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What are you looking forward to?


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13 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I used my rowing machine (modified—very low resistance and didn’t bend forward too much) for the first time since my hysterectomy 6 weeks ago (today!). I am SO looking forward to a return to exercise and normality! 

I am glad your healing is going well.  

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The weekend. On Saturday we go to fil's house for Easter. He goes all our for holidays with delicious food and for Easter the egg hunt is great. Last year he did 3 egg hunts. One for the little kids, one for the big kids and one for the adults. The adult eggs were filled with gift cards and small bottles of booze. It was a lot of fun. Then Sunday is my family's celebration and I'm not hosting !!! My brother who lives across the street is so I don't even have to travel

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Next week - Ds has Spring Break and I don't have to drive him to school or make him do homework.
Late April - camping with our AHG troop
May - All the end of school year things! Dd's musical, Ds will graduate from middle school, Renaissance Fair. 

Dinner on the grill
Long, relaxing evenings
Lots less driving bc fewer activities and Dd will get her license

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There is a ton of really tough stuff going on in my life these days.

I'm looking forward to seeing Jim Gaffigan in Rochester, NY at the end of the month!

I'm looking forward to watching more of "Live at the Appollo" (the London one) on Britbox.

I'm hoping to be able to keep working on installing my pondless waterfall without any more family members requiring urgent care.

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2 minutes ago, HS Mom in NC said:

Planting in my garden today.  Last night was the last night we had to worry about frost in my area.

We got frost last night and it killed my 2 hydrangea plants I just planted. I was really hoping they'd be tough enough, but they were dying inside anyway. They were beautiful while they lasted. 

Edited by wintermom
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This is the first week since January that I don’t have to go out of town at all.  It’s spring break, my kids are off school, I’m hoping to get my Thursday night overnight shift covered so I can take the kids for a swimming overnight somewhere. And I took away screens for the week so maybe by Saturday we’ll have better attitudes?

I can hope at least.

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Getting outside and playing with plants.

Hiding eggs for an Easter egg hunt.

Summer, beach, sunshine.

Getting out of my bedroom, and off the heating pad — I have been sick for a week+ and so ready to be normal again. So I guess I’m looking forward to getting test results tomorrow and finding out what’s going on.

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Looking forward with excitement (and fear and trepidation and uncertainty and lots of other emotions) my dd starting school in the fall. Which is actually first week of August here so not that far away.  It’s just such a huge change for my family and for me personally. I’m a little sad just because I’m going to miss her - but I won’t miss homeschooling. 

My oldest is turning 24 and I have been a SAHM and then homeschooling mom all that time. I’m not planning to get a job. My dd will require alot of availability from me still. It’s just a change. And that is exciting. It has just been the same old same old for so long. This is really going to shake things up. I anticipate lots of bumps and adjustment hiccups but I am so looking forward to just something different! 

My life is very boring. This feels very exciting.

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ds starting college

dd starting school 

Traveling all of august

launching a job search (actually I’m not looking forward to this one. It forces me to be way more social than I’m willing to be).

i took a cutting from my friend’s plant and hoping to propagate it…I check daily for a root bump but not yet…

planting my roses. 

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It's a beautiful day and looks to be a beautiful week. I'm looking forward to working in my garden before it gets to hot in a few weeks.

I'm also looking forward to getting back to my online photography classes. I love playing with my DSLR (entry level) camera and am also learning how to use photo editing software. 

Finally, I'll soon get to meet a new family member. My cousin's daughter had a baby back in November. They live in New Mexico but are coming to Florida for a visit at the end of this month. I'm looking forward to seeing my first cousin once removed and meeting my first cousin twice removed (and yes I had to look up the cousin connection lol). 

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I am continuing my waterfall hikes this summer—every weekend, a new waterfall I haven’t been to yet. 

I am working in watercolors these days, but Youngest has taken up alcohol markers and is quite good. She is doing a Harry Potter portrait series right now, and we are reading through the books together. It’s fun to have art be a part of our homeschooling in a significant way. My older kids all wanted to lean into math or history.

A lot of dreams and plans are on hold right now. Honestly, my quiet mornings with my daily brief from the Economist and my coffee keep me content. For the last few years, I have been subscribing again to Scientific American, Economist, and other publications that keep me thinking and reading and I am grateful to carve out a bit of space for me and my studies.

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1 hour ago, Farrar said:

Going to Puerto Rico with my mom for a week really soon. We're going to eat a lot of food and swim and drive around. I'm psyched.

This made me laugh. Seriously, food is why I travel, or at least it’s a favorite part. Every time DS goes to another country or talks about friends from far flung corners of the earth the first thing I ask about is food. He’s gotten very good at texting me pictures of his meals. 🤣

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1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:

Looking forward with excitement (and fear and trepidation and uncertainty and lots of other emotions) my dd starting school in the fall. Which is actually first week of August here so not that far away.  It’s just such a huge change for my family and for me personally. I’m a little sad just because I’m going to miss her - but I won’t miss homeschooling. 

My oldest is turning 24 and I have been a SAHM and then homeschooling mom all that time. I’m not planning to get a job. My dd will require alot of availability from me still. It’s just a change. And that is exciting. It has just been the same old same old for so long. This is really going to shake things up. I anticipate lots of bumps and adjustment hiccups but I am so looking forward to just something different! 

My life is very boring. This feels very exciting.

It IS exciting—that is a huge change! I’m glad you can embrace it.

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19 minutes ago, MEmama said:

This made me laugh. Seriously, food is why I travel, or at least it’s a favorite part. Every time DS goes to another country or talks about friends from far flung corners of the earth the first thing I ask about is food. He’s gotten very good at texting me pictures of his meals. 🤣

They have a road called the "pork highway." You're supposed to drive down it and eat all the pork. We have blocked off half a day for this. 😂 So, yeah, eating the food!

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

There is a ton of really tough stuff going on in my life these days.

I'm looking forward to seeing Jim Gaffigan in Rochester, NY at the end of the month!

I'm looking forward to watching more of "Live at the Appollo" (the London one) on Britbox.

I'm hoping to be able to keep working on installing my pondless waterfall without any more family members requiring urgent care.

I forgot to add - I'm looking forward to training up my new border collie! He'll be doing agility (baby size to start with). Then working up to herding more tennis balls. 😉 


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It's dreary here too.  I'm looking forward to summer. It's not that I have anything exciting planned, but I love sunny, warm days. Every year I have more and more trouble leaving the house and getting anything done when it's cold, grey, and rainy or snowy. On sunny summer days I have so much more motivation and energy. For the first time in my life, I'm seriously considering moving south.

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This weekend. One of my dear friends is having his pre-wedding party this weekend. This is a group of my friends from undergraduate, one of them just moved back to town and I haven't seen her. So we're going to do some fun things and hang out. We haven't been together as a group since before Covid. 

Also, the end of the semester. lol. I'm in the midst of comps, having a cruddy TA experience this semester, and have to prepare for a conference that I naively submitted a paper for last fall. It will all be done by the end of May.


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6 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:


Catching up on Yellowstone with dh.

Warm weather.

The possibility of registering for school this fall.  Not that I’m GOING to do it 😉 , but I’m enjoying thinking about maybe doing it.

Having our taxes finished so I can quit thinking about that.

I can't believe you are close to moving!!!  So exciting.

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5 hours ago, Spryte said:

Getting outside and playing with plants.

Hiding eggs for an Easter egg hunt.

Summer, beach, sunshine.

Getting out of my bedroom, and off the heating pad — I have been sick for a week+ and so ready to be normal again. So I guess I’m looking forward to getting test results tomorrow and finding out what’s going on.

Sending some gentle hugs.  I hope you feel better and find out what is going on.

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I'm looking forward to trying out amateur radio (passed the first license exam yesterday). And I think May will be less busy, which will be nice. Hopefully by August we will have all the old carpet removed and new floors put down--maybe I could take less allergy medicine once the pollen winds down a bit.

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The end of the school year.

Only having to work 24 of our remaining 36 student contact days. I am not leaving sick time or personal days on the table. I will spend my time working on some art projects, taking my project management class and prepping the basement. 

A new job in fall.

Seeing DH's grandparents. He still has all 4 living. 

Summer travels. 

Finishing the basement this summer/fall...the LAST project and then we will have remodeled the entire house!




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I'm looking forward to seeing DD20 home from college this weekend for Easter.

And seeing DH's side of the family for Easter at SIL's house. I'm very thankful that DH and I were able to get the fourth Covid shot in advance of the gathering. There are a few relatives that we know have not been vaccinated, and I'll feel better being around them, knowing I have the extra protection.

A little further away -- the end of the school year for DD20 and my high school students. DD will be home for the summer in less than a month!

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My husband got me the show Picard recently and we are about halfway through!  

I have a week off from my volunteer commitment this week, which is nice 🙂. The first week of May will be busy.  It’s a little stressful, but extremely rewarding.  It’s also not the kind of thing I ever saw myself doing, which is fun!  

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