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So excited! Had to share somewhere...


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Aww, congrats!! You reminded me of a fun memory. My then 9 month old was the first to learn about his sister. He also didn't care. That was 14 years ago!!

Edited by Moxie
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Thank you all!


Aww, congrats!! You reminded me of a fun memory. My then 9 month old was the first to learn about his sister. He also didn't care. That was 14 years ago!!




Wanna bet that the one year old will be more interested in the years to come?  :laugh:



Oh, I'm pretty certain he is going to care a lot more in about 9 months; I'm not sure excitement will be the dominant emotion, though  :laugh:

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I am taking advantage of nap time today by cleaning out my bathroom cupboards, found an unexpired pg test, and...


TWO PINK LINES!  :party:


I never test early, but I just couldn't leave that test there.  It's a rule or something.  :lol:


DH is out of town, and I don't want to tell him over the phone that #4 will (hopefully) be joining our family in January.  I told the 1 year old, and he didn't care, so I thought I'd share with the Hive aunties before I exploded.


(Of course, the 2.5 yo broke a dozen eggs on the kitchen floor this morning - "They hatched!" - and the four year old spilled the box of 200+ tiny plastic animals (thanks, grandma) all over the playroom floor, and the baby is refusing to sleep after 4:30 am.  Can we do this?!?)


Congrats to you and to your DH and to your other DC. You are almost positively pregnant.  When my wife was trying to get pregnant, her OB-GYN told her that if those tests say you are pregnant, they are almost never wrong.  He also told her that if they say you are not pregnant, they may be wrong.



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How long do you have to wait to tell him?



He's home on Thursday, BUT we're leaving Friday morning to spend the weekend with his family.  He has a hard time keeping a secret and my MIL is even worse, so now I'm wondering if I should just wait until after Memorial Day  :willy_nilly: It's too early for me to tell anyone IRL other than DH (and the one year old!).


If he asks outright, I will absolutely share, but (TMI) we were more not preventing than actively trying , so it's unlikely he will.

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