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Has anyone else started Christmas shopping yet?


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Am I the only one who has started Christmas shopping?  I don't always start this early, but this year I have been at it for a month.    It is something to focus on now.  All that I have done so far is buying from businesses that have been hurting because of covid.   

It is hard too because a lot of our presents tend to be experiences or trips.  That won't be happening this year.

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No, but our kids are grown and we've never made a huge deal out of gift giving. I have started a (very short) list, though, and that puts me ahead of my usual game! The holidays are certainly likely to be quite different this year in many ways.

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Yup! I'm spending a bit each week and getting it done. My problem is I FORGET when I buy early, lol. I put everything in one place this time,so that sould help. And by making my plans early I realized I could sew a few things. That got waylaid when I messed up my hand, so for now I'm just reading books and looking at fabric, the horrible part. :biggrin:

Cool little find? IKEA has plants!!! I got a succulent for mymother and just need to pcik a new pot and mature it. I think I'll give my dad a start of the christmas cactus that came from his mother years ago. It's something alive, something he can nourish.

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I haven't started buying, but I have a nice little Christmas budget growing in my YNAB.  I think we will have a quiet Christmas at home with just our son here and without any of our married kids.  That will be a little different and will change the way we do gifts...

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2 hours ago, Junie said:

Five of my six kids have summer birthdays.  So I've been doing plenty of shopping... just not for Christmas gifts yet. 🙂

Wow, that is intense we have a month with 4 birthdays.   I wish they were more spread out because I am over it after 2 of them. it doesn't help that 2 are back to back  

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4 hours ago, Hilltopmom said:

I’m done. I’m never like this but we have seen a lot of shortages and there were specific things I wanted for the kids (building toys, science kits).

Wow, amazing.    I have to get a moving. 

The shipping times for some places are so long too.

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5 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Wow, that is intense we have a month with 4 birthdays.   I wish they were more spread out because I am over it after 2 of them. it doesn't help that 2 are back to back  

5 kids have their birthdays in a 55-day span (I think).  In this same time period are my mom, (my dad who passed away last year), my only brother, my only sister, and my father-in-law (who is my dh's only family left).  It's rather amazing.

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for the first time ever, I have a lot of Christmas presents.  Belk was having a lot off gigantic sales while the stores were closed to the public and i bought my daughters a lit of clothes because zi was getting great sweaters for 5 dollars or a great shirt for 10 .  I never bought anything for more than 15.  I bought a dwe for my dh and ds too. None for dsil 

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I always used to start now, mainly for my 11 nieces and nephews. I found that if I shopped for my own kids early, they would change their mind. Within our family of 6 we decided to draw one name each. I think we will do that soon so we can shop ahead. I have started to give family gifts to my sister's families. Otherwise it was just too many people. Usually consumables. It has worked out well.

I do have some cute gifts in my Etsy shop, if anyone is looking! And more coming...

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I've started lists and have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting for everyone except DD (16 yo). She gets harder and hard to shop for every year. 

What are y'all getting your musically inclined teenage girls this year?

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5 minutes ago, aggieamy said:

I've started lists and have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting for everyone except DD (16 yo). She gets harder and hard to shop for every year. 

What are y'all getting your musically inclined teenage girls this year?

What instruments does she play?  How about a new one?  I think there are kits to make your own ukulele.   

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I was browsing lego.com because legos are still big in our house.   A ton of sets were back ordered.    Makes me want to get on with ordering. 

That's where I am with things too. So many thing on DS's list are back ordered that I'm thinking of being greedy and grabbing what I can now. That said he's super easy to buy for. A few books, board games that DH and I will play with him, and toy train stuff will make him crazy happy. 

2 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

What instruments does she play?  How about a new one?  I think there are kits to make your own ukulele.   

She plays the piano and the ukulele - she's got a concert sized one and a baritone. The kit is a super fun idea. Maybe even a smaller ukulele. I suggested a banjo but DH vetoed that idea. LOL. 

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Well, normally I'd be well into Christmas shopping. But between having a baby in just over a month and the pandemic, I haven't even started. The good news is that I could probably just replace all the kids tablets and they'd be happy. I may take the lazy way out and do that, along with some books or something small for each kid.

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1 hour ago, aggieamy said:

I've started lists and have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting for everyone except DD (16 yo). She gets harder and hard to shop for every year. 

What are y'all getting your musically inclined teenage girls this year?


1 hour ago, aggieamy said:

That's where I am with things too. So many thing on DS's list are back ordered that I'm thinking of being greedy and grabbing what I can now. That said he's super easy to buy for. A few books, board games that DH and I will play with him, and toy train stuff will make him crazy happy. 

She plays the piano and the ukulele - she's got a concert sized one and a baritone. The kit is a super fun idea. Maybe even a smaller ukulele. I suggested a banjo but DH vetoed that idea. LOL. 


Maybe a Kalimba and finger shaker/rhythm ring?



April Yang on YouTube has incredible Kalimba videos. Her cover of Ed Sheeran's Perfect is excellent.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBxStYBZ4pI

And, if your dd's in need of a new CD player, the one in the video is also on Amazon. Just search for "pull cord CD player" and you'll get tons of options.

As for me and shopping, I haven't even thought about it.





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1 hour ago, aggieamy said:

She plays the piano and the ukulele - she's got a concert sized one and a baritone. The kit is a super fun idea. Maybe even a smaller ukulele. I suggested a banjo but DH vetoed that idea. LOL. 

She probably already has a tuner for her ukelele? Dd was just mentioning that she needs a new battery for hers, but also that she likes it better than a tuner app on her phone.

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My immediate family with in-laws and grandkids totals 23. 12 of us have birthdays between August 1st and December 12th. . 8 more birthdays are in January and February. I always start shopping in August and September as a necessity, and I prefer to be done and wrapped by Thanksgiving. I try to get the January and February birthdays done then  too. My hubby is a huge help with the shopping snd wrapping. 

I usually have some sewing to finish up as I like to,sew all the grands kids something. 

But no, I haven’t got a game plan going yet.

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No but I should! In the past when I’ve started early I’ve ended up buying more, but I think this year is different. Shipping time alone is reason to get started. I’m in school and my semester ends 12/12 so that in and of itself is reason to get it done early!


any ideas what to get 2 10 year olds and a 14 year old? 🧐

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Yep! I have a couple of books for dd, something for her glory box and just commissioned an artwork off a former boardie's dd. 🙂 I need to buy her a new saw, and she'll be sorted. I got my mother a new artwork and just have to work out something for my brother. I think what he wants most in the world is a perfect hummus recipe. Anyone here got hummus secrets to share? lol

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We only give gifts to family if we see each other in person, and I have no idea what travel restrictions will be in place and who we might see.  Dh and I normally name an experience as our Christmas gift to each other.  The girls will tell us what they'd like by about November.

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For those searching for Legos my Joanne’s appears to several sets that are of the basic variety.  Lots of City........they ship and there are frequently coupons.   My adult kids still like a Lego kit to do on Christmas Day and I am already done as I bought several on sale last year.  I can’t remember what they are getting but that need is checked!

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On 8/3/2020 at 8:06 AM, aggieamy said:

I've started lists and have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting for everyone except DD (16 yo). She gets harder and hard to shop for every year. 

What are y'all getting your musically inclined teenage girls this year?

I just bought a Kalimba for about $22 on amazon.  It's been a lot of fun to play around with.  There's a good bit of free music on the 'net.

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I think we're going to do Jolabokaflod (Yule Book Flood) again this year---our usual gift of pajamas and a new book after a nice Christmas Eve dinner.

I bought everyone a new board game.  This should help the long winter pass.

I think beyond that I will just do one nice gift for each kid and stocking stuffers. 

I need to think of what charitable giving we want to do this year. Last year we supported the food banks in the kids' schools, a local Christian drug recovery program, and a few other things.... This year, I'm sure the needs will be great and many. 

I also need to get the extended family gifts ordered. With long shipping times to here and then long shipping times to there, I want to try to get things mailed the first week of December.

The longest delays I saw on amazon were into October....so I think there's still time. 🙂

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I think we're going to do Jolabokaflod (Yule Book Flood) again this year-

For the uninitiated, I give you all Jolabokaflod or Christmas Book Flood from my distant cousins, the great people of Iceland (my dad's side is of Norwegian descent) :

We've been celebrating it for years now and love it.  You don't have to be Scandi to take part, it's for all book lovers out there because we're all kindred spirits! Try it with chocolates and/or traditional Scandi treats like:

Norwegian Pepper Cookies (double the pepper in this recipe)  https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/dessert/cookies/norways-best-pepper-cookies-norwegian-embassy-in-washington.html

Swedish Princess Cake https://www.thespruceeats.com/princess-cake-prinsesstarta-2952679

Danish Viking Bloodhttps://www.totalwine.com/wine/dessert-fortified-wine/mead/dansk-mjod-viking-blod-mead/p/115959750

Or if you've got the budget and constitution for it,
Swedish Glogg https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/180453/old-fashioned-swedish-glogg/?internalSource=hub recipe&referringContentType=Search&clickId=cardslot 4

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I almost bought my first gift tonight.  It is my go to gift for kids of a certain age who don't already have a play tea set.  But i didn't buy it because I couldn't remember if I already got it for one of my nieces or not.  It was a really good price but I think the price comes down regularly enough that I can figure out before getting it.

Now I'm on the look out for some good headsets with mics for the older two kids.  If anyone sees some discounted and remembers i'm looking please let me know

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just placed my first order for Christmas. We've outgrown the legos-every-year stage, but this feels like a good year for some Christmas time lego building. And if my kids have truly outgrown it, well, more for me! Their growing up years nicely coincided with the Harry Potter lego set years--they have Hogwarts plus extension, Diagon Alley, the Burrow, Hagrid's hut, the Knight bus. Today is the first day for some new Harry Potter sets, so one dd will get 4 Privet Drive. The other dd loves Kylo Ren, so she'll get his shuttle. She's more of an engineer type and can handle a harder build.

Also starting to make ornaments to commemorate a momentous year. Bought the teddy bear felt pattern off Etsy and modified the muzzle to be a mask. And embroidered 2020 on the back. I want to pop these in the mail to family, plus one for each kid.


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