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Do you own a Wii?

Does your family own a Wii?  

  1. 1. Does your family own a Wii?

    • Yes and we love it!
    • Yes, but we could take it or leave it.
    • Not yet, but we will by Christmas.
    • No, but we probably will one day.
    • No, and we don't ever plan to.
    • Other

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We don't have one, and I had no intention of buying one, but my best friend just told me that she got is one for a family Christmas present.


My dad just bought us a TV. My friend just bought us a Wii. I should just continue to stubbornly refuse to buy things until someone steps in and buys it for me.


My evil plan seems to be working!

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I voted yes, but I could take it or leave it.


My ds bought it for us and installed it, etc. He called it a Christmas present to his sisters last year....or maybe it was the year before? I honestly don't remember.


I have no idea how to work it. I can't even turn it on. My girls never play it unless ds comes to visit. Dh will sometimes play golf.


So, there you have it. We own one, but none of us that actually live here care one way or the other and we'd all be just as happy without it. However, we love ds and since it's something *he* likes, we'll play with him when he comes home.

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I got to play on a friend's Wii sometime last year. I thought it was a lot of fun. I would not spend the money on one, though. This year, my fil asked if we would like one for a family present. So, we'll have one by this Christmas. The kids don't know yet and today my oldest dd got to play at the grocery store (kid watch area) and she had so much fun. She's going to be excited when they open that gift. :D

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I voted yes but we could take it or leave it. We play it sometimes. We'll go in spurts and play it a few nights in a row. Then we won't think about it again for a few weeks or longer. I like that you can buy versions of games from the old gaming systems. We don't watch much tv either. We have other things that we'd rather be doing.

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I asked my girls what they thought about getting a Wii and they said no thanks. Honestly they haven't ever played one, but my best friend got her kids one for Christmas. I guess after my girls get a chance to play it there, they might change their mind. We'll see.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I voted yes, but I could take it or leave it.


I have no idea how to work it. I can't even turn it on.


:lol: HA! This is me. And I refuse to learn how to turn it on (until DH deploys next, at least). I voted that I could take it or leave it. We didn't buy it though. My parents gave it to us, along with a Wii Fit and quite a few games. That said, this just might be the Christmas of Wii games here because DH asked for some grown-up games. Also, they just came out with ballet, so I got that for dd, who is ballet obsessed. They also have a new JumpStart educational I might buy for DS3. So, having to fill the hole for DS6, I might buy the Star Wars game he's been wanting. The thing I do love about the Wii is that it's all physical and the game selection is way more up our alley than the other video games. I can't imagine buying another.


We have one and do enjoy playing with it. We might play with it a couple times a month at the most.....but when we do play--it is a TON of fun! Just too many other things in life to enjoy!


This is us, minus the "we" because "we" do not play Wii. DH and the kids play together. I read or entertain myself by watching them. They love it. We have very tight controls on its use (per my demands) and they know it's a Daddy thing for a couple of hours on the weekends.


OK, typing this out makes me like it a bit more...although I still don't want to play. I think DH might buy Crash Bandicoot to force me to play, as I do so love Crash from our childless Playstation years (when I had time for such frivolity :tongue_smilie:).

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My mom decided to get them one for Christmas, and since this is one thing she really wanted to do, I said go ahead. We've never done video games - only the odd computer game. A few weeks later, I realized that our ancient TV wouldn't support the thing. Soo, on the weekend we're going to buy a new TV for Christmas so that the guys can play games. It wouldn't hurt so much, but we hardly watch TV at all.:glare:


Oh, well. I expect this TV will be just as ancient some day.

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My boys got one during the past summer. They had been wanting one but knew I had no plans to buy it. During swimming lessons when they both were having a hard time I sat at the opposite end of the pool from their swimming instructor, with the Wii and a sign saying "Want the Wii? Swim to me!" When they noticed it they looked like little motorboats!!


They've enjoyed it ever since.

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We were incredibly blessed last year. DH was able to get us a Wii through a work-related rewards program for free. He also got a couple of Visa gift cards through a similar program, and we used those to pay for the accessories and some games. Everyone except the baby plays it.


Everyone plays individually and together with other members of the family. Even DH gets involved, playing with the kids. We even use it for PE.

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We have it and we love it. The kids just love it on principle -- all the games we've bought are a huge hit. I love it because the kids don't sit there slack-jawed staring into a monitor. My personal favorite game is Wii Fit. We also have Wii trainer which is a blast. It's the only thing that has gotten me off my butt and moving. Whatever works.

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No we don't have one and don't want one. MIL and BIL really wanted to buy us one for a family gift this year. We declined because we don't have a TV to play it on and absolutely refuse to have a TV in our house. They were going to give us an old TV they had too. BIL was extremely miffed when we said thanks but no thanks. He asked 2 or 3 more times why. He just kept saying, but the kids need exercise in the winter. Um, that's what phy ed classes and snow banks are for.

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We don't own one and I don't plan to ever own one or any other gaming system.


But we also don't get cable, or have a flat-screen tv, or even a tv that can get signals over the airwaves without a converter box. We do have a honkin' antenna in the attic. How retro!


However, virtually everyone I know has a Wii and my kids do sometimes play those. I figure that's more than enough. And that's my evil plan. :D


I have yet to be tempted to even try Wii at anyone else's house. I think I waste enough time staring at the screen at this forum. :tongue_smilie:

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We don't own one and I don't plan to ever own one or any other gaming system.


But we also don't get cable, or have a flat-screen tv, or even a tv that can get signals over the airwaves without a converter box. We do have a honkin' antenna in the attic. How retro!


However, virtually everyone I know has a Wii and my kids do sometimes play those. I figure that's more than enough. And that's my evil plan. :D


I have yet to be tempted to even try Wii at anyone else's house. I think I waste enough time staring at the screen at this forum. :tongue_smilie:


Yes, this is our house too!

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I was considering buying them one for Christmas. I think it would collect dust most of the time. My boys do their own thing. My 9year old is to busy playing outside with friends most of the time. I asked my 2 oldest and they really have no interest in getting one. They have an xbox 360, psp, ds, computer games and are content.

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I got to vote "other."


We don't own a wii, but a grandmother is going to buy a wii for the kids--BUT the wii stays at grandma's house! It's a special toy for them to play when she watches them. It can be used by all her grandkids (not just my kids.)


That's probably a good thing. I don't like to let the kids play many electronic games. We do so in moderation. I like games and I don't think they're inherently bad, but I do put limits on them.


If we had a wii, I'd just have to limit it and it would be frustrating for the kids. As it is, mom-mom only watches them once in awhile, so if they sit there and play the wii for 4 hours straight, so be it. It won't kill them to do that every now and then.


I do have final say in what the games are, however. Mom-mom is very respectful of my wishes regarding what they're allowed to watch or play at her house. But I let her decide how long they can watch tv or play games. It's a good compromise.

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I voted, Yes, but we could take it or leave it. We have had it for like two years and have probably only played 50 times. We were on a kick as a family playing Guitar Hero together, but other than that my ds never puts it on by himself. He only plays it now when a friend comes over and wants too.

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I'm anti-video games, except when we're at other people's houses. I have to admit that watching my husband do the hula hoop on the WII was the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen and the hardest I have ever laughed!


I laughed so hard at dh hula hooping that he refuses to do it again! Funniest thing ever!!:lol:

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I sometimes feel like we are the only ones on the planet who don't. :lol:


We do, but only because dh won it at his company Christmas party last year. I don't like it and never play it. The kids only very rarely play it anymore, preferring the much less expensive PC games I've downloaded for them. I can't remember the last time dh played it.

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I got to play on a friend's Wii sometime last year. I thought it was a lot of fun. I would not spend the money on one, though. This year, my fil asked if we would like one for a family present. So, we'll have one by this Christmas. The kids don't know yet and today my oldest dd got to play at the grocery store (kid watch area) and she had so much fun. She's going to be excited when they open that gift. :D


We got one because we live in an area that has cold winters with bad weather that can be dismal to be outdoors in. With active dc, we wanted to have a good active option for inclement days. We also have the Wii Fit which expands the options.


Before this, dh and I have avoided all electronic game systems, large and small, for years. Dc can play on the computer a bit and watch limited tv, so they didn't need to be sitting around wearing their thumbs out too. :lol:


Our family has definitely enjoyed it!

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We're getting one for Christmas. I didn't really want to do a game console thing because I was concerned about having to monitor the amount of time my boys spend on it. They already have the handheld DS's and I always have to remind them about "screen time."


But, in talking to friends it sounds like this system is one that the whole family can enjoy. I think it will make for some fun family nights, rather than just watching a movie. I also like my kids to have their friends over and this will give them one more thing to do when they're all here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're getting one for Christmas courtesy of my in-laws. We have an old PS2 that hardly ever gets used for anything aside from watching DVD's. But the Wii looks really fun! Our local library set one up on Friday afternoons during the summer in their children's room. My oldest had a blast!


I'm looking forward to trying out the Wii Fit Plus that is part of the gift.

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We have one and I love it. The kids are each getting a game for Xmas and apparently, so am I. :D


We're a gaming family so we have a Wii, Gamecube, DS, XBox, computers galore and a number of other game systems in boxes that get dragged out on occasion. Other families do boardgames, not us.


I'm currently trying to beat the Omega Space Pirate in Metroid Prime (a Gamecube games we're playing in the Wii). The kids love to watch me get my butt thoroughly kicked by him.

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We really thought about getting one for Christmas. However, after sitting down and talking it over, we decided not to. We don't want the kids getting roped into video games, ad I decided on a (second-hand) treadmill over the Wii Fit. We may or may not get one in the future, but for now it's a definate NO.

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