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What do you keep your thermostat set at in summer?

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I'm amazed at how many can keep it at 78 in the summer. In our rental house I've had it set to 73 just so we can be comfortable in here this summer. If we set it to 78 we'd all roast to death. We only have 3 windows total on the N/S sides of our house (1 on the north and 2 on the south) all upstairs. Every other window in our house is on the East or West side and most of them are upstairs, when the sun is out it's many times like living in a green house. Anything over 78 outside and it's easily 85-88 inside without the A/C on.


We keep it at 74 in the winter.

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"Too cool" depends. If you can afford to run your air that low or heat that high and you're not worried about the environmental impact and your family is comfy, then I guess it's not "too cool."


For MY family? It's "too cool." Even if I could afford it, I wouldn't want to. I am worried about the environmental impact. My family has a WIDE range of what comfy is so basically I've given up on that.


We generally work our air up in the summer and our heat down (well, two of the last 5 winters, we didn't even have heat; but I would say that was "too cool." LOL). FOR US air should be 80some and heat should be 60some. I don't like 90s and 50s, though this past winter, we lived under 60 quite a bit and got used to it. We're from Dallas.

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I live in coastal GA where the humidity level and temperature are typically the same number. That said, I am a total cheapskate when it comes to giving the power company any more money than absolutely necessary. I keep our a/c at 82 during the day and 78 at night. This is comfortable to us since the kids run around partially clothed (or known here as "half-nekkid") during the summer, anyway. It also keeps the humidity under control in the house. In the winter (all 4-6 weeks of it), we keep the heat at 66 during the day and 62 at night. We love to snuggle under heavy quilts and blankets. I am extremely grateful to have about 3-4 months out of the year where we can throw open the windows and doors and catch the ocean/marsh breezes.

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I'm amazed at how many can keep it at 78 in the summer. In our rental house I've had it set to 73 just so we can be comfortable in here this summer. If we set it to 78 we'd all roast to death. We only have 3 windows total on the N/S sides of our house (1 on the north and 2 on the south) all upstairs. Every other window in our house is on the East or West side and most of them are upstairs, when the sun is out it's many times like living in a green house. Anything over 78 outside and it's easily 85-88 inside without the A/C on.


We keep it at 74 in the winter.


You adjust. My kitchen is much hotter than the rest of the house in the morning (east facing sliding glass door.) Several years ago we kept our thermostat on 74, but now that would break us financially. I'd rather it be 78-80 than 90 or more because we can't pay the bill!:D

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68 in the winter and 78 in the summer. BUT the temp upstairs right now at 9:45 is 83 - ugh, even with the fan on and a wet head from the shower; it is just hot. We went to the High museum yesterday and it was almost cold in there - heaven!!! I went to the pool today and my dd complained that she was hot in the water because to pool water was so warm. We have had two weeks of 90+ heat.

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I've had it as low as 75 so far this summer, but I try to keep it around 77-78. Our main living area is upstairs (stinkin' bi-level :glare:), so it's much hotter up there than it is on the ground level. When we get back from visiting, I'm moving all our school stuff down to the "playroom" and we'll be spending most of our time down there until September. If I had my choice, though, I'd keep it at 72-73 too--the lower the temp goes, the lower my cranky-o-meter goes too :D

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I prefer for it to not be on, but with high 90 temps I have to. I keep the A/C at 76-77 during day and 78 at night since we have fans and are not moving around. As soon as we insulate the attic cubbies upstairs I hope we can keep it lower. We have 2 A/C units, but even then upstairs can reach high 80's with the system running constantly due to the afternoon southwest sun.


We are more austere in the winter and keep it at 62.

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We set ours at 70 or 71 in the summer, but today, the front room got up to 75 degrees. It was hot, and the front faces west.


I think we keep it around 70 in the winter too.


I like my house to be about the same temperature all year round.

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I keep the thermostat set at 71 in winter and 73 in summer. Dh thinks it is too cool. what do you guys think?


Usually we keep it 69 in winter and 75 in summer. But when it gets very humid out in summer I will set it at 73. Dh complains it is too cold when I set the heat at 66. Then he complains in summer that it is too hot when I set the a/c to 78.


But I sleep better when colder so in winter I open window a bit. Dh complains when he comes upstairs to change-LOL.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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66 or 67 day and night in the winter (the upstairs gets way too cold if I lower the temp at night)


We don't have a/c, but then again don't really need it.

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we keep our heat between 62 and 67 in the winter (usually I'll have it warmer right when we all get up and moving, then turn it down).


Right now, we are set on 74 or 75 during the day, and 71 or 72 after dh gets home.


Dh is an electrician - he says a few degrees doesn't make that much of a difference on the bill and I have to agree. We have an all electric house and all total run our main a/c plus 3 window units (our upstairs is poorly insulated and the kids would DIE up there without the window units, plus there is one in the outside apt that dss lives in), as well as our indoor fridge, an outdoor fridge and upright freezer, a fridge in dss' room, all our usual lighting, fans going in the house, shop and barn all day, plus all other small appliances, washer, dryer (doing appx 15-20 loads of laundry each week), etc. and our bill this past month was $195.00. We have NEVER had a bill over $240.

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At our last place, we never put the air con on until 77 at the very lowest. Not that it would keep it that cool. The aircon kept the heat rising higher than 100. Needless to say, I'm glad we've moved! We don't have air con here in our new place, so I hope we won't need it!



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I called the electric company here to get SOME idea what our new electric bill will be. Average for the past 12 months: $48! Now, obviously summer is greater as it has gas for heat, but this is just amazing! We were fighting $300-500 bills at our old house. We'd get a few months per year we could have it between $150 and $300 but it was SO stressful! BTW, my neighbor said her bills run around $26. WOW! Why did we not move to VA earlier?!?!? LOL

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we keep our heat between 62 and 67 in the winter (usually I'll have it warmer right when we all get up and moving, then turn it down).


Right now, we are set on 74 or 75 during the day, and 71 or 72 after dh gets home.


Dh is an electrician - he says a few degrees doesn't make that much of a difference on the bill and I have to agree. We have an all electric house and all total run our main a/c plus 3 window units (our upstairs is poorly insulated and the kids would DIE up there without the window units, plus there is one in the outside apt that dss lives in), as well as our indoor fridge, an outdoor fridge and upright freezer, a fridge in dss' room, all our usual lighting, fans going in the house, shop and barn all day, plus all other small appliances, washer, dryer (doing appx 15-20 loads of laundry each week), etc. and our bill this past month was $195.00. We have NEVER had a bill over $240.


I don't have near the usage you have - our A/C is at 78, no window units, one frig, no freezer, I do less laundry, etc. My house is smaller (has to be because I have no upstairs.) My bill last month was $244 and I think it is going to be MORE this month (b/c the A/C is running non-stop.)

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We don't have a thermostat--no furnace, no A/C.


We heat with wood in the winter, so the temperature varies by how close the room is to the woodstove. It ranges from 68 in the farthest reaches and 88 in the living room with the woodstove.


In the summer, it varies with the time of day and the temp outside. Usually in the low 70's in the morning and the low 80's in the afternoon.


Lest some of you feel sorry for me, keep in mind that our total expenditure last year for heating and cooling was about $100--gas and oil for the chainsaw to cut wood, a tiny bit of extra gas to cover the added load (we combine cutting trips with visits to MIL, which we would be making anyway), and a bit of electricity to run ceiling and occasionally floor fans. We have relatives near who pay 4 times that for just one month in the winter. So I am very happy with my situation.:D

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Currently living in a flat w/o AC.


When we *do* have it, we keep it set to "hang meat in the living room".


It's a Scarlett O'Hara thing for both DH and me: "and I shall nevah be poor AGAIN!"


Neither one of us had decent heat OR cooling growing up. Today, we'll forgo just about any "stuff" to have climate control. Utility bill be ****ed.


I know, weird.




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This makes sense to me. There's a big difference between 66 and 78 degrees. I mean, think about setting your a/c at 66 (though I cannot imagine a house being able to get that cool when it's really hot out) and the heat on 78. The whole point of each is to keep running until the air temp is the set temperature.


Dh complains it is too cold when I set the heat at 66. Then he complains in summer that it is too hot when I set the a/c to 78.



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Our Dominion Electric bill for the month of June was $144. We get up to about $200. We have a one-story, 1,100 sq ft house. We keep our A/C at around 70/71. We have three computers, one load laundry and dishwasher a day.


Our gas is down to about $30 now, though.


I called the electric company here to get SOME idea what our new electric bill will be. Average for the past 12 months: $48! Now, obviously summer is greater as it has gas for heat, but this is just amazing! We were fighting $300-500 bills at our old house. We'd get a few months per year we could have it between $150 and $300 but it was SO stressful! BTW, my neighbor said her bills run around $26. WOW! Why did we not move to VA earlier?!?!? LOL
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I don't know what the bill was for May/June - it's been hot, dh said the bill was high, and we have Dominion Electric as well.


We keep it set at 74 in the summer and the house is quite comfortable (and I am always hot so if I think it's comfortable, it is)


And I keep it set at 72 or 74 in the winter - can't even remember b/c we weren't here this winter.:001_huh:

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We keep it between 77 and 80 in summer. Winter is more like 75.


I know, I know, but my husband is from Turkey and is used to it being really warm, even in winter. Most apartment buildings in Turkey have radiators that are not controllable - the whole building is the same temperature based on how much coal the building manager puts in the furnace (yes, really). And since Turks are used to the heat, it's REALLY hot. I joke that the only think hotter than a Turkish summer is a Turkish winter. Our friends all know to wear something cool when they come to our house in cold weather!

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Our Dominion Electric bill for the month of June was $144. We get up to about $200. We have a one-story, 1,100 sq ft house. We keep our A/C at around 70/71. We have three computers, one load laundry and dishwasher a day.


Our gas is down to about $30 now, though.


Ours Dominion Electric bill was $185 (that's with the new central A/C unit for upstairs the landlord had put in when the old one died) which is great compared to what it used to be. The norm for the summer here was $350 a month last summer. We also have 6 computers and 6 TVs going most of the time though. Gas bill is down to $25 though which is nice.

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Ha! I just now got what you all are talking about.


I'm thinking, "Thermostat? You don't turn on the thermostat in summer!" Then I realized you all must mean the air conditioning. Yeah, we don't have that here. So, in the summer, the temp is whatever it is outside. Usually high 70s to low 80s. :D

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72* year round is pretty standard for us when we have both heat and A/C.


I've got issues with both the heat and the cold.


Same here but it is rather cool for me. The guys are all hot natured though and they like it cool. Plus we just spent three weeks without upstairs air and it feels so good now!!

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we are frugalites (read: cheap), so we set our thermostats and extreme temps. :tongue_smilie:


summer: 82º (and it will kick on in the early afternoon. our home is older)

winter: 66 or 67º, but we try to use our woodstove as much as possible in the colder months.

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Dh would like it to be 75 all the time in the summer. I've been REALLY hot this year though, due to some medication, and am much happier at 73. He asked if we could compromise at 74, and I said we could, but I did notice it's back at 73. I don't know if I put them there and he decided not to push it, or if he kindly put them back for me. I am hoping to "cool off" soon and put it back to normal.

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Ha! I just now got what you all are talking about.


I'm thinking, "Thermostat? You don't turn on the thermostat in summer!" Then I realized you all must mean the air conditioning. Yeah, we don't have that here. So, in the summer, the temp is whatever it is outside. Usually high 70s to low 80s. :D


Except for the summer of 2007 when it got hotter than heck in the Seattle area and I had a newborn, a south facing solar oven (I mean apartment), and NO A/C. I drove around a lot and spent a lot of time (with a lot of other moms) at indoor malls, just walking around!

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Another deep south person here. We have central air, thank goodness! We had a heat pump at our first home down here and we HATED that stupid thing! It never cooled off efficentally enough and the heat was about worthless IMO.


Summer-82, sometimes bump it down to 79, but VERY occassionally.


Winter-64ish. Lower during the night.


Fall/Spring-windows with screens :)


My last utility bill was $82-which includes electricity, garbage, water and sewage. This was with the AC on for a few days. Now with the AC running daily it will be up to $150ish. We have never had a bill over $175. Our lowest was around $50 :D

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I would be cold in some of your houses. I set the thermostat for 71 in the winter.;) In the summer I turn the a/c on when the house gets to be about 80. Sometimes my dh will turn it down more and I get mad. I shouldn't have to be cold in the winter AND summer.:tongue_smilie:

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