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PSA: Keep your eye on Hurricane Irma


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Some people aren't leaving the Keys?  What the HECK?  I just saw an interview with a guy via Skype.....I don't get it.  If you CAN leave, why wouldn't you?


Unfortunately, I tend to believe that a small segment of people maybe stay to try to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Like getting a news network interview via Skype, maybe?


But I sure could be wrong. I suppose there could be some legitimate reason for staying.

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Unfortunately, I tend to believe that a small segment of people maybe stay to try to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Like getting a news network interview via Skype, maybe?


But I sure could be wrong. I suppose there could be some legitimate reason for staying.


I saw an interview with someone who said: "We are prepared for the worst."

But can you really ever be prepared for the worst? What is the worst? How do you know?

I do understand the hesitation to evacuate - I have experienced evacuation myself but under far less dangerous circumstances - but I am getting the impression some people have an almost irrational belief if they stay, they will be able to keep their "stuff" safe by just being there.


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I think it was just before 3 p.m. EDT I told my wife I was going shopping. She had the TV on a Colombian channel broadcasting live from Miami. Hard to believe that weather and I told her the worse will be tomorrow and it will be less horrible there because Irma is going West of them. Fingers crossed and prayers for everyone affected by Irma.


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You could start a controversial thread on the Hive - then hope you keep power to read it before it gets deleted or closed.   :lol:


On a more serious note, as long as y'all have power - keep posting - updating those of us watching from afar...


Or you could be like my husband and I  - arguing about whether we should, now, leave.  :lol:

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Unfortunately, I tend to believe that a small segment of people maybe stay to try to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Like getting a news network interview via Skype, maybe?


But I sure could be wrong. I suppose there could be some legitimate reason for staying.

Like the people taking selfies in the Keys and posting them on FB?

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The bored before the storm. With everything as hurricane ready as it can be, I'm left feeling at loose ends. I'm not sure what to do with myself.



That's us too. We take naps, eat our hurricane snacks, watch tv while we still have power, wander aimlessly around the house, and periodically look out the front door while it's still safe to go outside. Pre-hurricane boredom.



Lady in Florida,


I think you are trying to say:


Be weather and property aware.


Be Prepared


Try not to panic, as anxiety doesn't do all that much good.




Sounds about right to me.   These same principles apply to tornado areas.  Except we only have a few minutes to hours to prepare, so everything is just crunched down much more tightly.  Sometimes having days and days to worry about something is super nerve-wracking.


That being said, I hope all people that needed to evacuate are safe.  We are wishing all Floridians the best.

Yes. That about covers it.


Minnewannabe and Sebastian cat, I wish you both the best.

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Or you could be like my husband and I  - arguing about whether we should, now, leave.  :lol:


I just saw CNN give an in depth look at the topography of Naples.  I've looked up my uncle's place often enough that I could pinpoint it on their map.   :svengo:  I wish my aunt and uncle could have watched that before making a decision to stay put with today's predicted flood surge.  :banghead:


Now I'm continuing my prayers that the actual storm is not as bad as what they are saying for the area.  Then too, I'm hoping my aunt and uncle head for a second floor condo rather than staying in their first floor place and planning on switching if water comes in - you know - when the tropical storm and/or hurricane force winds are there that their 75+ year old bodies are trying to fight against even to walk 10' to the steps upstairs.


If you are watching the forecasts and can pinpoint your area, use that to guide your decision.


Best wishes to you - prayers too.  :grouphug:  To everyone in the storm's path.

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Does anyone have a good link for coverage of the hurricane? We don't have cable, and I would like to watch some "on-the-ground" updates, instead of only following the NHC.

This is the one my mom watches (lives north of Tampa).




PS: She's currently visiting us in N. IL, so she is safe. Her house is in jeopardy though - she lives on a canal on the Gulf coast near Spring Hill FL.


Stay safe, FL people!

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Unfortunately, I tend to believe that a small segment of people maybe stay to try to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Like getting a news network interview via Skype, maybe?


But I sure could be wrong. I suppose there could be some legitimate reason for staying.


My grandparents lived in the keys for a long, long time. They always refused evacuation. It was long before skype, lol. They were told more times than I could could that the keys "going under this time."


I think the hard and fast of it was, for them, that they honestly would have preferred to go out with everything they had worked so hard for, than to leave/evacuate and come back to nothing. 

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I just saw CNN give an in depth look at the topography of Naples. I've looked up my uncle's place often enough that I could pinpoint it on their map. :svengo: I wish my aunt and uncle could have watched that before making a decision to stay put with today's predicted flood surge. :banghead:


Now I'm continuing my prayers that the actual storm is not as bad as what they are saying for the area. Then too, I'm hoping my aunt and uncle head for a second floor condo rather than staying in their first floor place and planning on switching if water comes in - you know - when the tropical storm and/or hurricane force winds are there that their 75+ year old bodies are trying to fight against even to walk 10' to the steps upstairs.


If you are watching the forecasts and can pinpoint your area, use that to guide your decision.


Best wishes to you - prayers too. :grouphug: To everyone in the storm's path.

By the time our friends in Naples realized they were in danger, it was too late to do anything. The wrong side of the state evacuated.

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By the time our friends in Naples realized they were in danger, it was too late to do anything. The wrong side of the state evacuated.

On the weather.com web page for multiple areas at this time Naples and Ft. Myers will get the highest storm surge. 10 to 15 feet. It will be bad in other places but not that high of storm surge. Fingers crossed and prayers for everyone in Irmas path.


Sent from my SM-G355M using Tapatalk

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My grandparents lived in the keys for a long, long time. They always refused evacuation. It was long before skype, lol. They were told more times than I could could that the keys "going under this time."


I think the hard and fast of it was, for them, that they honestly would have preferred to go out with everything they had worked so hard for, than to leave/evacuate and come back to nothing. 


I used to hear that rationale a lot as a kid.  That and, "They never come in exactly where they say they will anyway," and "It's never the ones you're worried about, it's the freak storms that blow up in the middle of the night that are the worst ones."


Recently I've heard about how dangerous it can be to evacuate - some people in Miami went to Naples to get away from the water, for example.


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By the time our friends in Naples realized they were in danger, it was too late to do anything. The wrong side of the state evacuated.


My Aunt and Uncle could easily have evacuated to a local shelter after their area hit the mandatory evacuation area yesterday if they had wanted to.  They didn't want to.  They feel they are just as safe in their building.  Time will tell.


As I'm getting ready for church this morning it seems like the storm has lost a bit and isn't as bad (at least not now) as predicted in the Keys.  I'm hoping that's the case and it continues.  I don't have time to really follow it until after church.


It'd be awesome for practically everyone if it's not the same storm that blasted the islands.

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Well, I got up Saturday morning and decided to evacuate with the kids and dog. It was not mandatory, but with it starting to look very strongly like a west coast hit, I didn't want to stay and test the strength of our house. And that of the 13 oak trees around it. Or the pool cage. Or our windows and patio doors. We only have only room boarded with some floorboards from the attic. We live in Clearwater.


We are now just outside Atlanta staying with a very gracious couple. There was no traffic coming north, and there was gas. My husband is still there and I am scared for him.


My friend still vividly remembers a hurricane from when she was a child. I didn't want my children experiencing it first hand if I had the means to avoid it. I don't think I'm selfish for getting out of there. Just self protective. No one knows exactly where Irma will hit, or at what strength. I stayed as long as I could.

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I am crossing my fingers and including everyone in FL in my prayers. There had been mentions of USVI and St. Martin in this thread.  I watched something awhile ago about St. Thomas USVI.  The woman reporting said they could see several U.S. Navy ships approaching and that people from a Marriott hotel on St. Thomas had been taken to PR.  


And, as I reported upthread last night, the U.S.  sent a number of C-130 aircraft to St. Martin and Med Evacd (Medical Evacuation) approximately 500 U.S. Citizens to PR.  The French and the Dutch governments are going to send in troops, to their parts of St. Martin, to try to restore order and stop the looting, etc.

Edited by Lanny
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Recently I've heard about how dangerous it can be to evacuate - some people in Miami went to Naples to get away from the water, for example.



And they were stupid to do so. Naples has ALWAYS been in the danger zone. You don't leave one coast for another.

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Well, I got up Saturday morning and decided to evacuate with the kids and dog. It was not mandatory, but with it starting to look very strongly like a west coast hit, I didn't want to stay and test the strength of our house. And that of the 13 oak trees around it. Or the pool cage. Or our windows and patio doors. We only have only room boarded with some floorboards from the attic. We live in Clearwater.


We are now just outside Atlanta staying with a very gracious couple. There was no traffic coming north, and there was gas. My husband is still there and I am scared for him.


My friend still vividly remembers a hurricane from when she was a child. I didn't want my children experiencing it first hand if I had the means to avoid it. I don't think I'm selfish for getting out of there. Just self protective. No one knows exactly where Irma will hit, or at what strength. I stayed as long as I could.


Leaving a coastal city because you were not able to board up isn't selfish. Or dumb, Leaving a boarded up house in Melbourne for a hotel in Tampa, like many did, was dumb. You go INLAND. Atlanta qualifies.

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Can you IMAGINE throwing that kind of guilt on someone who is presently just in survival mode?  It isn't as if we haven't second, third, and fourth guessed our decision 100x per hour.


This is what got to me when we lived near the gulf. I grew up in tornado alley, it's easier in the sense that you know a storm is coming that day and if the sirens go off, you head to your shelter or basement. Grab the pet, grab a laptop and weather radio and that's it. 


Hurricanes are every so different. Not only do you have the days to decide, if you're a newbie to hurricanes (like we were), you overthink everything you need to take. I'm sure the one time we evacuated we looked like the people in horror movies running with heels on and suitcases. We had a dog and a cat, homeschool books I had just bought, computers, and then exdh need a trailer full of tools because he was a self-employed carpenter. We drove a few hundred miles the first day, slow going and then stopped at a motel full of evacuees and their pets. Then made the trip to my parents several states away to hang out. Then hightailed it home to only have another hurricane come through in a week. We were exhausted and broke and stayed - we were not under mandatory evacuation although parts of the city were. Sitting in a house without power with all the windows boarded up while high winds made pine cones like missiles is quite the event. It was Gustav and Ike in 2008.


For a family living paycheck to paycheck, it costs a lot to evacuate. You have to know your neighborhood and your weather if you're in those iffy zones. We'd have been better off leaving for the second hurricane instead of the first.


Living with hurricanes requires a whole different mindset than living around events that literally pop up in a day or an instant. By the time the hurricane hits, you can be emotionally and physically exhausted.

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Leaving a boarded up house in Melbourne for a hotel in Tampa, like many did, was dumb. You go INLAND. Atlanta qualifies.


Normally I'd agree with you - actually I agree with you - but for THIS hurricane, I can understand why folks made the choices they did.  Everyone said it would go up the east side OR the center.  If the center - with those winds - I wouldn't trust the structures either if I had other options.  Heading to the west side made sense - until the storm didn't turn early enough.  There are higher areas around Tampa.  There's even a ridge in Pinellas.  Either of those would have made sense up until late Friday.  AND they would have been closer (for most) than heading to Georgia (where the storm was ALSO predicted to go).


This storm was/is just so different than most.  It's difficult to condemn folks for decisions they've made.  There were valid reasons considering what options were out there and predictions/computer models that were out there.  The west coast was always in the cone (margin of error), but so few models actually showed it going there that it made it a "safer bet" then the center when the center was the bullseye.  This presumes no one considered beach front on the west coast to have been ideal, of course.


It's always extremely easy to determine the best answer in hindsight - not so easy to do going "in" to the unknown.

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I see a crane collapsed in Miami... so much for those being Cat 5 stable.  They aren't even at top winds for that area yet.


I wouldn't have trusted evacuating to the center when that's where the storm was predicted to go, esp as a Cat 4.  There were no "easy" answers for FL folks for this storm.

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I'm sorry if this is out of place here. I'm just trying to process. I'm trying hard to trust those that have chosen to stay, that they know what they are facing more than I do, they know their specific circumstances and location and can judge better than I. But I'm having a hard time doing so when one of my very best friends is staying. She is in Palm Harbor. I can't help it, I'm mad at them right now for not evacuating. I'm trying not to be, I'm trying to trust them to make the best decision for their family. I feel non-functional because I'm constantly coming back to the computer to check the path. I'm really worried for her.  :crying:

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I'm sorry if this is out of place here. I'm just trying to process. I'm trying hard to trust those that have chosen to stay, that they know what they are facing more than I do, they know their specific circumstances and location and can judge better than I. But I'm having a hard time doing so when one of my very best friends is staying. She is in Palm Harbor. I can't help it, I'm mad at them right now for not evacuating. I'm trying not to be, I'm trying to trust them to make the best decision for their family. I feel non-functional because I'm constantly coming back to the computer to check the path. I'm really worried for her.  :crying:


It's very hard to watch from a distance. I don't know enough about Palm Harbor to know if they should have left, but it really does matter where they are and the kind of structure they're in. Some people live in a strong structure but near water and should leave/should have left. The west coast did have less time to prepare, but the track did change early enough that people could have evacuated if they needed to. Unfortunately not everyone thinks they need to. Some know they don't need to leave. Others defy all the recommendations. There are several versions of this going around facebook. I copied and pasted mine to put here. Hopefully it will make you feel better. Hopefully it applies to your friends.  :grouphug:



Dear family and friends outside Florida, Our shutters are up, we have water, hurricane food, and hurricane supplies. Our decision to stay was neither brave nor foolish. We closely, carefully, watched the forecast and listened to our local emergency management center. We had a back-up evacuation plan. We are in a block house. We are not in an evacuation zone - not on a barrier island, in a mobile or manufactured home, or in a low lying area. The entire state of Florida can't leave. There are two major roads out of the peninsula portion of the state. There is one way out. Up (north).

The forecast changes often before the storm gets close, and to pack up and leave when Irma was still 800 miles away made no sense to us. It has, in fact, changed several times over the last 48 hours. Some people who evacuated went to areas that will now be hit. Also, we prefer to leave those two roads out to the people who truly are in danger and need to evacuate.

We appreciate your concern. We really do. We know it's hard to watch from a distance and to not know or understand exactly where we are or why we stayed. Believe me, if we are ever told to evacuate we will leave. We don't take hurricanes lightly. We don't have hurricane parties (though admittedly we have hurricane snacks 1f642.png  )

Thank you for worrying about us but please rest easy. We'll be okay. And we'll let you all know that we're okay as soon as we can.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I'm sorry if this is out of place here. I'm just trying to process. I'm trying hard to trust those that have chosen to stay, that they know what they are facing more than I do, they know their specific circumstances and location and can judge better than I. But I'm having a hard time doing so when one of my very best friends is staying. She is in Palm Harbor. I can't help it, I'm mad at them right now for not evacuating. I'm trying not to be, I'm trying to trust them to make the best decision for their family. I feel non-functional because I'm constantly coming back to the computer to check the path. I'm really worried for her. :crying:

I think it's totally ok to be mad, as long as you don't express it to your bf. She's got enough going on.


This is hard for everyone. It's really hard to stand by and watch helplessly. I have tons of friends in Fl, including my best friend. I also lived there for many years and experienced several hurricanes. Everyone is making the best decisions they can. Anger is a manifestation of feeling totally helpless. We're all scared.



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I used to live down there (okay only for a year) but my mom has been down there for 20 years... last May. She used to live in Crystal Beach, which is most of the shore of Palm Harbor. I will not say that your friend definitely should have evacuated, but there is a good chance she isn't in the evacuation zone. Palm Harbor sounds like it is on the water, but it isn't really. If you have her address, you can look up her evacuation zone. It is at the Pinellas county emergency Management office website. 


I have been watching Bay News 9 and it sounds like Pinellas county (Palm Harbor is part of that) is going to be on lock down for a while after the storm. Barrier island (where my mom lives) will be locked down even longer. I just talked to my mom and she is on the 7th floor of a hotel in Tampa. She is prepared to be there till Thursday. She has her VERY elderly dog with her and my step father. 



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I can't imagine the how clogged the roads will be right after the Hurricane, with people trying to return to their homes.


We always thought it was bad the Sunday after Thanksgiving when the snowbirds migrated combining with everyone who went home for the holiday returning...


This will dwarf that, and some won't have much "livable" to return to if predictions are accurate.  It's going to be a mess.  (sigh)

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We always thought it was bad the Sunday after Thanksgiving when the snowbirds migrated combining with everyone who went home for the holiday returning...


This will dwarf that, and some won't have much "livable" to return to if predictions are accurate.  It's going to be a mess.  (sigh)

Hey! I resemble that remark! I go down for Thanksgiving every year. LOL

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My dd is worrying about her apartment.  It's on that ridge in Clearwater.  It wasn't in an evac zone, but she's at her uncle's waiting it out.  I'm hoping his place can withstand the winds.  They've taken every precaution.


But she is quite concerned about what she'll be able to go back to.  She's worried her place will be looted (she only owns a tv and an old model playstation, so nothing much, but still) She is also worried about her students.  Most live near the beach in sub-standard housing.  She's hoping they are all safe in a shelter. 


She figures she will not be able to get back till Wednesday.  


It will be hard to sleep tonight, for them and for us worrying abou them.



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Thank you. She posted something about their decision to stay and I know she knows her situation better than I do. You're right, it's hard to watch from a distance!


I think it's totally ok to be mad, as long as you don't express it to your bf. She's got enough going on.


This is hard for everyone. It's really hard to stand by and watch helplessly. I have tons of friends in Fl, including my best friend. I also lived there for many years and experienced several hurricanes. Everyone is making the best decisions they can. Anger is a manifestation of feeling totally helpless. We're all scared.



Oh I haven't expressed it to her. She definitely doesn't need that! I've offered only support and love. She's dealing with expressed anger from her mom and I can tell it's stressing her out more. I hadn't thought of it that way, I definitely feel helpless. 


I used to live down there (okay only for a year) but my mom has been down there for 20 years... last May. She used to live in Crystal Beach, which is most of the shore of Palm Harbor. I will not say that your friend definitely should have evacuated, but there is a good chance she isn't in the evacuation zone. Palm Harbor sounds like it is on the water, but it isn't really. If you have her address, you can look up her evacuation zone. It is at the Pinellas county emergency Management office website. 


I have been watching Bay News 9 and it sounds like Pinellas county (Palm Harbor is part of that) is going to be on lock down for a while after the storm. Barrier island (where my mom lives) will be locked down even longer. I just talked to my mom and she is on the 7th floor of a hotel in Tampa. She is prepared to be there till Thursday. She has her VERY elderly dog with her and my step father. 

I had to look up what the zones meant, we don't live anywhere near a hurricane area. Zone E. So it sounds like she must be on higher ground. She said they have plenty of food and water, their house is boarded up, and they are at a relatives house (same neighborhood so I'm assuming same zone.) 



Thank you all. I'm going to try to take a deep breath and chill out. I have anxiety, so I'm sure I let my mind run away too much. 

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Hey! I resemble that remark! I go down for Thanksgiving every year. LOL


If you were going down for Thanksgiving, you aren't responsible because you were in the northbound lanes afterward and probably gawking at all of the traffic heading south.  Many snowbirds head south after Thanksgiving (or Christmas) and the difference in traffic is very noticeable.  Then add those of us "youngsters" in FL who headed north to be with family for the holiday and joined the snowbirds heading south afterward.

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My dd is worrying about her apartment.  It's on that ridge in Clearwater.  It wasn't in an evac zone, but she's at her uncle's waiting it out.  I'm hoping his place can withstand the winds.  They've taken every precaution.


But she is quite concerned about what she'll be able to go back to.  She's worried her place will be looted (she only owns a tv and an old model playstation, so nothing much, but still) She is also worried about her students.  Most live near the beach in sub-standard housing.  She's hoping they are all safe in a shelter. 


She figures she will not be able to get back till Wednesday.  


It will be hard to sleep tonight, for them and for us worrying abou them.

Did you watch the Pinellas County press conference this morning/around noon? It made me feel a bit better. Yeah there could be looting with damage, but it sounds like they are quite prepared for that because of storms past in other areas. 


The other students I don't know what to tell you. The shelters in the area are only 40% full. So there is no reason not to shelter at this point. Though we are past 2 pm now so the police are hunkering down because of the winds. 

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