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What Sports Do Your Children Play?

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My oldest plays baseball, soccer, basketball and adding golf this fall.


This is a year of firsts for my 5 yr old. He played baseball this summer and will play soccer and golf this fall. He wants to play basketball next school year (has to be in 1st grade).


I would like to get the older three into martial arts but my oldest isn't interested. Both of my middle boys want to though.

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My son plays organized baseball, organized soccer (indoor and outdoor), and then attends a mixed martial arts school.


We're a very sports-oriented family, and do a lot of non-organized sports as well (golf, tennis, swim, biking, and he jogs. Alone. Cuz that's not my thing LOL)


My daughter is turning four, and can't wait to be old enough to join her brother in martial arts and soccer when she turns six and five, respectively.

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Dd 13yo....ballet, pointe, and riding


Dd 12yo...ballet, Irish step, riding


Ds 8yo....AKR Karate, basketball


The last winter we lived in NY they all skied and ds snowboarded.:001_smile:


Just about the only restriction we put on sports is that no one play baseball. It's pure torture for dh and I to watch a game.:D

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11 yod dd plays fall and spring (club soccer only), winter basketball, summer swimming team, soccer camp and tennis.


10 yod ds plays spring and fall Babe Ruth baseball (we have a rec. fall league), fall soccer, winter and summer basketball, summer swimming lessons and baseball camp.


7 yod dd plays fall soccer (rec. only), winter basketball, spring girls softball , summer swimming lessons and drama camp .


We have a homeschool ski/snowboard day on Fridays for the entire winter.

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Currently, all the kids are involved with shotokan karate, which takes several days per week; they also took some golf and swimming instruction over the summer. In the past, they've played lacrosse, soccer, baseball/softball, and we did a brief stint of gymnastics.


Our favorites have been karate, lacrosse, and soccer, fwiw.



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Dds 11 and ds 8: cricket, tennis, swimming

One dd also plays soccer and the other does ballet. DS 8 may play soccer, but he doesn't really have time.

They had skating last year but I decided that was too much this year as they have added choir.



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We've done gymnastics, tap, swimming, and softball in the past. Right now dds 15,13,10,9, & 5 are in American Kenpo Karate. We've been doing that for 3 years. We dropped the softball a couple of years ago when both became just too much! dd 6 feels his best sport is MarioKart racing, if only cyber activities built muscle!:D

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My 9yo DD is not involved in sports other than a free one hour bowling lesson every other week. She's not all that interested in sports so I don't push it. I do push the bowling because the coaches feel that she has natural abilities which could lead to scholarships....if I can get her to that level of interest, buy her equipment, and get her into leagues when she's a teen.


My 7yo DS does taekwondo approximately 10 hours a week. He loves it, perseveres, and will take it all the way to black belt and beyond. He also does the bowling lessons with his sister.


My 2yo DS doesn't need any sports. He gets plenty of exercise climbing and jumping on the furniture. LOL

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DD 13--competitive gymnastics

DS 11--Fall, Spring and Summer baseball; basketball

DS 6--baseball; basketball; and just beginning American Karate


In the past dd danced competitively, middle ds did Karate and little one took gymnastics. But, they all have decided on the above sports - for now. All of them also swim daily from May - Sept. but not for any team.

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My boys are really into karate. My oldest got his black belt last month and his younger brother is fast on his tails. They had played baseball until this year, but it was never a passion. My daughter loves soccer (I screwed up and somehow didn't get her registered this fall) and rock-climbing. I have always required swimming, but more as a skill than a sport. My hubby was never into organized sports - he is more of the outdoorsman sporty type (hiking, backpacking).

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This year


ds11:fencing, pop n'lock it, funk, swimming, possibly MMA, archery and rock climbing in the winter term, and baseball in the spring

dd10:cheerleading, tumbling, hip hop, funk, pop n'lock it, swimming Possibly rock climbing and an addition gymnastic class in the winter term, baseball or golf in the spring

ds6: gymnatics, swimming, possibly rock climbing and MMA in the winter term and soccer in the spring

dd2: swimming, gymnastics

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5 year old - Hula, Ballet/Tap, Gymnastics, Soccer, Swimming

3 year old - Hula, Gymnastics, Swimming


We are going to have to cut back once their activities start meeting more than once a week and once the little one gets older and develops different interests than her sister but for now we just keep adding things as they want to try them out.

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17yod: sailing, fencing, swimming, scuba diving (soccer, field hockey, & gymnastics in the past)


15yos: sailing, competitive gymnastics (club + rep.), muoy thai (soccer & field hockey in the past)


11yos: sailing, competitive gymnastics, field hockey (club + rep.), swimming (soccer & karate in the past)


All 3 dc are in Scouts as well, so canoeing, rowing, sailing, tramping, etc. also happen on a regular basis.



Edited by Deb in NZ
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My kids' main sport has been gymnastics, for many years.

They also surf sometimes.

But this season I finally decided to give in and let ds13 play soccer. I didnt want ot do the weekend thing. But, he loved it, and it wasnt so bad at all, and it was totally worth it.

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Ds13: rowing, karate, fencing

Ds11: rowing, karate, lacrosse, piano

Ds 9: karate, soccer, piano


(This looks like a LOT! But, lacrosse is once/week. Piano - they can walk there and it's once/week. They walk to karate together. The olders row with dad 3x/week. So, it's not as full as it looks!!)




Ds13: karate, fencing

Ds11: karate, basketball, piano

Ds9: karate, basketball, piano




Ds13: karate, baseball

Ds11: karate, baseball, piano

Ds9: karate, baseball, piano


Year Round

Dd3: Running, twirlling, jumping

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