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I bought 2 avocados...

Noreen Claire

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You should try one first! Avocados are very mild. Are they they wrinkly black skinned hass kind, or the green smooth skinned kind? Are they hard or a little soft? (They should be a little soft. You may need to shove them in a paper bag with a bruised apple to ripen them fast if they're not.)

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Oh, and recipes.


Well, there's a lot you can do with avocado. Of course, you can mash it and make guacamole with salt, pepper, some (optional!) garlic powder, and a good squeeze of lime juice. Yum.


But what I like to do is make fruit salad.


Chunk up one avocado, combine with one sliced banana, 10 halved cherries, 3 large sliced strawberries. Then make a syrup using orange juice, sugar, and ginger root. Pour the syrup over the salad - yum!

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They're good in a sandwich, with other things like cheese and meat or whatever else they like.  They're also good in an omelet.  I put half an avocado today in a smoothie and you would never know it.  It just made the smoothie very creamy!



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Put it in any salad, especially good paired citrus or tomato.


Use as a condiment on tacos, beans and rice, burritos, etc.


Use on a sandwich (grilled cheese, turkey/lettuce/tomato, BLT, etc.). Cream cheeese, tomato, and avocado is a particularly delicious sandwich.




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Both my kids eat them plain before I have a chance to make anything out of them.  Avacado was one of my baby's first foods.  When he started on it I smashed it up with a fork and let him feed it to himself off of his tray, and now that he's a toddler I just scoop it out of the skin and hand it to him.  My teen eats it out of the skin with a spoon.  

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Slice thin and put inside a quesadilla, along with whatever cheese you have on hand.


Cut in half, peel and remove seed. Top with mozzarella, salt, and pepper. Microwave to melt cheese. Eat. :p


Sometimes I make a little "salad" with: chopped hardboiled egg, chopped avocado, crumbled bacon, chopped tomato.


Slice and eat on a BLT.

Edited by alisoncooks
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Recipe, please?

I'm certain it was avocado, Greek yogurt, and ranch dip seasoning mix (or the homemade version of it), maybe with a splash of milk, and blended. I had two toddlers at one point that would smear it all over their bodies like some sort of spa treatment, so I got out of the habit of making it for a while and then lost the recipe.

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I'd feed them to the baby.  I'd cut it in half, remove the pit, and slice 1/2 of it for baby into long thin strips.  Or, you could puree it with a fork if he's still in the puree stage. Avocado was one of the first foods I feed my babies; it's full of healthy fat. :)


To get your kids to try avocado, I'd probably make soft tacos, and dice some up to put on top.  Guacamole is good too, but the texture can be off-putting for picky kids.  

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Avocados are good with all kinds of things.  Mashed with chips, sliced onto sandwiches, folded into omelets, in tacos, just plain.


But they can be gross if they are overripe because they get very squishy and black.  It can take a little while to get the hang of picking and storing them properly.  What I do is try to find ones at the story that are just barely soft, as in not rock hard.  I then keep them in the refrigerator.  If you leave them on the counter, you need to use them within a day or two.  Once they're really squishy they're not good anymore, especially if you can feel that the skin has pulled away from the meat.



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You should try one first! Avocados are very mild. Are they they wrinkly black skinned hass kind, or the green smooth skinned kind? Are they hard or a little soft? (They should be a little soft. You may need to shove them in a paper bag with a bruised apple to ripen them fast if they're not.)

Wrinkly black-skinned kind. They were green-ish yesterday, and soft and black today. I'm guessing we need to eat them ASAP or they will be bad.

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I eat them on anything. Sliced in a salad, mush them up with a little s&p and spread on a sandwich, of course as guacamole on anything Mexican, or omlettes or with chips. They're horribly expensive here now, ($1.29 each) but when they are cheap I'll buy half a dozen a week and eat them on everything.

Edited by KrissiK
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The fact I don't like them aside, I have yet to buy one (for the one person in the house who likes them) that doesn't go from unripe to rotten with no edible time in between. Either I flunk at picking them out or they only sell duds around here.

I've had best luck with the avocados at Costco.

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Oh and I learned on here you can refrigerate avocados, they last much longer that way.

They freeze well too. I slice them up and layer them in a glass container in the freezer.


I try to buy a bag of ripe avocados and a bag of unripe at the same time, but if the timing doesn't work and they are all ready to eat right away, the freezer method works great.

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My grandsons like Avocado toast with their eggs. We just spread the avocado on the toast like butter. I like to half an avocado, crack an egg where the pit used to be, and broil it in the oven. It makes a yummy dinner!

I love avocado toast! Also guacamole-- with a spoon if there are no chips.
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Wrinkly black-skinned kind. They were green-ish yesterday, and soft and black today. I'm guessing we need to eat them ASAP or they will be bad.

Uh oh. Avocados go from under- to overripe really fast.


ETA: they're ripe when they 'give' just a bit like a ripe pear.

Edited by Sandwalker
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Honestly though, aside from fresh guacamole, I am an avocado purist. They are perfect food all by themselves. I feel the same way about mangoes.


I'm such a purist I prefer plain mashed avocado to guac. Last year a friend's dh brought us a snack...he made guac and put chopped jarred mango in it. It was like little chunks of slime in my guac. Ew.   Avocado and mango are awesome, but not together. And not slimy jarred mango. 

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I didn't have my first taste of avocado until I was an adult.  I was very picky as a child.  What a crime!  I love them in just about any format.  The best food EVER.  Unfortunately, I live where they are very expensive and often not very good.  When I get my hands on good ones, the whole family is in heaven.  Dd's first food was avocado and there was no looking back for her.  I have to hide them when I get home from the store if I have any plans for them.  There is pretty much no wrong way to eat them.  I will scoop them right out of the shells with a sprinkle of salt.  If I have a bit more patience, they are great on pizza, sandwiches, eggs, stir fry, toast, .....actually....anything.  I cannot think of anything I would not at least consider putting some avocado on.  

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I made avocado cheesecake once. Don't do it. If you do, you'll probably have to do what I did and feed it to the baby (he was 2 at the time.)


I usually eat it on tacos/burritos. I put a little bit of sour cream on a little bit of avocado (I usually just buy pre-made guac though). The sour cream usually covers up any "weird taste" that DS might perceive if he just saw a big green lump, while still potentially providing health benefits. (idk what's in avocado, but I assume there's some good stuff in it, it being a fruit and green and all) 

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(idk what's in avocado, but I assume there's some good stuff in it, it being a fruit and green and all)


A ton of fiber. Seriously, a cup of avocado, cubed, has 10 grams, or 40% of your daily RDA of fiber.


Also a lot of vitamins C, E, and K, some iron and vitamin A, 3 grams of a nearly-complete protein, and a good amount of folate. And some serious fats, but your body needs those too!


Honestly, the avocado is one of the world's perfect foods.

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