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Okay, back in the day, I went to a ton of concerts (also, this will really date me), so...


Bun E Carlos (Cheap Trick drummer) in a towel-we were in Madison WI, they were not super popular anymore, and we were invited back to the hotel by someone they knew. I was 18. He waved at us, and we left!


Cinderella (80's band)-we got invited on to their tour bus, again, a weird moment, hi, bye, and we left.


Howie Mandel-when he had his talk show, we were in the front row, and when he came into the audience to chat, he talked to my friend and I.


Marcia Brady (Maureen Mccormick) when she was in her 20's, in Hawaii, a sighting at a hotel.


Geena Davis-I had a flight that was from Las Vegas to LA that was delayed for 2 hours, and she was on the phone next to me. This was when Thelma & Louise was big, and it was my favorite movie. I called my friend (aka, "Louise") and told her that my plan was to subtly follow her, strike up a conversation, and become friends. Ha!


Reggie White (Green Bay Packer player)-I live in Wisconsin, and met him at a fundraiser, shook his hand, and had my picture taken with him.


That's my infamous list.:blushing:


I forgot! I met & shook hands with George & Laura Bush!

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I dated Simon LeBon's (Duran Duran) cousin. I couldn't tell you how many times removed.

I met one of the the actresses who played Ms. Money Penny (007) at a tea party.

I babysat for the lady who played the stewardess in The Couch Trip. Jane knows quite a few celebrities.

I had a famous Republican comment on my breasts during his book signing.

When I was at Mount Holyoke I worked in the kitchen of the dorm located close to the President's house. It was during commencement weekend and I had a ton of pots to wash. During a quick break I went outside to catch some fresh air. A lady in a sun dress was walking along the road to the Pres. House. She asked how things were going and I told her about my work. She said she wished she could help. I told her I had an extra dish rag and she was more than welcome to join me. She laughed again and walked away. That woman was the commencement speaker and her name is Glenn Close.

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I was a waitress in Bryce Canyon Park, Utah and Dennis Weaver and his family were there for a while (filming a commercial). Pleasant and very normal.


I got to wave at Dale Evans and Roy Rogers as we were going opposite directions at Las Vegas airport -- that was fun ;)


Shook hands with Howard Tate after he performed at The Boom Boom Room in San Francisco. Drove by G. Gordon Liddy while he was jogging down the street in Palm Springs. Okay... this is pathetic...


Thanks for sharing all the funny stories....

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Mostly musicians..and mostly guitar players LOL:


Mike Keneally & Bryan Beller - they've both worked with the Zappa family


Curt Kirkwood (Meat Puppets...he played guitar and sang two songs for my 7 dd. Super-nice guy)


The Kentucky Headhunters (dd got to go onto tour bus to wake up the drummer LOL)


Greg Norton - bassist from Husker Du (the guy with the handlebar mustache) He used to own a record store in my hometown. Now has a restaurant there.


John Corabi - sang for Motley Crue for a while


Garnet Rogers - folk musician from Canada. He's become a friend and we see him whenever we can


Patrick Flueger - actor- played Shawn in The 4400 and was the red-headed kid in The Princess Diaries. He's from my hometown and used to take guitar lessons from my dh at our shop.



If you search around on my blog, you can see pics of my dd with many of these guys.

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Okay, who remembers Don from Lost in Space? I had a huge huge crush on him when I was little.


Then when I was in my late teens we moved to the town that he lived in. I used to see him out jogging a circular route by my house and would whip on some jogging clothes and run the opposite way so I could "pass" him multiple times and say a breathy hello. He usually just gave me the fish-eye.


I also saw Matt Damon in Boston once. He is really short!

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I was on Wheel of Fortune in 1991. I tried out at the U of Wash. for "College Week". I was named the alternate (which was better!) which guaranteed me a spot on the real show. I ended up winning ZERO DOLLARS. But I did receive this wonderful "parting gifts": a gift basket of assorted prunes, two really cheapie watches, a facial scrubber deal, an old school Nintendo and copy of Super Mario, and several boxes of Polident. Turns out I was playing against their (at the time) most-successful player ever -- he'd won over $125k. I had $25k on the board at one time (speed round). I said, Palm and Hot Springs (a "same name" puzzle) but the answer was Palm and BOX Springs...there was only an "o" in hot/box. I guessed wrong, and Mr. Schwartz guessed right. So I guess I have had extensive conversation with Pat Sajak :lol:.


I worked in a Congressional office in 1998 for Congressman Rod Chandler, 8th District Rep from Washington State.


How about a game of "six degrees of separation"?


I went to high school with Richard Gere's little cousin.


Tom Cruise's uncle is a well-known bankruptcy expert, and he came and gave an interesting lecture at the credit union where I used to work.


My dh was on the same plane with Tony Danza a few months ago. Does that count? :)


ETA: HOW COULD I FORGET THIS ONE! I was an extra in "Legally Blonde 2". The Capitol Building exterior and some interior shots were filmed at the Utah Legislature. It looks remarkably like the steps of the Capitol. I can be seen in a couple of scenes, one walking up the steps in a grey suit (back side...). Secondly I can be seen during the "Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo" dance scene on the mezzanine above the cheerleaders. I was pretty close to Reese Witherspoon at several points. She seemed to be very kind and obviously a pro. But that was one dumb movie!

Edited by BikeBookBread
how could I forget THIS one!!!
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I met some as an Immigration Inspector and when I was living in LA. But the strangest one is that we had dinner in the same restaurant as Slobodan Milosovic back in the early nineties in Dayton, OH. He was there for the Dayton Peace talks and we were PCSing and leaving the next day so we were eating at the OClub. They moved us to a mezzanine area and brought the State Department party in.

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My parents took me to the 4 seasons in NYC for my 16th birthday and Baryshinkov (the dancer) was sitting at the table next to us.


My favorite celebrity encounter was with David Bowie and Iman.


I actually knew they were engaged before it was announced in the paper the next day.

My mother lived in this swanky apartment building and I was outside walking the dog. This ugly limousine pulls up and I am making fun of it. Two people get out and go to the elevator. We follow them to the elevator. I look at them and can't believe who it is. My mother is oblivious. They petted my dog and told me how cute he was. I vowed never to bathe my dog because David Bowie had petted him.

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I was on Wheel of Fortune in 1991. I tried out at the U of Wash. for "College Week". I was named the alternate (which was better!) which guaranteed me a spot on the real show. I ended up winning ZERO DOLLARS. But I did receive this wonderful "parting gifts": a gift basket of assorted prunes, two really cheapie watches, a facial scrubber deal, an old school Nintendo and copy of Super Mario, and several boxes of Polident. Turns out I was playing against their (at the time) most-successful player ever -- he'd won over $125k. I had $25k on the board at one time (speed round). I said, Palm and Hot Springs (a "same name" puzzle) but the answer was Palm and BOX Springs...there was only an "o" in hot/box. I guessed wrong, and Mr. Schwartz guessed right. So I guess I have had extensive conversation with Pat Sajak :lol:.




Gasp! My dc are insanely jealous!! We love that show!

Lol! Now they want to go to college! :lol::lol:

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A friend and I chased down Joe Montana for an autograph when he was Christmas shopping. This was in the early 90's when he was a quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs. I had the biggest crush on him when he played for the 49er's so imagine my excitement when he came to play football in my hometown.


Currently I live down the street from Kevin Harvick (NASCAR driver) and Chris Daughtry, but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting either one. I've only seen Chris from a distance at the local grocery store where a couple of teen girls were following him around. Even though he is one of my favorite singers, I thought I should act my age and just pretend that I didn't know who he was. :lol:

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I met some as an Immigration Inspector and when I was living in LA. But the strangest one is that we had dinner in the same restaurant as Slobodan Milosovic back in the early nineties in Dayton, OH. He was there for the Dayton Peace talks and we were PCSing and leaving the next day so we were eating at the OClub. They moved us to a mezzanine area and brought the State Department party in.


The War Criminal?!?! Interesting!

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Guest janainaz

I met David Schwimmer (Ross from the show "Friends") at a restaurant in Vegas while on a company business trip (this was about 10 years ago). He had been sitting at a table with a bunch of guys (I think they were in Vegas for some fight). My husband ran into him in the bathroom and asked if he would come say hello to me. Towards the end of dinner, after I had one, two, three, or maybe four too many margaritas, he came over and said hello. I asked him how he got all the ink off of his forehead (I was referring to the most recent episode at that time where Rachel wrote on him). I think I had to close one eye to even focus on his face and I still remember passing out on the restaurant bench in the lobby shortly after the encounter. So very classy of me. I still think to myself, "What an idiot!"

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I remember, Barbara Streisand's husband, James Brolin. And I was on Truth or Consequences when I was 13 (1972ish) and won $100 and kissed Bob Barker on the cheek. And I also waited on Larry Byrd, who is really, really tall. And I ran into Wilt Chamberlain at the Forum in los Angeles after a laker game in the elevator.

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Stacey....dh and I are big fans of Chris from waaaay back. I think he became really popular after Garth Brook's song, but we knew of him long before.


In London I met the woman who replaced Sarah in Phantom of the Opera. Her name is Jill Washington. She invited me for a tour of the stage, let me walk on the cat walk, meet the Phantom, then we had wine in her dressing room while she had hair and make-up done.:001_smile:


I met Lynn Redgrave in NY once and we chatted about those stinkin' weight watcher meals. ugh


One of my sisters was in charge of a Lee Greenwood concert, so she took him out to dinner, etc.

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Celebrities I've actually met and talked to:


Bruce Springsteen

:svengo: You and Elaine are killing me!! I have to start hanging out in the right part of Jersey!


(and :D at Richard Simmons!!) :lol:


I work with Rachel Ray, Mario Batali, Emeril, Bobby Flay and pretty much all of Food Network chefs so I've had extensive conversations with all of them (usually me saying "first you are going to chop the onion and I have 4 onions here, 2 peeled, and 2 if you want to peel them yourself... then you move to the blender where you add the oil, the finished dish is in the oven for you to pull out... etc. LOL)

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Okay' date=' who remembers Don from Lost in Space? I had a huge huge crush on him when I was little.


Then when I was in my late teens we moved to the town that he lived in. I used to see him out jogging a circular route by my house and would whip on some jogging clothes and run the opposite way so I could "pass" him multiple times and say a breathy hello. He usually just gave me the fish-eye.


I also saw Matt Damon in Boston once. He is really short![/quote']


Me, me! I remember Don...and I had a huge crush on him as well, LOL. I used to watch every Lost in Space episode that was shown on tv just so I could catch any "Don and Judy" scenes. :001_smile:


How great that you could jog and 'pass' him. I probably would have fainted.:D

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I thought of another one from my college days. I used to wait on Bill Elliot at a restaurant in Laurinburg, NC, where they passed through going to races.


I didn't know who he was, ignored him except for waiting on him and he was grateful. Everyone around me (rural-ish NC) knew and wanted to interact with him.

I have a friend who's family often went to NASCAR races. Bill Elliot was their favorite driver and they got to meet him and interact with him enough that he would remember them from one race to the next. My friend tells me of a time when they were waiting in line to get his autograph. There was a lady in front of them who was boasting of how well she knew him. Then when the line got close enough, Bill looked up, past the lady, and greeted my friend's family by name. ;)

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I saw Evan Lycacek (the current World Figure Skating Champion) skate at a small ice show at our local rink almost 13 years ago. My then mothers' helper, Kelly, was training with his coach and they skated together. She told me to watch for him because "he was going to the Olympics some day and she hoped to join him." 10 years ago, I literally bumped into him at another ice arena. We had a homeschool outing at the same complex where he trained. My son had fallen on his head and was bleeding. As we were hurrying to get to the first aid station, I ran into him. I wanted to stop and wish him luck, but there was that blood and all:).


My mom was bowled over by JFK when he as running for president. As mom told the story ... She was in the airport getting ready to take a trip with my siblings (I wasn't born yet) when "a man with an ill-fitting suit knocked me over as he ran to catch a plane." A member of his entourage came back to help my mom and offered "Senator Kennedy's apologies." She had no idea it was him, but wondered why he had such a lousy suit:).

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Hubby had a chance to date Heather Locklear in High School but turned down the offer.


I met her when she was at UCLA, and living on my brother's dorm floor (just before she got famous)


His dad was a music songwriter with a moldy oldy hit in 1961 called Runaway.


A CLASSIC!!! Not "moldy" :D


You go on your way and don't make a big deal out of it -- that was the "unspoken" code of citizens of our town.


It's funny, but growing up and working in the business my whole life I've met or worked with just about all the big stars in Hollywood (over 30 :tongue_smilie:) and it just doesn't feel like a "big deal."


Bill (who got to ride with Clint (the pilot) in his jet-helicopter )

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...met or said hi to a celebrity....


Ok. There are different celebrity circles, so here are some of my celebrity experiences:


Met Nikki Cruz from the book The Cross and the Switchblade fame, shook his hand and he signed my Bible.


My girls and I met The VonTrapp Children after a concert....we all shook their hands, they signed our CD and our book, and then they discussed homeschooling with our girls (since they and we homeschool), then they said the girls could come around the table with them and we could take pictures of them all together!


My MIL was college roommates with Carolyn Patty, so whenever dh and I would see Ron and Carolyn Patty in concert, they'd always ask about MIL and then chat with us, like they 'knew' us. Very friendly people and so dedicated to serving God. For those not in-the-know, Ron and Carolyn Patty are Sandi Patti's mother and father, and were very big in the Christian music scene long before Sandi became a 'name'.


So, of course, we sort-of 'knew' their dd, Sandi Patti.....in a round-about way, LOL. My dh's cousin played the piano for Sandi for years, and this same cousin married Amy Gaither, daughter of Bill and Gloria Gaither. Amy sang back-up vocals for Sandi for years as well.


I met both Bill and Gloria Gaither at a music conference. They were great speakers and had good, solid help for struggling church worship leaders.


Just a few years ago, we had the pleasure of hosting The Sonflowerz group in our hometown, and my dds spent quite a bit of time with Elissa and Becca Leander, and dh and I took them and their parents out to eat and had a great conversation about homeschooling and contemporary Christian music. They are such a nice family and those girls are so talented. I love Elissa's songs, especially the songs on their first CD. They are so fresh and from-the-heart.


So, you can see that my celebrity circle is from the Christian music scene. :001_smile:

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What a fun thread to read through! Here are mine:


In high school, I spent a summer at a drama camp with Amy Redford, daughter of (yup, him) Robert Redford. As I remember it, she was a pretty decent actress, he came to our final performance in shades and a jacket even though it was August. She was a pretty messed up chick, however.


In college, I was waiting tables at a restaurant in Northampton. I waited on a nice couple of older women - thought nothing of it, until I took the credit card to the back to run the charge through - and saw Madeleine L'Engle's name on it. I was addicted to her books as a kid! Anyways, I hyperventilated (Ok not really, but close), and went back to her table trying to act all collected but ended up making a gushing fool out of myself. And. . .I didn't even THINK to ask for an autograph, when she'd just signed the cc slip!!!


Finally -


John Cougar Mellencamp is my cousin. True story. But I've never met him.

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At a dinner, my dad once shared a table with Hootie and the Blowfish, apparently the entire band, and apparently when they were currently popular.


He had no idea who they were and couldn't have cared less. I laugh as I contemplate what they made of him, and what he made of them throughout that dinner.


"Hi. I'm John ---. What's your name?"

"I'm Hootie, and these are the Blowfish."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"We're Hootie and the Blowfish."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"We're Hootie and the Blowfish."

"You don't say? What do you 'blowfish' do?"

"We're musicians."

"Oh, that explains it." Long pause. "My sister gives piano lessons."

"Oh." Long pause. "Can you pass the salad dressing?"

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I've made espresso for Bill Gates and Kenny G. Actually daily for a couple of years and they were GREAT tippers.


I've had annoying Seattle Seahawk players hogging all the laundry machines. They stayed in my college's dorms during the summer months. I was one of the very few students on campus during the summer. They were RUDE. They'd act all important and ask me if I wanted their autographs. I would roll my eyes and say, "No, I want the washing machine! Stop hogging it." I'm not easily impressed. LOL.


Here in SoCal, I've probably seen a few famous people, but I have to tell you that I am not up with pop culture enough to even know.

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Mine are so lame.


Jack Kemp came to my high school while campaigning in 1996. I shook his hand.


Kevin Faulk, the NFL player (Maybe with the Pats still?) grew up near me. I saw him around town a few times.


Jake Delhomme, the Carolina Panthers QB, lives in my hometown. He's very down-to-earth. I've seen him out mowing his lawn on his riding mower.


I once danced with Hootie in a club. Well, my friend danced with him and I danced near by. Sweet guy.


My best friend dated a congressman's son. He (the son) was a complete waste of space and smoked a lot of weed. At age 28:glare:.


Most of my family is infamous amongst criminal justice circles in South Louisiana.


I Know the cop that stopped Willie Nelson in South Louisiana a couple years ago. I yelled at him when I saw him.


That is the extent of my lameness.


(BTW- Who Dat!)

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Nothing major,

I stood in line for 3 hours to get autographs from Skid Row and when we managed to get to the front the line got held up so I was able to talk to Sebastian Bach for about 10 minutes. Really nice guy.

Ha ha! Sebastian Bach is from Peterborough where I live. We see him around all the time. My dh's friend is good friends of his.


Also my dd's godfather is a celebrity. Not the David Bowie calibre, but he is the frontman in a band that keeps getting more popular (with teens). Him and dh have been friends since they were preteens. I'm not going to post his name though, he and his wife are really private people.

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I have met Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.


Do you remember the movie Rain Man? A part of it was filmed in the town where I grew up. Remember the scene in the movie when Charlie took Ray to the doctor? Also the scene where Ray was crossing the street and almost got hit by the car?


Both of those scenes were filmed in my old hometown. I got to meet Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman while they were there filming.


I have also met Tom Wopat. (AKA Luke Duke from the original Dukes of Hazzard) He signed the back of the shirt I was wearing at the time. I still have that shirt. ;)

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I forgot one. I was very close friends with (in a mentor role but not for acting) Lisa Hart Carroll (best known as the best friend of Debra Winger's character in Terms of Endearment).


She had stopped making movies when I met her in the 90's. I hope she's well. :confused:


OH! And a dear friend who lives a few houses down, I used to watch her dd, she was Maria Shriver's college roomate and was with Maria the night she met Arnie.

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When I was 9 years old I lived in Pacific Palisades, CA. My best girl friend and I had an autograph collection. We went to the door of Mel Blanc, (Just around the corner from my house) and asked for his autograph. His wife answered and invited us in. She sat us down on a couch in the living room in front of a coffee table. She gave us milk and cookies. Across the table on another couch, Mel Blanc sat and proceeded to entertain us for 20 minutes doing all his different voices. I didn't know at the time what a big deal that was, but I do now. What wonderful people they were.


Also in Pacific Palisades, my brother played Little League with the son of Ted Night ( Mary Tyler Moore Show) and the son of Vin Scully ( voice of the Dodgers) both of whom came to every game and often chatted with our family.


At a Celebrity Donkey basketball game at our local high school in the Palisades, I approached Walter Matthau and asked if I could ride his donkey. All the other celebrities were giving rides after the game. He said, "Get away from me you little punk!"


On a trip to New York City, I saw David and Sean Cassidy on Broadway in Blood Brothers. The very next evening while walking along the sidewalk, David Cassidy walked out of a hotel, right in front of us and graciously posed with his arm around me for a picture!


One of our closest friends is Terry Schmidt.


He was a starter for the Bears for 9 years. He took us to the grand opening of a new Bears training facility and my DS, age 9 at the time, got a cap autographed by most of the players on the '85 team and many other famous Bears. Would you believe poor Terry retired in '84? But he was a major player in the years leading up to the big win!

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I also knew Billy Anderson (football player for the Oilers). He married his wife when I married my xh and she and I were both pregnant with our first children at the same time. I had already moved away from here when he died, but we (xh and I) knew him when he was first diagnosed. It was very sad. He died a young man and was alive to see his youngest child born but not grow up.


I lost contact with his wife after moving to AZ and never re-kindled a relatinship with her after moving back.

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I was walking one day and saw a familiar face but I could not for the life of me place the guy's name. So, I said, "Hi. How's it going." etc. We did small talk for a good 3 or 4 minutes before it struck me that it was Bill Nye the Science Guy and I did not know him! I was so embarrassed. He could tell from my flaming red face that I had finally figured it out. He patted me on the shoulder and told me it happened all the time.


I was formally introduced to C Everett Koop when he was surgeon general. The doctor who was hosting him in Japan was a long time friend of my father's.


Not me but my family. My parents hosted Corrie Ten Boom for a week when she was speaking in Japan in the 50's. My eldest sister was a baby at the time. She did not crawl but kind of swung herself around like a gorilla baby. Corrie Ten Boom (who had never married) told my mother, very seriously, that she thought that my sister was demon possessed. My sister still gets mad about that!


I met both the then mayor of Seattle and the then governor of Washington at a awards banquet for college students.


I used to clean house for a very famous interior designer. She used to throw terrible temper tantrums which everyone forgave because she was a "genius". She was polite to me and never threw tantrums because if she did, I had selective hearing loss. That was - until I got another job and gave notice. Then she wouldn't talk to me and would yell for someone to come from rooms away to give me a message when I was standing 2 feet away from her!

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I forgot one! My sister and I met The Rock (what's his real name, Dwayne Johnson?) in Chicago a few years ago. He said, "Hi, Ladies" and my sister almost passed out. He signed a magazine for her and she framed it. :tongue_smilie:


He was much better-looking in person than on TV.

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Back in college, I worked at a restaurant in Dallas called Randy White's Sports Bar and Grill... After Cowboy games, tonz of the players and cheerleader would come in. Troy Aikman & Lorrie Morgan when they were dating, "The Moose" - :001_wub:, and many others (+ old timers from the 70s like Randy himself!). That was a fun place to work at that time - the Cowboys had won 3 Superbowls in 4 years - everyone was happy and tipping really well!



My uncle is - I mean was - the Chairman of the Texas Department of Education, until he was replaced last year amidst all of the science curriculum debates... he is a good man, and I hate seeing his name run through the mud like it has been!


My roomate in college managed to "get lost" at a concert (The Cult) and wound up getting back stage passes and spending the evening with a little known artist at the time named Lenny Kravitz while the rest of us just stood around looking for her:confused:....


Right now, I am living vicariously through DD's good friend who lives next door. Her parents are good friends with Viggo Mortenson and his parents. And, every time he is in town, they all get together. I just want a glimpse! (but he needs to be unshaven and all muddy like Aragorn....) Is that really too much to ask?

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Right now, I am living vicariously through DD's good friend who lives next door. Her parents are good friends with Viggo Mortenson and his parents. And, every time he is in town, they all get together. I just want a glimpse! (but he needs to be unshaven and all muddy like Aragorn....) Is that really too much to ask?


:svengo: A glimpse in itself would be all right too. :D


I used to work in the gift shops at the airport. We sold all sort of magazines, including Playboy. Imagine my surprise when Anson Williams (Happy Days) walked up with his gorgeous white smile and a Playboy.


I've met several race car drivers, most were autograph sessions. My favorite was a luncheon I attended and I spoke a sentence to Kyle Petty without stumbling all over my words.


I've met several Christian bands including Petra that played at the church where we used to live, it was their last tour. We got to hang out with the band a little and I got a hug from their drummer. :D


I've also met The Afters, Jeremy Camp, & Mercy Me.

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i hung out with Clutch after a show years back, i've met Baroness as well...John Baizley is as cool as they get!


when David Beckham came to Houston this past season i was within 7 feet of him, but i was jeering instead of saying 'hi' :001_tt2:


I've also been in very close proximity to Leo Messi.


and this doesn't count as me, but my step-mom is like BFFs with Rick Springfield.

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My kids and I were in the same kids play place in the indoor amusement park in my city when who should I see but Brad Pitt and Angelia Jolie and their 2 kids (at the time). It was kind of neat to see Brad playing with Maddox and Angelina had their little girl adopted from Africa in a baby carrier. None of the other parents really made a fuss, but that's Canadians for you.;)


It was a little disturbing when some to people outside of the play were standing there with their cellphone trying to take a picture. I felt sorry for Brad and Angelina cause they had to stop Maddox from playing and leave because of the crowd. It would have been nice for people to let them have time to play as a family.

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Sean Connery was a guest at our hotel (the Caledonian Hilton) when we were in Edinburgh a year and a half ago. The hotel had been undergoing renovations, and obviously someone hadn't hooked up the fire alarm properly, because it went off in the middle of the night. All the guests on our floor met at the landing of the beautiful wooden staircase to figure out what was going on and what to do next.


We didn't know Mr. Connery and his wife were there, and so I didn't recognize him when I glanced over at him. I did think he was handsome "for an old guy." The people around us (most of whom were part of our tour) started looking at him and getting very excited. The word went around about who it was.


Mr. and Mrs. Connery had to come down to the lobby and wait out the false alarm with the rest of us. We were all dressed scruffily in whatever clothes we'd picked up off the floor, and they were, too. Mrs. Connery was absolutely stunning. I looked her up online when I got back home and was shocked to find out that she was almost 80 years old! She's still gorgeous.

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When I was a teenager, we went to Lime Rock, CT to see Paul Newman race for the national championship. He won. We asked him for an autograph and he said he didn't give them, so we got a picture of him with his arm around my brother and me instead.


On the boardwalk in Atlantic City, I saw Penn from Penn and Teller - we were waiting behind him to get a soda from a machine. I didn't know who it was but when my dad and brother were discussing him, I asked if they were talking about the guy with the long red pinky fingernail which confirmed for them who it was.


When we lived at the country club in the Chicago burbs, I walked out our front door to see Michael Jordan teeing off at the 7th. Once I convinced my dh that's who it was, we grabbed the camera and walked across the street to wait for him at the 8th. He told me to have a good day as he walked within a yard of me.

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Mine are pretty lame, too...


When I was in high school we went to a dinner to hear Al Gore (when he was VP) speak and got to meet him... can't really remember if we shook hands or not; but I remember thinking I could just get up and go to the restroom if I wanted to, and being stopped by three secret service men, LOL.


Also, when I was in high school, I got a phone call from Larenz Tate. He said he was calling from a local radio station because I had won a contest. I thought it was a joke, so I pretended that I had never heard of him and hung up on him. Later, I found out that it wasn't a joke. :tongue_smilie:


A few years ago, I was in a Target store, turned a corner, and literally bumped into Justin Timberlake. I think his family lives somewhere around here. He was wearing a hoodie and walking kind-of hunched over and really fast. He stopped long enough for me to see clearly who he was after we crashed, and then kept on going without a word.


I have been much more excited to have met Uncle Josh at a curriculum fair, and Linda Hobar (Mystery of History) at our local support group meeting. She was a guest speaker and afterward she went to dinner with a group of us and sat by me. :D


My dad has met a lot of famous people... like Elvis Presley, Tanya Tucker, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chevy Chase,... and several others that I can't remember right now. He's got some great stories.


One of my friends went to a concert at a downtown club to see Justin Timberlake several years ago; and when she went to the restroom, Cameron Diaz was in there touching up her makeup.


My husband has met the Tuohy family (The Blind Side). He used to work in one of Sean Tuohy's restaurants.


I forgot, I also met a college basketball player who was well-known at the time because he was dating Toni Braxton. I can't even remember his name now.... I think his 15-minutes of fame expired long ago, LOL.

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Do writers count ??:D I've met tons at the ACFW conference.


OK, celebs you may have heard of....


Anyone remember that show Grace Under Fire? Bret Butler came into our store one day, and her real name was on her credit card as I swiped it through.


Then, one day the dad from Family Ties came into our store. One of the sales guys kept following him around, LOL!


Met the Audio Adrenaline guys way back before they were famous and were selling their T-shirts at a DC Talk concert. Met the Newsboys when they signed autographs after one of their concerts.

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