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Requesting prayers please - update 4 in the OP


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**(Non) update**  -- They searched all day yesterday and there was no sign of him.  They searched a 10 mile radius.  They will be out again today, but the guess is that if they don't find anything today they will call off search and rescue.  At this point chances of finding him safe and alive is not good.  Even so, we are continuing to pray for a good outcome.  I am also praying that we can find out either way to bring some closure for our family.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  It is very appreciated.


I'm sorry.  My prayers continue.   :grouphug:

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I'm not losing hope -- I'll keep praying!


I wish I lived near you so I could volunteer to help with the search.


If his car was disabled, could he have been trying to walk home and wandered off the road, perhaps taking a shortcut through the woods (or thinking he was taking a shortcut?)


Do they have any search and rescue dogs searching for him?


Could he have been carjacked and hopefully dropped off safely someplace far away from where his car was found?


I know I'm grasping at straws but I am so worried about your grandfather that I'm trying to come up with anything at all. :(

Edited by Catwoman
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I am sad to hear this news. What if he never drove his car to that location? What if he got out and someone else stole it while he was still in town or elsewhere? Is that plausible that they are searching in the wrong area? I know his car was there, but maybe he wasn't. I understand that correlation with car=man in the area. But maybe he separated from the car.


Can his town check their traffic cameras in areas around his home? Maybe this would give some indication of which direction he was headed on Thursday.

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Yesterday SAR sent out dogs and flew 2 helicopters in the area.  It is heavily forested so he wouldn't be easy to spot from above but they tried.  They have about 40-50 people out on the search, not including friends and family.


We know it is possible that he wasn't the one driving the car, but there is no evidence of foul play either at his home or the car itself.  The keys were left in the ignition when it was found and there was money in the glove box.  We are continuing to look in other areas he frequents as well.  He has a fairly predictable routine most days and has since grandma died a few years ago.  Since he is listed as a missing person they have put a notice out for his credit cards.  We don't have traffic cameras here as far as I know, it is pretty small city.


We know what time he left his home and that he was alone at that time.  His neighbors keep an eye on him and called my aunt the day after he drove off because he was gone overnight and they were concerned.  Now it could be he was mugged somewhere else and they took his car, but is seems odd to drive to such a remote location and leave money in the glove box.  It is all just so odd, and so many scenarios run through out minds.

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Yesterday SAR sent out dogs and flew 2 helicopters in the area.  It is heavily forested so he wouldn't be easy to spot from above but they tried.  They have about 40-50 people out on the search, not including friends and family.


We know it is possible that he wasn't the one driving the car, but there is no evidence of foul play either at his home or the car itself.  The keys were left in the ignition when it was found and there was money in the glove box.  We are continuing to look in other areas he frequents as well.  He has a fairly predictable routine most days and has since grandma died a few years ago.  Since he is listed as a missing person they have put a notice out for his credit cards.  We don't have traffic cameras here as far as I know, it is pretty small city.


We know what time he left his home and that he was alone at that time.  His neighbors keep an eye on him and called my aunt the day after he drove off because he was gone overnight and they were concerned.  Now it could be he was mugged somewhere else and they took his car, but is seems odd to drive to such a remote location and leave money in the glove box.  It is all just so odd, and so many scenarios run through out minds.


That really does sound odd for mild dementia or a crime.  I really hope he is found soon. Continuing in prayer.  :grouphug:

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I am so sorry about your grandfather. Recently we had a woman with mild dementia in our town disappear after a walk in her neighborhood. She had been walking with another woman who had gone home assuming her friend was going straight home as well. The woman walked her neighborhood on a nearly daily basis, so no one was concerned for her safety. The area was marshy with lakes nearby. They searched extensively for 4-5 days with no luck. It was such a sad situation.

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I hope someone finds him today! Does someone keep checking all of the hospitals and mental health facilities to make sure he hasn't been admitted? He could have lost his identification and they might not be able to figure out who he is. It makes sense that if he was exhausted and/or injured or even if he'd had a mild stroke and wandered away from his car to get help and then got lost, any of those things could have made his dementia symptoms worse, right?


Still praying for a good outcome. :grouphug:

Edited by Catwoman
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My 90 year old grandfather is missing.  He was last seen Thursday morning by neighbors leaving in his car.  His car was found and listed as abandoned on a forest service road a few hours away near Windy Ridge (Mt. St. Helens).  It was damaged, but I am not sure the details/extent. My aunt was called about the car yesterday because she is also on the title.  Search and rescue were called in late yesterday afternoon to start a search and family and friends have joined them.  They called off the search late last night due to darkness, but are resuming this morning.


We are not sure why he would have driven out there, it is not a normal thing for him.  He does have mild dementia but is still living on his own.  They searched his home and didn't find any signs of foul play.  If he is out in that area it has been two nights now and I am really worried.  He is in great shape for his age, but he is quite elderly.


Any prayers would be appreciated.


**(Non) update**  -- They searched all day yesterday and there was no sign of him.  They searched a 10 mile radius.  They will be out again today, but the guess is that if they don't find anything today they will call off search and rescue.  At this point chances of finding him safe and alive is not good.  Even so, we are continuing to pray for a good outcome.  I am also praying that we can find out either way to bring some closure for our family.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  It is very appreciated.


** Update 2**  SAR stopped searching the area.  They have done a very thorough job, but of course the terrain makes it really hard to say for sure that he isn't there somewhere.  The unknowns are really hard.  But the hardest is the family members lashing out at each other.  There are a couple family members accusing my brother of saying some pretty horrible things, which he did not say.  My brother is taking the high ground on it, but it is very hurtful especially for him and mom.  My brother and dad are out searching again today on their own.


** Update 3"  I am feeling really down right now.  Still no word of anything.  When my brother called the sheriff's office for information this morning he was told they couldn't tell him anything and that all information now has to go through a cousin and/or his spouse.  I am not  sure how this happened.  This cousin hates my brother.  I think it is because my brother is in law enforcement, and said cousin hates law enforcement due to his criminal background.  Cousin told my brother that he better not show up to any family functions again in a very threatening tone.  The whole this is just awful, and my mom (whose dad is the one missing) is feeling so hurt and cut out of everything.  My aunt has power of attorney, so everything IMO should be going through her, but for some reason she isn't taking it on and my mom is feeling so devastated by all of this she is just giving up for now.  I don't know if we will find out much more at this point because of information flow being severed.


Thanks again everyone for you kind thoughts and prayers.



So your aunt is this grandfather's daughter?  And the cousin in charge is the aunt's son? 


I am so sorry.  :( 

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How is a member of the law enforcement community and a family member not able to get information. That seems odd! Can you contact the forest service to see if they would give you information? 


I hope you hear something today. People will be coming back from their trips to the mountains and maybe he adopted a family? (((hugs)))

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To answer a few of the questions, though I don't want to give out too many details.


The cousins is not my aunt's son, he is the son of one of my uncles.


My mom has been talking to her sister, but they are not on the best of terms at the moment.  They get along okay, but they have never been close.  One of the more difficult things is that my aunt's daughter is believing the lies of my other cousin who hates my brother,  It is just a difficult situation.


My dad has tried to convince my mom to meet with just her siblings about it, but my mom is so emotionally fried (frail?) that she can't seem to face it right now.  I am trying to be supportive as I can of my mom.


My brother is a law enforcement officer in another jurisdiction from where the investigation is taking place, so he has no real standing.  He is good friends, as is my dad, with the head of the SAR team, but now that they are done, my brother is being blocked out of further information by the sheriff's office.  I am not sure how legal it is, my DH seems to think it is to a certain extent.  I haven't had a chance to talk to him about it in detail much.  DH is very familiar with law enforcement, he is a reserve officer and his dad was a career cop and now retired sheriff.  So I am relying on them (brother and DH) to help guide through this whole mess.  I think my DH may have some connections he can call in if we feel it is needed, but I am not sure at this point.  He is at work today and so I can't talk to him until tonight.

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