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Please pray for his pain to go away


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My 16 year old son with special needs is screaming and moaning.  He is stomping on the floor so hard that I don't think our house can take it.  This behavior has come and gone sporadically over the past few days.  He has had some bad diarrhea so I am thinking that's it.  I am feeling scared.  It's horrific.  It's Christmastime and I want so badly for my family to be happy but you need peace to be happy, not loud scary banging noises.  I can't believe my life. 



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 


Oh for all your sakes I am hoping with all my heart that his suffering and stress ends soon.  Can you take him to the doctor to confirm it isn't something he needs treatment for? 


(I ask because I remember years ago my neighbor's non-verbal son started throwing things and making horrible noises and refusing to let anyone touch him.  Turns out he had injured his foot and was in a lot of pain.  He was frightened and in pain and angry but could not articulate why he was so upset.)

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 if this is unusual for him, I would consider having him checkout to make sure it isn't something more serious.


my friend had a brain damaged son - and this was fairly normal for him.  however, he wasn't mobile at all, so he'd just scream.  (that was very good for his lung development and allowed him to fight off respiratory infections that killed many of his peers.)

she said she wished someone would have told her beforehand than brain damaged babies/children scream.


eta: are his electrolytes being replaced?


Edited by gardenmom5
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My 16 year old son with special needs is screaming and moaning.  He is stomping on the floor so hard that I don't think our house can take it.  This behavior has come and gone sporadically over the past few days.  He has had some bad diarrhea so I am thinking that's it.  I am feeling scared.  It's horrific.  It's Christmastime and I want so badly for my family to be happy but you need peace to be happy, not loud scary banging noises.  I can't believe my life. 

I have a special needs son who was/has been in that situation. He is extremely food sensitive. You need to try elimination diets. It is HARD to do I will not soft-soap it.

My son is so much better now in that respect.


try removing wheat and corn first.

Use potatoes and/or rice for starch.


It will take a week or so to really see any outcome.


May god bless you,



Since he is sixteen (I missed that on first read sorry)

Was a new food or medicine introduced in the last few weeks?

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Take him in to ER and have them check him out, possibly use a CAT scan to check abdomen for obstruction. My non-verbal son with autism has had a couple trips to ER, been scanned, and his pain turned out to be constipation. But w/o words to say exactly what hurts and where, sometimes you need a scan. A full-grown man clutching his middle and sobbing is a sign to me that something is wrong. Note you CAN have diarrhea and still be pretty blocked up inside - last time I was sure it was NOT going to be constipation since I had used Miralax and a Fleet enema on DS and he had pooped. Just evidently not nearly enough.


I have myself had a couple bowel obstructions and those suckers are awful.


He is doing all he can to let you know he needs help. It could be abdominal - or maybe a painful ear infection or who knows what else. Kidney stone? Gallstone (one of my teenage dds had awful stomach aches from time to time - she was finally checked out with an ultrasound by order of pediatrician and ended up having a malformed, narrow gall bladder full of stones removed when she was about 15!!!!)


Hope you get an answer soon. But ER should dang well be ready and able to help figure out what is making a non-verbal teen with autism so miserable. I say ER since they have access to getting a scan done if warranted.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Take him in to ER and have them check him out, possibly use a CAT scan to check abdomen for obstruction. My non-verbal son with autism has had a couple trips to ER, been scanned, and his pain turned out to be constipation. But w/o words to say exactly what hurts and where, sometimes you need a scan. A full-grown man clutching his middle and sobbing is a sign to me that something is wrong. Note you CAN have diarrhea and still be pretty blocked up inside - last time I was sure it was NOT going to be constipation since I had used Miralax and a Fleet enema on DS and he had pooped. Just evidently not nearly enough. I have myself had a couple bowel obstructions and those suckers are awful. He is doing all he can to let you know he needs help. It could be abdominal - or maybe a painful ear infection or who knows what else.

It certainly could be and bad constipation can be very painful - I know!

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Thanks!  He stopped screaming.  This is usual behavior for him but the past few years it has gotten less frequent but when it does happen it's worse because he's stronger.  He does get irritable bowel symptoms and he has severe sensory issues (i.e.. the past few days he has been sitting in corners and refusing to leave) and they are intertwined together.  His constipation has gotten a lot better over the past few years but he had diarrhea the other day and did not go after that.  Tonight he went 3 times.  I really hope he got all the discomfort out and will sleep well and comfortably tonight.  He has a wonderful smile when his discomfort is lessened.  His smile is truly an inspiration.  

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Thanks!  He stopped screaming.  This is usual behavior for him but the past few years it has gotten less frequent but when it does happen it's worse because he's stronger.  He does get irritable bowel symptoms and he has severe sensory issues (i.e.. the past few days he has been sitting in corners and refusing to leave) and they are intertwined together.  His constipation has gotten a lot better over the past few years but he had diarrhea the other day and did not go after that.  Tonight he went 3 times.  I really hope he got all the discomfort out and will sleep well and comfortably tonight.  He has a wonderful smile when his discomfort is lessened.  His smile is truly an inspiration.  

Have you ever had him tested for food allergy tests?


The tests are not perfect but helped us find the "bad" food.

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