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  1. Has anyone had a chance to use this since it came out? I'm trying to decide whether or not to purchase it. I'm teaching a writing class at co op and thought it might help me with planning. I love her philosophy and already own The Writer's Jungle. TIA
  2. Here is another fun one ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/21/bob-herzog-frozen-parody-let-it-go_n_4834259.html
  3. Have you considered just renting a tow vehicle since you already have a camping trailer? That way you'll have a vehicle to use and won't have to drag your 'room' with you sightseeing ;-) As for the two weeks in an RV, I'd say go for it! 4 years ago, we took 6 weeks to drive out to UT, WY from PA and the kids loved it so much they were begging to go again. We leave for 8 weeks to hit the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Canadian Rockies, and the Pacific coast on May 4th. I'm with your husband on not hauling your luggage in and out of hotels - plus hotel rooms can feel pretty tight whereas with an RV, you can always toss the kids outside when you're getting ready in the morning :-) Have a great time, whatever your decision! P.s. I find its a lot easier to eat healthy and affordably out of your own fridge than out at restaurants all the time.
  4. My husband makes cupcakes - but doesn't have a kilt ---- yet 😛
  5. And I just noticed that my profile says "Hive Mind Worker Bee" so apparently you don't need too many posts 😊
  6. I don't post much. My post count is anemic at best considering how long I've followed these boards - but now I have one more post 😃
  7. Just bought a guitar pick punch for my oldest I thought was pretty neat 🎸 http://www.amazon.com/Pick-Punch-PP00/dp/B005FIFM14/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385905892&sr=8-1&keywords=guitar+pick+punch
  8. Several years ago I was in tears from my TMJ pain. My oral surgeon presribed ibuprofen, Skelaxin (awesome muscle relaxant without the side effects), a simple mouth exercise, and a heated wet washcloth (as hot as I could stand- I used a microwave). I did the first three for several weeks without improvement and when I returned to the Dr. for followup, he scolded me for not doing the heat treatment as well. After just a few days of adding in the heat treatment, the pain finally started to subside. It finally disappeared completely - ahhhh. I was finally able to open my mouth far enough to eat a sandwhich or salad again as well :-) The mouth exercise involved opening my mouth as far as I could and then stretching the tip of my tongue up towards the back of my mouth as far as I could. I did this often throughout the day. The heat was truly the key for me though. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. I have to start therapy again for the other side of my jaw now - it hurts :-(.
  9. Haven't read it but thought it might be helpful for those new to homeschooling in PA. Free until 9/2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00EV47FPY/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?keywords=Homeschooling%20in%20Pennsylvania%20How%20to%20Comply%20with%20the%20Law%20in%208%20Easy%20Steps&qid=1377866691&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
  10. Thanks for the idea - it will be great to do for my kids to recognize the German side of their heritage. Found this one here... http://alphamom.com/family-fun/holidays/make-a-schultute-for-your-childs-first-school-year/. Obviously we're past first grade but who doesn't like surprise gifts on the first day of school?!?
  11. My friend had much success with her son and this program http://www.brainbalancecenters.com/ . I don't know much about it but if there is one in your area, it might be worth checking out.
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