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what's the dumbest thing you've ever heard?


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3 hours ago, Garga said:


When I was 16, an adult coworker told me about Dr. Schwartz who was an introverted astronaut.  He volunteered to go on a mission in a space shuttle that would head off to space and never come back. He’d just live on it until he died of old age and he’d keep the ship going and send back space information to NASA.  He had volunteered because he liked being alone so much and was happy to go.  I fully believed him.

After about an hour, he told me he was joking.

But I went home and told my mother’s 40-something year old friend about Dr. Schwartz, and she also believed it.  I told her the truth the next day.

So...guess we were both pretty gullible.  

jim lovell said he knew there was a chance they'd bounce off the atmosphere on reentry on Apollo 13 -  if they did, he planned on transmitting as long as they could, sending information back to nasa.

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8 hours ago, lmrich said:

That if I am allergic to dairy that I am allergic to eggs. (I get a lot of people are) but this woman insisted that I could not eggs since I am allergic to dairy. I explained to her that eggs come from a bird and milk from a mammal - they are not the same thing. She continued to argue with me that eggs and dairy are the same. She. would. not. stop. 

That's one of those country-specific labelling things.  From memory, the eggs in US supermarkets were in the dairy section.  In the UK they are on the shelf (not refrigerated) and normally in the baking section.  I would be surprised if a Brit would think of eggs as dairy.

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17 hours ago, Quill said:

Well, there was a recent conversation I had with someone who was complaining about all the taxes we pay, who said huffily, “WHAT do I get from all the taxes I pay? What benefit do I get?” 

I said, “National defense, for starters,” knowing she was very pro-military. “Roads. Parks. Libraries. The public beach. Toilets at the public beach...” 

Quoting myself to make a further point: I didn’t go this far with it, but she was initially talking about schools and how she doesn’t benefit from public schools because she has no kids in them. I would have liked to discuss the point that the whole society benefits from an educated population. You don’t have to have kids in public schools in order to appreciate that all children are entitled to a free, appropriate education, and how that benefits sociey as a whole. Our conversation went in a different direction, though, so we didn’t get to discuss that point. 

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I’m pretty sure I was only asked if my daughters were twins one time when they were babies.  Sure, they’re close together, but 13 months is a pretty big difference those first couple of years, Plus the older one was always ahead of the growth curve and the younger one behind.  Add in the fact that one is dark haired with a deep skin tone and the other is blonde and fair and the whole thing was real bizarre.

Especially when you consider I was asked more than once if they had the same father.

More interesting would be the dumbest thing I’VE ever said!
Out with my first baby just a couple of weeks in, 21 years old, few brain cells left, another new mom chats me up. Her baby’s name also starts with a J!  I tell her about how all of the names on my short list started with J. They’re my favorite! I mention a few. She asks what we went with.  I CAN’T REMEMBER!!! So I just picked a random one. And then cried in my car, lol.

The real dumbest things I’ve ever heard I’m not allowed to post here. 😛    


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18 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I think the flat earthers are going to take the cake for me on this category with their "round earth conspiracies". Although, they're barely second behind a million priceless quotes from various politicians, but I don't think I'm allowed to use those examples here, LOL. 

That was the first thing that came to my mind too. 

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4 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I have had people try and tell me that my twins are  just playing twins because they are dressed the same... um.. they are twins.

they look incredibly similar as well 

Don't you love it when people argue with you about things with your own kids?   I've had people say "are you sure?" in response to "my kids aren't twins, they are two years apart", saying their ages (both kids have been tall for their ages for years and look older), saying how old I was having them.  So many things, like I wouldn't know.

4 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

My dad taught me on a 1987/88 Ford Festiva with no power steering! He bought it right after we came back from the Netherlands. I was with him. He walks in, smacks the sales guy's desk and asked, "What's the cheapest thing you have on the lot with AC?" and bought it! My two younger brothers could lift that car and move it when they were macho teens. I don't miss it.

Dh had a Saturn sedan for a couple years that was stick a shift. We finally traded it in after he developed pain in his wrist and knee from driving it. That and he left the windows down for a week in the airport parking lot while he was on a business trip. It rained. It's Houston. The car became The Mold Mobile. Bye-bye! He had a VW Golf back in Scotland. Manuals are still standard there. 

Two weeks after getting my drivers license I had to learn how to drive a stick and start driving about an hour each way to school in rush hour traffic with toll booths.    It was a brand new Honda Civic though, so pretty good car.   We've always had at least one stick until our current car and the one right before it.  I brought a manual Honda Civic into my marriage but once the kids were born, dh drove it more than I did.  A manual used to be a lot cheaper than an automatic.   I can still drive a stick like I never stopped, it comes back really easily.   

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10 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Dh's main job is working with satellites. One of his former co-workers (guy quit earlier this year) was a flat earther.  I'm not sure how he reconciled the two ideas in his head.

What??!!!  Seriously.  How is that even possible?

(fwiw, my dh also works with satellites - software part).  Edited to add... just told my husband this one and he got a good laugh.  

Edited by PrincessMommy
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57 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

I can still drive a stick like I never stopped, it comes back really easily.   

When I got my first automatic,  I kept trying to depress the clutch,  and shift. 

My brain would do it automatically because it was so second nature. 

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28 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

When I got my first automatic,  I kept trying to depress the clutch,  and shift

I'm sure you had the lovely experience of going for the (non-existent) clutch and hitting the brake instead? And everyone in the car worried, and asking what's wrong, and was there something in the road, maybe a dog? Meanwhile you are red as a beet from embarrassment and convulsing in uncontrollable laughter and so, so glad the road was, in actuality, empty of cars and impediments? Yes? Or just me. I'm often my own stupidest story. 😂

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My sister and I were riding the school bus home with kids that we have known for most of our lives.  Note: she is my full sister; we share both parents.  Also note: We were all in high school at the time.

Me: Hey, K, do you know what Mom's making for dinner tonight?

K: No.

Other Passenger to me: You're over at her house so often that you call her mom "Mom"?

Me: Her mom is my mom.

Other Passenger: What?! Which one of you is adopted?


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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

When I got my first automatic,  I kept trying to depress the clutch,  and shift. 

My brain would do it automatically because it was so second nature. 

I did that too!!  Almost put my SIL  through the windshield once depressing the break like it was the clutch.  Ooops.  😏

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12 hours ago, Math teacher said:

People (including adults) who used to say you shouldn't peel vegetables because all the vitamins are right under the skin. To be clear, I don't normally peel most vegetables, but this was something I heard growing up.

I heard this twice last year at Norwex presentations. To be fair, they weren’t saying ALL the nutrients are in or just under the skin, but that some are.


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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

When I got my first automatic,  I kept trying to depress the clutch,  and shift. 

My brain would do it automatically because it was so second nature. 

I have two cars.  One manual and one automatic.  It is difficult going back and forth between the two.  I keep reaching for the shifter....and yes trying to depress the clutch.  LOL

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In high school we had a costume day for something, and I dressed up like a Christmas elf -- red/white striped socks, green shoes with pointy toes and jingle bells on the end, jeans, vaguely Christmas-ish shirt, some sparkly eye makeup, Santa hat. And the best part were the ears. I got some pointy ears from a legit costume shop (I think they were marketed as Spock ears), attached them with liquid latex, and covered them and blended them into my skin with stage makeup foundation. It was fun. 

Walking through the halls that day, I had one girl (surely a freshman), stop me and say, "OH. MY. GOSH. You have elf ears!"








(ANOTHER beat)



(the light dawns) "Ohhhhh, they're fake."


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3 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I’m pretty sure I was only asked if my daughters were twins one time when they were babies.  Sure, they’re close together, but 13 months is a pretty big difference those first couple of years, Plus the older one was always ahead of the growth curve and the younger one behind.  Add in the fact that one is dark haired with a deep skin tone and the other is blonde and fair and the whole thing was real bizarre.

Especially when you consider I was asked more than once if they had the same father.

More interesting would be the dumbest thing I’VE ever said!
Out with my first baby just a couple of weeks in, 21 years old, few brain cells left, another new mom chats me up. Her baby’s name also starts with a J!  I tell her about how all of the names on my short list started with J. They’re my favorite! I mention a few. She asks what we went with.  I CAN’T REMEMBER!!! So I just picked a random one. And then cried in my car, lol.

The real dumbest things I’ve ever heard I’m not allowed to post here. 😛    


OK, I would have cried too......but that was funny. And I could write a book on the blonde things I've said and done.

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On 7/12/2019 at 6:16 AM, Quill said:

Quoting myself to make a further point: I didn’t go this far with it, but she was initially talking about schools and how she doesn’t benefit from public schools because she has no kids in them. I would have liked to discuss the point that the whole society benefits from an educated population. You don’t have to have kids in public schools in order to appreciate that all children are entitled to a free, appropriate education, and how that benefits sociey as a whole. Our conversation went in a different direction, though, so we didn’t get to discuss that point. 


That one is a personal pet peeve of mine: when people get upset that they have to pay for other people’s educations.  It comes up here a lot because in this state we pay for school tax separately from other taxes, so you get a bill in the mail specifically for school tax and you can see exactly how much you’re paying for it.  People without kids or people whose kids are grown love to grouse about paying that tax.  I just say to the old ones, “Would you really want your nurses and doctors not to have had any education?”  And I also like to point out that they benefitted from being educated themselves when they were kids.  

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29 minutes ago, wilrunner said:

Dumbest thing I ever heard was my boss telling me that Australia was a state and Texas was its own country. I argued with her for a bit, then just gave up. 


I met a girl in college who didn't know that Delaware is a state and Denver isn't.

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12 hours ago, Paradox5 said:

Years ago when my kids had food allergies, we went to Sonic where I ordered hot dogs without the buns. The kid asked me why so I explained the situation. He looks me right in the eye and says, "Bread doesn't have wheat in it." Yes, yes it does. 


I had a similar conversation with my mother. She had read somewhere that she should eat whole wheat bread. To her, that meant brown bread. She started buying brown "wheat bread." I tried to explain the food coloring thing as a marketing tactic, but she kept saying "It says 'wheat bread' on it, so it's the right thing." I told her all bread is wheat bread. She looked at me and said "What do you mean, all bread is wheat bread?" I gave up after a few more minutes of that.

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When my sister used to work the reservation line at a major airline, she would always tell people that they were allowed to bring "2 checked bags" . 

A woman called to complain that her luggage was plain and she did not see why she had to go out and buy specific luggage that had checks on it.  🤨


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3 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

When I got my first automatic,  I kept trying to depress the clutch,  and shift. 

My brain would do it automatically because it was so second nature. 


2 hours ago, SusanC said:

I'm sure you had the lovely experience of going for the (non-existent) clutch and hitting the brake instead? And everyone in the car worried, and asking what's wrong, and was there something in the road, maybe a dog? Meanwhile you are red as a beet from embarrassment and convulsing in uncontrollable laughter and so, so glad the road was, in actuality, empty of cars and impediments? Yes? Or just me. I'm often my own stupidest story. 😂

I used to go for the clutch all the time, especially when I had to do something suddenly.  Luckily I didn't usually hit the brake, just miss completely.

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I met a girl in college who didn't know that Delaware is a state and Denver isn't.

I have had conversations a couple times with people who did not know Maryland is a state and/or they have no idea where it is. (These were always people who lived on the west coast but still...no idea where Maryland is or doesn’t know it’s a state. )

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I live in West Virginia. When I am in other parts of the country and I tell people where I’m from, I almost always hear a response like “Oh, I love Virginia Beach” or “I’ve been to Richmond before”. This has happened my entire life. Sometimes people catch themselves, like last week I was visiting family in MN. We were at the Mall of America and asked where we were from at a restaurant. The server started going on about her experience in Virginia when she caught herself and said...never mind, you said you are from WEST Virginia. Usually they don’t realize and we have a nice conversation about the state of Virginia.

Honestly, I’m not sure if they don’t know that West Virginia is a state or if they’re just not listening. 

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2 hours ago, Junie said:

I met a girl in college who didn't know that Delaware is a state and Denver isn't.


Being from Delaware, I have met many people who didn't know it was a state.  Some who would down right argue with me about it. And I'm not talking uneducated people.


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When I was a teenager I met a tourist in Wales who told me at length about how much research he had done about his family origins in Wales. He was about to travel to his ancestral town. I commented that I hoped he had fun, and that it was a Welsh speaking area, so that would be particularly interesting. He then decided to argue that there was no such thing as a Welsh language.  

Ignorance is fine, but belligerent ignorance is dumb. 

Welsh language clip here 


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14 hours ago, Garga said:

Yes, but I had no idea they mated.  I honestly thought that the rooster somehow did something to the already hatched egg.  

Probably something my mother told me when I was tiny and she didn’t want to explain exactly what the birds and the bees did.  

And in my defense, I was public schooled.  😜


Don't feel bad! That's how many (most? all? who knows) fish go about it.

When visiting Carlsbad Caverns, I innocently asked the guide, who was explaining the bats' behavior, how the mothers handled bringing food to the pre-flight-capable offspring. He gave me the compassionate look you give to the less fortunate of society, and explained that they were mammals, you see....


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If it makes you feel any better, I have lots of questions about chickens and eggs.

Why have I not googled these topics in this day of omniscient internet?

Well because, if I'm ever investigated for anything, I don't want that kind of search to show up on my history.  LOL!  True story.

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2 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

That does not surprise me with some of the comments we've had people relay here about living in DC and all of the mind blowing ness that causes realizing it's not in Washington STATE-  and wasn't it New Mexico too?  I mean, how can someone who lives in AMERICA, NOT know New Mexico is a state?!?!? I remember someone here mentioning they had a magazine or something making fun of how often this happens. I shudder for the future of our country! 

Yes I was born in New Mexico and I won't even start on the ignorance from Texans about its status as a state. On the other hand, my mom tells me how, growing up in Albuquerque, she could not convince her cowboy-obsessed little brother that he could not go "west to Texas" to live on the range.

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1 hour ago, Violet Crown said:



Don't feel bad! That's how many (most? all? who knows) fish go about it.

When visiting Carlsbad Caverns, I innocently asked the guide, who was explaining the bats' behavior, how the mothers handled bringing food to the pre-flight-capable offspring. He gave me the compassionate look you give to the less fortunate of society, and explained that they were mammals, you see....


cartilaginous fishes fertilize internally, even in the species that lay eggs, as do some of the small tropical species like mollies. There are also a few amphibians that do so, mostly ones that are terrestrial for most or all of their lifecycle, like cacelians.

Reptiles all fertilize internally (DD once commented that a peer was thinking about “twisting tails” with her boyfriend). Reptile reproduction can be rather hard to explain to kids, too, between the breeding balls, fighting over females, and the fact that there are multiple species where the female will eat the male happily after mating-or sometimes, instead of mating if she is not in the mood...

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2 hours ago, Violet Crown said:



Don't feel bad! That's how many (most? all? who knows) fish go about it.

When visiting Carlsbad Caverns, I innocently asked the guide, who was explaining the bats' behavior, how the mothers handled bringing food to the pre-flight-capable offspring. He gave me the compassionate look you give to the less fortunate of society, and explained that they were mammals, you see....



Yes!  The fish!  I was driving home from Aldi just about an hour ago and realized that I wasn’t completely a dork, because it’s the fish that fertilize the eggs after they’re laid.  It’s not the chickens, no, but at least there is some sort of egg laying animal out there that fertilizes after the fact.  (Feeling a teensy bit less of a schmuck.). 

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50 minutes ago, dmmetler said:

Reptiles all fertilize internally (DD once commented that a peer was thinking about “twisting tails” with her boyfriend). Reptile reproduction can be rather hard to explain to kids, too, between the breeding balls, fighting over females, and the fact that there are multiple species where the female will eat the male happily after mating-or sometimes, instead of mating if she is not in the mood...

Not to mention the parthenogenic species that can reproduce without mating at all!

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6 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

Not to mention the parthenogenic species that can reproduce without mating at all!

Amphibians and fish add kleptogenic species, too (all female species that mate with males of other species, and use their genetic material selectively or not at all). Nature is weird....

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8 hours ago, Junie said:

My sister and I were riding the school bus home with kids that we have known for most of our lives.  Note: she is my full sister; we share both parents.  Also note: We were all in high school at the time.

Me: Hey, K, do you know what Mom's making for dinner tonight?

K: No.

Other Passenger to me: You're over at her house so often that you call her mom "Mom"?

Me: Her mom is my mom.

Other Passenger: What?! Which one of you is adopted?


some people's children..

are you that different looking?

bil had dark Armenian coloring (and features).  sils are medium, dh quite fair and redheaded.  there were many comments from neighbors wanting to know who that kid was that was always at their house.

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17 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

but they're so much fun to drive.....  I learned to drive on a '75 celica.  I miss it...


I much prefer driving a manual. I learned to drive on a 1975 VW camper van, which was basically like driving a small truck or bus. Loved that thing!

A decade or so ago, when I was shopping for a mom car, I allowed myself to be talked into a VW Golf with an automatic transmission that had what I like to call "pretend manual" mode. It was a nice little car, but I just could not adjust to or learn to like that transmission, so I traded it in after about eight months. I have insisted that both of the cars I have bought since be manuals.

In terms of the dumbest things I've heard, unfortunately the first couple of examples are things I've seen posted here over the years. I'm certain I've said equally stupid things at some point during my life, so I'm not judging, but it's probably best not to actually share any of those tidbits!

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25 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

some people's children..

are you that different looking?

bil had dark Armenian coloring (and features).  sils are medium, dh quite fair and redheaded.  there were many comments from neighbors wanting to know who that kid was that was always at their house.

We are pretty different looking, although we have almost identical coloring -- fair with dark brown hair.

This kid had known us since kindergarten/elementary school.  There were only four people in the county with our last name (our family).  He should have known just from that.

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1 hour ago, dmmetler said:

cartilaginous fishes fertilize internally, even in the species that lay eggs, as do some of the small tropical species like mollies. There are also a few amphibians that do so, mostly ones that are terrestrial for most or all of their lifecycle, like cacelians.

Reptiles all fertilize internally (DD once commented that a peer was thinking about “twisting tails” with her boyfriend). Reptile reproduction can be rather hard to explain to kids, too, between the breeding balls, fighting over females, and the fact that there are multiple species where the female will eat the male happily after mating-or sometimes, instead of mating if she is not in the mood...

Then there's the viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous.   My cockroaches are ovoviviparous.  

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Another one: 

a male boss that didn’t understand why a female employee needed access to the restroom when she got her period.  He told her she could wait.  He was under the impression that one passes menstrual blood like a bowel movement or urine, and women could “hold it in” until their break.  😳

He was legit shocked that it just starts coming out and keeps coming out without any input whatsoever from the woman.  

(Not me or my boss- I have thankfully never had a job where restroom breaks required permission.)

Edited by LucyStoner
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On 7/11/2019 at 11:29 AM, HomeAgain said:

Second best was the mom who led a hike that was covered in poison ivy and when approached with the concern over it, replied "In Jesus' name, the plant won't hurt you."  I explained that's not how it works and was told, "If you believe enough, it does!"


This reminds me of the Horrible Histories sketch where people were doing the sign of the cross as a "disinfectant" for things dropped in poo. 


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1 hour ago, LucyStoner said:

Another one: 

a male boss that didn’t understand why a female employee needed access to the restroom when she got her period.  He told her she could wait.  He was under the impression that one passes menstrual blood like a bowel movement or urine, and women could “hold it in” until their break.  😳

He was legit shocked that it just starts coming out and keeps coming out without any input whatsoever from the woman.  

(Not me or my boss- I have thankfully never had a job where restroom breaks required permission.)

Well I have always thought that was a serious design flaw in the uterine-lining-sloughing process. Someone upstairs should have planned that better. 

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1 hour ago, LucyStoner said:

Another one: 

a male boss that didn’t understand why a female employee needed access to the restroom when she got her period.  He told her she could wait.  He was under the impression that one passes menstrual blood like a bowel movement or urine, and women could “hold it in” until their break.  😳

He was legit shocked that it just starts coming out and keeps coming out without any input whatsoever from the woman.  

(Not me or my boss- I have thankfully never had a job where restroom breaks required permission.)

blink blink blink.  no excuse for that.  how could he reach that age and station and be that naïve? did he skip health class that day?  no sharing bathrooms with teenage sisters?  no girlfriends - ever?  no WIFE?

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Just now, gardenmom5 said:

blink blink blink.  no excuse for that.  how could he reach that age and station and be that naïve? did he skip health class that day?  no sharing bathrooms with teenage sisters?  no girlfriends - ever?  no WIFE?


He was older and long married to a woman.  It is jaw dropping.   Like how, just how?!

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11 hours ago, TechWife said:


I had a similar conversation with my mother. She had read somewhere that she should eat whole wheat bread. To her, that meant brown bread. She started buying brown "wheat bread." I tried to explain the food coloring thing as a marketing tactic, but she kept saying "It says 'wheat bread' on it, so it's the right thing." I told her all bread is wheat bread. She looked at me and said "What do you mean, all bread is wheat bread?" I gave up after a few more minutes of that.

I had a Confused Canadian moment when traveling in the US , ordering toast at a restaurant, and being asked "white or wheat".    Pause.  Thinking  - what's the white bread made of exactly if not wheat?  Then realizing the waitstaff meant white or whole wheat.  I'd never heard of whole wheat bread being referred to as just "wheat" before.

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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

All these geography faux pas are making me really glad I am forcing my dear children to memorize the US States and capitals.

I knew someone who on their wedding night needed the birds and the bees explained to them. Really?? Can we say AWKWARD!?

All of you out there teaching geography, let me mention that you might want to reinforce the fact that north isn't straight up, as in towards the sky. It's hard straightening that out down the road. 🙄

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6 hours ago, wathe said:

I had a Confused Canadian moment when traveling in the US , ordering toast at a restaurant, and being asked "white or wheat".    Pause.  Thinking  - what's the white bread made of exactly if not wheat?  Then realizing the waitstaff meant white or whole wheat.  I'd never heard of whole wheat bread being referred to as just "wheat" before.

I had exactly the same Confused Brit moment

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3 hours ago, Pippen said:

All of you out there teaching geography, let me mention that you might want to reinforce the fact that north isn't straight up, as in towards the sky. It's hard straightening that out down the road. 🙄

But the North Star is that way, right? 😂

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20 hours ago, Just Kate said:

I live in West Virginia. When I am in other parts of the country and I tell people where I’m from, I almost always hear a response like “Oh, I love Virginia Beach” or “I’ve been to Richmond before”. This has happened my entire life. Sometimes people catch themselves, like last week I was visiting family in MN. We were at the Mall of America and asked where we were from at a restaurant. The server started going on about her experience in Virginia when she caught herself and said...never mind, you said you are from WEST Virginia. Usually they don’t realize and we have a nice conversation about the state of Virginia.

Honestly, I’m not sure if they don’t know that West Virginia is a state or if they’re just not listening. 

I wonder if it’s a half-listening situation like I constantly do, lol.  Pennsylvania is a pretty big state, so my area of PA is Northeast PA.  My brain initially pegs any mention of Northeast as NEPA. It takes me a beat to realize there is a whole NE USA! 😮 


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15 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

some people's children..

are you that different looking?

bil had dark Armenian coloring (and features).  sils are medium, dh quite fair and redheaded.  there were many comments from neighbors wanting to know who that kid was that was always at their house.


As a teenager, I had a male bff and a female bff. All three of us looked a little similar, at least by our various shades of blond.  We had a core group of friends and an extended group of friends.  In the extended group, there were people who thought my male friend was my brother and people who thought my female friend was my sister.  Like, they INSISTED it was true, and believed we were screwing with them when we “tried to” deny it.

 When my male and female friend started dating, it got very weird!!!

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Probably not the dumbest thing I've EVER heard- but my MIL was so excited and hopeful for multiples every time I or one of my husband's brother's wives got pregnant. She kept insisting that it was highly probable because "multiples run in the family". She said this because dh and his brothers are fraternal triplets. That they got pregnant with while on fertility drugs. She's still disappointed that out of the 9 pregnancies between us, none were even twins, let alone triplets. of course, none of us were taking medicine that would make us release multiple eggs... Now, I understand her hopefullness, but the level of insisting throughout each pregnancy, that it MUST be twins, look how huge you are, those ultrasounds can be wrong you know, sometimes one baby is hiding behind the other and they don't see it. This got old fast.

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