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It's cold :( I'm a wimp


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I commiserate with you. You walk out and your nostrils stick together. Times like this I wonder why I left Florida.


Yes! It's so undignified, but everyone is in the same cold boat.


I take the dog outside, and he looks at me from the garage then pees on the floor. I'm left standing out in the cold while he pees on the garage floor! 



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It’s 11 here today, supposed to warm up to 20. My SIL wants to go to the zoo. I don’t mind being outside in the cold if I’m active, but the zoo is a whole lot of standing. Plus my kids don’t have snow boots that fit, I think their little feet would freeze today.


Edited to add- this is about as cold as we get in winter. We usually hover in the low 30’s.

Edited by Rach
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It is 2°F here. Snow is falling and it is beautiful. With my Carhartt coveralls I was nice and warm doing horse chores this morning.


A friend and I are planning on going cross country skiing later today once the trails and groomed and tracked.


What makes today very doable is the lack of wind. If it was windy we would have blizzard conditions here as we have lots of fluffy snow with another 3+ inches today.

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I hate winter.


I hate summer too.


Which is why I live in the mid-Atlantic, where we get just enough cold that I appreciate the heat and just enough heat that I appreciate the cold. And spring and fall are little slices of heaven that last for a decent amount of time.


I live in the mid-Atlantic and I hate all of the weather here.



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It's below zero today, and it makes me want to cry. I love you spring; please come back.


I'm taking my ds 14 to see the Last Jedi today. We're going to a theater with recliners, and every concession imaginable. That will make it better today.


That's all, I'm just whining.



Take a blanket!

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This morning I woke up to -36°C.  That is -33°F.... 


In attempt to be positive about it:

  • both F and C people recognize that that it bloody cold;
  • the inside part of my door mailslot is white from the frost;
  • the sky is beautifully clear, blue and sunny
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Yes, it is really cold right now.  Although my Really Cold is Balmy to some people.  But, we are in the 30's.   The weather needs to get the memo that this is Texas, and that is Wrong, just Wrong!


That is so wrong.  We were going to go south for a bit, but the temps didn't seem worth it. 


ONly a few more days of really cold.  20 seems warm. 

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This morning I woke up to -36°C.  That is -33°F.... 


In attempt to be positive about it:

  • both F and C people recognize that that it bloody cold;
  • the inside part of my door mailslot is white from the frost;
  • the sky is beautifully clear, blue and sunny



We're experiencing the same kind of temperature range in my neck of the woods. 


Two to three years ago we had this kind of weather for more than a month straight, so I'm comforting myself with the fact that this years fall weather lasted for more than two weeks: bonus if we end up having an early spring. Fingers crossed!

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The variety in this thread illustrates why i can never move. It is cold here, but colder north! If I move south I will become acclimated and then cold and then want to move farther south in a repeating cycle until i get to the equator and there will be nowhere left to move. I'll have to alternate seasons across the equator.

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The variety in this thread illustrates why i can never move. It is cold here, but colder north! If I move south I will become acclimated and then cold and then want to move farther south in a repeating cycle until i get to the equator and there will be nowhere left to move. I'll have to alternate seasons across the equator.


I was born and lived some in MinneSnowDa then I've in Texas since then.   This is what I've realized.   What matters is How many days every year are you unwilling to go outside.  Anything below your lowest temp and higher than your highest temp doesn't really matter to you, except in your energy bill and if there is freeze damage.   So, for me, it doesn't really matter if it is 101 or 118.   I'm not going outside.   If it is 0F or 30F, I'm not going outside, and I'm not leaving the house even to go to work.  Above freezing to about 45F, I will only go to work or errands.  If you move North or South, your window of acceptable temps just shifts up or down. 


The reason I am so grumpy about the weather in Texas at the moment, is that we normally don't have more than 2-3 days a winter of < 40F.  Plus, a couple of weeks ago it was in the 70's.   I love 70's.     

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It's below zero today, and it makes me want to cry. I love you spring; please come back.


I'm taking my ds 14 to see the Last Jedi today. We're going to a theater with recliners, and every concession imaginable. That will make it better today.


That's all, I'm just whining.



Are you bringing your blankie? To the movie?That sounds so cozy!

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I went to the movies last night in my hat, scarf, gloves, boots, and thick ankle-length coat. I overheard a man say about me to his family, “Now that’s someone who knows how to dress for the weather.†You betcha!


My DH runs hot, so the deal is that I shuttle the boys to activities in the summer while he stays in the a/c, and he shuttles them in the winter while I stay in the heat.

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Are you bringing your blankie? To the movie?That sounds so cozy!

I’ve done that, mostly in the summer, when they blast the a/c. Wearing a hat in the theater helps you keep warm, too. I got cold in a movie a couple of weeks ago, and draped my scarf on my head and warmed up.

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You ladies who deal with temps like what has been mentioned here are rock stars to me.   I know for a fact that I'd DIE if I had to live in a cold, gray, snowy climate.  I will deal with Florida heat and humidity 10 months out of the year, just to NOT have to deal with cold.   


People here are freaking out because we might have a freeze one night next week.   I think it's been a couple of years since we've had a freeze in Tampa.

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It was -14 here most of the day today due to the constant wind (which never seems to stop even during the summer).  When the wind did have brief pauses, it was -1.  We had the furnace going plus the woodstove blasting.  Not to mention the several layers we're all wearing. Last night it got down to -27 w/windchill. Thank goodness for heated mattress pads!


It's supposed to stay in the deep freeze for us for the next week.  On days like these, we don't leave the house unless it's to get wood from our barn; feed/water the chickens & get the eggs before they freeze; go grocery shopping if necessary.


Thankfully, we're pretty used to temps like this, especially January through February, and are well prepared.

Edited by Saddlemomma2
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Yeah, we're pretty acclimated to the cold here. Ds and I were just out doing evening horse chores and were commenting on how much it had warmed up since this morning - it felt positively balmy. For the first time in days, our nostrils weren't frozen. Went and checked the temp and it was -3.

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We're in single digits with wind chill below zero...But we're a region used to bad winter weather...


Which is why I wasn't overly surprised to see a guy taking his garbage out in his boxers and a strappy T-shirt. I WAS surprised to see his junk, however, due to an unfortunate gap in those boxers. Ugh!

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People are whining that it's cold here, and it is. However, there isn't that "fog" from car exhaust that happens when it's REALLY cold on the northern prairies in Canada. I haven't experienced that kind of insane cold in a while. I forgot if it happens at -30 or -40. 

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We're in single digits with wind chill below zero...But we're a region used to bad winter weather...


Which is why I wasn't overly surprised to see a guy taking his garbage out in his boxers and a strappy T-shirt. I WAS surprised to see his junk, however, due to an unfortunate gap in those boxers. Ugh!


:scared: Could he not feel the breeze?

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