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How is your air?. Our AQI is 165


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It has been really bad today.

We have the air conditioner running to filter that air, and wear masks outdoors. Lewis doesn't feel well,  poor dog. I haven't found a way to make him keep something over his snout to help with breathing. Every time he goes out he has a sneezing spell and his eyes water. I feel so sad because I can't explain to him why this is happening, and he refuses to use a puppy pad so that he doesn't have to go out.

Mark and I have headaches tonight despite running the air. We did go put a new filter in and hope that will begin helping.

How are you all! I hope everyone is okay and not suffering.

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West Michigan here and it was 286 earlier/.  Most places cancelled all outdoor activities.  Even the horse show was cancelled.

worst I have ever seen it.  At one point today they said my town had the worse air quality in the entire nation….not positive that was true or not but it is bad here.

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We are currently at 165.  I think it was 211 earlier today or something like that.  No air conditioner, but I think we’re all ok, including my DD who has some exercise induced asthma.  I definitely have NEVER seen it as hazy as it was around 11 am today though.  EVER.

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4 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

West Michigan here and it was 286 earlier/.  Most places cancelled all outdoor activities.  Even the horse show was cancelled.

worst I have ever seen it.  At one point today they said my town had the worse air quality in the entire nation….not positive that was true or not but it is bad here.

286???? Faint. Be safe!

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We are currently at 199. Most outdoor activities have been cancelled. People are being asked to remain indoors and go out only if necessary. There is very little insect or bird activity. Our feeders, which I usually have to fill twice a day, are still full from this morning. 

I went blueberry picking this morning. I had to take advantage of the ripe berries as I freeze them for winter treats. There were a few others in the blueberry patch but nothing like usual. I picked my minimum amount and left. The difference in the air quality and haze after two hours was astounding. Only one other woman was in the patch when I left and the proprietor was going to ask her to finish so she could close up and lock the gates.

My dogs are acting strangely - both are attention seeking and restless. They were outside this morning for a few hours before the air quality warnings were sent but they have not had their usual walks and exercise. 

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It's ok today - the other day is was in the 200s and the smoke was low. We've had a few bad days so far this summer and it looks like it'll continue off and on all summer. 

I tried to attach a picture but I'm having the hardest time attaching them recently. The file sizes are always too big - how is everyone getting pictures to embed into their posts these days?


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23 currently in SF Bay Area according to this https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Santa Clara&state=CA&country=USA. We haven’t been affected by wildfires yet. 

2 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

I tried to attach a picture but I'm having the hardest time attaching them recently. The file sizes are always too big - how is everyone getting pictures to embed into their posts these days?

I deleted my older photos/images and I try to upload on the small size setting instead of using actual size. 

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3 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

23 currently in SF Bay Area according to this https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Santa Clara&state=CA&country=USA. We haven’t been affected by wildfires yet. 

I deleted my older photos/images and I try to upload on the small size setting instead of using actual size. 

You're amazing, thank you! I didn't realize we had a total limit- I just thought the boards had decided to limit all file sizes and was amazed that everyone was able to attach pictures that were only 8kb. 

Here's the view from our smoky backyard on Sunday!


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We are at 243 at 9 pm in the Chicago suburbs.  

I didn't know anything about this.  I thought it looked hazy on my way into work this morning, but I was pretty distracted and stressed by the fact that it is my first day on my own.  It wasn't until my daughter, who lives in Missouri, asked us how we were doing.  It didn't show up on any of my news feeds.  I took my dog out for a short walk - half a block.  Now my chest feels like I was breathing bread crumbs.

ETA: And apparently, I write like I'm out of breath! 😷🙄

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

. Still effects of the wildfires? 

“Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit had some of the worst air quality in the world Tuesday as wildfire smoke from Quebec, Canada, seeps into the Midwest. The raging fires have been impacting parts of the U.S. since earlier this month, and all three cities hit the purple zone of the AQI, or air quality index.

At one point on Tuesday, Chicago was at level 228, veering into the purple or "very unhealthy" zone, and nearby Milwaukee was at level 221, according to AirNow, a government site that measures air quality. 

Maps that depict the current air quality in the U.S. show Illinois, Wisconsin and parts of surrounding states like Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana and Michigan are in the red or "unhealthy" zone and some people may experience health effects, according to AirNow. 

The East Coast of the U.S., which suffered dangerous air quality from the Canadian wildfires earlier this month, now appears mostly clear, but some areas are in the yellow or "moderate" zone, which means the air quality is acceptable but could pose a risk for some people. 

NASA said Monday the smoke from Canada spread across the Atlantic to southwestern Europe. Images from NASA's Terra satellite show smoke over Portugal and Spain, but NASA said it has spread even further. 

There were 492 active fires across Canada as of Monday and 257 were burning out of control, according to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, Wildfires in Canada throughout May and June have created a record level of emissions and many of the fires show little sign of slowing down, according to the EU's Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service.“


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We got a little rain today but the sky is still very hazy. Looking at that map, I think we're in the 160s. Fortunately our house seems fine but we have a pretty good air filtration system. I didn't realize the fires in Canada are still ongoing, oh my.

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The fire near us is now at 1600 hectares.  I can't seem to find an air quality rating on the map as we are too obscure but we are under a "Special Air Quality Message".   If I can just finish getting the house packed up, I can fly out of here.  But I am too tired to pack any more tonight.

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We were in the 300s for a few days earlier in the month but our AQ is very good now. We had hard rain and wind which I imagine helped, maybe. We stayed in, had all the air purifiers/fans with filters running. Which reminds me, I should go to Lowe's now while we have good air and buy some more filters as when I went during the worst of it, they had only one in the size I needed, which I bought. 

We stayed inside as much as possible; my kid who works in a warehouse masked when when outside. It was bad. Someone on an earlier thread on the topic here commented that we should be planning for more of these events now. 

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We are at 236 at the moment.  When I was out for my walk this morning the combo of ground fog and smoke in the air made it a bit creepy in our rural area 🙃.  Today if the first time I could actually smell smoke in the air.

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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

222 this morning. Ugh. I am getting low on n95 masks. Time to stock up.

Same.  I wish I had thought to wear a mask last night when I took my dog for a walk.  Too bad my senior dog doesn't wear masks.  I had to bring treats to keep his walk short this morning.  Some lady was out running this morning.  Crazy!  

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37 minutes ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Same.  I wish I had thought to wear a mask last night when I took my dog for a walk.  Too bad my senior dog doesn't wear masks.  I had to bring treats to keep his walk short this morning.  Some lady was out running this morning.  Crazy!  

I cannot imagine out jogging in this! Ugh. Not good.

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40 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

We weren’t here when it was in our area, but it got over 400. Everyone we’re aware of made out fine. Haven’t heard any health complaints in the few weeks since. 

I live in an area with a lot of seniors, many having health problems so EMS is answering a lot of calls for oxygen, transporting for breathing treatments. Tons of seniors here do not have air conditioners or any kind of good filtration in these old houses so the smoke just seeps into their homes.

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2 minutes ago, SKL said:

Our local news says masks will not help against smoke particles.

Ordinary surgical masks are not as helpful.  A well-fitting N95 ... this is what it is designed for ... tiny particles.  

https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/dept/files/public-health/wildfire smoke/DOH_Wildfire_Smoke_Face_Masks_Factsheet.pdf

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I'm sorry you're having to deal with such air quality.  we've been there, with smoke from CA wildfires,, and I could see the smoke between our house and the nieghbor across the street.  My son had ash on his car from those fires.


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1 hour ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

We are at 217 this morning. The haze is thick and visibility is decreasing. We are expecting a rain storm and I hope it helps with air quality. 

DH is at work and traveling through the red and purple zones. The RR did not provide any masks nor did it issue a safety protocol for its workers.

Yikes! We need train operators breathing well and able to see what's on the tracks!

1 hour ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Some lady was out running this morning.

In the morning, at least here, it just seems like a fog/haze created by humid weather...until it doesn't go away. As for the rest of the day, people here are NOT talking about it at all. It's like it doesn't exist. The number of people talking about it are similar to the number of people still masking for Covid (and we didn't even have great compliance when it was mandatory). 

It's bouncing around in the 190s here, and we can sometimes smell smoke (more in the evening for some reason). 

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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

I live in an area with a lot of seniors, many having health problems so EMS is answering a lot of calls for oxygen, transporting for breathing treatments. Tons of seniors here do not have air conditioners or any kind of good filtration in these old houses so the smoke just seeps into their homes.

I definitely didn’t mean to imply that it’s no big deal. There are always at-risk populations for everything. But I haven’t heard anything in my circles, including from EMT DD. (She was with us at the time, but would have gotten the scoop.)

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4 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I definitely didn’t mean to imply that it’s no big deal. There are always at-risk populations for everything. But I haven’t heard anything in my circles, including from EMT DD. (She was with us at the time, but would have gotten the scoop.)

No, I know that. I know you better than that! I was just kind voicing my anxiety without thinking how it came across. I am having a hard time getting my 87 year old, fragile mother in law indoors. My issue, not yours at all. Sorry about that!

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13 hours ago, kbutton said:

Chicago made my news feed as really bad!

It’s been up to 159 tonight here, and it smells like wood smoke. Very hazy like AmandaVT’s picture.

I’m in Chicago right now on Michigan ave. It’s very hazing. Can’t really smell the smoke. But I’m surprised on a few people are wearing a mask. 

yesterday was worse. I could definitely smell it yesterday. 


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We are in the worst of it now (Northern IL). Everyone is talking about it as it's really, really hazy here, but no one's masking. Nothing is cancelled - the news is just telling us to drive careful because visibility is low.

I've had a raging headache last night and today that isn't touched by OTC painkillers, but I sat outside for an hour yesterday in south central WI, so I'm assuming that's what it is. My MIL is having trouble breathing (asthma), so I'm glad Oldest DD is living with her to keep an eye on her. My uncle (lung transplant) hasn't set foot outdoors since the smoke has settled in.

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8 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

We are in the worst of it now (Northern IL). Everyone is talking about it as it's really, really hazy here, but no one's masking. Nothing is cancelled - the news is just telling us to drive careful because visibility is low.

When I was driving to work yesterday, I saw some people out wearing masks (N95 and K95) ... not the usual elderly people but younger people. I thought something seemed odd about it but this was before I heard about news about the air quality conditions.  I know some outdoor things were cancelled, but not everything.


I've had a raging headache last night and today that isn't touched by OTC painkillers, but I sat outside for an hour yesterday in south central WI, so I'm assuming that's what it is. My MIL is having trouble breathing (asthma), so I'm glad Oldest DD is living with her to keep an eye on her. My uncle (lung transplant) hasn't set foot outdoors since the smoke has settled in.

I took my dog for a short walk last night without a mask (don't know why it didn't occur to me ... must have been the stressful work day where I didn't get a lunch)  and I've had a killer headache ever since.  I did wear an N95 to walk him this morning.  I stepped outside around lunch time and, while I didn't smell smoke, I could taste it.  It tasted like drywall dust.  My chest feels heavy today.  

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35 where I am. Last time there was a similar thread, I immediately ordered the super duper good air filters and tape in preparation for when it’s our turn. DH thinks I’m nuts, but  I’m grateful for the suggestion. I’m really sensitive to smoke and DS has asthma, and I’m a lot less anxious knowing I’m prepared. 

Stay safe everyone! 

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Ours was over 300 this morning, 236 now and hopefully a little better tomorrow. We have AC and a couple air filters running but they're definitely not up to the task. I'm currently trying to figure out where to get stuff to make a couple Corsi-Rosenthal boxes. 

Dd17 is at a writing program 2 hours from here and I'm considering driving down tonight with a filter for her room because tomorrow looks worse there. 

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