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What is your guilty pleasure?


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Mine is Riverdale.

Archie for eye candy, Jughead for emo drama, Veronica's parents are crooks and she dresses high glam all the time, Betty wears sweater sets and solves crimes.  

It had a mix of retro and modern styles that is very Twin Peaks.  

Teen iconic stuff like cheerleader dance- offs, a rumble, a drag race. 

Plus pure Gothic horror with one rich family that wears mostly red, with a grandmother who says stuff like "You should have drowned them at birth, like kittens!"


It's awesome y'all.


Sell me yours!! I want more!

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It varies.  Sometimes its fanfiction.  Sometimes it's video games (currently Call of Duty, after a five year hiatus from gaming).  I also have strategically placed heating devices around my house - electric blanket on the bed, electric fireplace by the dining/school table, heating pad plugged in next to the couch, and a small heater in the bathroom I hide in periodically.  You can pry them out of my cold (heh) dead hands.


Funny story about Riverdale.  The first fanfiction I discovered as a teen was Archie fanfic.  I started reading through it and... um... also discovered Rule 34.  If it exists, someone has posted p*rn on the internet about it.  Now there's a hit TV show that's probably not AS graphic as what I read, but certainly not as juvenile as what I was expecting back then!

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I allow myself up to one 16oz bottle of full sugar caffeinated soda per day.  It's Mt. Dew/Mellow Yellow, Coke, or if need be, Pepsi.


I know from a health perspective it's a horrible habit and I fully expected my last blood sugar numbers to convince me to finally give it up... but the A1c number was fine, so... ;)


Normally I dislike sweets and avoid them.  I endured a small slice of chocolate cream cake tonight because my mom wanted to celebrate youngest son's birthday with a cake.  But for whatever reason, I enjoy those sodas (less fond of the Pepsi, but it'll do in a pinch).

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It's not a guilty one, but one of my greatest pleasures is hockey. I'm a hockey fanatic and love everything about it. I watch well upwards of 100 NHL games a year, and I also watch junior hockey and college hockey and Olympic hockey and whatever other hockey I can find.  :)  

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It's not a guilty one, but one of my greatest pleasures is hockey. I'm a hockey fanatic and love everything about it. I watch well upwards of 100 NHL games a year, and I also watch junior hockey and college hockey and Olympic hockey and whatever other hockey I can find.  :)  


You sound like a "true Canadian."  :laugh:  If you also enjoy Tim Horton's coffee, then you'd be right at home in the Great White North. ;)

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My Glamour magazine. Have had a subscription for 29 years. I don’t tell anyone, because my 40-something year old friends would find it so juvenile. I love that magazine, especially when there are lots of perfume samples inside.


Plus twaddle books and rated-M for mature tv shows on Netflix. I’m very embarrased that I like all that stuff. The people I hang out with IRL don’t read twaddle and watch rated-M shows and I fear they’d judge me if they knew. Then again, perhaps they’re all secretly reading/watching this stuff, too.

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It varies.  Sometimes its fanfiction.  Sometimes it's video games (currently Call of Duty, after a five year hiatus from gaming).  I also have strategically placed heating devices around my house - electric blanket on the bed, electric fireplace by the dining/school table, heating pad plugged in next to the couch, and a small heater in the bathroom I hide in periodically.  You can pry them out of my cold (heh) dead hands.


Funny story about Riverdale.  The first fanfiction I discovered as a teen was Archie fanfic.  I started reading through it and... um... also discovered Rule 34.  If it exists, someone has posted p*rn on the internet about it.  Now there's a hit TV show that's probably not AS graphic as what I read, but certainly not as juvenile as what I was expecting back then!


Ooooh fanfiction. I go through great bursts of loving it, between reading "real" books.  Lots of chaff, but the gems are truly marvelous.   I have reread a  couple of Harry Potter fics almost  as often as I've re-read the novels, which is a lot.


I gave up on games for years, but my husband installed a Steam Box, so I can play computer games on the TV (with an xbox controller).   On the couch, cuddled in a  blanket.  I wait for the kids to go to sleep so I can play Bioshock.  This is not what I thought my 40s would be.... but it's not a bad life.


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Reality TV. Amazing Race... Top Chef....House hunters... Bringing up Bates... Nothing terrible, but I love it.


I love that there are 30 seasons of Survivor.  Whenever I get the sick, I go on the Roku and find a season and watch the whole thing.  It's the same thing every time but it's so well done, I have never been disappointed.  OK, I've been MAD at who won a couple times.  But I've never been bored by it.


Also: I don't watch cable news and whenever I hear about  Anderson Cooper I think of The Mole.

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I love that there are 30 seasons of Survivor. Whenever I get the sick, I go on the Roku and find a season and watch the whole thing. It's the same thing every time but it's so well done, I have never been disappointed. OK, I've been MAD at who won a couple times. But I've never been bored by it.


Also: I don't watch cable news and whenever I hear about Anderson Cooper I think of The Mole.

The first season of The Mole was epic. I developed a crush on Anderson Cooper. Alas.

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General Hospital—I’ve been watching old and on since middle school when Luke and Laura got married. I’ve been at the beach all week, and I’m going to binge watch it this weekend when I get home. Hoping we didn’t lose power so it’s all on my DVR.

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Mine is Riverdale.

Archie for eye candy, Jughead for emo drama, Veronica's parents are crooks and she dresses high glam all the time, Betty wears sweater sets and solves crimes.  

It had a mix of retro and modern styles that is very Twin Peaks.  

Teen iconic stuff like cheerleader dance- offs, a rumble, a drag race. 

Plus pure Gothic horror with one rich family that wears mostly red, with a grandmother who says stuff like "You should have drowned them at birth, like kittens!"


It's awesome y'all.


Sell me yours!! I want more!


I watch Riverdale.  What strikes me is the way the "teens" are like adults.  Sex, control, manipulation, etc.....like it is the norm.  What teen parent allows their kid to just go out and not tell them where they are, and spend the night with a boyfriend without any explanation of where they are?


So odd.


I have a hard time watching Cole Sprouce and not thinking of my son watching him in Zack and Cody shows when they were much younger!  He is now all grown up.

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I watch Riverdale. What strikes me is the way the "teens" are like adults. Sex, control, manipulation, etc.....like it is the norm. What teen parent allows their kid to just go out and not tell them where they are, and spend the night with a boyfriend without any explanation of where they are?


So odd.


I have a hard time watching Cole Sprouce and not thinking of my son watching him in Zack and Cody shows when they were much younger! He is now all grown up.

The parents are genuinely awful. Veronica made a joke about manipulating Archie sexually to get his dad to sign a contract and her mom was like ‘good idea’. Betty’s Mom (who is hilarious ) calls the kids ‘degenerates ‘, Cheryl’s Mom is outright cruel , Archie’s dad shrugged off him being preyed upon / having an affair with a teacher. They are 15!


I do like the little parent subplots and that they cast actors us older watcher will enjoy . I saw an interview where one of the actresses said her mom was excited about Luke Perry and Skeet Ulrich but had never heard of Cole Sprouse and it was the exact opposite for her. Makes sense .

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Sooo.... you’re totally going to message me that HP fanfic list right? Because that’s what nice friends on the internet do 😇


They are all on my kindle, I'll have to dig it up out of my suitcase :)  . But at least half of them are on this list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gjpJsBshvv5sSTHsbHQ269e3DW2ZReBH20AT7NufJYw/edit [not my list, just sharing]  I'll also add Hermione Granger's Crammer School for Delinquents on the Run, which is both slash and AU  [not my deal normally] but is just marvelous anyway.

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General Hospital—I’ve been watching old and on since middle school when Luke and Laura got married. I’ve been at the beach all week, and I’m going to binge watch it this weekend when I get home. Hoping we didn’t lose power so it’s all on my DVR.

Me too! Though All My Children was my favorite until it ended.

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