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Little things that make you happy today?


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My hummingbird feeder, just beyond my patio, where I can see the magic little creatures divebombing in and helicoptering in place.

The sound of buzzing bees.

The other sounds of the 4 year old and toddler, whooping with joy in my neighbors' yard as they splash in their plastic wading pool (it's pretty hot here at the moment, as in the rest of the northern hemisphere)

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Post library trips are great.

My disco garbage man! He made me happy but I think he’s gone now.

Our kittens. Today they had knocked over one of those great big pickle jars and all climbed in so you could see 5 squashed kittens through the glass

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I called to wish happy birthday to an aunt I haven't seen or talked to in years. I had tried last week but wasn't able to reach her. She is 98, and my mom said she doesn't usually say much, so I was mostly expecting to just talk to her daughter who lives with her--wasn't sure my aunt would even know who I was. She talked to me for AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! And it wasn't just me talking. We talked about all kinds of things. She was very lucid, and it was just so great. I will definitely be calling her again. I think it did us both good.

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1 hour ago, saraha said:

Post library trips are great.

My disco garbage man! He made me happy but I think he’s gone now.

Our kittens. Today they had knocked over one of those great big pickle jars and all climbed in so you could see 5 squashed kittens through the glass

Did you get a pic??

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Watching the baby song sparrows in a nearby nest. This is at least the 3rd year the sparrows have nested in the same place. Yesterday you could barely see their beaks poking out of the nest and today it's like they grew over night.  You can see all 3 heads wobbling clearly.

And my windchimes in the tune of A. I love hearing them in a gentle breeze.

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Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









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10 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









Happy Birthday.  Glad you had a good day.  Here is to a great year!

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16 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









Great day! Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sharing.

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41 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









Aw, glad you had such a wonderful day!  Happy Happy Birthday! 

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1 hour ago, happi duck said:

It's been a difficult day but here's a bright spot: on the way home from an errand I heard Bohemian Rhapsody.  It's therapeutic to crank it up and sing along!

I love singing along to Queen, too! Today was Crazy Little Thing Called Love. 😄

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@hjffkj, happy birthday!

All four of us having lunch with my 85 year old daddy today

Watching dd and ds have some nice interactions while we were out, and being so glad they get along well

Playing Ticket to Ride with dh and winning

My new sofa table and the decor on it. It makes me happy just walking by. I have a few pottery pieces on it that dd made in college, and some other nice pieces that I am loving. 


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I’m happy that I haven’t had to go anywhere to herd children today.  Three evenings of AHG Twilight Camp (day camp, but in the evenings) last week and 4 nights of VBS this week.  At both I was in charge of taking groups of younger elementary aged kids to different activities and somewhat overseeing then during those activities.  It was so great to have nowhere to go after supper tonight.

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The toad who I rescued from the jaws of a shrew is healing up so nicely! He can climb some now and evades me much better than before when I check on him. 🙂 

I am feeding a friend's kitty and she was so happy to see me tonight.

On the subject of kittens, my DD visited a friend and played with her three 6-week-old kittens yesterday, which made DD very happy! Poor kittens...their momma was killed on the road and DD's friend heard the kittens' mewing. The vet said they had been without nourishment for 48 hours and wouldn't have made it much longer. There were four kittens but two have now been adopted.

Anyone want a super sweet one-eyed black and white kitten named Rabbit? My DD wanted him badly but DH is allergic. The kitties had a virus and two of them, including Rabbit, had to have an eye taken out. Rabbit loves to be held and to snuggle. They are looking for a home for Rabbit's brother, too. They are both delightfully playful. We are in Indiana.

I agreed to clean out the whole house before the school year starts and I finally started today in the kitchen. :blush: It was fun and I am loving the results and loving getting rid of stuff. 

We are watching Stranger Things and the 80's music, clothes, and decor are great. I enjoy watching Maya Hawke so much, too. 

It's my husband's birthday today. I don't deserve that man. He's brilliant and wise and funny and such a good dad to DD. He's teaching most of the subjects this coming year. Yay!

Edited by MercyA
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Little things:

my veggie garden. My bin of red worms. They are magical. The lizards who also live in the compost/worm bin. The entire interesting ecosystem that is my compost bin. Geeking out over healthy roots. 

bougainvillea blooms. I’m obsessed.

my daughter sent videos of the dog and kitten she is fostering. Adorable.

not a “little thing” but talking to my 93 year old grandmother 3 times this week. 

I will soon fall asleep to the sounds of crickets and cicadas. 

my cup over flows. Typing this out has me tearing up because it reminds me of so much—I have so much to be grateful for.


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6 hours ago, Jaybee said:


6 hours ago, Jaybee said:

I called to wish happy birthday to an aunt I haven't seen or talked to in years. I had tried last week but wasn't able to reach her. She is 98, and my mom said she doesn't usually say much, so I was mostly expecting to just talk to her daughter who lives with her--wasn't sure my aunt would even know who I was. She talked to me for AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! And it wasn't just me talking. We talked about all kinds of things. She was very lucid, and it was just so great. I will definitely be calling her again. I think it did us both good.

That’s beautiful!!

Edited by popmom
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7 hours ago, mlktwins said:

I am walking more normally after falling on my knee last week.  DH cleaned all the floors in my house.  It was loud, but so worth it.  

I have fallen twice in 3 weeks! Just yesterday my left knee took the brunt along with my right hand and shoulder. I am so beat up and sore!  lol I am TOO young for this! I hope you are feeling better. 

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Dd's boyfriend mowed our lawn.

My sister made supper for us.

Played dominoes with my mom, DD, niece, Sis-IL, sister, and DD's boyfriend played part of the game with us too.

Watched kittens run and play at the farm.

The weather today was beautiful, a nice break from the oppressive heat.


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6 hours ago, hjffkj said:

Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









Happy Birthday!

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9 hours ago, hjffkj said:

Well today is my birthday so I have a disproportionate amount of little things that make me happy today.

- going out to goodwill by myself for an hour and finding 4 shirts and 2 bottoms all in like new condition that for me!

- walking in the door and being bombarded with little kid cards and gifts they made in the hour I was gone.

- walking in the door to the living room and kitchen cleaned, dh folding laundry, and loads running in the washer and dryer.

-getting an unexpected Amazon package with a book I didn't know existed but am incredibly excited to read, from 2 close friends.

- being encouraged by everyone in my family not to any chores today.

- opening presents and realizing dh only bought used items from goodwill and fruit bushes which screams that after many years he understands me so well. And the used items were things I've been looking for.









Awesome finds at the Goodwill! This would make me have a good day too. I love the goodwill especially all alone. Lol

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The still, quiet of the house when I wake up long before anyone else. 

The sound of birds chirping, singing, and generally greeting me as I take my morning walk.

Knowing I have fresh tomatoes and basil as well as a big hunk of mozzarella waiting for me for lunch. 

The email from the library saying my requested hold is now available. 

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Another bird lover here...watching the birds that come visit our feeder every morning is such a delight! 

A pleasant surprise when I went shopping for under garments (upper half ones....) -- I had them do a fitting, and come to find out, I am a 32B, not a 34A! This made me ridiculously happy, even though I know it's the same basic size, but still.  (DH did not understand at all....I figure the Hive will 😉

My fencing club is all excited/cheering me on/supportive/encouraging about my quilt being in an exhibit in the DC area, and when I mentioned that the venue is going to have someone do a live-stream of the exhibit, asked me to send the link, and if they can figure out how they'll put it on the club TV. ❤️  I don't know that I can figure that out, but I told them I'd send them the info. 

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1 hour ago, TheReader said:

Another bird lover here...watching the birds that come visit our feeder every morning is such a delight! 

A pleasant surprise when I went shopping for under garments (upper half ones....) -- I had them do a fitting, and come to find out, I am a 32B, not a 34A! This made me ridiculously happy, even though I know it's the same basic size, but still.  (DH did not understand at all....I figure the Hive will 😉

My fencing club is all excited/cheering me on/supportive/encouraging about my quilt being in an exhibit in the DC area, and when I mentioned that the venue is going to have someone do a live-stream of the exhibit, asked me to send the link, and if they can figure out how they'll put it on the club TV. ❤️  I don't know that I can figure that out, but I told them I'd send them the info. 

Ah we love birds here too! We saw a new to us bird a few nights ago and we were so happy. 

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9 hours ago, popmom said:

I have fallen twice in 3 weeks! Just yesterday my left knee took the brunt along with my right hand and shoulder. I am so beat up and sore!  lol I am TOO young for this! I hope you are feeling better. 

What did you do?  I'm so sorry this happened to you too!

2 weeks ago tomorrow I missed a step and took a header down part of my stairs.  I hurt my foot and shin and was super sore in my arms and shoulders from bracing my fall.  The following Tuesday, I fell on my knee - that for sure took the brunt of the fall and hurt way more than my fall down the stairs.  I am moving much better, but am still scraped up and bruised.  At 55, I need to start being more careful -- LOL.  

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I sat in the lake this morning and read a book for at least an hour while the kids played happily nearby without fighting 🙂

then it all went to h$ll and we packed up and left… but it was lovely while it lasted. First day the lake was warm enough “for me” to get in!


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