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What's the weirdest coincidence you or your dh have ever experienced?


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Well, just yesterday, kinda out of the blue, I started thinking about a little old lady who was in my Sunday School class when I still lived in San Antonio.  I haven't heard a thing about her in a couple of years, and I was wondering if she was even still alive.  (She's well into her 90's, though still spritely.)  Lo and behold, I woke up to an email this morning requesting prayer for her, as it seems she is in the hospital with  pneumonia.  :(


I had a Sunday School teacher once who said that the purpose of all intuition is prayer.  If someone randomly comes to mind that you haven't thought of for years, pray for them.  Since she taught that (I was just a kid), at least a dozen times I've found it was true.

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DH and I have been married 20 years.  Just within the past few years, we realized we both had chicken pox at exactly the same time.  Both of us remember watching the US hockey team beat the USSR during the 1980 Olympics while having chicken pox.


We also realized that the day that I was at Live Aid in Philadelphia in 1985, he was visiting London at the time and drove by the venue at Wembley Stadium during the concert.


Wait, isn't that the one Phil Collins took the Concord and played at both concerts?! Loved it. I watched at home. 


Cool story!

Edited by Angie in VA
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I had a Sunday School teacher once who said that the purpose of all intuition is prayer.  If someone randomly comes to mind that you haven't thought of for years, pray for them.  Since she taught that (I was just a kid), at least a dozen times I've found it was true.



More than intuition, my father told me this about a week after it happened. My mother heard me crying one night. I can't recall now if she woke up and heard me, but it was not a dream. She was wide awake and she heard me crying. I don't know why she didn't ever tell me this story. It must have freaked her out. 


The thing was, I was ~100 miles away. 


I was indeed crying that night. The heart-wrenching kind of cry. 

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Love reading all these!


My sister and I always experience coincidences.  We call it "twinning" even though we aren't twins, in fact we're nearly 15 years apart.  For instance, she called me last week to tell me she was making Italian Wedding Soup that she hasn't had in 25 years.  Guess what I was doing?  I was in the market shopping for the ingredients for Italian Wedding Soup that I hadn't had in years and have never made before.  Things like this happen to us all the time.

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Just thought of another one...

My birthday is Veteran's day, sister 1 is Groundhog day, sister 2 is Summer Solstice, and little brother is Valentines day. None of us were induced some went early, some went late.  Three of my four children were due on 4th of July.


I guess how DH and I met up as adults is a coincidence. 


We both have a sister (mine's a year younger) who attended the same gymnastics programs (I was 13ish he was 10ish) for several years. The program took place about 30 minutes from where I lived and about 90 minutes from his town.  I remember thinking he was a nice kid and he would make some girl a great boyfriend someday.

*We actually hung out, when he didn't have TKD practice, and I had to watch my littlest sister).


Fast forward quite a few years (I was 25) and I had just broken up with my then boyfriend and had taken off to Alabama with my roommate for the week.  When we got back to the area we lived (still not my town or DH's hometown) we stopped at a local bar whose bartender was a friend of mine (so I knew I could crash at their house), and in walks DH.  He never went in that bar (he didn't drink) but his friend did sometimes and he was looking for him.  We've been together ever since. 

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Dh's first wife and I share the same first name.


The older I get, the more convenient I think this is!




I have a friend from high school.   He has been married 3 times.  All to pretty much the same name.






Isn't that weird?


My dad and my stepdad have the same first name. My mom was out with stepdad and saw someone she knew. She was desperately trying to remember this person's name. She introduced stepdad, "This is Bob Ex-husband's-Last-Name." Stepdad, who is a great guy, didn't miss a beat, shook hands, and said, "Bob Real-Last-Name." He enjoyed teasing my mom about it for quite a while!



Oh here's another one. Me and the two girls my husband dated before me all share the exact same birthdate. I remember the shocked silence that followed when he asked me when it was.


I actually laughed out loud at this one! I BET he was shocked!

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The older I get, the more convenient I think this is!



My dad and my stepdad have the same first name. My mom was out with stepdad and saw someone she knew. She was desperately trying to remember this person's name. She introduced stepdad, "This is Bob Ex-husband's-Last-Name." Stepdad, who is a great guy, didn't miss a beat, shook hands, and said, "Bob Real-Last-Name." He enjoyed teasing my mom about it for quite a while!!

That is hilarious. I did something similar when I first met Dh. I had known his brother for about ten years.......and when I was introducing now Dh I said, 'this is 'brothers name their last name'. Dh didn't miss a beat...just corrected it and went on....I was mortified.


Also, when our friends were suggesting we meet I googled Dh and found his wife's name is my nick name. I was like are you kidding me. My family and some old friends use this nickname...which is from my middle,name....my actual first name which most of my friends use is very far removed from my family nick name. Dh has NEVER called me by this nick name...not to my face. I overheard him talking to his mom and he said 'Scarlett and I ( but he used his wife's name) did such and so'.


I on the other hand have called him by xh's name many times.

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My three kids were born on different days of the week (Friday, Monday, and Wednesday), but their birthdays will always fall on the same day of the week every year. This year, their birthdays will all be on Tuesdays.


They all have 9's in their birthdays - they were born on the 9th, the 19th, and the 29th - and they were all born on or near holiday weekends (Columbus Day, Memorial Day, and Father's Day).

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One of our adult kids was halfway around the world, on a beach crowded with other people and heard someone calling out his first name (which is a nickname). It was a kid his younger siblings had played with in our neighborhood when they were all little 15 years before. (Their mom and I had gone to school together).

One of my older sisters must have been a very popular and partyin' girl. I was at a concert in DC with dh (we lived a couple hours away); a guy started smiling at me, approached me, whisked me off my feet, and said my sister's name loudly. He didn't believe I wasn't my sister. LOL It took some convincing that I was not my sister. Turns out he knew my dh. I seriously think he is the uncle of the guy who was yelling my son's name on the beach halfway around the world because the guy on the beach had cousins who played with that son of mine and their last name is the same as the guy at the DC concert, the cousins look a lot like him. It is not a common last name in our area.


This one is just too weird. My sil was telling me about the father of kids her sons went to school with. They all live out west. The father was telling my sil that he had gone to his sister's retirement party back east. Also at the retirement party were two other people retiring from the public service department his sister was in. It was common knowledge that everyone called the one retiring guy a particular odd nickname.

My sil shared that story with me because she thought it was kind of weird the similarities where my extended family lived and the area her friend had gone to. What are the chances?

I said to my SIL, no, you're kidding! I had been at that retirement party. It was also for my uncle, who was called that odd nickname (though I never knew that before). When they mentioned who had traveled the farthest out of all the guests there and it was so and so, the retiring woman's brother, from X town where my SIL, BIL and their kids lived, I felt very strongly about going up to him and asking him if he knew my SIL. I thought nah, what are the chances? But I did not do that. I was too shy! 

Edited for privacy reasons

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My husband and I were graduate students at the University of Tennessee. After visiting our parents in Missouri over a holiday, we looped down to visit his sister and husband in Texas and then drove along the coast and then back north. As we angled through Mississippi, we drove by what sounded to my husband like a backwoodsy sounding town. "I'll probably end up getting a job and moving us there!" he laughed.


A year or so later when we graduated—after applying for jobs in 15 or so states and getting offers from two states—the best offer was, indeed, in that town in MS!

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DH and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon.  In the cabin next door was the girl he dated for a couple of years before we met and her current boyfriend.  We saw them right after boarding, during the lifeboat drill and upon returning to our rooms.  We never saw them again once the ship set sail.  It was such a crazy coincidence.  


There is another person with the same first middle last name as my maiden name with the exact birth date and year.  Unfortunately she doesn't pay her bills. 


My DH's birthday is my bff's anniversary date.  We were dating when she was married and I knew he loved me when he spent his birthday at the venue all day long while there was a big football game going on.  


I am a home health nurse and I had a patient once whose daughter was visiting from Florida.  The patient needed home O2 so I got that set up and waited on the delivery person to bring it out.  When the delivery person arrived it was a British man.  The patient asked about his accent and he stated he didn't have an accent, that he had lived south of Birmingham his whole life.  I chimed in that I knew a man that always said the same thing and the patient's daughter said she did too.  I explained it was my Granddaddy's coworker from many years ago (who I met while working as his home health nurse also).  The daughter stated a man she had dated named Dave Lastname had always said that.  We knew the same man.  


Home health lends itself to a lot of stories.  One night I was seeing patients and I took cover from a tornado warning at a Walmart.  I ran into a group of college students there and we talked as we waited for the storm to pass.  The next night I had a very sick patient I had to send back to the hospital.  While waiting for the ambulance I was talking to the niece of the patient and she said she worked at the college those students attended.  I told her I had met a group of students from her college including their drum major and they were all such nice kids.  She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture and it was her drum major son I had met the night before.  She called and chewed him out because she had apparently told him not to go anywhere in her car because the storms were supposed to be so bad.  I was trying to pay the kids a compliment and ended up making trouble for one of them.  


I think if you are as chatty as I am you end up finding all sorts of connections with all sorts of people.  



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Back in the day when I had caller ID on my landline, I saw I had missed a call. I called the number back, and it was my old Sunday School teacher! She had mis-dialed my number and hadn't meant to call me. We had a nice chat. :)


My husband and I grew up in the same town but went to different high schools. We met in college. I wouldn't say it was really a coincidence, as we started hanging out because we carpooled to our hometown together. We knew several people in common and both went to the same swim park, movie theater, etc. We probably passed each other a bunch of times.

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Dh and I do that sort of thing all the time! We say we're on the same brain wavelength. What's really weird is we're can feel when our wavelengths are off. We get really testy with each other and can't seem to communicate at all. It's one misunderstanding after another until our wavelengths get back in sync.



Dh and I often call each other at the same time. 

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One Sunday on our way to church, my mother accidentally struck and killed a little bird that had flown into our path.  I was only about 5 or 6 years old at the time, loved birds, so I was absolutely devastated.  I remember crying and carrying on and my mom barely able to console me in time to go into the church.  


The sermon title that day?  His eye is on the sparrow......


Now, you would think the sermon topic would further make me question a God who, apparently, didn't have his eye on the bird we had killed, but instead I remember feeling such love for a God who wanted me to know he had heard the cries of my heart and cared enough about me to let me know.

Edited by Liberty
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There has been quite a few but my favorite....when I was in kindergarten my mom used to take me to this mall that had a carrousel, games, toy store and Ivan the gorilla before he moved. She would take pics of me there and I have quite a few but one in particular shows a mom with her 7 year old son in the background. My DH and MIL! We stumbled upon in about 5 years after we were married. Funny enough he wasn't living in my state at the time and was visiting from out of town. This was 16 years before we ever met.

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One of the weirdest coincidences I ever experienced was on one of the first few days of my junior year abroad program in Spain.  I was getting to know some of the other people in the program, and I found out that one of the other students had also sold books via Southwestern.  I asked him where, and when he told me, I mentioned that a friend of mine had sold books in that same area the same year he had, except my friend had died in a car accident while he was out there.  The guy told me that he was in that car with my friend.  It still gives me chills when I think about it. 


On a happier note, a few years back when we were at Legoland in Florida, I was talking with one of the women in a shop, and she had previously worked at the Legoland in Guenzburg, my mom's hometown.  (There is also a Legoland there.). Turns out my uncle, who was a baker in that town, had made her wedding cake!   It was probably one of the last cakes he made before he closed shop.  

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I went to college in Portland. I still keep in touch with one of my friends from there and my husband got to meet her several years ago. She's an absolute angel - sweet and kind. 


While I was in Portland, my husband lived in San Diego. He worked with a lovely person there. This former coworker and her husband are still very good friends of ours. 


A few months ago, the same Portland friend contacts me via Facebook to say that she and the San Diego friend are actually second cousins! She saw our "mutual friends" and was shocked to see that we're all friends. It makes sense. Both of them, their entire families are the sweetest people ever. 

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We took our kids on a vacation to see the Grand Canyon years ago. Somewhere in Texas, a small dark blue car with two bikes on top and Vermont tags passed us. Later we stopped at a visitors' center in Texas and noticed this same blue car in the parking lot. Not so unusual. Then we saw them again when we pulled into a visitors center in New Mexico. Funny. We stayed two nights in NM, sightseeing. Then on to Arizona and yep, there they were at the Arizona visitors center. We laughed. We stayed overnight in Flagstaff and the next morning we went to the Grand Canyon. We pulled into the parking lot and there was the blue car from Vermont with the bikes on top. Maybe they were thinking, why is that family with all the kids following us? Ha.


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When they told my dad in the ICU that he had a pretty small chance of overcoming his pneumonia and he decided to go home on hospice, they sent in a chaplain later that day.  She was a sort of middle aged lady and very nice; my dad liked her.  Anyway, later that night I went to the airport to get my sister, who had flown in last minute.  This is in a city of about 2 million (we lived in a suburb well outside the city, about an hour from the airport).  I've been to that airport maybe an average of once every other year during my life.


Waiting at the same gate, for the same flight from Oregon, was the chaplain lady.

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There has been quite a few but my favorite....when I was in kindergarten my mom used to take me to this mall that had a carrousel, games, toy store and Ivan the gorilla before he moved. She would take pics of me there and I have quite a few but one in particular shows a mom with her 7 year old son in the background. My DH and MIL! We stumbled upon in about 5 years after we were married. Funny enough he wasn't living in my state at the time and was visiting from out of town. This was 16 years before we ever met.


That's neat that you have a photo of both of you when you were little.


One of my relatives has a photo of herself sitting right next to her dh in a Little League photo taken when they were about 8.  They didn't realize they had been on the same team until after they were married and were looking at her old photos.

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My husband told me about one of his friends who caught his wife having an affair with her boss and he told me not to tell anyone.

I didn't tell...except for my mom. I thought that would be okay because she didn't know any of the people involved. Well, my mom's sister happened to be with her that day while I talking and the boss turned out to be her new boyfriend! She didn't know anything about it and she was not happy!

And that's what happens when you gossip.

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When I was 9 our family went to France on a vacation. Sitting at the next table were some English speakers, which was more rare in those days than it is now, plus they had American accents. We started chatting and found they lived 2 blocks from us.

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Dh was at Scout camp with our kids. Some guy starts running towards him, saying "hey, hey, are you John Doe's son?" Dh says yes.... The guy says "You look like an older version of yourself and like your dad." This guy had worked with dh's dad in Singapore, and remembered my dh as a young teen. 


Caroline and I have a story, but you all have heard that one a few times, so I'll skip it.

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My husband told me about one of his friends who caught his wife having an affair with her boss and he told me not to tell anyone.

I didn't tell...except for my mom. I thought that would be okay because she didn't know any of the people involved. Well, my mom's sister happened to be with her that day while I talking and the boss turned out to be her new boyfriend! She didn't know anything about it and she was not happy!

And that's what happens when you gossip.



Ugh oh....

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When I was a college student, one of my student projects (a group project) won an award at a professional competition, and our group attended a special awards ceremony given by the professional organization. After I interviewed for my first job (which I eventually got), my new co-workers told me that they'd sat at the table next to me during the awards ceremony.


My dad's siblings are all 2, 3, and 5 years older than him or 2, 3, and 5 years younger than him.


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I haven't heard it, I want to know. lol


We grew up in the same city. Her high school boyfriend lived two doors over from me. We both now live in different states from where we grew up. We also discovered that we knew a few of the same people. My junior year boyfriend went to her high school. But she didn't know him..... 

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When I was in college I worked in the library reference department with a young man who had recently emigrated from Burundi. After graduation, I took part in an exchange program and taught in a technical college in northern China. The foreign teachers and students often ate together in a little cafeteria behind the international dorm, and there I met a young man, from Burundi, with the same first name name as the man I'd worked with in college. Making small talk, I remarked that I knew another person from Burundi with his name. "Oh, was it (college coworker)?" Yes, in fact, it was. They had been childhood best friends. :)

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Someone once tried to introduce me to a nice man and my husband to a nice woman they thought that we’d each find interesting.


Yes, that someone was a friend who didn’t realize who I was dating, separately met my now husband and tried to fix me up with him when we’d already been together for some time.

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There has been quite a few but my favorite....when I was in kindergarten my mom used to take me to this mall that had a carrousel, games, toy store and Ivan the gorilla before he moved. She would take pics of me there and I have quite a few but one in particular shows a mom with her 7 year old son in the background. My DH and MIL! We stumbled upon in about 5 years after we were married. Funny enough he wasn't living in my state at the time and was visiting from out of town. This was 16 years before we ever met.



^^^^  :001_wub:  ^^^^

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My husband and younger son watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory yesterday morning.


That evening when my older son turned on The Office, it was an epsiode all about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Not the strangest coincidence ever, but I immediately thought of this thread.

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This isn’t about me or DH, but when we went in a SoCal/Disney vacation (from Canada) when I was a teen, we went on a bus tour of Hollywood homes and Universal Studios. My dad started talking to the family next to us on the bus. The guy happened to also be from our province and his boss was my Dad’s first cousin.


Such a small world...

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I've had a number of coincidences, but one of them involves a family that our family grew up down the street from, and the mom and I are friends.  (We still live in the same community and see each other from time to time.)  We are constantly running into each other without ever making any plans.  (I mean, outside of our town -- away from home.)  About once a year.  It's never planned ahead of time, and we never know of each other's plans ahead of time.  It just happens.  Once a couple of my girls and I were at a shopping mall a couple states away, and we ran into my friend and a couple of her kids there.  Another time I was shopping at a thrift store several hours away from home, and I ran into one of her adult dd's there.  Another time they were on vacation probably 6 hours away in a remote village, and they bumped into my parents who also happened to be on vacation there.  Another time my dd was traveling in Rome and crossing a busy street at a very busy intersection, and she happened to look up only to see one of the dd's in that family passing her at that very moment, crossing the street going the other way.  So random!  Neither had any idea the other was there.  These things have happened with this family so many times it's crazy.

Edited by J-rap
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A couple of years ago on Mother's Day or really during the night leading into Mother's Day, I had a dream about my BFF's miscarried child about 3ish years after her miscarriage.  I dreamed of a little boy playing in a field of wildflowers.  There was more to the dream than just that, but that's the pertinent part.  Upon waking up, I wrote down my dream in my journal and said a little prayer for my BFF as I know she desperately wants children.


Fast forward two week and my BFF comes out to visit us from my DD's birthday party.  That night she started talking about desperately wanting children.  She said the night before Mother's Day she was crying out to the Lord that she just wanted to know what her child looked like and whether it was a boy or a girl.   She asked the Lord to please just give her or someone she knew a dream of her child. I got all prickly and then showed her my journal and let her read my dream story where I described in detail what her son looked like. 



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I have a few:


For me, one coincidence was weird. I sang with a guy on a worship team - I sang tenor as did he. He got along great. He had moved here from out of state and his parents had moved to a small town where my mom had grown up. The town was small, way south of us, and no one moves from out of state to go there without a purpose, they had family down there apparently. After a few years of singing together we realized that we were related. We have the same great-great-great grandparents (IIRC). It was the weirdest thing because we had compared names earlier when he mentioned family, but just not back far enough.  


Ds has this weather thing. When he was about 8, we had been studying the Greek gods. It was raining outside and we went out on the porch to watch. About that time, he yells up at the sky, "Haha, Zeus you're not real." I kid you not, within about ten seconds, lightning struck a tree in our front yard. You could feel the energy from it on porch and smell the tree that was now a little singed. We went back inside pretty quick. 


A few years earlier I was taking ds to school (he was in private school for preK and K). He makes some comment about it would be nice if it snowed today. It was like spring weather, late April. We rarely get snow that late, like every 10 years and there was none in the forecast. Sure enough, it started snowing that day.


I still ask if he is responsible for weather when it changes drastically. Zeus, however, must not hold a grudge as he's flown and existed without further lightning strikes nearby. 

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The most immediate thing that comes to mind.... my sisters and I will sometimes get together and be wearing the same colors or items.  It happens so often that we barely even bother to laugh about it when it happens.  Interestingly, we've asked some of our friends and they say it also happens to them and their sisters!  What's that all about.  

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