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Would this bug you


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Depends on how close and if they informed me ahead of time. My aunt showed up at my new house to try to get a tour of it at one point when we weren't home. I knew she was really excited for us and my parents(they were moving in with us) and would have a chance to see it for a long time after that day. So, that didn't bother me.

Other people it would have.

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Wait. I have a bunch of questions. You were not there, the workers let friends of yours walk around inside the house?  Assuming I got that right...

Are the workers friends too?  So, they knew these people knew you, and figured it would be OK? Or is your area so casual that contractors figure everyone is welcome everywhere? 

In any case, it all seems wrong to me. Well, I don't understand the point of house tours anyway, just for the sake of "touring" the house. I will happily show people the rooms they need to know about, such as the bathroom, LOL. 

But for sure contractors letting people wander around a house they are working in, that's bizarre and I would complain to the foreman.  But there must be something going on that I am not understanding because I don't know how any contractors could think it's OK to let people into a house they are working on without the owner's permission.

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I don't see how keeping people out is the worker's responsibility. I can see that if the house is open, and these workers are in a specific area...did the friends let themselves in or ask to be let in? I imagine, if presented as "Hi, I'm Scarlett's friend. We just want a peek at the new house," the workers probably felt they didn't have a choice. 

They're probably currently complaining on a contractor's forum about clients whose friends try to tour the house while they're trying to work. 

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Regardless of the exact circumstances, yes it would bother me. I dislike the whole "house tour" thing. I had an acquaintance stop by the very morning after we returned from our honeymoon expecting to tour our tiny little rental. And a relative whose idea of a house tour included opening closet doors, etc. In your case, no, I don't want people poking around before I've even had a chance to settle in. My parents are really the only exception to that, although there are a handful of our closest friends that I wouldn't be too irritated about stopping by. Anyone else, I'd be pleasant just because, but I wouldn't like it. 😬

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4 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Only workers were there. The workers are also friends and know the drop in friends. I can see how workers  thought it was fine or not their responsibility to stop. 

I just thought it was rude of drop in friends. And presumptuous. 


You always give the clarifying information so far down the thread.

Not that it matters in this case. Drop in friends should not have invited themselves in when they saw you weren't home, workers - even if they're mutual friends with both you and the drop in friends - should have said that it wasn't worth their job to do this tour without your presence.

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Here it's not even legal for the home owner to be on site during major renovations unless they have done the induction to workplace training.

I wouldn't care if friends dropped around to poke around a house that wasn't to lock up stage yet, outside of work hours. Getting in the way of workers is always rude.

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about the workers - very bad judgment, but I can also see where they can have a hard time saying "this house is sold, you can't go through it". 

as for the friends . . . did they think you'd be there?   did they know workers would be there and they could get in? or did they come by just to look - and it was open with the workers inside - so they went inside too?

even just coming by, I'd consider odd and a bit forward.

the builder/foreman should probably have a policy for their workers to not allow anyone on a construction site, just as a safety issue.   (even if all they're doing is installing carpet.) - you might want to mention that to them so the workers get some training.

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It would bother me a little. I'd mark those friends as super nosy people. The workers - I can see where that would be an iffy thing for them? Should they? If they didn't would the home owner complain and be unhappy? 

BTW, I had a neighbor come in after we had moved into our just completed home. She told me she came in when they were doing the final stuff (inside painting, decorator choices, etc) and looked through it all. I did not know her before we moved in. I believe she did this with *all* the houses in the neighborhood close to her. She just was very nosy. I kept my front door locked always. 

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2 hours ago, AngieC said:

It would definitely bother me that people working in my house thought it was okay to let strangers tour the house, that is bad judgment on their part.

I am going to agree with this. I had a cleaning person before who would let anyone in who knocked on the door. It was not okay. And one time, she let someone in who I really did not want in the house. I let her go and never hired anyone else. (I had other reasons for not having a cleaning person anymore though). But I would be seriously miffed that the workers let them in.

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1 minute ago, Bambam said:

It would bother me a little. I'd mark those friends as super nosy people. The workers - I can see where that would be an iffy thing for them? Should they? If they didn't would the home owner complain and be unhappy? 

BTW, I had a neighbor come in after we had moved into our just completed home. She told me she came in when they were doing the final stuff (inside painting, decorator choices, etc) and looked through it all. I did not know her before we moved in. I believe she did this with *all* the houses in the neighborhood close to her. She just was very nosy. I kept my front door locked always. 

I have to admit about the just completed house...I am thinking you mean a new build...this would not bother me so much. In new neighborhoods, the builders often continue to show the houses up until they close. People around them are always looking. I went to the new neighborhood next to ours one weekend and was looking at the various houses and found a few other neighbors there. Even when realtors have open houses, they say they expect neighbors to come by and see. Our old house had an open house and some of our neighbors mentioned they had gone and it did not bother me. 

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Yes I would be angry with all parties involved. Are you paying these worker/friends? Are they licensed, bonded and insured as a business or are they just friends who are doing you a favor for a very low price or possibly free? I can't imagine a liability insurer being happy that they are letting random people, friends or not, on to a work site where they can possibly hurt themselves and make a claim. Or what if something went missing from the house? I know you aren't moved in yet but it is not uncommon around here at all for copper pipes or high end faucet and light fixtures to go missing when a house is vacant for any amount of time. If the contractor is letting people into the worksite and something goes missing or gets broken while they are working... It just isn't a good practice. I would be livid even if it was their own mother they let in the house. If she wasn't one of the workers working on the house, she has no business being there.

And the friends...  I know this is passive aggressive and I shouldn't do it but I would be tempted to not send them an invite to my housewarming party and when they asked why they didn't get an invite I would say something along the lines of I didn't want them to waste their time seeing a house they had already been through and toured. Lol


Edited by sweet2ndchance
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46 minutes ago, sweet2ndchance said:

Yes I would be angry with all parties involved. Are you paying these worker/friends? Are they licensed, bonded and insured as a business or are they just friends who are doing you a favor for a very low price or possibly free? I can't imagine a liability insurer being happy that they are letting random people, friends or not, on to a work site where they can possibly hurt themselves and make a claim. Or what if something went missing from the house? I know you aren't moved in yet but it is not uncommon around here at all for copper pipes or high end faucet and light fixtures to go missing when a house is vacant for any amount of time. If the contractor is letting people into the worksite and something goes missing or gets broken while they are working... It just isn't a good practice. I would be livid even if it was their own mother they let in the house. If she wasn't one of the workers working on the house, she has no business being there.

And the friends...  I know this is passive aggressive and I shouldn't do it but I would be tempted to not send them an invite to my housewarming party and when they asked why they didn't get an invite I would say something along the lines of I didn't want them to waste their time seeing a house they had already been through and toured. Lol


We are paying them and they are professionals fully licensed  and insured.  And I don’t know if it is just the part of the country we are in but none of that stuff about liability and getting hurt was a concern for me at all.  I mean, they are painting.....it isn’t a dangerous worksite.  

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1 hour ago, Tanaqui said:


You always give the clarifying information so far down the thread.

Not that it matters in this case. Drop in friends should not have invited themselves in when they saw you weren't home, workers - even if they're mutual friends with both you and the drop in friends - should have said that it wasn't worth their job to do this tour without your presence.

;/. I wasn’t trying to avoid giving clarifying information.  Which apparently isn’t relative anyway to my question. 

I thought I was making it clear I wondered if it would bother anyone else that the friends stopped by and went all through my house.  


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It would bother me too/


And I am with a few others that I do not have people touring my house.  They can tour public areas, go to the guest bathroom, and if invited, go with me to my office or with my dh to his office.  Also, if a tornado is on the way, they can go into our exercise/shower and whirlpool bath room/storm shelter.  But my bedroom or our daughter's bedroom, no.

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I am a pretty open book.....so I would definitely be giving people a tour of new house.. but it seemed really boundary crossing to drop in when I am not there.  It bugs me, but I will just let it go since there is really nothing to be gained by making an issue of it.  I just wondered if I am off base or not,  

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Doesn't have to be a dangerous worksite for accidents to happen. Paint cans, extension cords for lights, fans or paint sprayers, and floor tarps can be tripped over, ladders can fall over injuring the person on the ladder and anyone around the ladder when it falls, tools can slip out of someone's hand and cause injury to themselves or others... Just not something I would want to risk if it were me.

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28 minutes ago, sweet2ndchance said:

Doesn't have to be a dangerous worksite for accidents to happen. Paint cans, extension cords for lights, fans or paint sprayers, and floor tarps can be tripped over, ladders can fall over injuring the person on the ladder and anyone around the ladder when it falls, tools can slip out of someone's hand and cause injury to themselves or others... Just not something I would want to risk if it were me.

Just not a thing for us at all. I guess.  Accidents was not even on my radar.  

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It comes under things I would tell myself weren't worth being annoyed about.  It really isn't harmful and being annoyed is a waste of energy.  I do think the workers should have refused to let them do more than look through the windows for safety reasons.  This does assume your workers aren't HGTV big reveal types as I might feel cheated then.

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8 minutes ago, kiwik said:

It comes under things I would tell myself weren't worth being annoyed about.  It really isn't harmful and being annoyed is a waste of energy.  I do think the workers should have refused to let them do more than look through the windows for safety reasons.  This does assume your workers aren't HGTV big reveal types as I might feel cheated then.

Yep.  That is where I am.  I blame the workers not at all.  And the drop in friends....I think they are just excited for us.

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If the house is empty, this wouldn't bother me. I walked through most of the houses on our street as they were being built (but you can't get in after a certain point of construction). They're friends, they want to envision where you'll be living, and it isn't really a personal space yet. No big deal (to me).

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Just not a thing for us at all. I guess.  Accidents was not even on my radar.  


If it was just painting seems like less big deal.  It would still bug me. But not so much as when I pictured more major work going on. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Just not a thing for us at all. I guess.  Accidents was not even on my radar.  

It might not be on your radar.  But in terms of standard protocol of contracted projects?  It would be standard not to allow unscheduled visits.  Even someone running into a newly built and painted wall could cause a problem.  I think it was extremely unprofessional for paid contractors to allow it while work was going on.  

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21 minutes ago, FuzzyCatz said:

It might not be on your radar.  But in terms of standard protocol of contracted projects?  It would be standard not to allow unscheduled visits.  Even someone running into a newly built and painted wall could cause a problem.  I think it was extremely unprofessional for paid contractors to allow it while work was going on.  

Yeah, I don't think so.  It is a house built in 1970 that needed an interior paint job.  The liability possibility was not what this thread was about.  It is about is it rude to crash your friends ‘new’ house before you have had a chance to move in and get settled. 

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10 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

I'm sorry, Scarlett. I meant that in a more "gentle friendly teasing" way than a mean way, but I can see I missed that mark.

Ha.  Ok.  Thank you for saying that.  I mean I do often have a lot of clarifying info that others don’t seem to have.  I try to simplify but it really never works.  And inevitably people pick up on things that I wasn’t even thinking of,  

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When we were building some women I knew only by name went through my house.  Pissed me off.

ETA- my feeling on the whole matter was if they couldn't welcome me into their very small town community then they didn't have any damn business poking through  my house, completed or not.


Edited by MaBelle
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1 minute ago, MaBelle said:

When we were building some women I knew only by name went through my house.  Pissed me off.


Thank you. Something  about it just felt off.  I mean, if I was at work on any other day and had workers painting my house....how weird would it be for my friends to drop by and walk through. 

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Just now, Scarlett said:

Thank you. Something  about it just felt off.  I mean, if I was at work on any other day and had workers painting my house....how weird would it be for my friends to drop by and walk through. 

I think it's rude.  Yeah, there might be other more important things to wad my panties over but what the hell?  I've got time.

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Absolutely it would bug me. A neighbor did the same when some workers were finishing our basement before we moved in. He's a super nice guy and was just curious...but no. You don't do that! I never made an issue of it with the neighbor, but I'm pretty sure my husband told the workers not to let anyone in again. What in the world?!?

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