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Um. If I don't show up for awhile...

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...it's because the neighbors have collapsed onto me.


We share a two story Cape Cod with a young couple. They have the second floor, we the first. We do not really *know* one another and barely see each other, except occasionally, in passing, outside. They aren't outside a whole lot, and this time of year, neither are we. We are cordial.


But, I can *hear* them. Often. Not voices so much as movements. Vacuuming. I swear the young woman skateboards up there. Things like that, I hear during the day and, frequently, at odd hours of the night. OK, so they keep a different schedule than me. :glare: But, just now, I would swear they are CLOGGING right over my head. Or, perhaps they've got a new exercise video going. Or Wii Fit. But, over my head is the kitchen, not the living area, of that space. So, what then? Aerobic grilled cheese making? Latin dancing lasagna? They are going to crash through the floor/ceiling any minute now, I'm sure of it.


So, without bashing or getting ugly, what do YOUR neighbors do that makes you go :001_huh:?

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Well my neighbors aren't nearly so close. No one lives on the one side of me and we all have 1+ acres. I've complained before about the two young adult girls next door though (they live with the one's dad). They let their puppy (about a year old now) out without a chain and not in a fence. He has his own oversized pen in the back. They can NEVER catch him. We usually catch him for them as he's bugging our dogs. For awhile, they finally started penning him but they stopped and now it's almost every day of dealing with him. He's a VERY sweet pit pull and my dogs love playing with him. But I really get irritated about him always being out. I so wish my hubby would talk to the man (they work together), but.....

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We are all in single family homes in our neighborhood so it helps with the noise problem. But all my head scratching has involved dogs.


One neighbor would let her dog bark outside a lot. She told me she had a bark collar but he didn't like it so she didn't want to use it. :confused:


Another neighbor has Springer spaniels just like we do. One of their dogs looks identical to one of ours. When these neighbors first moved here I started getting lots of calls from other neighbors that my dog was in their yard. I looked outside and even I thought it was my dog - until I looked beside me and saw my dog sitting there! I went over and asked the neighbor to please keep his dogs on his own property. He told me (while we watched his dog frolic halfway down the block) that his dogs never roamed off his property! :confused: Fortunately he did start to keep better tabs on his dogs after that.

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Well, you remember the old neighbors. Eek! New neighbors moved in the day after baby was born. They're about my parents' age. The man, upon introduction, made a friendly, "Just let me know if I play my congas too loudly..." remark.


To my surprise, "congas" wasn't a euphamism for loud noise. He really plays drums. Above us. In an apt where I can almost make out every word of the conversations they have. :001_huh::lol:

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Barking dogs - one dog sounds like he is choking - a very shrill, harpy sound. We did have a neighbor who would leave the dogs out there to bark and then would shout "Piper, SHUT UT" out the back door. Now that was pleasant ... NOT. And not particularly effective either. Fortunately, they moved.


Drums. The neighbor boy across the street is a drummer in a rock band. He is usually pretty considerate. He practices in the garage that is not soundproof. We did get new windows, which cut down on the sound, but there are days ... He went away to college this past semester and has been home and practicing during the break. I am not used to it.


For the most part, we have very good neighbors.

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Dogs here too - although this was years ago in our first year of marriage. We lived in the main floor of a three floor house. The neighbor upstairs was nice and quiet, but the one downstairs would be away most nights, and the dog would whine/bark/cry under our bedroom alllll night long. She would leave the TV/radio on loud - I guess to keep the dog company? But it didn't help, it only contributed to the fact that I didn't sleep for that entire year. :glare: I finally begged dh to move. I guess it was practice for having 4/5 poorly sleeping babies a few years later! :lol:

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Our old neighbor was...interesting. He was an excentric packrat.


He had a telephone booth in this backyard with a manaquin in it.


He bought the house across the street and he and his wife moved into it using mostly a shopping cart that he would use to take loads back and forth across the street (he rented his old house to his nephew).


We have more mainstream neighbors in our current house, and they're pretty boring :001_smile:.

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Our neighbours here are pretty quiet, always working, etc...where we lived before we moved though, ugh. It was a rowhouse thing and we were on the end...the neighbours - a mom and a teenage girl - would have very VERY loud fights...I mean screaming & yelling words that I can't type here. ;)...sooooo annoying. Both of them would go at it for a good hour, ugh. When it wasn't that, it was the teenage girl having friends over and THEM screaming and yelling in the house and out front.

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When we lived in an apartment complex, our next door neighbor used to sit in his car with the engine running and smoke pot for hours. The stink was unbelievable. Then he'd go inside and beat up his wife and kids. We called police too many times to count.

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I am pretty sure we are "those" neighbors. We live in the country on some acreage so our neighbors aren't super close, but at 7:30am this morning dh and I were out with the tractor and my twins were riding their ATV. Neither is terribly noisy, but we have the potential to be a nuisance!

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Where we live now is very quiet---too quiet, really.


BUT....we have had many noisy neighbors in the past.


The worst was when we lived in Utah and were waiting on Military housing. We lived in this teeny tiny four-plex. The family above us was SO LOUD. They had a small child, and he would ride around on a scooter-type toy right above my head. Then the mom would do STEP AEROBICS over my head. She was a big girl and it was LOUD. She would rock that place!


Also, our swamp cooler was in a window next to one of their parking spaces. Our apartment was about 1/2way in the ground, so the window was just at engine level. Well, the husband of this family had an old VW bus that he didn't use, but rest assured that he started it up occasionally to let the engine run. It was the stinkiest, smokiest, nastiest engine, and the air was sucked right into our swamp cooler and filled our home with lovely fumes. The first time it happened, we didn't know what was happening to us---first a loud, furious engine and then smoke and fumes....after that, when we would see him heading over that way, we'd make a dive for the swamp cooler to turn it off.


Good times, good times.......:lol:

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When I was in residency I had a top floor apartment in a house similar to your situation. My last two years there some very nice medical students rented the downstairs. They were very sweet quiet boys but they were very involved in the Christian Medical Student Group. They would practice praise music on the guitar for hours and hours. Not that bad....except none of them were at all musical.

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We live in a big house that is broken up into apartments.

We live on the main floor. There is an apartment in the basement and 2 upstairs.

We get along great with the one gal upstairs.

We don't really know the guy downstairs, but he plays loud music at all hours, fights with his girlfriend(and we hear him punching walls and so on).

The other gal upstairs is pretty loud when doing anything~even the nice gal upstairs has complained about her.


We are hoping to find a house to rent this spring.

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Hound dogs in a city, with no one home all day :0( And the neighbor who bred her golden, and decided to keep almost all the litter. 7 or 9 goldens in one house, on a 7000 sq ft lot ???? She is very clean about the dogs, they just bark and they are well cared for, considering, but that is a lot of dogs for where we live!


Mariachi music at 6 am-10pm. Enough neighbors have called the police that they finally got fined (or at least threatened with one) and they do it much less often now. They have had it so loud that once I could hear the lyrics while I was showering. We live in a newer neighborhood of houses not apartments, so it is Very loud. Maybe a few times a month instead of daily, usually when the parents are out of the country and the leave the teens home alone.


People who insist on blaring music from the house to listen to while they wash their car.....does it really have to be That loud!???? Can't you just turn on your car radio?


People who let their dogs out to poop and pee in my yard, then call them home....they are letting them out on purpose to soil other yards is what irks me. The people who pick up after their pets aren't a problem.


People who come home from partying at 2-3:30am and have their car stereo cranked soooo loud that it wakes the baby. grrrr.


The newspaper boy who drive a car that needs a muffler like an INDY car, who barrels through our neighborhood at 4am.


The idiots who approved a warehouse to go in 100ft from our street, and the 2 years of construction all night long to build it. The beeep, beeep, beep of the back up on the shovels and heavy equipment about drove us nuts 24hours a day. They were working against county allowed hours, but the county never did anything, despite numerous complaints.




It sounds like I am over sensitive to sounds but honestly it is just the extremes that drive me nuts. Our house is close to the freeway, has train tracks near by and is in the airport fly over zone, so I knew when we got here that it wasn't going to be quiet.....but it is the excess, that is made by inconsiderate people that I don't like.

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Fireworks.... We have a lot of teenage boys in the neighborhood, and from Memorial Day to Labor Day they seem to enjoy small fireworks, firecrackers, etc. most nights. We're pretty far out in the country, and the houses are all spaced pretty far apart, but the fireworks can be loud, especially since we have the windows open in the summer. I don't mind at all around Independence Day, but the random other nights can be a bit much, especially since it gets dark so late and my kids are young enough to go to bed on the early side.

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We live in a subdivision with teeny-tiny yards. My lovely neighbors insist on walking their dog in their front yard and letting it *go* and then they don't clean up after it. Ever. That, and the fact that their children leave all sorts of candy wrappers, soda cans, fast food wrappers, etc. all over their yard to blow over into my yard.

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My nightmare neighbors run an illegal, poorly-supervised drug rehab center for men that is little more than an expensive SRO. Did I mention it is not really supervised? Did I mention it is illegal?


Or how about the fact that it doesn't really attempt to actually HELP any of these poor men. The case plan for ALL the men in the facility is to attend AA or NA meetings and get a job. That's it. For anyone who knows anything about drug rehab, this is a joke. Having spoken extensively to the owner, we are convinced he is in this to shamelessly earn money exploiting people who really, really need help.


They park in our drive. There have been physical fights among the inmates (and staff!!), and yes, the police have visited more than once. The inmates and their friends/relatives get mixed up sometimes and end up on my porch at ALL HOURS ringing my bell.


And did I mention the large, unsocialized, undertrained Rottweiler they keep in the backyard?


Yes, it's stressful.

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Barking dogs. Letting the cats roam. We're the only ones in the neighborhood without a dog so all the cats come to our house to relieve themselves. We've tried everything. Just our lot, I guess. We've considered borrowing a friend's dog for a week or so but cats are smart. They'd just come back. FWIW, in Vegas there's a containment law for cats. On a leash or on your property but just try enforcing that. It's just yucky.

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We looked into buying a house back in the fall of last year. In fact, we made a low offer and were outbid. A part of me is enormously grateful because we'd already been warned by neighbors - not to mention seen and heard - about the dogs in the house just next door. We were told they bark all the time. The day(s) we were there, we saw the dogs, but they were not barking. Still, at 4am, or 11pm, or whatever, any barking would get old in a hurry!


As for mufflers -- or the lack thereof -- we have folks here who treat that like a competition. It's like, the louder the sound, the cooler the car (or, in our area, truck). I just don't get it. Thankfully, we live far enough off the main road that it is not a disturbance at home.


Nicole, I might've known! :D


strider - I think your situation would be the most unnerving. Is there any hope of it changing anytime soon?



All's quiet here. I guess they've had their grilled cheese, tea, and Latin dancing. They'll be ready for more around 2:00 am. :confused:


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Yard brawling is popular here. :001_huh:


Our dog has just taken to barking when outside. We make her come in, unless it's an isolated thing, like greeting the neighbor across the fence. She does not go out unless we're home, and she goes out briefly to tinkle before bed, but doesn't bark then.


Oh, and just outside of town, we have the delightful people with the brand-new, overdone house... with the toilet in the front yard. With a mannequin on it.

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Before we moved to our current house, we lived in base housing. Not bad most of the time. We did have the dog-poop-in-yard issues, but the worst some days was the other kids! My dd was preschool age and had some Little Tykes type toys in the yard, very near our patio. There were times when I would look outside and find a child playing on our stuff. No adult anywhere to be seen. No idea whose kid. I was so afraid at times that one would get hurt when I was not home and it be my fault! I guess people think b/c it is a military base they can let very, very young children roam. Once my dh found 2 kids in our front yard nearly naked (one had on only a shirt!) in 40 degree weather. When the mom finally showed up, still on the phone, she acted so angry twords the kids, dh almost held onto them to keep them from her!

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The house next door to us is cut up into apartments. Several years ago, one of the tenants was a bit dotty. He was a security guard (though for the life of me I can't imagine why anyone felt secure employing him!).


One day, we kept hearing a cat meowing. Over and over. We found that the meow seemed to be coming from our answering machine; we also heard it through our TV. We were so perplexed until my dh discovered the neighbor outside in his security car, meowing into his souped-up CB radio. Turns out he did this kind of thing for fun, to annoy truckers. :001_huh:

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Mine sounds so petty now. When I was in college, the next door neighbor in the apartment had a LARGE collection of cuckoo clocks. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Except he did not have them all set to go off at the same time. It seemed to me they went off randomly and continuously .... So, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ......

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A few duty stations ago we lived in an apartment-type building in base housing. It was horrible! The first people that lived next to us would make TEA very loudly at all hours of the night. Amusing at first, not so great after a bit. When her husband deployed, it didn't stop.


They moved and another couple moved in. Both worked all day but they would leave their music on in the morning when they left very loudly and it would continue until about 2 a.m. I was pregnant and got migraines the second it would go on so I had to visit the ER about 20 times because of them. And then the pot smoking started at about 11 or so. You could smell it through the windows. It took housing about 4 months of our daily complaints to get rid of them.


Then more tea makers moved in. Not as bad as the first ones. We were soooo glad to get out of there!

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I hardly hear from them except to be invited to parties. I swear, they are the nicest, funnest women. I'm not really in the "in" circle, but they always invite me to little wine and cheese parties for each other's birthdays. Usually it's "no presents, just bring a snack or wine" which is good. But when I turned 40, they had a really nice party for me at a wine shop with awesome food and a fun basket of great stuff for the beach (a towel, a cute hat, skin care products, a beach music tape - that sot of thing). Honestly, no one has ever had a party for me, and I almost cried.


So no problems here. But I do have two neighbors who apparently have a problem with each other because one erected a wood fence that is at least ten feet high to block the other's view. It just runs between their driveways and goes nowhere. It cracks me up.

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The house next door to us is cut up into apartments. Several years ago, one of the tenants was a bit dotty. He was a security guard (though for the life of me I can't imagine why anyone felt secure employing him!).


One day, we kept hearing a cat meowing. Over and over. We found that the meow seemed to be coming from our answering machine; we also heard it through our TV. We were so perplexed until my dh discovered the neighbor outside in his security car, meowing into his souped-up CB radio. Turns out he did this kind of thing for fun, to annoy truckers. :001_huh:


:lol: What a nut!

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For that exact reason, I cannot live in an apartment or share my house in any way. We live 5 acres from our nearest neighbor. :)


When we built this house, we put 4 FEET of insulation between the top and bottom level. Unless the kids crash into something when they are upstairs, we rarely hear it at all. :)


I am w/ya. We lived in track housing and it was horrible, than one acre lots, but still dogs, tractors and leaf blowers. Oh yeah, than construction. Nice.


Now five acres, so far so good, although the lot across st. is empty. I pray everyday it stays that way.

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doesn't mow his yard and hasn't since we moved in about 8 years ago.


We live in a residential neighborhood in a rural area and so have lots of issues with dogs, fireworks, loud cars, etc. but the strangest thing is the house with the yard that hasn't been mowed since before we moved in.


Go ahead and try and picture it but I'm not sure you could :)


In the summer you can't even see that there's a house there because there are so many free growing trees. The back yard is beyond a mess. The poison ivy is incredible and I"m seriously allergic to the stuff. Ugh!!

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Here's an example: We had a big snowstorm recently. I don't like to drive in the snow and usually just stay put until it melts. But... since my dh has been having health problems I made sure to keep our driveway clear so that I could get the car out quickly if necessary. My neighbor has a home business and I really didn't appreciate him calling me to ask if his clients could use my driveway instead of just shoveling his own darn driveway!!! He got my "drift" and shoveled his own...;)

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The upfront neighbors that are 500+ ft away seem to burn every day it's nice enough for me to have the doors/windows open. And smoke does nasty things to all of us here.


They also have dog issues (i should clarify - it isn't the man that owns the house, it's his DD living there with her 5 kids, 1 DH, 3 dogs and 2 cats - in a 3 bedroom with the owner being in a wheelchair from a stroke).


The ones behind us (different hood, mostly rental duplexes) use my driveway as a shortcut....


Which is a common problem with everyone.... :glare:


The issue is that even though i have 1.25 acres, and the 8 acres on 2 sides is "empty", i still live "in town"......

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I just have problems with people who treat their dogs like little humans.


This past summer an older lady moved in down the street with her little white fuzzball of a dog. I know it's not the dog's fault, and I know the lady doesn't understand that dogs need to be treated (and disciplined!) like dogs, but it really bugs me when she walks said fuzzball. She lets him go where he likes, which basically is my bushes. Everyone else here walks their dogs along the street, but fuzzball is allowed to parade in front of my living room and bedroom windows and raise a leg on my bushes, which drives my dog absolutely bonkers.


Now my dog is obsessed with marking the bushes in the same way, and will not calm down at all when this lady comes to visit. I'm sure she thinks my dog is horrible and unsocialized...not to mention the fact when fuzzball lunged for my dog, bit him, and hung on for several seconds, swinging--which she found rather cute.


I have gone to great lengths to make sure my dog is properly socialized and trained, despite his anxiety and fear-aggressiveness, and this just undoes everything. I understand that when little dogs get into trouble it's very easy to just pick them up and remove them from the situation, but I just wish owners of fuzzballs would think like a dog and not treat them like their "babies," especially when I have no choice but to safety pin the living room and bedroom curtains shut to prevent my dog from going nuts.

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The Labrador and Pit Bull next door. Every time I go out to play with our Golden, it starts barking ceaselessly. The pit bull got out last weekend and attacked a poor woman who was walking her 2 dogs - everyone is ok; however, I am now afraid to let my kiddos out of the fenced in back yard because of the possibility of getting mauled to death....that's a pretty big problem, actually. Hmmm.....

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I think that is so rude of her. And I'm afraid I would have to say to her: "please don't let your dog void in my yard; it disrupts my dog's karma" (or something to that effect). You might also suggest that if she does not intend to stop letting her dog mark his territory, she will need to bring some kind of towel or something to wipe it off. If that doesn't work, then offer to let her help pay your house payment. Since it seems to be "community property", then one must pay for that privilege. No?


I just have problems with people who treat their dogs like little humans.


This past summer an older lady moved in down the street with her little white fuzzball of a dog. I know it's not the dog's fault, and I know the lady doesn't understand that dogs need to be treated (and disciplined!) like dogs, but it really bugs me when she walks said fuzzball. She lets him go where he likes, which basically is my bushes. Everyone else here walks their dogs along the street, but fuzzball is allowed to parade in front of my living room and bedroom windows and raise a leg on my bushes, which drives my dog absolutely bonkers.


Now my dog is obsessed with marking the bushes in the same way, and will not calm down at all when this lady comes to visit. I'm sure she thinks my dog is horrible and unsocialized...not to mention the fact when fuzzball lunged for my dog, bit him, and hung on for several seconds, swinging--which she found rather cute.


I have gone to great lengths to make sure my dog is properly socialized and trained, despite his anxiety and fear-aggressiveness, and this just undoes everything. I understand that when little dogs get into trouble it's very easy to just pick them up and remove them from the situation, but I just wish owners of fuzzballs would think like a dog and not treat them like their "babies," especially when I have no choice but to safety pin the living room and bedroom curtains shut to prevent my dog from going nuts.

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Our old neighbor was...interesting. He was an excentric packrat.


He had a telephone booth in this backyard with a manaquin in it.


He bought the house across the street and he and his wife moved into it using mostly a shopping cart that he would use to take loads back and forth across the street (he rented his old house to his nephew).


We have more mainstream neighbors in our current house, and they're pretty boring :001_smile:.




Thanks for the laugh! I can totally see this in my head! :D

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For the most part, I love my neighbors.


We do have one family that needs constant reminders that we don't drive 35mph down to the end of the cul-de-sac, though.


And I'll never forget the time I bumped into my immediate next-door neighbor at the mail box after I'd had a baby.

I told him Hunter had been born two days before and the first words to come out of his mouth were, "But you're still so fat!"



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Well...we live in graduate student housing so we are REALLY close to everyone. It has taken some getting use to. It is surprisingly quiet most of the time...with the exception of my boys playing outside with their friends!


But...our upstairs neighbors have a 17 month old who runs laps! She is the cutest little thing and I really don't mind (how can you make a child that age stop running anyhow?!?) but I don't like it in the morning. Wakes me up e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.


Oh, and I also don't like the 4th grade boy teaching my boys cuss words. Just spoke to him about it a few minutes ago and that should change now.

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Let me start off by saying my nearest neighbor is about 3/4 of a mile away and we like it that way!


Dh and I were both in the Navy when we married. The first place we lived was Chula Vista (affectionately referred to as Chulajuana I later found out), which is a suburb of San Diego. My neighbor across from me informed me shortly after my husband left for deployment (I was 4 months pg) that she was on disability for her schizophrenia. She used to follow me into my house. I couldn't open my windows because her pot smoke blew into my house. I thought that might do just a wee bit of harm to baby. She got into a fist fight with my next-door neighbor right in front of my door. Remember, I'm pg, my dh is on deployment, and I'm in a new city with no friends.


Dh and I moved away from there about 3 weeks after he came back from deployment and 3 weeks before dd was born. Apparently we moved from one bad place into another. We thought it would be better since it was a gated complex, but that only served to keep the crazies in. Our upstairs neighbors had 4 kids in a 2br apt. My next-door neighbor screamed at her kids all the time and felt compelled to keep me updated on her menstural cycle. We moved when our lease was up.


We found a cute little single-family house for rent. We figured the third time would be the charm. Nope. One Halloween I had to call the cops on the idiot running up and down the street yelling "Osama Bin Laden. Death to America." (This was right after 9/11) Then the evil teen boy across from acquired the most evil thing ever- a loud, smelly car. He thought is was the coolest thing e.v.e.r. to drive up and down the street a.l.l. d.a.y. l.o.n.g. The worst part was when I was pg with ds and already suffering insomnia. I'd get dd down for a nap, cuddle up on the couch for a nap myself, and the car would rev up. I swear I almost shot the kid. Luckily my voodoo magic worked because the car was mysteriously set on fire:hurray:. Life got better after that. If I ever find out who set that fire I will give him money.


Funny enough, after we moved from California we never had bad neighbors;).

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I think that is so rude of her. And I'm afraid I would have to say to her: "please don't let your dog void in my yard; it disrupts my dog's karma" (or something to that effect). You might also suggest that if she does not intend to stop letting her dog mark his territory, she will need to bring some kind of towel or something to wipe it off. If that doesn't work, then offer to let her help pay your house payment. Since it seems to be "community property", then one must pay for that privilege. No?


I quite agree. Unfortunately, this is a gated community of about 120 condos in a private drive, and we actually do sort of have "community property." I will sometimes walk through the yards on my way to my mother's (she lives in the complex about a block away) but I never let my dog do anything right up against anyone else's houses. I just don't get how she doesn't think it's...well, impolite. She even lets fuzzball wander through the garden patch that my next-door neighbor literally spends all year tending...sheesh.:confused:


The Tall Bald Guy says we should walk our dog over to her house and "decorate" her bushes...:D

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strider - I think your situation would be the most unnerving. Is there any hope of it changing anytime soon?





I wish there was. When he first moved in we spent a year blitzing the neighborhood with flyers about the situation, and after a ridiculously strenuous fight were able to get the city to prosecute. However, unless there is violent crime the city just doesn't care. We did win in court, but the end result for this guy was a slap on the wrist and an order to cease and desist. All it taught him was how to lie and hide better. I keep praying for this owner's total financial collapse, though there are some days my thoughts stray into wishing other calamities upon him.


I should balance my bad neighbor story by saying I also happen to have some of the nicest neighbors in the universe. While I live in an underserved minority neighborhood in the city with a definite drug/crime problem, I also happen to live in a highly churched neighborhood. Some of the nicest people live right next door to criminals. I am very, very thankful to have so many friends on my block and the surrounding few blocks--when I am frustrated with the drunken street noise or the problems of the illegal rehab center, I bring to mind the people who make this place so warm and hospitable for me.

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Well, my one set of neighbors have screaming matches on a very regular basis. He likes using the "f" word as an adj. to describe everything, and unfortuately yells loud enough that we can hear him inside with all doors/windows closed.

My other neighbors are nice, but the lady likes to 'watch' us. She told me once, "Oh I was looking in your window and saw you were painting your living room. It looks nice" How she saw in was a mystery bc there was only a crack of space between my curtains 2 inches wide. :001_huh: She had to have been standing outside my window. She also keeps track of what shift my dh works ("I notice the car was gone all evening. Is your dh on evenings?"), and when me and the kids leave during a school day("You must have had a busy day. I haven't seen your car home since 10am.") Like I said she's nice, but still. It's weird. And I'm glad she can't see in the bedroom! :lol:

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I just have problems with people who treat their dogs like little humans.


This past summer an older lady moved in down the street with her little white fuzzball of a dog...



While we were living at the farm, my neighbor, a divorced man, had a lady friend to visit. Lady friend had a fuzzball named Emily. Emily had been abused in another life, and so, was skittish and growly. Lady friend and neighbor happen to return from a walk (with dog) as I was relocating our mobile chicken operation. Chickens were wandering all over (usually fenced) during the few minutes before darkness set in when they would instinctively return to their coop. I suggested that lady friend might want to put Emily on a leash or hold her as *most* dogs are instinctively attracted to feathered things that run. She said, "Oh, those birds probably just terrify her." I watched as Emily fixed her gaze on the chickens, then on one chicken, then saw her start moving her short little legs towards one of the birds, then running! I'm already in action, chasing after the dog, yelling, "No! NOOOO!!! Emily come!". Meanwhile, lady friend owner of fuzzball is standing in one place, clapping her hands together gently, saying in baby talk, "No, no Emmy honey. No, no. Come to mommy, Emmy."


The dog pounced on the chicken. I pounced on the dog, who promptly turned around and bit me on the hand (no puncture, thankfully). The chicken up and died, presumably of a heart attack.


I'm with you on the need to send some *owners* to obedience training! :glare:

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