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How do you feel about traveling outside your country?

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With all the interesting threads today, the one that sparked me the most was the thread about not liking Disney World. I'm a huge Disney fan and love, love, love going to the parks.


What I do not have any interest in whatsoever is traveling outside my country. Actually, I don't even care to travel outside my state! We live in Georgia and travel to Wisconsin to visit my inlaws. We go to Florida for Disney. I have no desire to travel anywhere else. I'm usually heavily teased and criticised for having such a narrow mind. I don't consider myself a narrow minded person. I just don't care for traveling. I love *my* bed. I love a predictable array of foods. I love to curl up on my sofa to read a book, watch tv or be on my laptop.


My DH took me on a cruise where we visited St. Maarten, St. Barts, Saba, and some other islands that I can't remember. It was one of the LONGEST weeks of my life! All I wanted to do was stay in my cabin!


Last comment... I would take a Disney cruise if money were no object. But that's because it's Disney and I can't imagine ever being bored in a Disney environment. :)

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We love to travel and have put the travel-bug in our kiddos! They took their first international trip in December (Italy). They're already discussing our next 'big' trip (outside USA).

DH & I have both lived in multiple states (approx 15 total) and countries. We want our children to appreciate being a citizen of the world, not just of Texas (or USA).

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I love to travel. My dh and I have been blessed to do a lot around the country and we plan on doing a lot more in the future. I wanted to travel the world as a child. However, the only time I've been outside the country was a trip to Costa Rica, which was wonderful.


I have motion sickness, but even rode on a small airplane. 2 or 3 dramamine (sp?) helped me enjoy the trip.


I still would want to see the world if budget were no object.

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I'd be so outta here in June.


We did Disney with my son when my husband had to attend a meeting in Orlando. My son who had by that age (10?) camped at Yosemite, sailed on Lake Michigan, eaten mussels along the Bay of Fundy, etc. was not impressed. He was glad he went so he could understand just what the heck other kids were talking about, but he has no desire to return.


I prefer travel over accumulation of stuff anyday.



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I've been to Europe & Mexico. That is the extent. I went to Europe on a family trip as a teen & Mexico twice with dh (Cancun). I love it, and ifI had the $$ & dh was willing, I'd do it all the time. Dh just doesn't have the desire for this that I do. I'm hoping some day....



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We love to travel and do so pretty frequently. It is one of our priorities in life, so we plan accordingly. I have made it to three continents and hope to get to at least three more. We plan to add one more continent this year. Unfortunately, I don't think we will ever make it to Antarctica. :sad: I tell ya, if I could realistically go there, I would in a New York minute! LOL I would go to the moon if I could catch a ride on the shuttle!


I know people who won't leave their state. They are amazed that we have taken the dc to so many places. It is really beyond their comprehension.

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My husband and I both traveled and lived overseas before we got married (it's how we met) and we have continued that with our children. It's different traveling with children, but I think it's better.


And I like Disneyland too. :001_smile:

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I love to travel, but I don't think we'll do much globetrotting for at least 5 more years. For now, we stick to the beach, little kid friendly trips and visiting family. I don't mind packing up the crew for our yearly trip to Venezuela. It's nice to reconnect with our family and friends there and the beaches are so lovely.


When the kids are old enough to do museums, I do hope to take them to Paris, Madrid and Florence. I'd love to see them experience those cities for the first time.

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I believe immersing oneself to other cultures has the potential to be both life-changing and horizon-broadening. I prefer not to take cruises, though, so the cruise you mentioned would not entice me, either. And I'm admittedly not nearly as daring, in my travel ventures (or I should say dreams) as some people. There is a great deal of armchair traveling I've enjoyed ~ watching Michael Palin travel the globe, for instance ~ that, at this point in life, would be too much of a stretch for me.;)

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before we had any children dh and I bought rail passes for Europe and went to France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, germany and Holland. We made no prior hotel reservations and just went where we thought we would like to go next, when we got to a place we thought we would like to stay we found a hotel for the night or maybe 2..Innsbruck was 5. I would love to go back! I would skip Paris and I never have to see Amsterdam again, but I would love to go back to one or 2 countires for a longer stay...and with hotel reservations! My dream trip has always been the following (since I was about 16..I'm 43 now): I would like to fly to Peru..travel to Cuzco and then walk/hike with a guide to Machu Picchu. If one does this, one can camp there and see the sun rise from that beautiful place. Someday, I guess after the kids are out of the house, God willing i will do just that!

FWIW, I love Disney too..that is where we honeymooned.

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I love to travel. I am taking the kids on a two days each way car trip by myself in September (if gas prices don't skyrocket) with our kids to see my sister's first baby. I am so excited. I love road trips. I love traveling. I love knowing that I can survive out of a single suitcase for two weeks and not have to deal with all the complicating things of life for that time. I'd love to travel overseas (I've only been to England once and Canada a couple times), but we just can't afford it. Maybe some day.

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I love to travel!! Anywhere and everywhere. Right now we are "collecting" all 50 states with the kids (we have been to 37 and in June we'll get to 42). We have had a BLAST doing this. We have also been to Mexico with the kids. I plan on doing some international travel with them on our third history rotation.

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Bummer! I am really the only one who hates going other places? Good gravy, I guess I really am weird.


I'm not amazed at other people traveling or taking their children traveling. There just isn't enough money to entice me to do it. :)



My husband and I really don't have much desire to travel out of the US yet. The only place I would really like to go and soon is Guatemala because my Aunt and Uncle are missionaries there and are not long for the mission field. They are getting up there in age and we want to go while there are people we know that know all about the culture. I think If we knew we had more time we wouldn't feel the need to visit for years. I did go to Guate when I was 16 for 3 months but that is it.


We think the reason we don't really have a desire to travel outside the US is because we want to see as much as possible in the US before we broaden our horizons.

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Right now we are "collecting" all 50 states with the kids (we have been to 37 and in June we'll get to 42). We have had a BLAST doing this.


Mindy, this is a great idea! I'll have to talk to dh about considering this. We haven't traveled much yet with our kids, but we'd like start doing some as they're getting old enough. Getting to all 50 states would give some direction to our planning!


So, when will you go to Hawaii (one of my favorite places in the world) and Alaska?

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Originally Posted by WTMindy

Right now we are "collecting" all 50 states with the kids (we have been to 37 and in June we'll get to 42). We have had a BLAST doing this.

Mindy, this is a great idea! I'll have to talk to dh about considering this. We haven't traveled much yet with our kids, but we'd like start doing some as they're getting old enough. Getting to all 50 states would give some direction to our planning!


So, when will you go to Hawaii (one of my favorite places in the world) and Alaska?


We did this when we were kids and loved it.


We have lived overseas (with and without kids) so we have had the chance to travel without the cost or the jet lag. Right now I want to see America!

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I have loved to travel, but it's finally getting old. I lived overseas for the first time at nineteen and have spent most of the last twenty years in Asia. I know that I am very lucky to have travelled so much but I am starting to yearn for a more stable life.



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You know, I hear so much about how Americans are hated, I'd be nervous to travel anywhere.


I would love to see Italy, the UK and the holy land.


DH is American (actually, he's a naturalised Brit, but he sounds American) and he has had few problems in casual contact with others in Europe or Asia. Of course there are sometimes cultural differences, and politics do come up, but it has always worked to just smile and move on.


Best wishes



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You're not alone! I am a homebody through and through. We usually take a family vacation once a year with my extended family and there is nothing sweeter than returning home after that long week away. I do it only for my family's sake.


On the other hand, I have a daughter with the travel bug! In fact, she will be taking a 2 1/2 month trip in the fall/winter next year with her grandparents to Singapore, the Phillipines, Bangladesh and Thailand. She got her passport last week. Great excitement for her. I'm trying to prepare myself for the possibility that she will be on the mission field as an adult (my husband's family are missionaries). She's only 14 now but I can see the possibility of lots of travel in the future for me if my grandkids are overseas someday.

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We like to travel. Domestic travel, Disney World, international travel . . . it's all good. :)


I have never run into someone being rude to me because I was an American. We had a few tense moments in Morocco (years ago, pre 9/11) but that had more to do with being foreign and not as liberal with our money as they would have liked, not with being American.

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One of my dreams for my children was to take them overseas, because I was taken overseas 3 times as a kid.

First time, age 7, to the U.K, Iceland and the U.S. (I have an aunt, uncle and cousins in Philadelphia!).

2nd time,age 11, to New Zealand.

3rd time, my grandmother took me after my parent's separation, when I was 13, to Canada (Vancouver) and the west coast of the U.S.- including Disneyland. it wasnt such a happy time in my life though.

Since then, I have been to India three times, and Bali twice, as well as all over Australia.


A month ago, I got to live my dream for my kids, dh and I took them to Bali for a week. Dh is like the OP...happier at home, though he has done far more travelling than I have, before we were together. He did this trip for us, because he knew ho much it would mean for us all.

We had an absolutely wonderful time in Bali, and it will be a memorable holiday for the kids.


I love to travel, and I love to come home again, too. I am a homebody, but I doubt I have finished travelling at all. I feel very lucky.

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I'm ready to go just about anywhere. I would love to have the $$$ to travel, and it would not be to just "vacation" spots. My dad did advertising for CCF and Save the Children for many years. He went to some of the most forgotten and forsaken spots on Earth. He came back with amazing stories, beautiful pictures, and the real treasure of meeting brave people living in a state most of us will never experience. I want to see it all, and I want my kids to do the same. So send me to Paris and Rome, but send me to the slums of Mumbai. I want to travel through Africa, Southeast Asia, eat on a Thai river boat, climb in Tibet, look out over the Pacific Ocean as I travel down the Andes, or go upstream through the Amazon Jungle.


I guess I will, for now, look through my dads photos one more time.

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My husband's big on "see your own country first." My son's been in about 45 of the lower 48 states, as well as Canada. We haven't been to Mexico with him (our border cities are a little rough), but we might go on a mission event with a church in Santa Fe (their youth group) to build in Mexico...

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If they have any wine-growing regions, I'm there. :auto:


I can't get excited about Disney. It's just a place to spend money.


But other countries with history and terroir and culture and food traditions--that's super-cool, as far as I'm concerned!


Dh and I love to travel, especially internationally. I just wish the dollar were stronger. We have friends who live on the Isle of Harris we've visited several times. I absolutely love the starkness, the austerity, the solitude of the Hebrides (can you tell I'm not really a "people person"?:D). Before we had kids we drove over most of France and loved finding small family caves (sorry, I don't speak French and don't know the plural of that word:blushing:) and experiencing the best of French country hospitality (i.e. lifting a glass or several with the owners, usually accompanied with just the right bread and cheese). Dh really wants to take the whisky tour of Scotland some time in the future. Ah, well...we can dream...

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Love Disney world and I love to travel too. My dh's job gets us to a lot of places we might not normally go. He is in sales and usually wins the convention trip every year.


This year we are going to stay at Atlantis in Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Yeah!


But I really like the Pacific Islands--loved Hawaii but would like to try some of the other southern island chains as well. My dad loves Fiji and Vanuatu.:001_smile:

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Seriously, our house still has lots of early-marriage-hand-me-downs because every time there is a little cash in the kitty we go somewhere nifty. We could probably also have done more rehab on our ramshackle old house if we'd exercise a little restraint travel-wise, but we just cannot seem to do it!


The only thing that intimidates me about foreign travel is driving. Dh is blessed with a remarkable ability to drive anywhere, know how it all works (mechanically AND in terms of interpreting weird signage), and never get lost. If dh were not with me, I would have to get by on public transportation. When he is with me, we do whatever works best for that particular area.

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I actually bought some new furniture last year, but it's the first furniture I bought in about 18 years. I only buy used cars, keep the heat & AC use to a minimum, etc. I was reading the frugal living thread to see what else I can save on so as to up my travel budget.


Last year we went to the UK and Mexico (as well as travel to see relatives in the US), this summer we are going to France and maybe Hawaii.


I drove in Scotland, and I will drive in France. Exciting!



Seriously, our house still has lots of early-marriage-hand-me-downs because every time there is a little cash in the kitty we go somewhere nifty. We could probably also have done more rehab on our ramshackle old house if we'd exercise a little restraint travel-wise, but we just cannot seem to do it!


The only thing that intimidates me about foreign travel is driving. Dh is blessed with a remarkable ability to drive anywhere, know how it all works (mechanically AND in terms of interpreting weird signage), and never get lost. If dh were not with me, I would have to get by on public transportation. When he is with me, we do whatever works best for that particular area.

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We love to travel. We spent almost 5 years living in Germany. While our friends bought expensive antique furniture we traveled instead. The countries we visited include: France (several times), all over Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Czech, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and Egypt.


As far as seeing your own country first-I've heard that attitude a lot and I don't really get it. Sure, there are things to see all over the US but you can experience a lot more history and see different cultures by traveling elsewhere. The US is just TOO huge to worry about seeing the whole thing before you travel anywhere else. When my mom visited us in Germany and we visited France it was a five hour drive. To quote my mom- "if we drove five hours, we'd just be in Kansas City." It was only nine hours for us to drive through where we lived in Germany, through Switzerland and to Vicenza, Italy. Nine hours wouldn't even get you from Oklahoma City to San Antonia (just as an example). All of that said, I think we've been to about 30 states.


Now that we live in Hawaii we hope to travel to Australia and/or New Zealand and Asia.


I drove all over the place except we took the train to the UK so we didn't drive there and I didn't drive in Italy, that place is CRA-zay.

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I love to travel and I look forward to the day that we can do more of it. We have friends and relatives who are living abroad right now and I want to visit them so badly I can taste it!


There is so much beauty in the world. So much to see and do. I want to see a lot more of America and I want to see a lot more of the world while I can still enjoy it.

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You could easily arrange for a WTM tour of the US through this board. I'm confident that there are many of us who would be thrilled to host you and your children.


Now wouldn't that be fun??




Yes! :iagree: Peela, come 'up over'! I'd gladly repay the favor by touring West (or any part!) Oz. ;)

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I have never been outside the US except to Canada, but I would love to go to Europe. Dh, otoh, has no desire to leave the country, hates to fly and thinks it's dangerous to travel right now, so we will have to content ourselves with World Showcase at Epcot!

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The outlook I've gained by growing up overseas is priceless. My one reget in raising my children is that we have not, so far, been able to give them the experience of traveling overseas.


I"m terrified of flying, but I refuse to let it stop me. I love to travel. I love to experience different cultures, and explore new places.

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I have nothing at all against Disney, and I'm positive my family would love a trip to Disney World, or Disneyland, or a Disney cruise.


That said, I would much rather visit other countries. I like to be exposed to different viewpoints and experience other cultures. One of the things I liked best about living in Hawaii was interacting with all the tourists from all over the world!


I think it's a balance between entertainment (which I enjoy) and broadening my experience (which I also enjoy). If I had the money, I'd like to do both on a regular basis. :D

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I love to travel. I would love to be able to travel with DD. I would love to do a stint in the Peace Corps. Please, send me to Tasjikistan or Outer Mongolia, I've never been! I would love to re-visit places I went on my ship in the Navy and only got to do a day or two of sightseeing/community relations projects at. I didn't get to see as much of Japan as I'd have like, either, and I was stationed there. I want to climb Mt. Fuji, and I want to ride a bike around Saipan and take DD snorkeling and sail across and ocean that deep BLUE again, and lie out on a darkened ship and see the STARS without waste light from the cities interfering in the view.


I want to go to Europe, where all I've seen in person is an airport, and go back to the Middle East as a tourist and see all the cool malls in Dubai and ride a camel in some tourist jaunt in Egypt to see pyramids... I want to go back to Australia, I loved Darwin when we visited there and would like to go to more of the National Parks there. And I'd love to go to New Zealand, and to South America, and to some of the big national parks in the U.S., and actually go to Mexico (crazy I've never been there and it's just a few hours' drive, but I've been to Thailand and Bahrain, etc.).


I want to go to Africa, and to the Moon and Mars. I want to go to D.C. and spend a month in the museums.


Too bad we can't afford it at this point.

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I would travel with my children to many places if we could afford to! I have spent time in Europe and in the UK and it was a truly wonderful experience I would love love love to replicate with my children if we could. It is only a dream at this point, but it is still a serious one. :)

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