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Nosey Questions

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?


2) What kind of car do you drive?


3) What's your weather today?


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


6) Is your bed made?


7) What's for dinner?


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


10) Who's your favorite artist?


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


13) Do you collect anything?


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


15) What are you wearing today?

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


Today I had apple porridge


2) What kind of car do you drive?


I don't have a car of my own, but I do drive my dads Hyundai Elantra


3) What's your weather today?


Grey cold wet icky


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


Not at the minute


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


Yes. Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri


6) Is your bed made?




7) What's for dinner?


Butternut squash soup with bacon


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


I don't have kids, but I have my honorary niece as my desk top and she always makes me smile


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


Don't have one


10) Who's your favorite artist?




11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


Earl Grey Tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


Yes. Many many


13) Do you collect anything?


Not right now


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


Yes, especially Thanksgiving. It is my favourite holiday because we have a big meal for family and friends. Many of the friends we only see at Thanksgiving. Also I love the food :D


15) What are you wearing today?


Yoga pants, polo shirt and cardigan.


Great idea!!! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone a bit more:001_smile:

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ nothing, ended up eating lunch at 11am. Leftover Mac & cheese.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ minivan that i pretend is a slinky red convertable


3) What's your weather today?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ cold :glare: 36 at 9am, i thought i lived in FLORIDA???


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ nope


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ nope, i haven't had time recently :(


6) Is your bed made?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ nope - never :D


7) What's for dinner?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ ugh. dinner. i'm thinking.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Told me my name was pretty, but "Mommy" was prettier :D


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ navy blue


10) Who's your favorite artist?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Monet


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ water


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ yup, lots of little people


13) Do you collect anything?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ clutter? LOL, used to collect Disney WDCC pieces...


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ Thanksgiving Day i turn 40 - i haven't decide if i'm looking forward to it or not! Christmas - not really, that much closer to when my in-laws are coming back. UGH.


15) What are you wearing today?

Ă¢â‚¬Â¢ fuzzy polkadot pants because i'm COLD, with a sweatshirt, socks & my keen Bali's - i'll change before we go to gymnastics,

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

I'd have to call home and ask dh...I'm at work (shhh....don't tell anyone that I read the boards at work)


2) What kind of car do you drive?

a black Jeep Commander soon to be replaced by something that guzzles less gas


3) What's your weather today?

cold and gloomy


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

not today


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

I just finished the whole Twilight series and it was AWESOME


6) Is your bed made?

I'd have to call home on this one too.


7) What's for dinner?

well dh is working tonight so probably cereal :D


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

they looked adorable all cuddled up in bed when I left this morning


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

which one? the one I use most often is a sage green color


10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

coffee...I would have an IV of it if I could


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

just my rocking chair


13) Do you collect anything?

china teacups and saucers


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)



15) What are you wearing today?

A black skirt with black nylons and black heels, a gray/black/white cardigan, a white shirt...very conservative

Edited by Heather in NC
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1) What's for breakfast at your house? Mini-wheats


2) What kind of car do you drive? Suburban


3) What's your weather today? Clear, sunny, high of 85


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Purple-burgundy


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? The Rescue


6) Is your bed made? Half way


7) What's for dinner? Bar-b-q chicken & rice


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. 18yod listened to me teach her to budget!!


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Multi - lavendar, yellow & ivy


10) Who's your favorite artist? don't have one


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Coffee


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? A few dolls


13) Do you collect anything? Nope


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Definately!


15) What are you wearing today? Jeans, pajama top and San Francisco sweatshirt

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? omelettes


2) What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Sienna


3) What's your weather today? Cloudy and 50 degrees

4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Brisingr


6) Is your bed made? Yes, always


7) What's for dinner? grilled chicken breasts, braised green beans, carrot sticks and rice pilaf


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. read more fluently than I have ever heard them do before!


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Blue


10) Who's your favorite artist? Renoir


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Coffee


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? a Raggedy Anne


13) Do you collect anything? Homeschooling supplies ;)


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes


15) What are you wearing today?

Blue sweater and a beige skirt
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1) cereal (today it was Life)


2) a minivan (Town and Country-- nerdy but I love the room!!)


3) blustery, cold, 40's. I'm hoping outdoor soccer gets canceled.


4) They're kinda sorta painted from my last pedicure (in August!)


5) "A Handmaid's Tale". Loved it, couldn't put it down. Now reading "A Walk in the Woods" for the 2nd time.


6) Bed is made. It is the first thing I do when I get up. I HATE unmade beds


7) Leftovers from last night = chicken, fettucini, salad and chocolate cream pie


8) I bought my youngest dd a life-size cardboard cutout of Zac Efron (she begged me) and the dog goes absolutely bonkers over it. They dressed the dog up in a frilly lace cap, then dragged out Zac, and I practically wet my pants laughing at our dog growling and howling at Zac Efron while wearing a lace night cap.


9) Green


10) I'm going to go with musical artist. I love Boz Scaggs


11) Tea (Earl Grey)


12) No. I need a refund on my childhood!


13) No


14) No. My etended family is in crisis so we will be having a circus freak holiday for sure.


15) My usual -- sweatpants and sweatshirt. When I go out later I will wear my other usual = jeans and sweater and clogs

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1) What's for breakfast at your house? cereal for everyone but me... we ran out, so I had two granola bars


2) What kind of car do you drive? fire engine red Suburban


3) What's your weather today? sunny, about 45 (high will be about 65)


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Yes. Maroon


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? The Myth of Certainty: The Reflective Christian and the Myth of Committment - it was excellent


6) Is your bed made? as made as it's getting


7) What's for dinner? no clue


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. They all sat together in the living room playing with the baby we babysit... not one argument or unkind word was heard. They were all too focused on playing with the baby and making her happy.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Maroon


10) Who's your favorite artist? Painting and sculpture: Anslem Kiefer; Music: Mike Doughty (for my mood today, anyway); Movies: The Coen Brothers


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? hot vanilla chai latte


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? a couple stuffed animals, my doll collection, and my barbies and cabbage patch kids which my children now play with


13) Do you collect anything? books (esp. early US political texts and Stephen King novels), movies


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) yes. I will finally get to meet my new nephew


15) What are you wearing today? jeans, sweater, crocs

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

---it's fend for yourselves today, I'm having a muffin, dh is home today so he made oatmeal for some of the kids ,one is having toast.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

---a chevy astrovan


3) What's your weather today?

--it's beautiful right now, probably going to be warm


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

---no, I just removed the light pink color yesterday


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

---yes, "Jane Austen in Scarsdale" -it's a modern "Persuasion", really fun.


6) Is your bed made?

---no, not yet (I just went walking and I'm eating breakfast/playing on the computer)


7) What's for dinner?

---tuna fish casserole


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

----ds dropped his toast on the floor


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


---diet coke :D


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?




13) Do you collect anything?


---Grace Livingston Hill early edition novels


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

---no, my family makes it awful- I'd rather run away:glare:


15) What are you wearing today?

-workout clothes, I just went walking

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

We had eggs and bacon


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Scion XD


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny and chilly


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

"Secret Admirer" by WetnWild. Sadly chipping, though.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

I have a stack of books I just bought, but haven't finished yet.


6) Is your bed made?

No, it's going to be stripped with bedding washed. In a minute.;)


7) What's for dinner?

No idea!


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Dd decided that her jack o lantern was too plain just carved, so she painted embellisments, including lipstick and hair.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?

Right now, I'm a huge fan of Jack Vettriano's works of couples dancing.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee with amaretto creamer


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

Just a few stuffed animals


13) Do you collect anything?

Blenko glass, giraffes


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)



15) What are you wearing today?

Right now, a pink nightshirt. I need to shower and dress.

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


Toasted rustic Italian bread. (Shopped at Central Market the other day.)


2) What kind of car do you drive?




3) What's your weather today?


Bright sun, crisp and cool, but supposed to warm up to the seventies


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?




5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


About to finish Michael Pollan's Second Nature. Gardening and philosophy of life stuff. I'm enjoying it.


6) Is your bed made?




7) What's for dinner?


Eat at church tonight


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


Made some funny remarks


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


dark green


10) Who's your favorite artist?


Van Gogh


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


Hot chocolate


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


My model horses


13) Do you collect anything?


Do books count? :D As a gardener I think I collect plants, specifically antique roses and daylilies. And crepe myrtles, and salvias, and autumn sages.......


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


Mostly. I'm always looking forward to them being over.


15) What are you wearing today?


Jeans, a bright gold Dallas Arboretum tee, and socks

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? Whatever anyone fixes. Dh eats at work, I have coffee and a clif bar and according to ds there is nothing here for breakfast. I don't cook breakfast.


2) What kind of car do you drive? I don't have a car. :glare: We have a Chevy Blazer that dh takes to work.


3) What's your weather today? Cold, to me. I may have to put on socks. BRR.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? You can paint your toenails? Who knew!


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? I finished Catcher in the Rye yesterday. I had never read it before. I'm still digesting and filtering it through the 3 men in my life, my dad, my dh, and my ds.


6) Is your bed made? No, I plan on getting back in it this afternoon.


7) What's for dinner? It's only 11am, how should I know. Probably breakfast.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Read without fussing. He has been reading about Einstein and sharing all kind of details with me. :D


9) What color is your bathroom rug? One is red. the other bathroom has a white one, well it used to white, now being replaced by a light blue one.


10) Who's your favorite artist? Either Salvador Dali or John Lennon (artwork, not music)


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? There are others besides coffee?


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? I have my Emergency (tv show) lunchbox and a stuffed dog I got when I went to the hospital at age 5.


13) Do you collect anything? Silver and antique Shakespeare books


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Not really. We celebrate Christmas and every year is a big downer for me. I find the whole season stressful. I don't know why, I derive no joy from Christmas.


15) What are you wearing today?

Funny you should ask. I am wearing a long skirt, tank top and long sleeve shirt. I never wear a long skirt but I was cold today and I thought I'd upgrade from the camouflage sweats I wore yesterday.
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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?\

cereal--normally a weekend treat, but I am coming down with something and didn't feel like cooking


2) What kind of car do you drive?

maroon expedition


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny, windy and cool--suppose to be around 60 today


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?



5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

No, I don't have the time to read..wish I did!


6) Is your bed made?



7) What's for dinner?

Not sure


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

I scared my dd with a Tic Tac Toe game that ends up throwing up a scary face and screaming...he he I needed the laugh!


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?

Van Gogh


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee with Cinn. Bun creamer


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?



13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Some what...Christmas


15) What are you wearing today?

Sweats and purple fuzzy slippers

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Cheerio's for me and cinnamon toast for my dc


2) What kind of car do you drive?

White minivan that I inherited from my fil


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny but cold brrrrrr!


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Nope, never (ugly toes)


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

A Place Called Wiregrass by Michael Morris. It was last month's book club selection.


6) Is your bed made?

Yup, I want my kids to make theirs so I have to make mine.


7) What's for dinner?

Wednesday is always a no cook night because of church and errands. So whatever drive-thru my dc can agree on.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Given me lots of hugs and kisses.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Diet Pepsi


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

My very first doll.


13) Do you collect anything?

Not enough time or money


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Not really because we don't live close to my family, so we will be spending the holiday's with my dh's family, again. We are supposed to have Thanksgiving at our house, so there's all the extra cleaning and cooking for people I don't really care to see. Oh well, at least there will be leftovers.


15) What are you wearing today?

Tan slacks, tan sleeveless sweater and a light blue button down shirt.

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?



2) What kind of car do you drive?

Chevy Aveo


3) What's your weather today?

cold, gloomy, & SNOW :glare:


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?



5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

does re-reading parts of WTM count?


6) Is your bed made?



7) What's for dinner?

breakfast :tongue_smilie: dd wants pancakes (wholewheat) & sausage


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

putting tiaras on the cats & dog


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

green tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

I saved most of them, now dd has them


13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)



15) What are you wearing today?

right now sweatpants & sweatshirt, I'll change later

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1) What's for breakfast at your house? omelettes


2) What kind of car do you drive?2001 station wagon


3) What's your weather today?cloudy with a chance of sprinkles


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?no


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?The Helma Zukas library mysteries


6) Is your bed made?not right now (I just got up) but it will be in 5 minutes


7) What's for dinner?I have no idea!


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.nobody's done anything yet.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?shaggy green and white


10) Who's your favorite artist?Hmm. Cassatt, Van Gogh, Norman Rockwell


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?hot chocolate


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?books


13) Do you collect anything?Elizabeth Goudge books, stamps


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)Not really. But I'll enjoy them when they get here.


15) What are you wearing today? at the moment - a t-shirt and underpants (I just got up, remember) but I will put on a dress today (a loose simple jumper - don't shoot me, it isn't denim) and a turtle neck shirt.

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?

(GF Waffles and Herbal "coffee") :001_huh:


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Volvo (yes, I am a stereotype)


3) What's your weather today? Sunny, but chilly


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Usually yes, but not

this morning. When they are I usually go with red or brownish red.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Garden of Iden, it was interesting.


6) Is your bed made? Yes A habit left over from when I was pregnant. If I could just make my bed, I had accomplished something!

7) What's for dinner? Thai Chicken and Rice

8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. The way they look when they first get up. Nothing like a sleepy sweet face to give me a chuckle.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Don't have one


10) Who's your favorite artist? Just one!! Ugh.. can't do it. Frida Kahlo, Mark Rothko, Vincent Van Gogh, Marc Chagall, Aggie Zed... ok I'll stop.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Coffee, which I can no longer have. It's been almost two years and I still morn the loss of my espresso.

12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? Yes!


13) Do you collect anything? Art, music, handmade jewelry, and books


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes.


15) What are you wearing today? Jeans, shirt, cotton sweater, and purple Crocs.


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1) What's for breakfast at your house? Instant oatmeal.


2) What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry. 1999.


3) What's your weather today? Sunny, high of 95.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Nope. They were plum, but currently they're bare.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Enjoying the Vicky Bliss books by Elizabeth Peters lately, and also learning a lot from Reading Between the Lines.


6) Is your bed made? Nope.


7) What's for dinner? Chicken and Spanish rice.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Singing along with his new MP3 player while taking out the garbage cans.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Very blah. Dark beige.


10) Who's your favorite artist? Mary Cassatt.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Latte, if I can get it.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? Yes. A 37yo Winnie the Pooh.


13) Do you collect anything? Just books!


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes.


15) What are you wearing today? Not dressed yet. Still in pjs.

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? cinamon oatmeal for the kids, peanut better toast for me


2) What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry


3) What's your weather today? Sunny - I think in the mid 70s for a high


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr) - loved them and can't wait for the next one to come out.


6) Is your bed made? No.


7) What's for dinner? Have given dinner NO thought yet (its only 10 in the morning here)


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. The little two came and snuggled with me in bed after they woke up. The oldest was excited to start and get school done (don't know where that attitude went, but it is gone now)


9) What color is your bathroom rug? burgundy


10) Who's your favorite artist? My Husband


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Raspberry Royale tea (biglowe)


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? No, but dh does


13) Do you collect anything? Tea pots and snow globes


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) YES!!!


15) What are you wearing today? jeans and a sweatshirt and slippers

This is fun, even if the dinner question made me feel guilty.:001_smile:

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Don't know - haven't had it yet!


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Honda Odyssey. We call it the Hodyssey after the way ds mispronounced it as a toddler.


3) What's your weather today?

Gorgeous. Clear, few little cirrus clouds and contrails up there, heading up to low 70's, 40 overnight.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Yes - kinda the color of black cherry JellO but it's starting to chip and look all skanky :)


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Yep - Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians


6) Is your bed made?

Not to military standards......


7) What's for dinner?

No clue. Hubs is on an overnight business trip so we might run out for Wendy's or sushi.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

They aren't up yet! I'll relate one from yesterday. Pie Girl is growing her bangs out and they are now about halfway over her eyes. She lifts them up off her forehead with one hand and gives me this eyebrow-wiggle that just cracks me up. And when I asked Moose Boy how his lunch tasted, he kissed his fingertips, flung his arm up and said, "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzesty!"


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

coffee - my personal blend of Folger's Black Silk with some decaf, and I stir in Int'l Delight Vanilla.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

Yep! My mom kept a bunch of my Barbie stuff; also my Marvel the Mustang


13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Yes. We have worked hard on scaling back the excesses and focusing on the spiritual side and look forward to continuing the trend!


15) What are you wearing today?

$5 fuzzy leopard slippers from Target, jammie pants and a gray hoodie.

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? cold cereal or oatbran


2) What kind of car do you drive? 1993 Dodge Intrepid


3) What's your weather today? Sunny and 60


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? "Painted toenails???You mean people like to do that?

5) Read any good books lately? What was it? The Reason for God


6) Is your bed made? Uh, nope


7) What's for dinner? Dunno yet. We're going to a Trunk or Treat at church tonight & they might have hot dogs there


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Timely question for me today. I need to focus on this. Oh yea, my 10yo ds tried to prove how the math book was wrong and by trying to teach it to me, he found out how he was wrong.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Floral pinks and blues


10) Who's your favorite artist? Glenda Turely


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Red Tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

at my mom's house there's a few dolls.


13) Do you collect anything? clutter


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) sorta


15) What are you wearing today?jeans, turtleneck, sweatshirt and a Tigger hoodie

And that's it.
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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

dc: cut up strawberries & bananas, vanilla yogurt, homemade granola.


me: bowl of cereal


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Hyundai Elantra


3) What's your weather today?

probably 70-ish, windows are open, air's off, but it's warm in here w/ long sleeves


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

a coat of clear something has half grown off. :001_huh:


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

dh's copy of Mere Christianity is laying around, & I've been reading it here & there. It's very good, but I figure everyone but me already knew that.


6) Is your bed made?

no, of course not. I have to let wet baby messes dry first. Duh! ;)


7) What's for dinner?

Ya know, I made a menu, but I can't remember what's on it. I know what's in the fridge, & I know we have church tonight, & I know I didn't get anything into the crock this AM. So I"m thinking leftovers.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

ds7 is making sandwiches, sitting on one knee in a folding chair. He just fell out. All the way to the floor, spontaneously, legs flying over his head.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?

I'm assuming you mean painting, not music. Actually, it's pretty obvious that's what you mean, I just tend to...overthink, lol.


I'd say it's a toss-up. I LOVE da Vinci but I"m also quite fond of Mondrian. Ooooh & Van Gogh.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

coffee. w/ lots of cream & sugar. I'm pretty sure it's the equivalent of true love.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

sure--a doll my aunt brought back from France, a puppet of...what's his name?...Monster? from the muppets, a purse my gr-gr-aunt crocheted for me that flips out into a doll bed w/ the hot pink teeny tiny doll that she gave me w/ it, the doll cradle my gr-grandfather made for me & the blanket grmother made to go w/ it out of the free fabric patterns the fabric co's used to send out....


13) Do you collect anything?

well, I try not to, but I do love the Willow Tree stuff & snowmen.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

of course!!! it's the best time of the yr for magic!


15) What are you wearing today?

so far, I've got a white t-shirt on but am still wearing pj bottoms. I was part way into a pair of scrubs w/ blue pants & Noah's ark print top when baby decided maybe he *did* want to nurse after all. lol

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


cereal, toast, or leftovers from dinner or if they are lucky bacon, eggs & fried potatoes.


2) What kind of car do you drive?


2004 Chev Impala, we have a 1997 Ford F250 for hauling hay & horses and Dh commutes with a 1985 Toyota pickup


3) What's your weather today?


sunny and about 65 at 10:30 am-it's New Mexico, it changes hourly


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?




5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


just fluff, Janet Evanovich and Nora Roberts


6) Is your bed made?


not yet


7) What's for dinner?




8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


He put his hand palm down on the table with his middle finger bent under. Then proceeded to show me that he could move his thumb, first finger and pinky, but his ring finger wouldn't move. Mine does, but I'm a piano player.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


blue in the master and green in the guest


10) Who's your favorite artist?


My mother in law


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


coffee and water


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


I think so, there are boxes in the shed, but I don't remember what's in them.


13) Do you collect anything?


not really, I used to collect music boxes and unicorn figurines


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


No. A recent death in the family has me feeling down. My father died many years ago between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It took many years and having a baby to get me to celebrate again. Now the recent death, which was completely surprising and sensless, has me not wanting to celebrate anything. I know it's baseless. Ds will probably drag me out of my funk.


15) What are you wearing today?


jeans, t-shirt and flannel shirt as a "sweater", slippers

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?



2) What kind of car do you drive?

Grand Caravan


3) What's your weather today?

Gorgeous! Sunny. High in the low 70s!


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Yes. Gold.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey


6) Is your bed made?



7) What's for dinner?



8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

My ds9 teared up when we watched the YouTube video of Eliot in another thread


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?

Eva Cassidy


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Whiskey...I kid! Iced Tea.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

Mrs. Beasley


13) Do you collect anything?

Flamingo stuff


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Yes!!! I just found out that I get to see my grandparents. They live in Florida and they're coming to visit my parents and I get to go! With 7 people, it's been impossible for me to get to Naples to visit them. And, on Dec 21, my entire family will be on stage for our Christmas presentation...singing!


15) What are you wearing today?

BIG black t-shirt, yoga pants

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    1) What's for breakfast at your house?
  • oatmeal and boiled eggs which we just ate because it is first thing in the morning here....
    2) What kind of car do you drive?
  • 1988 peugeot, 1989 1 ton chevy pickup, 1993 geo
    3) What's your weather today?
  • wonderfully brisk and sunny
    4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?
  • ala natural or the no toe painting of late
    5) Read any good books lately? What was it?
  • Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare
    6) Is your bed made?
  • naw I'm a victorian and its airing and will be until just before dh comes home at around 10pm.
    7) What's for dinner?
  • thanks for the reminder I need to take something out of the freezer probably a cuban chicken mostacholi black bean casserole
    8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.
  • ummm they just woke up ...... They are boiling their own eggs......9) What color is your bathroom rug?
  • don't have one..... room is just too small
    10) Who's your favorite artist?
  • can't decide, maybe Monet
    11) What's your favorite morning beverage?
  • tea, water
    12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?
  • nope
    13) Do you collect anything?
  • curriculum ;)
    14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)
  • Yep but Thanksgiving well be celebrated on Monday cause dh has to work and same for New Years
    15) What are you wearing today?
  • Since it is first thing in the morning for us a navy terry cloth bathrobe.....


Edited by RebeccaC
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1) What's for breakfast at your house? cereal or pancakes


2) What kind of car do you drive? dodge caravan


3) What's your weather today? sunny and cold


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? always! right now pink


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? the Twilight series


6) Is your bed made? never


7) What's for dinner? chili


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. worked together to make lunch!


9) What color is your bathroom rug? yellow, orange, turquoise stripes


10) Who's your favorite artist? not sure


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? diet pepsi, all day every day


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? no


13) Do you collect anything? not really, but I do like Willow Tree figures


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) YES!!!


15) What are you wearing today? my pajamas





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) What's for breakfast at your house? Cold cereal


2) What kind of car do you drive? "01 minivan


3) What's your weather today? sunny and cool (4o's and 50's)


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? nope


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Bible :) (but definitely not all of it)


6) Is your bed made? nope


7) What's for dinner? breakfast


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. hmm, that's a tough one. kisses from 5 yr old, humor from 9 yr old, jumping jacks from 7 yr old


9) What color is your bathroom rug? white


10) Who's your favorite artist? ?


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? hot chocolate, or coke (but I usually never get either of these)


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? yep, Fisher Price safari people, animals, vehicles, boats


13) Do you collect anything? dust


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) yes but not the clean up


15) What are you wearing today? sweats, no bra (couldn't find a clean one) and dh's sweatshirt


Alison in KY (thanks for this distraction, I needed it)

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1) What's for breakfast at your house? For me, eggs, green tea, a little shredded wheat cereal and milk. The kids make their own - sausage links, cereal (healthy, whole grains) and milk, frozen whole grain waffles and maple syrup, juice. That is what is available.


2) What kind of car do you drive? 2000 Toyota Sienna - love it.


3) What's your weather today? Sunny (praise God!) and brisk - in the 50's.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? The Chosen


6) Is your bed made? Not yet, I am sick and will be taking a nap later today ;). But usually, yes.


7) What's for dinner? Today, whatever they are serving at Mom's retirement center, since we are having dinner with her today. Tomorrow, leftover chicken - may make a chicken soup, based upon how I feel today.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. DD8 climbed into my lap to snuggle me. DS 15 got the paper in for me so I could lazily do the crossword puzzle. DS12 made his sister's bed. (She just got a new comforter and it is very heavy and slides off of the bed.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Aqua


10) Who's your favorite artist? My kids :). Oh, you mean a famous one? Probably Monet. Just love his use of color!!


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Chai tea latte (but I don't have it regularly because it has too much sugar. so my usual is green tea with a couple drops of stevia.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? I have my beat up old Barbies, complete with the clothes my grandma made from her old scraps. She used to buy fabric from her world trips and make caftans. My Barbies were tres chic!!


13) Do you collect anything? Do dust bunnies count? Books. Mostly children's books. I just can't let go of them!


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) I am looking forward to activities with friends (caroling at the nursing home and the ensuing party afterwards), Mass, and seeing family. I am dreading trying to prepare for it - I have SAD and it seems that I have the most to do with the least amount of energy.


15) What are you wearing today? Right now, my PJ's because I plan to go back to bed for a nap. But later, I will be wearing jeans and a sweater.

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

eggs and oatmeal


2) What kind of car do you drive?

'96 Toyota Camry


3) What's your weather today?



4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

yup, a dark brownish red


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Math Power


6) Is your bed made?



7) What's for dinner?



8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

DD cleaned her bedroom before I even saw it this AM! DS sang "Man of Constant Sorrow" for me.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?



10) Who's your favorite artist?

ARGH! Money, Cassatt, Rembrandt....


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

English or Irish Breakfast tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?



13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

yup! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas


15) What are you wearing today?

DH's long-sleeved duty shirt, PJ bottoms, and a fleece jacket. And socks. And Birks. I'm always cold.

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1. breakfast Oatmeal for me, cherrios for dh, peanut butter sandwich for ds and ravoili for dd


2. car: Saturn suv


3. very COLD and very WINDY


4. nope, never have painted my toenails


5. Pride and Prejudice (my very first Jane Austin, I loved it)


6. no made bed


7. dinner: no idea, but it is Fall Festival at church tonight so dinner will have to be quick and easy


8. dd is making roses from gum paste to put on carrot cake that she will be baking for a party on Fri.


9. bathroom color: off white with roses on it


10. artist Renoir


11. coffee and more coffee


12. no toys from childhood


13. collection: books ?


14. holidays : yes, I enjoy them as we always spend them with dh's extended family and they are a fairly nice bunch


15. I am wearing leggings, t-shirt and dd's uggs

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Homemade pumpkin muffins, you caught me on a good day.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Town and Country mini van, 5 years old


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny and 50*


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

No but cut. Do I get points for that?


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Reading...does No More Water in the Tub count. :001_huh:


6) Is your bed made?

Yes, that one is always done.


7) What's for dinner?

Church meal tonight.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Three year old packed his own Kindermusic bag today.

Dd helped him.

Son sat, ate two muffins and chatted with me before anyone got up. :001_wub:


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Blue, but it's more of a small towel we put up after showers.


10) Who's your favorite artist?

My dc.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Grape juice with Magma Plus


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

I have wind up wooden clock that is shaped like a school house.


13) Do you collect anything?

Does food count? I love to grocery shop.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

No. Never. Call me Scrooge. I strive to underacheive during the holidays.


15) What are you wearing today?

15 year old sweater, navy blue with a Denim skirt, off white. Sneakers with no socks (cuz they are all dirty) Only because we went to Kindermusic today....otherwise, would have been PJ's till after lunch. :tongue_smilie:


I look like a stereotype. I'm not sure to think about that.



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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

I had English Breakfast tea and a banana. DS had milk.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

1995 Honda Accord


3) What's your weather today?

It's been close to 90 F this week.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Not right now. I keep meaning to, but forget.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Chocolate Lover's Club. Pure chick lit, which I enjoy.


6) Is your bed made?

Yes, of course!


7) What's for dinner?

meatballs with chili/cranberry sauce. In crock pot.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Nothing so far.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Don't have one.


10) Who's your favorite artist?

I don't have one. I like folk art/country though.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

English Breakfast tea. With plenty of sugar and half-and-half


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?



13) Do you collect anything?

Yes, whiskers that fall off our cats. I have at least 100, going back through our last seven cats. They are in a little wooden box that is shaped like a cat's head.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Yes, but wish money wasn't so tight.


15) What are you wearing today?

Jeans, nice t-shirt with floral pattern, nice yoga-type shoes.


Michelle T


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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


with egg/milk/nut allergies, it's almost always cereal.


2) What kind of car do you drive?


Honda Odyssey. Love it.


3) What's your weather today?


50's and partly sunny.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


no, but I could go for a good pedicure. :)


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


The Mislabeled Child by the Drs. Eide


6) Is your bed made?


no. 50/50 chance of this ever happening


7) What's for dinner?


Probably salmon patties and potatoes


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


enjoyed working in some new workbooks, and made lunch


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


no rug - they got too grungy with multiple potty trainers. Maybe when my kids are older!


10) Who's your favorite artist?


My mom. :) And then maybe Vermeer. My dd's pretty good, too, for a 10yo without any training ;)


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


hot chocolate, but I rarely indulge


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


A set of blocks that my kids use, and a vintage Winnie the Pooh doll


13) Do you collect anything?


Pins, and I'm thinking about buttons. My dh jokes that we collect children.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


I guess. I don't look forward to the stress though.


15) What are you wearing today?


jeans, white/purple striped long sleeve T-shirt, blue cardigan

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? oatmeal


2) What kind of car do you drive? Ford 15 passanger van


3) What's your weather today? Sunny and warmish


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? No :blushing:


6) Is your bed made? Yes


7) What's for dinner? No idea! :D


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. My oldest brought home a puppy from where she works and the kids are having a blast.

9) What color is your bathroom rug? Chocolate brown


10) Who's your favorite artist? Not sure if this counts, but I love Anne Geddes photos


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Coffee, but I drink tea now :sad:


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? No


13) Do you collect anything? Children :rofl:


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes, because we will be taking along break! ;)


15) What are you wearing today? Jeans, a sweater and black boots.



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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

French toast for the kids, I had rice with chicken and sweet potatoes


2) What kind of car do you drive?

94 Subaru Justy that gets 30 mpg--woo hoo!


3) What's your weather today?

warm and sunny


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

kind of an orangey-pink


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

no, I have no time for reading


6) Is your bed made?

well, the blankets are pulled up


7) What's for dinner?

lentil soup and salad


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

I laugh when my 2 yo says "Backyardigans." She is wearing a Backyardigans T-shirt today.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

dark brown


10) Who's your favorite artist?

John William Waterhouse, I love his painting of The Lady of Shalott


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

decaf coffee with cream and sugar and a splash of caffeinated coffee


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

no, we lost everything in a house fire 11 years ago


13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)



15) What are you wearing today?

capri pants and an orange tank top and flip-flops--I'm remembering why I like Arizona!

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?


Shredded Wheat and Raisan Bran Crunch.


2) What kind of car do you drive?


'92 Honda Civic


3) What's your weather today?


A beautiful sunny, crisp fall day.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


Copper-Pink half grown out - painted them for a 9/20/08 wedding. Too lazy to remove or redo.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


Enjoying "Love and Respect" - can't remember the author, but it was recommended here.


6) Is your bed made?




7) What's for dinner?


Black Bean Soup & Corn Bread


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


Finished their bookwork without complaint!!


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


It's whatever color the used towel is from the day before. My dh always puts his previous day's towel on the floor before he showers.


10) Who's your favorite artist?


Gustav Klimit


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?




12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


Yes, my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that my great-grandmother made for me.


13) Do you collect anything?




14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


Not Thanksgiving ( I hate to cook) - but Christmas is always nice.


15) What are you wearing today?


Jeans, black turtleneck, fleece jacket and my new Land's End Weatherfield shoes ;)


Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
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1) What's for breakfast at your house? dc: cereal/toast me:toast and 1/2 banana


2) What kind of car do you drive? Chrysler Pacifica


3) What's your weather today? Crystal blue sky, a little chilly - upper 40's


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Yes, a rustic orange-ish (for fall)


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Currently reading "UnChristian" which is very interesting.


6) Is your bed made? no because the plan was to wash the sheets today.

7) What's for dinner? homemade chicken noodle soup and ciabatta bread


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. The way they have been playing with the baby


9) What color is your bathroom rug? light beige


10) Who's your favorite artist? not into art, so none (of the painting variety)


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? coffee, though chai tea with some milk is pretty good too.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? Yes - original cabbage patch dolls and all their clothing and birth certificates, and a rocking chair. Dh has a lot too that ds has kinda taken over.


13) Do you collect anything? Kind of...I mean I used to, but I don't pursue it any longer - I have Muffy Vanderbear dolls.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yes and no. I can't believe it's already among us so quickly!


15) What are you wearing today? Still in my PJ's

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How FUN! I'll play!:lol:


1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Usually whatever you can find. This morning you could find sausage roll-ups (pigs in a blanket) or cereal.

2) What kind of car do you drive?

Black Chevy Tahoe with 4WD

3) What's your weather today?

Cool and crisp!

4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Re-reading The Three Sisters Island trilogy by Nora Roberts.

6) Is your bed made?


7) What's for dinner?

Whatever's on the menu at church.

8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Hmm. Cleaned up their breakfast mess...without me reminding them!

9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Deep ruby red.

10) Who's your favorite artist?

Don't have a true favorite.

11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee with liberal amounts of Cinnamon or Hazelnut creamer.

12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


13) Do you collect anything?


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


15) What are you wearing today?

Jeans and a thermal shirt with boots.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

1) What's for breakfast at your house? This morning-cereal


2) What kind of car do you drive? Chevy conversion van


3) What's your weather today? Cool, partly cloudy


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? No


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Right now I'm reading The Widow's Club by Dorothy Cannell. I'm enjoying her books, they are my kind of mysteries.


6) Is your bed made? It was until we did read aloud time.


7) What's for dinner? Dinner at church


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. 9yo is reading Calvin and Hobbes aloud.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? We threw the rug away two days ago because our cranky old cat peed on it, again. It was pink, the next one will be green.


10) Who's your favorite artist? Van Gogh


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? water


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? Yes, I still have some of my doll collection, but they are in a box in the garage.


13) Do you collect anything? Not anymore. My mother collected dolls from around the world for me. They used to give me nightmares. I collected stamps on my own from about 11-18. After I got married I gave my collection away. For me, a collection is no longer a source of pleasure.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

I especially enjoy Thanksgiving because it is a family ritual day . Christmas is fun mostly because the kids enjoy it, I don't think I would look forward to it without them.


15) What are you wearing today? heathered green mock turtleneck, grey fleece vest, jeans, socks, house shoes, under things :-).

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Cheerios, peanut butter toast and coffee - for me.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

A 1996 Saturn 4 dr or a 1997 Ford Windstar


3) What's your weather today?

Clear, crisp, blue skies, perfect fall day.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

I was walking through a dressing room glancing down to see what rooms were occupied, and I could, well, see the feet of the women in there. They all had painted toenails. I was embarrassed to take my shoes off. Never paint my toenails.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Just read a Maisie Dobbs novel by Jacqueline Winspear. I've been looking for some new mysteries and enjoyed this one.


6) Is your bed made?



7) What's for dinner?

Tuna casserole, green beans, cole slaw, corn bread


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

Oh my gosh... Just their little faces smiling at me.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Uh, speckled, mixture...


10) Who's your favorite artist?



11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee or Earl Gray Tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

A beautiful doll dressed like a Southern belle


13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Yes, especially Christmas, my favorite.


15) What are you wearing today?

Jeans, gray turtleneck sweater, socks



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1) What's for breakfast at your house? Oatmeal, grits, freezer waffles/pancakes, cereal, biscuits, eggs, bacon, sausage, Toaster Strudel, refrigerator cinnamon rolls. Today was Toaster Strudel.


2) What kind of car do you drive? Nissan Frontier with the crew cab.


3) What's your weather today? Cold, wet, gray, with the occasional flurry


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? Red


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Right now I'm reading Temple by Matthew Riley. I just finished his Seven Deadly Wonders.


6) Is your bed made? Not yet


7) What's for dinner? We are having a pumpkin carving party. I'm making a choice of chicken gumbo or chilli with pumpkin bars for dessert.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Banged parts of her body over a 30 minute period. I had to kiss fingers, knees, toes and a hand. The last time I told her to sit down and don't move for a while.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? Green


10) Who's your favorite artist? Monet


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Mountain Dew


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? No


13) Do you collect anything? Cookbooks


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Yup, they started for me the first of October. I look forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. It is a great time for me.


15) What are you wearing today? Chocolate cords and a white and gray bulky sweater

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1) What's for breakfast at your house? Cracklin oat Bran for me, everyday, pumpkin muffins for the girls. hhmm, not sure if they ate!


2) What kind of car do you drive? Lexus Rx330 (small suv)


3) What's your weather today? Cool,68 degrees, breeezy, sunny


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? no, never


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Wuthering Heights, How to Read a Book like a Writer


6) Is your bed made? yes


7) What's for dinner? chili leftovers


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. Actually seemed to enjoy algebra 2


9) What color is your bathroom rug? cream


10) Who's your favorite artist? Gustav Klimt


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? diet coke


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? no


13) Do you collect anything? art & decor from Africa & South America


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


15) What are you wearing today?jeans, and a bohemian print gold knit shirt

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


---My son and I almost always have fruit smoothies, and he alternates between potato patties and oatmeal, with an occasional pancake or waffle day here and there.


2) What kind of car do you drive?


---Oooooh, this is my favorite question! We just picked up my new car two weeks ago, and I'm totally in love with it. I got a brand new MINI Clubman (like the basic Cooper, but slightly larger). It's "British racing green," with black top and bonnet stripes. It has room for us and all our stuff, and I'm averaging about 38 MPG. It just may be the coolest car ever. The only problems are that people keep stopping me on the street and at gas stations to ask questions about it and that my husband now wants one, too.


3) What's your weather today?


---Low- to mid-70s. Sunny. Nice.


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?




5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


---I just finished reading Gypsy: A Memoir, which I really enjoyed. My husband took our daughter to see Patti Lupone in the Broadway show a couple of weeks ago, and it occurred to me that I had never read Gypsy's book. So, I grabbed it from the library.


6) Is your bed made?


---Yes, as made at it gets. All I do is pull up and smooth out the comforter and plump the pillows.


7) What's for dinner?


---Still in contention. My son is convinced it's spaghetti night, but I'm unenthused. He'll probably win, because I have no better idea, and I need to put something in the crockpot before we leave for his ballet lesson.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


---My son was just being so darned cute during his math lesson, taking it with good grace when he made mistakes and high-fiving when he got things right. My daughter called from college and told me a funny story about one of her dorm-mates.


9) What color is your bathroom rug?


---Don't have one. The cats won't leave it alone.


10) Who's your favorite artist?


---I don't really have one. It depends on my mood.


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


---COFFEE! But I usually drink a nice, healthy fruit smoothie, instead.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?




13) Do you collect anything?


---Other than books? Not seriously. We have a small collection of Nightmare Before Christmas memorabilia, but haven't added to it in a long time.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


---Sometimes. It's just gotten to be such a busy, packed time of year. My son is doing The Nutcracker for the fourth year, and has performances with his choir, too. And my daughter has already committed to two singing dates while she's home from school. Plus, now that we try to pack in everything during the time she's home, it's just gotten crazier. And the frantic consumption of the whole gifting thing really gets to me. So, I'm looking forward to having my daughter home and to attending their various gigs and honoring our family traditions, but I am also dreading just a bit the exhaustion.


15) What are you wearing today?


---Grey t-shirt and shorts, currently. Earlier, when it was still chillier, I had on a purple sweatshirt and socks, too.

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?Dpnuts


2) What kind of car do you drive? Cadillac CTS


3) What's your weather today?Hotttt


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?I wish


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? No


6) Is your bed made? NO


7) What's for dinner? Whatever dh makes.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. My youngest made me a beautiful Bday card.


9) What color is your bathroom rug? None


10) Who's your favorite artist? Van Gogh


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? Coffee w/rum creamer


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? no


13) Do you collect anything? Teapots


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate) Not the stress.


15) What are you wearing today?

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?


This morning was oatmeal (maple and brown sugar with cranberries), apple juice, and coffee


2) What kind of car do you drive?


Chevy Venture Minivan


3) What's your weather today?


High of 55 low of 33 with mostly sun


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?




5) Read any good books lately? What was it?


Eat, Pray, Love


6) Is your bed made?




7) What's for dinner?


Panera (it's knitting night!)


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.


helping each other with lessons


9) What color is your bathroom rug?




10) Who's your favorite artist?




11) What's your favorite morning beverage?


GFIC Hazelnut Belgian Cafe'


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?


Lots -- mostly Fisher Price little people stuff, a sit and spin, some ride on toys, lots of books, Legos, blocks


13) Do you collect anything?


sock yarn at the moment


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


Some days yes, some days no


15) What are you wearing today?


purple shirt, khaki pants, and purple hand knitted socks!

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Some people are SOOOOOO NOSEY!!!!!


1) What's for breakfast at your house?

whatever. . .cinnamon toast and cappuchino this week.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

2003 Mits Galant


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny and chilly


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

No, I have strange toenails that are hard to polish.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

The circle trilogy by Ted Dekker, my Bible


6) Is your bed made?

Never. . .unless we have company


7) What's for dinner?

DH is the cook, so it's up to him. Maybe leftover chicken fettucini


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

"It's not time to get up yet. . .Jimmy Neutron isn't over"


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

Don't have one.


10) Who's your favorite artist?

Painting artist? Don't have one

Musical artist? Too many


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Coffee. . .duh, is there something else to drink in the morning?


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

Yes, my winnie the pooh stuffed animal (I also have my dad's teddy from when he was a child)


13) Do you collect anything?

dust, dirty dishes, dirty socks, home school resources.


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)



15) What are you wearing today?

red tank under a white button down (which is not buttoned), khakis

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house?

Chocolate chip muffins and fruit

2) What kind of car do you drive?

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee...and my bike!

3) What's your weather today?

Sunny...again...getting tired of it...and 80

4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Last Call by Tim Powers

6) Is your bed made?


7) What's for dinner?

Meatloaf and fried potatoes

8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

came running out of their room yelling, "Good Morning, Mom!"

9) What color is your bathroom rug?


10) Who's your favorite artist?

My kids

11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Diet Coke

12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?

A few stuffed animals

13) Do you collect anything?


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Very much so

15) What are you wearing today?

Still in my pjs!

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1) What's for breakfast at your house?

It's everyone for themselves. DH and I usually have hot cereal with raisins, walnuts, cinnamon, and maple syrup. 16 yo son has hi protein/hi fibre cereal and milk with coffee, 13 yo son has homemade bread with Nutella and tea.


2) What kind of car do you drive?

Honda Accord, Toyota Highlander. DH used to drive the Highlander to work but we switched to save on gas.


3) What's your weather today?

Sunny and windy with light snow. 3C or about 38F


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color?

Nope....toenail polish goes on hiatus for the winter.


5) Read any good books lately? What was it?

Ancient Highway by Bret Lott.


6) Is your bed made?

Yes, ma'am.


7) What's for dinner?

Shrimp tikka masala and vegetable biryani, naan, fruit crisp if I get around to it.


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile.

DS13 came down this morning not in school uniform and wearing his glasses (not contacts, which he usually wears. I asked him why no uniform and he reminded me that it is casual dress day. Then I asked if he forgot to put in his contacts. He replied, "No, the glasses are part of the total look." (He just got funky new ones.)


9) What color is your bathroom rug?

White. From staging our last house. Never again.


10) Who's your favorite artist?

Van Gogh


11) What's your favorite morning beverage?

Fresh ground dark roast coffee with cream.


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child?



13) Do you collect anything?



14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)

Very much so.


15) What are you wearing today?

Jeans, sweater, black socks.

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Just to lighten things up. :)


1) What's for breakfast at your house? poptarts


2) What kind of car do you drive? Jeep grand cherokee


3) What's your weather today? 65 degree and sunny


4) Are your toenails painted? If so, what color? deep dark red


5) Read any good books lately? What was it? Bible


6) Is your bed made? No


7) What's for dinner? homemade feta cheese/spinch pizza


8) Name something your dc have done today that made you smile. My ds has changed his christmas wish list again


9) What color is your bathroom rug? ivory


10) Who's your favorite artist? none really


11) What's your favorite morning beverage? hot coffee or tea


12) Do you have any toys from when you were a child? My last doll from about the age of 11


13) Do you collect anything? no


14) Are you looking forward to the holidays? (whichever days you celebrate)


Love Christmas


15) What are you wearing today? blue jeans and aqua fleece shirt


:) to lazy to type out myself so edited the quote

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