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The nightmare continues. New update 6/25 in OP

Lizzie in Ma

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More  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: coming your way.  You, and Jenna, and your entire family remain in my thoughts and prayers.


IMHO, this is wonderful news, strangely enough.  Generally speaking, when the proverbial "Pros from Dover" strenuously feel that a patient is not ready to be discharged to home care, the patient is genuinely NOT READY to be discharged home.  BTDT a couple of years ago with one of mine (inpatient for anorexia related issues, but inpatient just the same.)  The Docs had a true finger on the pulse of exactly how "unready for discharge" our dd actually was during several points in time.  


Transitional care is probably a huge step in the right direction and things are definitely looking up if the danger doesn't seem to be 24/7.  Sometimes you simply have to find and hold tightly to small glimmers of hope...


You are a strong woman and an even stronger Momma!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Oh, Lizzie, I will pray that this next step is a really helpful one for your sweet girl. Glad there is a stepping-stone to help her be able to be home. Continuing to pray fervently for you all. Wish I were there to give you a real hug and bring you dinner!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Oh, Lizzie, I am lifting you, Jenna, and your family up to the merciful care of our all-powerful, healing God.



Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
    who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
    who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.


Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.


Psalm 30:2 O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.

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More  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: coming your way.  You, and Jenna, and your entire family remain in my thoughts and prayers.


IMHO, this is wonderful news, strangely enough.  Generally speaking, when the proverbial "Pros from Dover" strenuously feel that a patient is not ready to be discharged to home care, the patient is genuinely NOT READY to be discharged home.  BTDT a couple of years ago with one of mine (inpatient for anorexia related issues, but inpatient just the same.)  The Docs had a true finger on the pulse of exactly how "unready for discharge" our dd actually was during several points in time.  


Transitional care is probably a huge step in the right direction and things are definitely looking up if the danger doesn't seem to be 24/7.  Sometimes you simply have to find and hold tightly to small glimmers of hope...


You are a strong woman and an even stronger Momma!


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm not saying it is a perfect world, and I know that organizations fail...and that said...


When people work with a situation over and over and over, and I'm seeing a one-off, I've kinda learned that they probably know more about what they are talking about than I do. It's not that I'm wrong or stupid--I'm inexperienced.  


When I have run into situations where there was a one-off and I had to work with experts, I found that my contribution was knowledge about my offspring, and their contribution was expertise about the situation.  We made some pretty good teams that way. When the roles got reversed, it wasn't so good.  


SO all that to say that I am so glad that there is a long-term plan and that there is a good interim plan and a good team of people.  


Hang in there!  

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I feel selfish for asking for more prayer cover when so many of you have problems of your own.

But right now there is nothing I won't do and we need prayer cover for Jenna and our family.

I know I was ambiguous before but we came too close last night.

Our precious girl is back in inpatient with 50 stitches and an utterly broken heart and soul so I am begging for as much prayer cover as I am able to find.

We are exhausted and heartbroken.



The prayer cover has helped me maintain the strength to keep fighting for our Jenna. And we have found our miracle. Instead of having to send her somewhere long term, which we all knew would break her soul, but no one offered any other choice, we have found IHT and set the ball rolling. She will HAVE the long term intensive therapy she needs IN HOME!!!! Child and family services, whom we all avoid as homeschoolers, will now provide for us an entire team to help our baby. She will have two therapist appointments a week, here with the therapist she met with once before all this happened and others two more days a week and the entire team meets weekly to discuss her case so everyone is on the same page. The IHT people also help us deal with all this as a family and they are not restricted to a 50 minute session. I am so angry this was never mentioned as an option the first time around, or the second, I only found in with a marathon Google search looking for resources. And insurance covers it as it is a state program offered to anyone under 21.

I feel, at last, hopeful. We went to see her last night in the acute care place where she is currently and was able to tell her she is coming HOME!

As nights are the worst for her, we will take turns sleeping in her trundle bed for the time being.

So, again, no words for the gratitude I feel for all of you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for praying for us.


Update 6/15

We had a meeting up at the place where Jenna is currently yesterday. They strongly feel she isn't ready to go home. She is still a danger to herself. Not 24/7, but when she gets there, it is still really bad. They upped her depression meds and added anxiety meds and one to help mitigate her nightmares. She has been accepted over at an acute residential therapy unit where she will go for the next two weeks, Here it is less restrictive but still 24/7 and she will be safe. Here also she will finally start to get intensive therapy. We are hoping after this step we can then move to the in home therapy. We have also done paperwork for a Dept of Health and Mental Services caseworker to be assigned to her. This person will help us to obtain resources and coordinate her care through all the different services.

She looked fragile yesterday when we saw her. She didn't want hugs from either of us. Not mad at us, just like if we did, she might break. Hopefully today we go up and take her to this new place and admit her there.


Update 6/25

We had her home on a day pass yesterday and it was wonderful. She is making short and long term plans for her life which was so good to hear. We went shopping, out to lunch and picked up some used cds. Then we hung out at home, played chess, had pizza with friends and then drove her back up there.

It looks like we go pick her up on Tuesday from the program to come home for good.

Not going to lie, it is a little scary.

But her In home Therapy is all set up, her therapist is all set to come twice a week for now and she will also have a therapeutic mentor, someone who will hang with her, take her out in the community and work on her anxiety issues in real life situations. They are still titering her meds and she sees her new psychiatrist on 7/6.

We will have some backup for a month as well, my bff and her son are coming for a month from Denmark (as they have every year) so that will be a blessing.

Again my deepest gratitude for the prayers and good wishes. You all have really kept me going through all this. No words for how much it truly means to us.

Every morning prayer.

Every Divine Liturgy

Every vespers


You and j are in my prayers




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