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What time does your husband get home from work?

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Usually between 6:30 and 7, but sometimes as late as 9. It all depends on what he has to work on.


He leaves at 7:30ish in the morning... except when we sleep in, then he leaves around 8 or 8:30ish. Those days I know he will be home late ;)


He's gone 11 or 12 hours a day, thirty minutes driving, one hour for lunch, and about 10+ hours of labor or waiting for labor.

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My hubby works from our house, so in a way, he's home a lot. However, he often works till 11:30pm or so (taking time off in the earlier evening to eat and enjoy family time - as we want it).


Occasionally he has township meetings he needs to attend that start at 7pm (give or take an hour) and can get out early or REALLY late.

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My DH primarily works from a home office, and generally joins the family between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. We also have lunch together, and if we're lucky - a walk to the park!


My perception of normal is skewed, also. :)


When he is with a client, though - all bets are off. If he has a commute (traffic here is bad), I hope to see him by 7:00 pm, but plan on later.


And travel... well, what can I say? He tries to limit trips to 5 days max. But was recently spent 10 days in Amsterdam... Felt like forever.

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7 - 7:30. He often comes home at lunch, though, and works out with our son. He can be home earlier if I need him. He leaves between 6 - 8 in the morning, depending on how stressed he is and what needs to get done. He's definitely in charge of his own time. He works just a few minutes from our house, so he doesn't have a commute.

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Depends on the job and what hours they are working "this week."


This week, he's working 10 hour days and getting to the hotel at 5:40-ish. Next week, if he's still working 10s, it's be 5:10 as the new house is RIGHT there.


But different jobs start earlier or later and sometimes are 8s or 12s or even 16s. There have been times he hasn't been home til 8 or 10 pm. That isn't normal though.


In his last "real" job, he was home by 4pm the first two years then 5 after that.


Anyway, probably isn't much help.

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Some days he works from the home office, so he takes breaks for meals and other family time.


Other days he leaves work when ds is done with school (they drive in together), so he's home about 3:30, then he works until 6ish or so.


And still other days when ds stays after school for marching band or other activities, he doesn't get home until 6 or 6:30.


On days when he goes to the office, he leaves at 7:15 with a 30 minute (at that time) commute. Coming home on Fridays can take much longer during nice weather, due to the beach/shore traffic on I95.

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My Dh usually leaves around 8 am and gets home around 9 pm on a good day. He has gotten home as late as 11:30. On weekends he gets home at about 5:00 pm. He just got this job 2 years ago and only has to commute about 10-15 minutes. This is still amazing to us because he used to have to drive into the cities which was a about of 90 minutes. On bad snow days it could be much longer than that.


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Years ago, when he had a corporate job, he was home between 6pm and 7pm. Now, self-employed, he rarely leaves :lol::lol:! This was an enormous adjustment at first (ie: the first 18 months to 2 years!), and sometimes it still would be nice to have the house and our day to ourselves, but we have actually gotten used to having him around and it is wierd when he's gone.


If he's taking night classes, he typically gets home between 11:30 and 12:30pm, and we never know how early he will decide to leave, or go to work on a group project on a random day, and we are truly sad to see him go.


I have been pushing for dh to look for another corporate job, but it makes me a bit sad to see how little time some of your dh's are home. Thanks for the wake-up call.

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Before we moved here 7 years ago, my dh regularly got home from work between 9pm and midnight. He left for work about 9am. He also worked through many weekends.


Now he gets home from work around 6pm most nights after leaving here about 8:30am. He has worked no more than 2-3 weekends/year.


I like his 40-hour workweek a lot better than his previous 60-80 hour workweeks. His commute is 30-60 minutes, depending on what time he travels.

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Hubby is at work by 7 am, comes home for lunch around 1:30 (this is our main family meal) and then works until about 6:30 to 7:00 depending on the day. However, this is longer than he needs to work so that he's got a little more flexibility in terms of family time on various days. He might take a longer lunch or go to one of my son's specialist appointments with us.


I know not everyone has choices but in our case my husband could have decided to work in the private sector which would have meant significantly higher pay but longer hours. He did the public sector because the hours are reasonable and provide for flexibility. So we sacrificed earnings for family time essentially in our minds. That said, now I just feel fortunate we're in the ranks of the employed at all.

Edited by sbgrace
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Dh teaches and has about a 15 minutes commute. That said, he leaves between 6:30 and 6:45 in the morning, and is home on average between 5:30 and 6:00 in the evening. If there's baseball (practice or games) for the boys, he'll be home between 4:30 and 5:00. His goal is home by 4:30 every evening, but in almost 15 years of teaching, that has not yet happened.

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Sometimes he works from home.

Often, he is in and out throughout the day. (He is in sales. His 'market' is where we live but his office is 30 minutes away from his market. Unless he has to be in the office for a meeting, etc. He works out of the house.)

Othertimes it could be anywhere from 2-8pm.


I can't guess from day to day when he will be home and most days, neither can he.

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DH leaves at about 8AM, comes home for a 1/2 hour lunch at noon, and gets home between 4:30 and 5:00 (usually closer to 5). We live a block from the building he works in though, so there is no "commute" to speak of. He sometimes stays later than that, but that is not the norm. At his previous job, he worked 10-12 hour days 6-7 days per week. That's why he looked for a different job... That place was just plain nuts.

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Mine leaves at 6:30 and gets home anywhere from 6:30-7:00, sometimes later if he has a night meeting. His commute is about an hour.


Dh also frequently brings work home, so it isn't unusual for him to get right back at it after dinner.


Kuddos to all of our hard-working husbands and dads!

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