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Do you like storms?

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Nope, hate them.


Our house has been hit by lightning a couple of times. We've lost a truck because of a tree getting hit and falling on it. I've also seen too many houses catch on fire because of lightning.


I also hate it when it's really windy. 14 people in our county were killed in tornadoes a couple of years ago. I'd be happy to never have another storm.

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Love them! Monsoon season is my favorite time of the year here in the desert southwest.


Growing up, my family scheduled our vacations in springtime, so that we could go to the Oregon coast during bad weather.


Minot, ND was a great place for scary weather - I kept the weather channel on much of the time during storm season, and got a little thrill each time I heard the MEEP MEEP MEEP, and saw the red crawl :lol:

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I used to love them and have fond memories of sitting out on the farmhouse front deck with my grandparents watching a storm move across the fields, finally hit us, and surround us with thunder and lightening. Loved walking in the rain. Loved the sound of a storm raging around.


Then I moved to the Midwest. A Tornado took off part of a department store I shop at and my friends were trapped in the movie theater. I've seen rotation in the clouds and raced home to find my kids & the dog huddled in the crawl space under the stairs crying and howling while dh was outside with the video camera. Now I'm just scared of storms. Can't wait to move out West again so I can enjoy a good storm w/o being glued to the TV for tornado warning/watches.

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I love storms! When I was growing up in Florida, my friends and I would go to the beach right before a hurricane. The waves looked and sounded incredible. Some of my friends were surfers, and that was their favorite time. I have been known to run around outside while trees were bending to the ground!

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I LOVE them. We recently added a second storey to our home, and before it was fully insulated I would go up there, listening to the rain pounding (you can still hear it quite a bit, but not like that anymore), watch through the windows (we're at the top of a hill so often the clouds are quite close), and stare. Especially romantic when done with DH after bedtime. ;)

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Not my favorite things - kinda scary if it's lightning and thundering. I used to love them but as I get older I get more skittish. I try not to let DD see me scared, but it's hard when I jump out of my chair when the thunder hits.

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I like storms, and I particularly miss Illinois storms. Being able to look out across the flat land and see the rain coming your way is something I will never take for granted now that I live in a hilly area. Sometimes now we see clouds rise up and it will rain on one side of town but not get near us...very weird.


I'd also add the caveat that I particularly liked Illinois storms when I lived in a house with a good basement that I could run to if/when the sky started getting that scary green color and things started swirling a bit!

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I too love storms. I have a few stipulations, however.


#1 - I do not want any tornadic anything associated with the storm. No hail either, thank you.


#2 - I prefer not to lose power.


#3 - I do NOT want to be out in it. At all.



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Love storms here. I was just sitting here while the family told me about the storm we had early this morning- I slept through it, which is unusual.


However, to the OP, I dont stay on the computer during storms with lightning! Dangerous! I unplug the computers and phones and TVs, and especially the modem.

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Thunderstorms and electrical storms, I enjoy!


Losing the power for so many hours that the food is ruined and unsafe to keep, I fear. (far too many experiences of this in my life)


Tornadoes -- well, not so much. (sufficient experience with them, too -- mercifully, nothing life-threatening)

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I like them too. I watching one of the travel shows about resorts. One was in Vancouver and it was built for those who love storms. They have a season that is most popular and the rooms face the rocky coast. You can sit in the room and look out the walls of glass at the raging storm/ocean. Even the restaurant has the views. Not sure if this one was it, but similar anyway...



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Right now, there is a thunderstorm raging. Lightning flashing, thunder so loud it's shaking the house. Lights flickering. I LOVE it. Storms energize me and give me a feeling of euphoria. I have no idea why! LOL I just love a good summer thunderstorm!


:iagree::D:D:D:D I LOVE THEM TOo!! In fact its like 90 and humid here and Keeping fingers crossed for a storm! Im overdue~! ;):lol:

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I love all kinds of weather--storms are just so dramatic and interesting! Even tornado warnings are "cool"--and I'm rather ashamed to admit that, because I know the damage and loss of life tornadoes can cause.


One of our favorite memories is of my oldest's birthday when he was 7. We were getting ready to light the candles and have ice cream when there was a tornado warning!!! We celebrated in the basement. We watched the weather on the tv and my 7 yo was calculating when exactly it would hit our neighborhood.


I secretly hope for a warning too!!!

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my husband is like you. He LOVES a good storm!


I used to LOVE blizzards. I LOVED sitting inside in my shorts, wood stove cranked up, sipping coffee or tea, watching the white out conditions outside my large windows, hearing the winds howl. Now I don't enjoy ANY storm because I worry about all my furry and feathered friends out in the barn. :glare:


I was just out in the barn when I heard some LOUD noises. I was hoping it wasn't a plane crash! Then I realized it was thunder. I hurried through my chores and ran inside, and it's SCARY when you're running outside with horrible thunder and lightning all around!!! But I kept checking back on my old horse. I'm always afraid he'll die of a heart attack. My poor old man!!!

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Love storms (when safely inside)!


When dh and I were dating one very memorable date was watching a storm.


When our kids were little we lived in an area that didn't have thunderstorms. A Blue's Clues episode about watching a storm made me so sad...I thought "my kids will never get to watch a storm!" We now live in a area with lovely thunderstorms.

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I do, as long as I know there isn't a tornado watch. My mom's house was taken when she was four. She only had long enough to run into the basement with her family before she heard the rumble and felt the pressure. :(


ETA: We don't even have a basement where we live right now either! It's terrifying, honestly.

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