she has the with fruit once in a while. Nothing fancy here. I don't function well in the morning....

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We have breakfast late, after the cattle are fed, but I usually do something like this.


Put a bunch of frozen potatoes in a skillet (southern hash or whatever). Throw in green onions. Chop up sausage and fry it, drain, add to potatoes. Put in a whole bunch of eggs and scramble. Then the kids like to put it in a burrito shell with hot sauce and sour cream.


Or do the potatoes, add onions, throw in a meat. Mushrooms. Scramble eggs in and then melt in cream cheese. Yum.


I love these meals because I can do potatoes frozen and already cut up, green onions already in frig and waiting, meat can be ham already cooked, whatever, and I can have it ready in a very short time, so whenever the guys come in from chores they don't have to wait long.

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I swear my kids never ever stop eating. So breakfast for them looks like A bowl of reasonable healthy cereal, and then an hour later, a bagel, and then an hour later, orange juice and a "toaster pastry" and then an hour later, a piece of fruit.


It never ends.


I do not cook breakfast very often. I don't eat it either.

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Usually everyone has something different.

My breakfast every day: 1/4 c. rolled oats, nuked with just a little bit of water, 1 heaping tablespoon ground flaxseed, several shakes of cinnamon, a handful of walnuts, and a huge Granny Smith apple, cut up. All mixed together.

Dd: Hot chocolate made from organic milk and cocoa (and sugar, of course), mixed with coffee.

Ds: Whole wheat pancakes or waffles, or French toast made with ww bread, or oatmeal, or scrambled eggs and toast.

Dh: Meat. And potatoes, if they're available, or toast; occasionally cereal.

Granddaughter: Oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, French toast. Whatever ds has.

Sometimes I'll make bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and toast for dh, ds and dgd.


Ds wanted something a bit different today, so I made him a ham and cheese omelette with toast.

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Weekdays and Sundays, breakfast is very simple. With dh leaving at 6:45, ds1 leaving at 7:15, me getting up at 7 most days, and ds2 getting up at 7:30, we all eat at different times. I keep 3-4 fairly healthy cereals and fruit/juices in the house. Usually hit Panera's once a week, and buy a dozen bagels. Eggs are always available, which ds 2 will often make himself. Saturdays are more leisurely, and dh will often make pancakes or waffles.

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Monday - eggs

Tuesday - muffins (homemade)

Wed. - cereal (I like Wed. morning)

Thur. - pancakes (major pain but we love them)

Fri - eggs

Sat - waffles (homemade )

Sun - cereal cause we need to be out early for church.


I set this up a few months ago and it has made my mornings much easier. It is flexible, if Mom wakes up late or with a headache it's cereal or frozen muffins, pancakes, or waffles (I always make extra).


Breakfast is my favorite meal.

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Ds15 has trouble with breakfast- doesnt like heavy foods in the morning- usually eats Corn Flakes but I just bought him protein powder and he is loving a protein shake for breakfast.

When my sisters and I were teens, and started taking longer to get ready for school in the morning (hair & makeup), mom started buying us Carnation Instant Breakfast, so we'd at least get something to eat (we used to have cold cereal, but when you're a teen, hair & makeup is more important). With the breakfast drink, we could drink while curling our hair.

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