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My parents were in a bad car accident today


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I just talked to the nurse, and overall, things are doing about as well as possible at this stage. Today's goal is to work with anesthesiology to get pain managed without the super heavy opioids so that she can possibly step down from ICU today or tomorrow. Which still won't let L visit (and may actually give the family less access. Apparently ICU is more able to allow visitation now than other units). 

My dad is in a lot of pain. I think adrenaline carried him through yesterday, but also, I think he fell asleep last night and didn't take more pain meds, so he's likely feeling that this morning.


I told the nurse that my mother would appreciate people coming by to pray with her, regardless of background, denomination, or even faith, whether they're a pastor or a custodian. And they reassured me that she's still clutching her rosary. 

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We just returned from the hospital. Mom is off the heavy sedatives, but they have not been able to do the spinal block yet, and it was clear she's experiencing more pain. The hope is that this will happen tonight yet, so they can continue the process. She is responsive and actively trying to assist where she can, so that is an excellent sign. The hope is to finish weaning from the ventilator and step down out of ICU as soon as possible. 


Apparently blood pressure alarms trigger PTSD reactions in me-when mom's started alarming (which the nurse says usually  indicates low blood volume in trauma patients, since her pulse rate was strong and high) I started having panic symptoms, which isn't great, either. It definitely is hard to be in the ICU for me, particularly since we're into prime anniversary effect for me now. 

Please keep praying. We're telling her about all of your support, and it helps more than you can imagine.


They had put the rosary aside when they took her for an MRI, but I gave it back to her, and she was clutching it when we left. 

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3 minutes ago, Dmmetler said:

We just returned from the hospital. Mom is off the heavy sedatives, but they have not been able to do the spinal block yet, and it was clear she's experiencing more pain. The hope is that this will happen tonight yet, so they can continue the process. She is responsive and actively trying to assist where she can, so that is an excellent sign. The hope is to finish weaning from the ventilator and step down out of ICU as soon as possible. 


Apparently blood pressure alarms trigger PTSD reactions in me-when mom's started alarming (which the nurse says usually  indicates low blood volume in trauma patients, since her pulse rate was strong and high) I started having panic symptoms, which isn't great, either. It definitely is hard to be in the ICU for me, particularly since we're into prime anniversary effect for me now. 

Please keep praying. We're telling her about all of your support, and it helps more than you can imagine.


They had put the rosary aside when they took her for an MRI, but I gave it back to her, and she was clutching it when we left. 

Still praying here. For her, and for you.

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54 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Please tell your mom that we are praying for her. Can her own priest visit? 

Is your Dd okay? When does she head back to school? 

Her home is in VA, so not easily. I am hoping that when she gets to the stage of needing rehab, she can do so closer to home, where she would have her local faith community.  The hospital is supposed to send someone from pastoral care (and may have already). I think they're limiting outside visitors to family due to COVID. 


I think L has been doing a bit better. The plan is for L to come home tomorrow, since it's getting into a bit more of a routine here, and spend this last week at home before going back to school Jan 8. L's therapist (for anxiety, especially COVID related) is in the loop and has been able to do a zoom session,which also helps. 

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Morning update. The plan for mom is to continue to step down and move off the ventilator. They may pull the chest tube today, since she's doing well at maintaining her airway. Dad seems to be getting around better, too. So, overall the situation is looking slightly less dire, although there is still a long way to go.


L's coming home today, but has been invited to go back next week if needed. The college also announced their reopening plans, so I got PCR tests scheduled and the bus set up. 

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My SIL suggested it. She was in a bad car accident as an older teen (and was in a coma and has TBI issues even now), and she said that that was one of the most helpful things for her when she was in that intermediate state where she was conscious. And mom basically has the radio tuned to the station from Eastern Mennonite U constantly, so lots of Christian music, classical music, and speakers, all day. 


So I'm downloading music, looking for good, hope filled, healing focused sermons and podcasts that I can download, and stuff like that. The nurse said they could play it for her. I know that there's a lot on their plates, but every bit helps. 

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Happy for the positive updates.

Please don't forget to take care of yourself too while you take care of others. You know this but bears repeating.

Try to eat something better than vending machine food. Hydrate as much as you can. Something comforting that you can wrap yourself in addition to a coat. Good shoes that do not hurt or even a spare pair of soft slippers. Socks and some hand cream because you are probably sanitizing a lot.

Sending lots of wishes and prayers.

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1 hour ago, DreamerGirl said:

Happy for the positive updates.

Please don't forget to take care of yourself too while you take care of others. You know this but bears repeating.

Try to eat something better than vending machine food. Hydrate as much as you can. Something comforting that you can wrap yourself in addition to a coat. Good shoes that do not hurt or even a spare pair of soft slippers. Socks and some hand cream because you are probably sanitizing a lot.

Sending lots of wishes and prayers.

We're actually not spending much time at the hospital. Due to COVID restrictions, visitation is very limited, so there is no waiting until you can go in inside. It's either wait outside or in your car, or wait at home, do most things by phone, and come in for the limited time allowed. It's one good thing about being relatively close-I can call 30 minutes before visitation is scheduled to be allowed, make sure it's a good time, and come then. 


I'm trying to make my dad eat. I don't know how much of that is that my mom has always managed basically everything outside of work, and how much of that is his injuries and grief, and maybe his medication. If I have food available, he'll eat, but if I don't. I don't think he'll do so. 


L came home at least for the weekend and is sleeping. I think being with a friend and out of the chaos was good, but a 3 day slumber party with a friend who in person contact has been super limited with, first by COVID, then by the Mississippi river bridge going down when numbers were finally decent, and finally by being at different colleges is exhausting even if you're not very aware that the reason you are there is because things are bad...very bad.  

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We just got back from the hospital. Mom is awake and aware enough to complain (via writing) and ask and answer questions. She's also able to fingerspell. She's still on the ventilator,  but is definitely improving, and they removed the chest tube. She also really responded to the music. I am feeling SO much more hopeful than yesterday, because she seems like herself. A very, very hurt version, but herself. 


Mom also asked about her glasses, which we didn't find, and was able to give permission to release her belongings to is-and they had Dad's CPAP! If it still works, that will help him a lot. And it means he has his keys, which he was worried about. 

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After a morning when I couldn't get past the switchboard, I got a call. Overall, it's positive. They are giving her some packed blood cells this morning to get her counts up, but she's maintaining blood pressure on her own, so she's off that medication, and progress is in the right direction.

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9 minutes ago, Dmmetler said:

Just got a call from the anestheiologist. They're going to do the nerve block to manage pain and hopefully allow freer breathing, which should let Mom get off the ventilator. So a very positive step. 

Sounds like a lot of progress is being made slowly, but surely!  Hope she gets some pain relief and can get off the ventilator.  sending hugs to you.

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I'm so glad to hear that your mom keeps improving! I know it's going to be a long road, but she seems to be making pretty big strides already, considering how serious the accident was.

It's great that they found your dad's CPAP and keys  -- I hope the CPAP still works! It would be so helpful if they could locate your mom's glasses, because it's awful to not be able to see properly. Maybe you can order her a new pair from wherever she bought the ones that were lost, because they would already have her prescription and the measurements they would need to be sure they fit her properly. 

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1 hour ago, Catwoman said:

I'm so glad to hear that your mom keeps improving! I know it's going to be a long road, but she seems to be making pretty big strides already, considering how serious the accident was.

It's great that they found your dad's CPAP and keys  -- I hope the CPAP still works! It would be so helpful if they could locate your mom's glasses, because it's awful to not be able to see properly. Maybe you can order her a new pair from wherever she bought the ones that were lost, because they would already have her prescription and the measurements they would need to be sure they fit her properly. 

that's the plan, but unfortunately we can't do anything until Monday-lots of things are closed for the Holidat weekend. 

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Evening update. Mom generally is doing pretty well. She wrote a lot of notes to us. We also talked to the doctor. On Monday, they will be implanting a trach which will let them support her breathing as needed, since it is hard to breathe deeply with broken ribs, but also turn it down or off so she can breathe on her own and build up stamina. So she won't be getting off the ventilator completely yet, but will be moving in that direction. 

She also requested that I set up a CaringBridge site, so I'll work on that, probably tomorrow. 

Thank you for your prayers and support. She appreciates it, as do we.

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No update yet-they asked me to call back later. It's also snowing. So, that is likely to interfere with us getting to the hospital for visitation today, and likely will add stress at the trauma hospital as well, since Memphis and snow don't mix well. So, pray both for mom, and that the poor hospital staff don't end up with a huge number of new trauma cases!


And pray for me...L really wanted to go out and do some things, and I'd promised my car until we needed it to go to the hospital. But I don't want a teen driver out in snow, so I suspect I'll have a frustrated teenager on my hands, too. 

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