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Into which of the categories would your marriage fit?

Are you and your spouse:  

  1. 1. Are you and your spouse:

    • country girl/city boy
    • city girl/country boy
    • two city slickers
    • two country folk
    • other

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We both grew up suburbanites who were city people at heart, now we're country/ sustainable living people but we're looking forward to becoming city people (+ urban homesteading) again when the opportunity arises. We're "love where we are" kind of people. :001_smile:

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I put country girl, but really I'm a small town girl. DH is definitely a city boy. I've adapted well enough to city life; we lived in my hometown for a year and a half and it drove him stir crazy, to say the least!

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I have NO idea. Neither of us are really city or country. We're both... I dunno, think auto mechanic. :lol: We like getting our hands dirty to accomplish something tangible, and then cleaning up, putting on nice clothes, and doing something fun (like SHOPPING, lol). What does that make us? I think I'm gonna go with 'shabby chic'. ;)

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I'm not really a country girl, but compared to my husband I am. He has never been to a county fair--we're taking him to his first one tomorrow. (Usually my mom and I take the kids. And he did go to the State Fair once, but that just isn't the same.)

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I voted other.


I'm a suburb girl (not really city, but not really country either) I'm not sure what you'd call my dh, where he grew up in northern IA is surrounded by farms, but it's really like small town america. You can walk around the whole town in about 15 mintues. I think it has maybe 3 stop lights, but it's like a little town in the middle of corn country.

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We both grew up 100% suburban. Swing sets and gardens, but still close enough to hear the neighborhood kids getting yelled at when they did something wrong!


He lived in a wealthy 'burb for quite a few years. I grew up in a comparatively poor 'burb. That was enough culture clash for us! ;)


Today, we're wanna-be country folk. More me than him.

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We are 2 city slickers who moved to the country 24 years ago.....Can you sing the theme to Green Acres?? That is us!

~Faithe(who knows whenever there is a car accident down the road because our power goes out...and can finally get a pizza delivered and CABLE...and high speed internet...but only within the last year! WOOT!)

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I checked country girl/city boy, because I grew up on a farm 5 miles outside a town of 251, and dh grew up in Baltimore.


But as adults, I prefer city living and he prefers the country. According to the facebook quiz, I am a city yuppie and he is a redneck. :D

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I voted country girl + city guy, but it would really be more accurate to say wilderness girl since I really don't know much about actual "country" life. My parents both grew up on farms, so I did learn how to milk a cow and gather eggs while visiting grandparents, but my dad was a researcher for the National Park Service and I grew up in the headquarters of Yellowstone Park. I know more about bison, elk, and coyotes than about cows and sheep and goats. Dh grew up on the outskirts of DC, though, and I think he definitely qualifies as a city boy. We live in a suburban "bedroom community" now, and that works out pretty well for us. I think he sometimes wishes for a few more nearby recreational venus, and I sometimes get antsy for space to just roam in, but there's a city to the north and a wilderness to the south so we can just hop in the car and go.

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I am a country girl married to a city boy, but I think I am probably better off as a suburban girl. I would like to live in the country, but only when I have lots of friends I can go see! Otherwise I would get lonely. I loved growing up in the country but we had lots of family around. Here, where we have no family, I like to live around more people. And, although dh is a suburbanite, he is an Eagle Scout so he's better at lots of outdoorsy things than I am. :D

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DH and I were military brats growing up, then city slickers.


Now we are rural, living near a small town. It must be growing on me because when we went to a heavily settled suburban town last week, I felt boxed in by buildings and cars. It felt claustrophobic, which greatly surprised me.


I do not like living in a suburb, although I had to for 15 years. DH and I both prefer living in a large, vibrant city in which we don't *need* a car.

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Big City girl + small city guy who moved to the biggest city but wanted nothing more than to be a beach bum.

So off came his suit.

Now we're both at the beach but my heart is in the city (he'd be happy to never take off his flip-flops).

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Country...both of us. Raised on small ranches, back to ranching now since dh retired from the military.


But I tell ya, some days I'm singing in my best Gabor accent, "New York is where I'd rather stay! I get allergic smelling hay!":D

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Both children of suburbia. Large neighborhoods with lots of kids playing together at all hours of the day. We haven't quite found our balance yet.


In our hearts we're both beach bums, unfortunately there were no oceans in MO, where we both grew up.

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I voted country girl/city boy - but I think it should be country girl/beach boy. I grew up in small town TX on a farm. MY dh grew up in CA and was a surfer boy. He's shown me a love for the beach and I've shown him a love for gravy.:tongue_smilie:

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City girl (wannabe) and country boy. I was raised in the country, but always identified more with the city and longed to be there. When I grew up, I moved to a big city and loved it. My husband moved to a big city and hated it. Now we are back on the farm. This morning, as I was feeding chickens and slopping hogs, I was thinking just how far I have come. LOL

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I marked other.


My childhood was in the city/town but my teen years were in the country on a farm but my senior year we moved back to the city. I love living in a downtown area where I can walk everywhere.


My dh's childhood was in town but he always had access to the fields and forest and spent a lot of his pre-adult years hunting, fishing and trapping. So he is a bit of a mix too.



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I would be at home in an apartment in the heart of D.C....DH on the other hand would go completly nuts. Actually where we are right now, is too much city for him. We live only 2 blocks from Helen Keller's Birthplace, it is a SMALL town yet historic, and it is too much city for DH.


I grew up in a large University city, and only a mile from the Mountaineer Football Stadium. DH, lived 30 minutes away on the "mountain" pretty much his whole life. NO ONE ever expected us to date, none-the-less get married we were and in some aspects, still very different.

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