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No, really -- when DO you find time to read?

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There was an interesting thread a while ago about how it was annoying for people to say, "When do you have time to read?"


But then I noticed a thread about reading a book a week!


And I really am curious:


How much time a day do you spend reading?

When do you actually read? From eleven o'clock at night til midnight?


I know in the other thread; a lot of people were saying stuff like, "The reason people don't find time to read is because they watch too much TV." Well, I haven't watched TV without my kids for about a month (aside from The State of the Union) and I still have trouble finding time to read!



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There was a time that I could read a novel in 3 days....I think it was 3 kids ago! I just don't find time to read but am going to make it a point to sit with my DS now that he will be homeschooled and "model" what I am teaching. I also plan on reading aloud to him a lot as well. Now finding books for an 11 yr old boy.....

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I don't watch tv either, but the only time I can usually squeeze it in is at bedtime. I will go to bed early and read for an hour or so.


My son is actually going to be in a theater production this spring, so I am looking forward to rehearsals so that I can catch on my homeschool planning, writing and reading. :) The rehearsals are too far from my house to come home, so I have to take projects to work on and just wait there. :D

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Do you have a lot of small children? If so, I imagine it is quite understandable. I didn't have time to read then either.


I now have plenty of time to read. I only have two kids and they are both reading age. They are stuck in a book as often as I am. We clean house, do school, play outside, garden, and READ.


They read an hour before lights out and so do I (usually about 9-10pm).


We have books in the car. I sat today at the local roller rink and read while the kids skating with home school friends.


I read while sitting waiting at the dentist or doctor. I just always have a book on me. :D

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I read for 1/2 hour in the morning, sometimes an hour. I squeak in another 1/2 hour to 1 hour during the kids' mandatory quiet time in the afternoon. In the evenings, the kids go to bed at 8:00 so I have from that time (dh put the kids to bed) until bedtime to spend reading or preparing hs materials for the coming days. After dh puts the kids to bed he cleans the kitchen :) so I often get 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. I can't spend all that time reading but I do try to spend as much of it as I can. Currently, I'm working through some TC courses so that is taking a large chunk out of my evening reading. I'm not a slow reader, but I'm not very fast either, so while this may seem like a lot of time devoted to reading, I don't often manage to get through as many books as I would like.


My last big endeavour was Don Quixote, which took me 6 weeks. I was able to through 3 books in January (and 20 TC course lectures) and will finish up my 4th January book tonight. *sigh* One of those books last month was John Gatto's book, which, for me, took a great deal of mental energy to wrap my head around and I had to reread many of the chapters to make sure the information was sinking in properly. :tongue_smilie: I sure wish I could read faster because I sure have a lot on my list. :blush:

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There was an interesting thread a while ago about how it was annoying for people to say, "When do you have time to read?"


But then I noticed a thread about reading a book a week!


And I really am curious:


How much time a day do you spend reading?

When do you actually read? From eleven o'clock at night til midnight?


I know in the other thread; a lot of people were saying stuff like, "The reason people don't find time to read is because they watch too much TV." Well, I haven't watched TV without my kids for about a month (aside from The State of the Union) and I still have trouble finding time to read!





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Even with little kids I found time to read, but I would take them to the park and read while they played (I was not a "hovering" mum!), or put the TV on for them and read, or just read when they went to bed. I think having 2 kids close in age might have helped- they always had each other. I read in the evenings mostly now, but also if/when I have an afternoon rest.

I remember my SIL us to read while breastfeeding. Not sure I think thats cool but she was a big reader.

But still, I probably dont read more than half an hour a day unless i am incredibly addicted to a novel (I dont read novels much because the family don't get fed then).

My family think I read a lot but I think its just a high priority for me to have a couple of books by my bedside table and to be always into something.

I could read more. for sure. I could preread all thekids' books. But I dont, because I have other priorities- I read aloud to them and so the books I really ant to discuss, we read together. I dont watch TV either, apart from one episode of Angel with the kids in the evening at the moment.

The other thing is- while my kids are doing their homeshooling, I have a lot of spaces in between when they need me, yet I need to be available. I tend to read a lot of stuff on the computer- message boards, surfing the net, emails etc. So I am reading a lot- probably hours a day- but its not necessarily quality reading. I would probably be better off reading a book for at least part of my computer time.

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I get most of my reading done between 9pm and 11pm. From 9-10, my boys like to 'read together'; we all gather in the same room and read our own books. When they head to bed at 10pm, I read for about another hour while my husband watches a little tv (checking sports scores, etc).


I also read while I'm in the car waiting to pick up one boy or the other from activities or lessons, while I'm cooking and the boys are doing homework, and occasionally when my younger son is working on his lessons during the day.

The latter only happens if all of my work (paying jobs and housework) are finished.

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Do you have a lot of small children? If so, I imagine it is quite understandable. I didn't have time to read then either.


I now have plenty of time to read. I only have two kids and they are both reading age. They are stuck in a book as often as I am. We clean house, do school, play outside, garden, and READ.




Oh yeah, I probably should have put the ages of my kids. They are 8,6, and 3.



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At breakfast if no one else it at the table at the same time (which is most of the time.) In bed before sleeping, pretty often.


And sometimes when DD is supposed to read something and is having trouble plowing through it, I will read next to her on the couch to keep her focussed. Confiscating electronics is also helpful in that regard. :glare:


Also, as soon as I could I started reading DD things that I was glad to be hearing myself. Maybe starting around age 4 or 5. The NIV Bible, The Hobbit, LWW--all of these were fun readalouds for me as well as for her.

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I read when I go to bed at night. I just never felt that I could take the time during the day to read--even now that I've been an empty-nester for a loooong time, I can rarely bring myself to read during the day. So, at night, I take my shower and go to bed and read.

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I read early in the morning before the kids get up, while they are doing their independent school work, and at night. I also read while I am waiting at gymnastics, dance, guitar practice, etc.


When they were smaller it was much more difficult to get that much time to read.

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Different lifestyles! My kids are 11, 13, and 17. I don't have to keep an eye on them every moment. They don't need me entertaining them every moment. They don't need much help with their schoolwork and they cover all the subjects they are doing in about 2 hours a day. I don't need to clean the whole house or even whole rooms every day. The only meal we cook per day is dinner and my DH is the cook. I hate cooking and usually mess it up if I try. We can do a load of laundry a day but the only 'work' time for that is loading the washer, transferring to the dryer, and yelling 'laundry' when pulling it out. Everyone folds and puts away their own laundry. I go grocery shopping twice a week, one major trip and one for missing items. Computer and reading are the only 2 hobbies I have.

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I read at night after we are in bed. I've been known to spend more than one night reading till 3, 4, or 5am. And then get up at 8am with the kids. Yes, I am crazy...


:lol: Me too. I read the last book in the Twilight series in one night and was up to clean for playgroup the next day. Fortunately, all of my playgroup friends knew that was going to happen and understood :lol:

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There was an interesting thread a while ago about how it was annoying for people to say, "When do you have time to read?"


But then I noticed a thread about reading a book a week!


And I really am curious:


How much time a day do you spend reading?

When do you actually read? From eleven o'clock at night til midnight?


I mostly read at night, after the kids are in bed, from 9ish 'till 10:30 or 11:00. I also read most every morning when I ride my exercise bike for 1/2 hour. Some afternoons, I spend an hour reading. Some weekends, I may get a few hours. I also often read during odd snatches of time; I read tubside for a few minutes while little ds is in the bath, in waiting rooms or in the car if dh is driving.


I average 2-3 hours of reading a day. I am doing Book a Week, but I cannot always make that goal. It's better if I have a goal to shoot for, but if I'm reading a complex book, it takes longer.

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I read while I am waiting for the kids martial arts classes.

I read while I am waiting to pick up DS14 from his music class.

I read while I am waiting to pick up the kids from music lessons.

I read while waiting for doctor appts, dentist appts, and orthodontist appts.


The more I wait, the more I read......sigh.

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I read early in the morning, at bedtime and small breaks through the day. I can read for an hour when I get up at 4:30-5am and then another hour at bedtime. My small breaks through the day are usually 10-15 minutes. I will also let the kids bring books to the table to read at breakfast and lunch time if I'm in a reading mood.



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I read in bed at night. I usually read for at least two hours. Usually I shut off the light at 1-2am, but if it's a good book, it can be as late (or early) as 3-4am.

I never watch TV (just a movie now and then). I'm a very fast reader. I have an insatiable appetite for reading, of any kind. I always have to have something in front of me to read. I bring my iPhone or Kindle to read on the road. We ate dinner at a restaurant tonight and I silently freaked out because I forgot the iPhone. Good thing I brought one book - The Annotated Arch: A Crash Course in the History Of Architecture. This I read in our local restaurant/bar that has a sign that it only serves Hicks, Hunters, and Hippies, lol! My daughter did freak out because I forgot my iPhone/Kindle so I couldn't read aloud to her. She wanted me to run home and get it!I also hate cooking and don't spend time doing that. (Thus the dinner out tonight.)

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Oh yeah, I probably should have put the ages of my kids. They are 8,6, and 3.




I have a four-year-old and a seven-year-old, and it's hard. DD4 isn't old enough to do the same activities as DD7, so I spend that time keeping her occupied. We haven't been doing quiet time since DD4 stopped napping because if I send them in, she almost inevitably falls asleep and then we ALL pay for that :tongue_smilie: And because I work, early morning times are usually spent on that, and evening times are also spent on that or trying to find something to watch with DH (he's usually too wiped to do much else, and he loves to watch movies on our Netflix account). When my job ends (soon), I'm hoping to reinstitute quiet time earlier the day to see if we can head off the falling asleep issue and take a little time for myself then.


Otherwise, I'm a night owl, so if I can sneak any time for reading, it really is after everyone else has gone to bed, and then I can't put my book down and am up until a ridiculous hour.


What about audiobooks? Can you get yourself an MP3 player and keep one earbud plugged in while you're doing busywork? I sometimes do that when I'm cooking dinner and the kids are keeping themselves busy.


Finally, on rare occasions when I'm DYING to finish a book, I've been known to put on the TV for the kids just so I can get those last few chapters read. I feel terrible about it, but sometimes we have to do what we have to do!

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My boys are 9, 7, and 4. We have an hour break for lunch, so I can read during that time. School is done around 3, so I can read from 3 until dinner time. I can read after dinner until about 7:30-ish (when I start getting the boys ready for bed). The boys go to bed at 8:00, so I have from 8 until whenever I go to bed to read every night. :-)

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I have teenagers and an adult. I get to read just about any time I want to if I am not doing something else like cooking or laundry or preparing for the class I teach. I do one subject with one child personally and with the other child only occasionally when she needs help. Our discussions about science, history, and literature happen when we are together eating lunch or driving in the car or something like that. But I do actually have a lot of other things I do too. I take care of finances, the cars, the shopping, the medical needs of everyone, the pets, the garden, etc, etc. But I do have a lot of time to read. That has been a new change in my life this year. My youngest finally became mostly independent.

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I read at night, after the kids are in bed and I'm done doing everything else - usually from 10p-11p, unless the book is really good, then I go a little later. And if it is a really good book, well, my family is old enough to feed themselves once in a while :D. However, that doesn't happen very often. Otherwise, I always bring a book with me when I leave the house; that way I can read while I wait for things.

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I tend to read when I'm sitting waiting for my children while they are doing sports practices, or outside classes; while my older son is at swim meets (lots of down time at those); during holidays when we're not doing school, etc. But I don't have lots of children and didn't find the time to read as much when mine were younger, either.

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Usually, I read at night a few times a week. I may read for as little as a few minutes or up to an hour or two. (I rarely spend my time watching tv, though I spend way too much time on the computer.)


Both my dc happen to be in an art class together, so that gives me a free hour to read while they're in class. (I refuse to run errands or run around taking care of 'stuff' during that hour; I use that hour as 'me' time.)


Also, dd is in a language class once a week. Ds doesn't like to go hang out waiting, so he will often stay w/ the grandparents while I take dd to her class. So, that's another time when I get a chunk of time (2 hrs.) to read & have a coffee at Starbucks. :001_smile:


When my dc were younger, finding time to read was really hard (dare I say impossible?). I changed my reading into something that I could read in very short snippets (think 2-5 minutes of reading at a time, lol). I found Kurt Vonnegut books perfect for this. Magazine articles are also perfect for reading in very short snippets of time. I also stayed w/ my book club (though there were quite a few times I didn't read the book in time), giving myself a goal to read my book club book, if nothing else. (Usually, we read one book & meet every 4-6 weeks.)


Little by little, you will get there. It does help when your dc get a little older....

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There was an interesting thread a while ago about how it was annoying for people to say, "When do you have time to read?"


But then I noticed a thread about reading a book a week!


And I really am curious:


How much time a day do you spend reading?

When do you actually read? From eleven o'clock at night til midnight?


I know in the other thread; a lot of people were saying stuff like, "The reason people don't find time to read is because they watch too much TV." Well, I haven't watched TV without my kids for about a month (aside from The State of the Union) and I still have trouble finding time to read!





I really haven't a clue how much time I spend reading, but it's probably a lot. I read before going to sleep. I read at any times when I'm waiting for something. I love paperbacks for that reason -- I can tuck them in my purse so easily. I hate doing nothing, so reading is an easy thing for me to fit in on those days when I have to do a lot of waiting -- doctor's office, waiting for a meeting at work, waiting to pick up kids, etc. I also tend to read while the family watches tv. I like very few shows, so I read instead. At least then I'm still being somewhat sociable.


I can easily read a couple of books a week, sometimes 3 if they're shorter or really captivating.

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There was an interesting thread a while ago about how it was annoying for people to say, "When do you have time to read?"


But then I noticed a thread about reading a book a week!


And I really am curious:


How much time a day do you spend reading?

When do you actually read? From eleven o'clock at night til midnight?


I know in the other thread; a lot of people were saying stuff like, "The reason people don't find time to read is because they watch too much TV." Well, I haven't watched TV without my kids for about a month (aside from The State of the Union) and I still have trouble finding time to read!





Oh, what a hot topic for me! I've had books for about 15 years. Books I've bought, books that were given to me by family and friends. And....I have yet to pick one up. It crosses my mind quite a bit. I don't understand my error/s in scheduling my day that precludes me from having "book" time. I will persevere for the answer though....:001_smile: Or, maybe I would better use that time by reading those books.....;)

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I read after my kids are down for bed until I fall asleep. It's not every night or every other night, just when I fee like it. I loooove reading, so I try to make sure if I want to read I have a time and place for it. I also wake up at 5:30 or 6 am when I want to have some alone time for prayer and bible study. It's all about making time, not waiting for some random open spot to run and sit with a book. JMO

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I like to take a bath instead of a shower, so I usually read a bit or as long as I can get away with it.


Bedtime. Almost every night. Sometimes until I just can't keep my eyes open or dh asks me to stop.


I read while I'm on the treadmill although it's hard to find time for exercising. I'm trying hard to find time and stay motivated. Knowing I can read while exercising is a great motivator.


In the car if I have to wait for dd.


During dd's lessons and activities if I have to wait and can't just drop off and go home.


I sometimes read while everyone else watches tv if it's not something I'm interested in watching.


I do find myself letting things go to read. My house isn't as clean. The dishes are sitting and waiting for me. It's easy to lose track of time. I sometimes have to stop and remind myself that other things have to take priority.


That's why for years I didn't read. Because once I start, I can't stop. I'm an avid reader. I consume books. I've only recently started reading again for my own pleasure as opposed to curriculum and school related things.


But, I do enjoy it! It's been so nice to get caught up in a book that isn't about homeschooling.

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I rarely watch t.v. and also wondered how I'd fit in last year's book a week challenge. Around the beginning of last January, I was reading a health book that suggested frequent hot soaking baths each week. I started getting the kids put to bed a little earlier and fitting 2-3 hot baths in each week....perfect reading time! Also, I counted chapter books that I read aloud to the kids. I also counted audio books that we listened to as a family in the car, though this took a long time since we don't do a lot of driving.


Also, dare I say it?


I keep books beside the toilets in our house.


I said it.


So, one book going in the bathtub

one book going with the kids

one book going in the car

and one book....well, you know.


Each book would take longer than a week to finish, but eventually they start adding up. Last year, I aimed for the book-a-week and hit 43. I was happy. It was at least 30 more than I ever thought I'd accomplish.

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Reading is as necessary to me as breathing. I can't not read so I will make the time to read. I get up a couple hours earlier than Son or hubby, so read then, read during lunch, read while waiting for son to finish workbook pages, read while son watches a video, read during the evening instead of watch tv. Plus I'm a fast reader. Have been all my life.

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In the morning while I enjoy my coffee, while I am eating breakfast if I am alone, bath time at night, when I go to bed, after school is finished in the afternoons.


I try to carry my Kindle with me so I always have something to read. And, I do always have a book by the white porcelain throne, IYKWIM.


I much prefer reading to the TV. My main problem is that my dc's are talkers, then my dh comes home and wants to talk. I don't want to be rude, I just want some quiet reading time for me.

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Reading is as necessary to me as breathing. I can't not read so I will make the time to read. I get up a couple hours earlier than Son or hubby, so read then, read during lunch, read while waiting for son to finish workbook pages, read while son watches a video, read during the evening instead of watch tv. Plus I'm a fast reader. Have been all my life.


This is me *exactly!*

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:lol: Me too. I read the last book in the Twilight series in one night and was up to clean for playgroup the next day. Fortunately, all of my playgroup friends knew that was going to happen and understood :lol:


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! And, I read Twilight the same way! HAHAHA!

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I've been reading a book a week (just finished my 5th) and it has been a challenge. I'm a speed reader and love reading but I still have to work at it. It's about being intentional. What are my goals for the year? What have I dreamed I can do? Last year I only read 25- including kids read-alouds. I've had to give up my readaholic tendencies- you know, pick up a book and plow through, ignoring all else. Now I am reading chapters or even sections at a time instead of whole books-inch by inch and all that :001_smile:

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I read while I'm nursing, and I'm reading a lot at the moment because it is too hot to do much else. That, and ds will leave me alone for periods of time if I don't move. If I do, he starts shrieking and wanting to nurse, just for something to do. So, I sit still here, or I sit still on the couch and read.



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When they were younger, when they were in the bathtub, I sat in the hall just outside the splash zone and looked up every paragraph to make sure they weren't drowning, they loved to play in the bath and I got in a lot of reading time that way, although I don't like to look up every paragraph in a really good fiction book, I read mostly non-fiction outside the bath.


Now, when they are making huge mess cutting up paper or painting outside (our exact temperature here is Top Secret if you live where it's winter.)


While my husband and the kids are watching their 100th Shark Week we have downloaded, 1 episode and I was all sharked out.


At the park.


At their Spanish camp (great week, 4 days of 3 hours of reading time, no pauses to check for spilled point or blood.) They didn't really like Spanish camp, oh well, Mom did!


While stirring food.


When they watch a movie.

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When my kids were small, I rarely had the chance to read, except to the kids.


BUT the minute I did, I caught up on all those missed books. I sacrificed sleep time. If I got too tired and I was in a good part of the book, I would hold my eyes open with my fingers.


Now any excuse will do. At night, I lie on the couch to read. Lately I fall asleep while doing so, and the kids will wake me up because I'm still holding the book properly, and they think I'm awake. I must look like a wax museum figure or something. It's kind of creepy.


I read when I wake up in the middle of the night. I try to argue myself out of it, or set a time limit, but that rarely works.


I read to reward myself. When I'm done cleaning the kitchen, I'll read a chapter or two before moving on to the next chore. Sometimes I don't do the next chore, if the book gets really exciting. I rationalize this poor behavior to myself, of course -- with practice those rationalizations really work. When I feel too guilty, I assign some of those chores to the kids.


I read fast, so I usually read 5-8 books a week. Most are not weighty tomes; I consider them to be light reading for entertainment. I am reading a couple of economics books by Thomas Sowell now. I read them much more slowly, over a period of a week or two. By contrast, it took me 1.5 hours each to read Robert Parker's and Stuart Woods' latest books.


When my kids were little, if there had been books available to listen to on an iPod (or something of that ilk), I would have done so while they were listening to their books on cd during Lunch & Lit. I would have used this method while doing chores, as long as DH was home to listen for the kids (at night).

Edited by RoughCollie
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