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Do you plan a dessert for every dinner?

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It's more like once a month, and that is just because dh decided he wanted something and made it himself. He brings too much junk food in the house for me to even think about making anything else. Although, he does hide most of it from the kids now. :tongue_smilie:

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No. DH spoils the kids too much for us to have a set dessert/junk snack. When he is home there are movie parties, popcorn, ice cream etc... :)


Recently, there's been s'mores. But, not any regular s'mores, but s'mores made with other candies besides Hershey's... like Reese's PB cups...


He also has "junk sandwiches" which is PB and WHATEVER else you want... chips, candy, etc... yuk!

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Rarely. Usually I include fruit as a sweet palate cleanser along with the meal. Sometimes it's cooked, like a crumble or brown betty, but I still count it as part of the meal (think hearty soup, crusty bread, salad, apple crisp).


If I make a dessert like chocolate cake or bluebery pie, we just eat it when it's ready. No need to wait for dessert :D.

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We have fresh fruit and/or plain unsweetened yoghurt on offer most days. Occasionally I offer ice cream or sorbet instead of the yoghurt. I do make cakes, pies, puddings, etc but that is only very occasionally, usually on special occasions.

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I'm amazed! We have cookies, brownies, and sweet breads (pumpkin, zucchini) around almost all the time. I bake in triple batches and freeze them. The kids usually get a cookie after dinner...because of the whole husband sweet-tooth issue. ;)


But sometimes things get busy and we will go a couple of weeks without desserts. That is when my husband and kids get a little twitchy. My MIL swears it is a Norwegian thing. :tongue_smilie:


I don't think these results are the norm. I've seen the recipes on this board.


Where are ya'll hiding? Maybe this is a summer-bathing-suit-season issue. :D


Thanks for responding everyone! Interesting.



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Well, I will jump in on the side of desert. I usually serve something for desert. We do not eat any junk food at all and my deserts are always fresh, made-from-scratch, organic ingredients. I am actually working on planning these out better. Some deserts we may have:


ice cream/biscotti parfait



fruit pie or cobbler

cake (chocolate, spice, pound)

strawberry shortcake


Each person gets one small serving - no seconds.

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Well, I will jump in on the side of desert. I usually serve something for desert. We do not eat any junk food at all and my deserts are always fresh, made-from-scratch, organic ingredients. I am actually working on planning these out better. Some deserts we may have:


ice cream/biscotti parfait



fruit pie or cobbler

cake (chocolate, spice, pound)

strawberry shortcake


Each person gets one small serving - no seconds.


Yes, I cook dinners for all but one maybe two nights a week. We ALWAYS have desserts like those ones rookie posted above. We have had an abundance of zucchini so I have made zucchini apple crisp and zucchini choc. chip cookies as of late.:001_smile:

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We're in with the other's who serve fruit. At every meal I make sure we have some kind of fruit with our supper and last night is was fresh, whole peaches. In the summer it's almost always just the fresh whole fruit.


In winter, sometimes it's warmed or cooked. Warmed berries, baked apple/pear, stuff like that. I still wouldn't call them dessert b/c we dont' make them with sugar and crusts or whatever. Sliced apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon or warmed berries with a dollop of yogurt.


On Sunday and sometimes on Saturday I do either make a dessert or have ice cream.

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No. I buy ice cream when it's on sale. If I get in the mood, when the weather's cooler, I may bake brownies or a cake once or twice a month. I also make chocolate chip cookies maybe 4 to 6 times a year. I will make coffee cakes because DH loves them, and save them for Sunday Morning breakfast. We have company coming on Saturday, so I will serve dessert then.

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Do I "plan" a dessert every night? No.


Do I "have" on hand a dessert every night that the kids can choose from, i.e. some store-bought treat? Yes.


I grew up in a house that had dessert every night. And my children have dessert every night. This may be some cookies and milk, it may be some ice cream, it may be some pudding or jello, it may be an ice pop, if we happen to have cake or cupcakes it may be that, every now and then they ask if they can have some candy instead of something else.


If we're having company over for dinner, I'll go to the bakery and get something like a cheese cake or carrot cake or some such (I'm not much of a baker myself)!

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No. Dessert is a "special occasion" treat at our house...


EK sometimes makes brownies or cookies on a whim, and every now and then I'll make a banana cake (kind of like a pound cake in that it's baked in a bundt pan and has no frosting) in order to use up overripe bananas. There's usually ice cream in the freezer and I keep graham crackers on hand.

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Yes, because I love to bake. There is dessert every night, but if I make a cake on Monday, it's still usually around by Thursday, so not a new dessert every night. I will try and make a special dessert for Sunday dinner though.


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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No, the only time I "plan" a dessert is if it's for a special occasion. We do have a "snack" in the evenings, though, after dinner. It's usually something sweet, but I also try to make it healthy and not just sugary. So I'll have blueberry or banana muffins in the freezer, protein balls (WTM recipe : ), etc., that the dc can choose for a nighttime snack.

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Definitely not.


I grew up with ice cream available after every meal, but I dont allow that either. Too much sugar.


My kids have plenty of sweet things- fruit mainly- but it tends to be between meals.


I have a cooking job twice a week where I cook a vegetarian meal for 15 or so people....I always make dessert for them, so I do get to be creative and play with dessert making- and my family do get to have some too--but only because I am doing it for a job, so to speak.


Having said all that, I had strawberries in the fridge this evening, and whipped cream left over from the meal I cooked for "work " yesterday, in the fridge, so tonight we had fresh strawberries and cream. It was spontaneous and an unusual though.

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Do I "plan" a dessert every night? No.


Do I "have" on hand a dessert every night that the kids can choose from, i.e. some store-bought treat? Yes.



This is us, though our on-hand treat is usually ice-cream. Dh grew up with dessert--his mom always had cake or cookies on hand. I grew up with dessert being an occasional treat. Mom sometimes made cookies or my brother would bake a cake (no frosting--we all hated frosting). When my dc were younger they would expect a dessert every night. Now that they're older they'll have ice cream if they're in the mood, but they no longer wilt without their treat. ;)



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I love to bake but I don't do it much anyway. We don't do a specific dessert usually unless I have baked something or made homemade ice cream or bought a special fruit that we normally eat together=something like strawberries that we put sugar and whipped cream on. Depending on how late we eat, we may eat a dessert later, like a few hours after dinner.

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We seldom have desert after dinner. I do like to bake however, but we tend to eat those treats after lunch. We seldom have anything after dinner other than a cup of hot tea or a glass of red wine (for adults of course). :-)

Edited by Melenie
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No, absolutely NOT! In one church I was accused of not caring enough about my family for not having dessert for dinner and supper....we didn't even have it for dinner (our large meal generally) except maybe a couple of times a month. Yeah, I was pretty disgusted and pointed out that not only were there financial reasons, but pointed out the major obesity and diabetic issues in their own families. There is no way I will do that to mine.

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But my children will usually have a sweet snack in the early afternoon. So maybe I should say they get dessert after lunch. LOL. That usually means a frozen fruit popsicle in the summer months.


I only bake about once a month and never in the summer months. It's going to be 105 today. No way, would I be baking.

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No. To be honest, I don't think we've EVER had dessert. We may have a snack later, but never right after supper. In theory it's because I know our kids would eat the bare minimum at dinner and end up whining for more dessert. In actuality it's because I'm too lazy to make both supper and dessert ready at the same time. ;)

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